THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY, DEC. We extend to all our Friends and Patrons our very best wishes for a Merry Xmas throughout the coming year. F. T. LAMBLE @FIEfoIooEetgY WE WISH OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS THE VERY HEARTIEST COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. Davidson & Samells SIMCOE ST. NORTH T MILLER 6 SONS, Open To-night Till 10 WE The Compliments of the Season Sincerely Wish You and Yours THOS. MILLER & SONS Customers and Friends A Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year and also thank them for their Generous Patronage It is our constant aim to please and we hope if possible to improve our service. Karn's Drug Store PHONE 378 - - NEXT THE P.O. and Health and Happiness '| Oshawa, will return home for Christ SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites tne ~0-opera- tion of is readers In contributing items to this column, Send us 8 postcard or 'phone 35. -&» ~--Mr. Jack Morris is a week-end visitor in Toronto. --Mr, and Mrs. J. E. McKay are in Toronto for the holiday. . --Mr..R. H. James, tax collector, will spend the holiday in Toronto. ----Miss Hester Vokes of Hamilton, is spending the Christmas holidays with relatives in town. --Mr. Edward Davis, 177 Athol street, will spend Christmas. at the home of his.parents in Kingston. --NMr. E, Stanford left last night for Toronto where he will spend the holiday. Au. ~--Mr, Harold Davidson, of the C.P.R, Telegraph staff, will spend Christmas at his home in Peterboro. --Miss Gertrude Jarrell, of Osh- awa, will be a guest in Hamilton dur- ing the week-end. --Miss Milired and Flora Pasche will spend the holiday at the home of their parents in Brockville. --Miss Helen Fowler will spend Christmas pith her parents in King- ston, --Mr, W. C. Phillips of the W, C. Phillips: Co. Ltd., left on Friday to spend Christmas in Kingston. . 88 Verena Smith of the Orien- tal Textile Plant, will spend Christ- | mas at her home in Frankford. | --Mrs. Gillard and daughter, of Oshawa, will spend Christmas with relatives in Toronto, --Mr. Ralph Goldring of General Motors, Oshawa, will spend Christ- mas with friends in Toronto. --Mr. Norman MeBain of Chicago is a holiday visitor at the home of his rents, Rev, and Mrs. J. H. McBgin, Simcoe Street. ~--Mr, Carl O'Neil of the Royal Bank staff left last night for his home in Elmira where he will spend the holiday. ~--Mr. Raymond Gegan, Hibbiug, Minn., will spend Christmas with his uncle, Mr. Chas, Karns, Elena St., Cedar Dale. 2 --Mrs. J. Hillman of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Wells, Athol St.. East, --Misses Jean and Florence Boo- prey are motoring to Kingston to spend Christmas at the home of their | parents, --Mr. O. left Friday night for Kitchener where he and Mrs. Schierholtz will visit relatives over the holiday. Messrs. Reginald and Walter | Whinfield, of Oshawa, will spend { Christmas at the home of their sister in Sudbury. --Mr. Kenneth T. Henderson of Belleville, who has been residing in | mas. | ---Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith apd --Mr. Percy Kirby, of the firm of Wood-Vallance Limited, Regina, Sask., and the son of Mrs. Ellén Kir- by, 177 Athol St. East, will-arpive here today to spend Christmas with his mother. PRESENTATIONS MADE On Wednesday evening last the teachers of the Salvation Army Sun- day Schopl presented Mrs, J. Wal- ker, Y.P.S.M., with a beautiful fountain pen, also the Boys' Band presented their bandmaster with a silver mounted black ebony baton. Both gifts were very much appre- ciated. High School Hearsay Presentation to Mr. Althouse Thursday afternoon, the entire staff and student body of O.H.8., met in the assembly hall to bid Mr. Alt- house a farewell, and as a means of showing their appreciation of him, to present him with a purse of one hundred dollars and an ebony walk- ing stick. Mr. Stevenson read Mr. Althouse an address, in which Mr. Althouse's work, not only in the school but also in the town ,was very highly praised. It also referred to Mr. Althouse's splendid character--his tact and good sportsmanship, Miss Helen Burns and Bill Luke then presented Mr. Althouse with the purse and the cane, - Mr. Althouse thanked the school very mich for hoth the cane and the money, assuring them that the next time Oshawa won any medals he would come down to help celebrate and would bring the cane plus the!' { remainder, (7) of the money to aid the festivitles. Mr. Althouse then spoke to the staff and students, In the three years spent in Oshawa Mr, Althouse #4id that he had noticed the splenidd school spirit and the *"squareness'-- both in the school and on the field. This "squareness'" Mr, Althouse at- tributed largely to Mr. Ferguson, the principal of next year. [ Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and baby, Bud, | of Frankford, will spend Christmas | | with Mr. and Mrs. Gil Molan, Albert i street, Oshawa. |! ls A Happ Shelter. These may be ter, in care of Miss A. 215 King St. West, or Give The Kiddies y Xmas Donations of Toys, Fruit, Candies, Clothing, Money, etc., are asked for by the House Com. mittee for the Children's Christmas Tree at the sent direct to the Shel- Henderson, Matron, at toMrs. H. E. Morphy (Convenor), King St. West, Oshawa, Ont. The Childrens' Aid Society of The County of Ont., Odd shapes Square, Oval, Octagon, in style and artistry-- | to suit ev of Rarest Beauty Exquisite creations, in White, Green and elaborately hand chas 'set with diamonds--smart designs Yellow: Gold in plain effects or y fancy--Round, Rectangular, Hexagon--the ultimate word Come in and examine this display of Wrist Watches. OF COURSE-- ARE GIFTS THAT LAST" gs Until After Christmas BROS. THE No. 12 Simcoe St., ENg GuiivWatches' PrN Ny GN 4 Xe Green and Crimson, Colors Padded Soles. IBC Kumfort Boudoir Slippers, all Colors, Rose, Grey, Navy, Black and: Brown $1.29 HOSIERY We Wish Our Patrons . he About 30 pair of Felt Cozies, GIVE "BRUTON" FOOTWEAR For Xmas Eve Bruton's announce the most Sensationally Reduced Prices in aGifta 9 All Remaining Slippers to go out at the following greatly Reduced Price--Just in time for Xmas Eve Shoppers. Capitol Quality Felt Colors, Rose, Fawn, Grey, Green and China ' Blue, pee Packard's Pink, Lilac Sky Bie Kid .... $1.98 hi" Packard BJ High Class id Grey, Black, Bi Red doir, Strictly Colors, Rose, SPECIAL only 9 pair left Kalian > iti Reg. $5.00, Xmas Eve 'Special fad q a Very Merry Xmas Mr. Althouse assured the pupils that if in future years, when they were attending Varsity, they failed to call on him, he would feel deeply insulted. From the applause which followed these remarks there is little need to think that Mr. Althouse will have any need to feel insulted be- cause of the students of O*H.S, Examinations have been held all during the past week, but school closes on Friday. The KR School rink is being flooded 18% week. When school opens agn jt should be in splendid conditior f@r skating and hockey, thanks : Mr. Comrie, the school janitor. - Cellanteps will be very much worn th winter.-- Life. The 11.0. refuses to broaden out That is pod news for the other par- ties.--QOawa Journal. | Hastings is planning an Old Boys and Girls Reunion for 1924. A most enthusiastic meeting was held a few days ago at which Miss L. Fowlds was appointed permanent secretary. The town is starting ou early with the idea of making the reunion an unqualified success. A new recruit at Sing Sing said he wanted to work es 8 poet. Strange to say, he was not taken to the death cells.--Buffalo Express. . ------ . DO NOT BUY YOUR FURS ow WAIT "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded" ---------- THE FAIR 7 Simcoe St. | OSHAWA Phone 1173 | | ¥