. # A a Vk IL Lh ERAS WSS ARR A -- at WA A. i a . ~¢ THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY, DEC. 23, 1922 = PAGE THREE ET . -- [Gare Tableau. : In the account of the Christmas " - Ld Bh Py at the Athel Street S awa and D Mission in Thursday's issue mention 1S ric | of a tableau given by six girls was ' | omitted, The girls capably trained 'by . Mrs, Smith, gave an excellent number and The Reformer is pleased Noble Grand's Greeting '| Her Gift wa to Juke melition ot it; the ginission ! Lode a: | Why not gve her a pox of her having occurre To Oshawa Rebekah Lodge, No, nore Frodsqust Powder, OF all in 1 wish you all a Merry Christindg Community Rink, sw Year. Mrs, |Dottle of tofet water, at' Kjwn's | and a Happy New Year. L11-a | Drug Store ' a | With favorable weather, Oshawa's Christmas comes Schwartz, i PE I boys and girls. will have skating on but once a year, ---- Big Chocolate! Speci - the Community Rink, Bagot Street, mn peciai lon Christmas Day, The Rotary Club \ Here' 8 the Brea Last Minute Gifts y A big chocdate bargain, the 39c! For last minute gifts drop in and | home box, is §n sale Saturday, De- [ale again Setating Tie Hk 10 pros to give you see the display at Karn's Drug jcember 16th, pntil Christmas Day bin ago hundreds of them enjoyed cheer Store, King Kast, nearest the fon at Kuiibs Dryg store, nearest the themselves on this rink and this Delivery All Over City Office, : | year it promises to be more popular 4 Phone 1209) w | than ever. Ice-making commenced Thursday afternoon and a good sheet of ice is anticipated by the first of -- S-- the week, " ' Ey -- Th HOLLAND'S) | ON Powders Look p TO : (00D CONDITION hi Rt BREAD ; YS MERRY. nw Alike--BUT ~~ JTRSSSREBN |N TOWNSHIP'S aff LIFE CHRISTMAS Is your der abso. eb. for 8.8. No. 10 .... 15,087.48 vo I FINANCE STATUS 2 BE BF: lately wholesome? Royal is. 7 -- | Overdraft Reduced Approx] ery We Wish You Is your baling powder un- 'Q x : Salaies for the year were $2,- varying in strength under | mately $10,000 in Past 804.80, whle the expenditure for all conditions? Repel is. i i Twelve Months schools amounted to $26,836.13. . Ld ) p i Money expended in relief amounted | to $2,119, the Township being oblig- erry ris mas [} Is baking pow io, va we dor ceo, fms He BUILT NO BRIDGES ed to pay for the care of indigents foods fresh and mak- ul a | torium and other hospitals,. This Rms. hatsot so. G2 i 5 Th i even ousand- Dollars' | amount, it is stated, will b ts gaz factory that it takesthe place | i Worth fT Remiai Hy ay, i in "1923, The R Ereal ee He 2 Tr /il T 2 " rth of 1axes Remains | utrer, in conpection with the Board FRB BB IID BIBI EDDIE IIEE CD | confined in the King Edward Sani- of more expensive food? lik il i Royal is. : ll . zy Uncollectad 'of Howlth wan $368.07. Royal Contains No Alum | 8 ing ti ; MUCH W T tember, 27,207,400; October, 28,017,- | wines . eginning the year 1922 with an 700; November, 25,340,800; December, pHa A -- Adhd . Leaves No Bitter Taste overdraft of approximately $11,500, | A FR IS 20,000,000, The last figures are an X estimate which means that unless the apnual, financial statement of | the Township of East Whitby, which the estimate-is high, a peak will pe i? fs Just heen" sompleted; shows that | established in the last month of the | 3 T Wi h Y * |the deficit has been reduced to $1,- year, the next highest month being \ |887.33, and as a result the finances | August, / o 15 ou Ban they have boon for. sever) | Engineer's Statement Shows| In 1921, the peak wae reached in / i ) R July when 24,400,000 gallons were v years. One of the principal rea-! Heavy Increase Over 3 pumped. As will Tne this A Joyous Christm spns for the deficit being smaller | 1 Y total has heen surpassed this year J i§ the fact that during this year! g t ear in every month since July. y bridges have heen constructed --n BE d d less money has been expended | y y 5 A awa gy - The water consumers of Oshawa SATISFIES EVERY NEED : an the maintenance of roads. In [used 290,709,700 gallons of wate 2 °T, cient" seco. OF the owas | Aurink Lie Sear nov uding; 'sc --s Y Med fi " : |cording to gures furnished the No other journal caters so inti- 3 A N F 1 » ei 420, pink ville Ih ol pid Water Commission at the December | mately and minutely to the needs of ew ear 1 e 8 | al eXDs ay . for he e | meqting on Thursday afternoon by |the agriculturist and country dwel- : ounted ts S118.776.95 year /n Engineer Smith. This is a con- | ler as does The Family Herald and ) Ro 0 76.09 and the re- giderable increase over last year | Weekly Star of Montreal. From his | [4 4 pts $117,388.76. | when the total was 254,750,000 gal-| medical to his religious needs, from | & With ¢ appiness "he total de be ture debt of the | lons. the health of his stock to the capa- | . This total is an average of 515] bilities of his machinery, from his | exation of Cedar Dale this will | gallons per minute spread over the |ladies' embroidery to their pickles, | reduced to almost half that' entire year or an average of 1,085 | from the minerals on the land to the unt. The debenture debt against | gallons per minute during the time | fish in his brooks, from the hooks tig Cedar Dale school is $43,031.89 | of pumping £hroughout the year, To | of his leisure hcurs to "he? amuse- vilech will be assumed by the town | {accomplish this, large amounts of | ment of his children, fram his in- of @<hawa. The debenture debt on supplies were used in which wag in-| dividual cares to his public duties, | i and bridges amounts to $23,- cluded 232 tons of coal and $4,582.85 | he finds companionship, nelp ind | . . 45. worth of electricity. guidance in the same old jonrnaui | We wish for all our friends Bcoitected taxes for the voor) The number of gailons pumped | which dclighted his fathers and iz | and customers a very Merry ! m@unt to $7,170.72 out of a total |©ach month were: January, 21,266.-|the joy of his children today. He [wm . : . o §63,283.21. The assets and lia- 990; February, 20,022,000; March, |cennot afiord to be without The Christmas and a Bright and | lifes as presented in the report 21,178,800; April, 19,878,200; May, |Family Herald at any price. The wells follows: , i June, 22975100; July, {cost of a year's subscription is only Happy New Year. Asscls 5,700; August, 28,234,000; Sep- | two dollars 19a wWillected taxes $7,170.73 hall and grounds .. 3,500.00! Joseph Horwich fl wo News of the Churches JEWELLER -- $11,470,73 231, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH: | NH "Presbyterian Church [cwmsmiax womens canon " 33 diate : Athol St, West RL srl Bev.cen ye SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 21. WE WISH YOU THE BEST 43,031.89 (at both services) P 3 Bln i 11 a.m.--Public Worship. . - i SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 24. mm. 1. ERY THIN THIS | 11 a.m. subject : - §30 pa Fundsy Scum OF EV G IN "ROOM FOR CHRIST," Mr. Mullen, who has been in YULETIDE SEASON AND 7 p.m. subject: -- ) Yonge St. Mission, Toronto, for the "AS WITH GLADNESS, ME) ' t yventeen 'years, will have BX OF | haree of both services. THROUGHOUT THE COM- ! OLD." The third sermon in the series on Great Hymhs and the'r writers. CHRISTIAN SUBESCE | 3 p.m.--MEETING OF RAO. 18 Simcoe St. ING YEAR. SERVICES, SUNDAY, 700 24. | HOOD. f 11 a.m.--Subject: "Christ Jesus." NAVY C i > [A Hearty Welcome to all Services. [ Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial | BAPTIST CHU Bey invitation is extended to all. ; | Kuanannel Baptist Chiirch--King FE. p | Rey. J. IL. Harton, B.Th., Pastor. THE SALVATION-\ARMY . Residence, 18 Aberdeen Street. |g ogior (Miss) L. Prescott and SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 24. Capt. (Miss) IL ond, Com- manding Officers 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3pm. 3 pam.--Sunday School and SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 24. Bible Class. 10 a.m. -- Children's Directory 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Classes, "4 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. \ SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH | 3 p.m.--Praise Service, es Rey, J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting. SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 24, All are welcome. 11 a.m. subject: -- Funda) School and Bible Class "WHY DID JESU oy at 2 p * "WHY JESUS COME? Not night Salvation meeting 7 p.m. subject: at 8 o'clock. MTHE UNSPEAKABLE GIFT" Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Special Christmas Music. Life Saving Guards. 3 p.m. :-- 7.30 p.m. -- Also cottage prayer Sunday Sdhool and Men's Club. meeting at 8 p.m. Peace on earth, good will to men. Saturday -- Praise meeting at § LT 7 7 DAD; See Thar Boy of Yours has His Start in RADIO This Christmas. It is the Most Fascinating and Instructive of the up-to-date Arts "Branston Radio Sets Are The Last Words in Efficiency : Quality of workmanship is absolutely unsurpassed. Every set and all parts are unconditionally guaranteed. Demonstration and display of parts at JOHN BAILES AND SON HARDWARE STORE King St. West, at any time from now till Christmas. BY . Rushes 20¢ C17) DON McKAY of 40 20 ~ 35¢ : RS « YIN : Authorized Branston Representative for this District. I Free assistance given to amateurs who have any problems. which they cannot solve. El - Q0¢ i ST 7; 50° SL76 : 8 Drop in, see our parts and hear the set. / i Comparison with other makes of instruments invited. / ii Don't mies heaging and secing this demonstration and get some Radio information which even though you already have a ot will prove highly instructive.