Ontario Reformer, 19 Dec 1922, p. 6

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PAGE. SIX ot THE ONTARIO REFORMER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 19, 1922 ---- rr peer MUSICAL SENSATION General Frotors Male Chorus to Ap- pear at Regent Theater Thurs. day Night, One of the biggest events of the holiday season in Oshawa will be the appearance at the Regent Thea- on themes that convey a definite message to the spectator, Most of them deal with domestic or ethical problems--the dramas of every day | life, inviting interest and discussion by reason of their practical realism, "When the Devil Drives" is a story of two women who loved the same man---the eternal triangle with sev- p a reer, Her interpretation of the role of Cigarette leaves nothing to {be desired--she is splendid in her (emotional portrayals, and magnifi- (cent in her scenes of fiery and tem- pestuous passion." | More than adequate support is | vouchsafed Miss Dean by a .capable | supporting company, Particular |eredit is due James Kirkwood, | Stuart Holmes and John Davidson | for their masterful characterizations (of most difficult roles. | From a photographic standpoint, "Under Two Flags' is perfect, Sev- eral novel effects, achieved by Wil- liam Fildew, the cameraman, are of | butstanding beauty and effective | ness, Particularly striking are the scenes showing the mad pursuit of | the Arabs by the Chasseurs, and the | ddsert night views, An exceptionally | a ry eral unusual twists! tre on Thursday evening, December 21st, of the General Motors Male | Chorus in conjunction with the screening of Leah Baird's sensation- | al film "When the Devil Driv This organization, numbering sixty voices, will offer to the people of Oshawa a beautiful programme of [the most startling photoplays of the chorus and solo work by talent Hv. year and a worthy sneecessor of Mr ing right in our community Melford"s previous SUCCESSOS, The management one of | "Phe Sheik" and "Burning Sand the higgest nights on record and i "Khbh Tide" is a pletarization of will get to i yn tory by R. L. Stevensoh the't re carly particular and Lloyd Oshourne of a man vening in order to make certain of | has sunk to the lowes*. level of deg securing accommodation radiation--the "ebb tide" of men' "aftairg, is regeneration forms th theme of the story. James Kirl wood plays the man, and Lila Tes PLAY seen in the leading feminine role Other featured in the capa- ble hands of Maymond Hatton, Geo Fawcett, Noah Beery and Jacqueline Logan. The story is enthralling and the situations as a rule are highly dramatic. George Melford has mad: a picture that does full credit to Ste- venson's powerful imagination. Altogether, this picture is one that will amaze and entertan all who sed it, for it treats of a phasc of life with which few are familiar. The work of the featured players, good vaudeville act, the Wilson Duo, | | completes a splendid bill of enter-| tainment, ! "EBB TIDE" IS STARTLING JOHN BARRYMORE IN SCREEN VERSION OF SHERLOCK HOLMEN" There came to the Regent Theatre last night a new Paramount picture, "hh Tide' which proved to be one of Gifted Actor an Ideal Selection to Portray the Most Famous Fiction Detective in Motion Pictures--Is Supported By Scintillating Cast of Notable Players, own preat promises 0 your 1 t to wl A -- | Sherlock Holmes is the best known character in fiction of the present generation, if not of all time; his name and fame have been carried over the civilized world until merely to pronounce the name conjures up 1 vision of a master detective of al- most super-human intelligence, In every language the words, Sherlock Holmes, mean a detective- of un canny insight The stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in which Sher- lock Holmes figures have been trans- lated into all languages and have carried his fame into every nook and cranny of thesworld, In the realm pf he is a commanding figure that has not x available for the screen. It was in- evitable that me day Sherlock | Holmes would appear as the hero of a screen story. The immortal de- tective will he seen at the Grand theatre on Wed., Thurs., Fri. and] Sat, in the Goldwyn picture called "Sherlock Holmes." It is an adapta- tion from the stage play fashioned about Sir Arthur's famous character by William Gillette, which that actor used for years on the speaking stage It has been one of the most popu- lar plays in the history of 'the Am- erican stage Every stock company in the land has played it. Its film version awaited the finding of an actor who could tranglate the charac- ter in all its finesse to the screen. Barrymore the Right Actor Such an actor was found in the person of John Barrymore, the most romantic and picturesque figure on the American stage--scion of a theatrical family, who has of vears proved himself possessed BAIRD STAR AND AUTHOR OF EVERNAL FEMININE LEA | lent dramatist," fre quently applicd to writers for the screen, is one especially applicable to Leah Baird, who will be scen at the Regent Theatre Thursday, Fri-, day and Saturday, in "When. the Devil Drives," the second of a series of special Leah. Baid productions for Associated "Exhibitions, Long noted for her emotional cap- | abilities as an actress, as well as her | elaborate costuming, it now devel-| ops that Miss Baird is a writer of many successful screen dramas in which not only she has appeared, hut also a number of equally promi nent players, Miss Baird's stories imagination figure, but a | hitherto been the WHITBY MINSTRELS PLEASE AUDIENCE The Whithy Minstrels at the New Martin Theatre on Friday night last | zave a splendid evening's entertain ment to a good house, The first part of the program was full of min- strel songs and blackface comedy, | but the second part was a splendid exhibition of talent. The Minstrels have a better show | thig year than last and they are sure to draw good houses wherever they play. are all based FRY'S NUT VINELLO VINELLO CHOCOLATE vith Nuts and FRY'S MILK CHOCOLATE FRY"S NUT MILK FRY'S MILK CHOCOLATE with Nuts and Raisins PRISCILLA DEAN 315103 SCORES A HIT Priscilla Dean, back on the screen after an ahsence of several months, made her long-awaited appearance {in "Under Two Flags," at thes New Martin Theatre last n:¢ght to a high ly appreciative audience, The filin| version of the "Ouida" classic, di- {rected by Tod Browning, is far and | histrionic genius in a high degree | away the finest thing that Miss Dean | "Sherlock Holmes," « + photo has ever done, | play, has all th wgredients of Miss Dean never looked nor acted | thrills, suspense and high- better in her long and successful | actioned drama nake the STR TH TR RET a i y Karn's Great Xmas Canay Offer at accepted on behalf of the Salvation- Colonel Betridge. detective story the most ca form of fiction and which 1 e made | ists by the Sherlock Holmes i at the head of that class of ficti May harles Hanna of The production was direct hy Al-1y yunced. that" Fis in bert Parker, cne of the mos picture directors in America took Mr. Barrymore and the other members of the company to London | where most of the scenes--all Hat 39¢ O PLEASE those hundreds of lovers of Pads, Elbow Pads. Candy--"Good Candy"'--and to place it within the reach of all, we have pre- used ; HENDERSON BROS. pared that splendid "Home Box" special assort- Ay = : ment Chocolates : of rare selection which i : | eh 0 making Karn's Candy Department eo The = | District News raphs : ig rtment contains 60c and 70c Chocolates, = the kind to touch the spot on RC If You Really : i ° ice in an effort to save a shipment of ) J al Want Thrills iquor have been allowed their free- a lom on suspended sentence, al . 5 \ . gh serious cl Ties were preter- ) : Tr p, : See This Christmas, at per pound inable to meet the big agains both then They Before Thursday! >eterbor- so don't leave your pur- red both paid fines from O.T.A anniver < 1y your Christmas supply od i @ DEC. 18th, 19th, 20th storie jelleville | not b honors at | had Geen try tor a Priscilla Dean's Greatest Picture That's what everyone who saw the photo-play last night, says and you have only two more nights to see this masterpiece of the screen. Plan | 0 go to-night and see- "UNDER TWO § Filly" Hockey Supplies Special line in the coming elections It expected that he would 1 seat in the council. Alderman --all of} George Ostrom has announced his | the exteriors and many of the ib- on qidature for the mayor's chair. teriors-- were shot. A flying trip # 4 | was even made to Switzerland to get absolutely accurate "atmosphere" for the few brief scenes which take Times-Journal) place there. funny that a won't have a t will marry a girl who every Tom, Dick | El E Eg Hockey Pucks Hockey Sticks Gauntlets, Gloves, Leg Guards, Shin Pads, Knee SECOND-HAND GOODS (St. Thomas man {; | sed by Burus and Reynoids, the two men who terrorized the neighborhood ear Bowmanville in the their thrilling gunbattle with th cours ot po ul 1 Is. chase till late, } now. -- aches Hall of Sherifft James VAUDEVILLE lighest Safaricd Act in ough celebrated his fiftieth sary of service a few days ago, hav- Vaudewills 5 3 be Vikan Due KARN'S HOME BOX, PER LB. 39c | © ih hh "is, ond.) cbrated th birthday ar) -- he his -85 an- niver IN EVER us such & wonder lory of the South Seas been seen in Oshawa. It is just crammed full of red-blooded, tingling I ae, primitive passions and colorful ; love scenes. ¢ "EBB TIDE" With Superb Cast Including services on Sunday, a large delega- jar of the Veterans taking part in Lila Lee, James Kirkwood, Geo. Fawcett | --------------}|| Raymond Hatton, Noah Berry, Jaqueline Logan REGENT ORCHESTRA MALE CHORUS ©0 VOICES The five stained glass windows | presented to the Peterborough Sal- vation Army by the GW.V.A. of the town, were unveiled with special SELECTED COMEDY WORLD NEWS COMING! Beautiful LEAH B "When the Devil Drives" Regular Regent Prices and Presentation Masonic fraternity of the pro- vince was solemnized at Christ TO-NIGHT--WED. Phone 378 Nearest the Post Office = . £ ton. Miss Ponton 'is the daughter A i a a a LL of Col. W. N. Ponton, K.C.. Grand jurisdiction. Shel lock Holmes ASL IAS > The complete story of The World's Greatest Detective vs. The IN Pl L L S = Church Belleville, on Saturday, when Eg a Master of the Grand Lodge of Cana- World's Greatest Criminal. USUAL PRICES = & Miss Anna Swanwich Pontou of Belleville was united in marriage to da in the Province of Ontario, while tthe bridegroom is the Grand Secre- Wed. -- Th Fri. - Sa . == 1hurs. -- I'r. t. ADULTS 30c - PRICES CHILDREN 15c 't Fail To See | Don't Fail To At! be z b J wedding of mueh interest to JEW MARTIN ¢ KARN'S DRUG STORE William MeGregor Logan of Hamil- tary of thie fraternity in the same JOHN BARRYMORE IN A Good Comedy Completes the Bill THREE DAYS - - a

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