PAGE TWO 2 -n -- m- -- : , . ' ' x ' | least released money for the purchase of autos, A | SVNOPSIS OF BY-LAW TO Th On ; Sal i YRROW $2 ¥ A [4 Ed fario e wan who spent the price of a car for booze now has BORROW $20,000.00 Yo, J A 3 + . The purpose of this By-Law is to | (Bstablished in 1871) to do without drinks, and the money thus saved. is [borrow the. sum of $20.000.00 to (An independent newspaper published every oWher 387 | ifuble for other purchases. Complete what slow 46 1h ' 5 Trunk Sewer for the Western portion | awa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publish of the Town, running Southerly from | tng Company Limited, Business. men sometimes complain that they [the end of Na®sau Street to the Base | 'J. C, Ross ~-.- - = -President and Editor. : : : 3 StI Y there : are made the target of all sorts of philanthropic | {ire 4nd Hasterly thereon to th .1'J, Bwart MacKay = Vice-President and Treasurer, 4 Ha oh, | institutions, who expect them to contribute, | The amount is to be payable prin- ~ ™ CRIPTION RATES: ly Sule 1 Newspaper men can sympathize with business |cipal and interest. in thirty equal | Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere consecutive annual payments of $1,-| in Canada $3.00 a "year, United States subscription | men for we are simply deluged with requests for [376 10 each. ° The Debentures will | #180 extra to cover postage. Single capies So. free publicity for all kinds of charitable and re- |bear interest at five and one-half per (Member Audit Bureau of Cireulations) cent, per annum. ligious institutions, The appeals are all worthy Dated this 5th- day of December. OSTIAWA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1922 | in themselves, but if a paper gave all the free JA. D..1922. 7 = = | space requested there would not he a column | ° F. E. Hare, | - 2 Clerk. | A CITY PLAN NEEDED eft for ordinary news. TAKE NOTICE that the above is | Sl a Synopsis of a By-Law which has | heen taken into consideration by the FROM OUR EXCHANGES Municipal Council of the Town of Oshawa and which will be finally | "~ ' passed by said Council in the event | plan," BROADEN OUT OR FLATTEN OUT of the assent of the electors qualified | heing obtained thereto,' alter on Men who make a success in life do not drift aim- (Meaford Mirror) month from the first publication | Three Words it Pays to Remember: i He 1 TT 4 ike : . 3 ari a . ne ) lessly ; neither do cities which adopt a Topsy-like | Drury and Morrison debate 'broadening out' thereat iy the Diturio Heiser, the 1 i088 row TU ) a if . | . . . ' . HLT > 4 ) Ce * habit and 'jest grow become beautiful and [ this week, Our bet is on J. J. for an immediate | December 9th, 1922, : i : ° symmetrical and an ideal place in which to live. A | vietory, with Ernie coming out on top in the long Ne votes of the qualified electors ' - "" i 1 if ; of 7 i dl | ; : , : ' v shall he taken the above By-Law city, like a life, should he ear fully planned and | run, It will be a case of broadening ont or flattening at the Ay he ell jo the same | 1impson S S awa ranc developed along sane, construetive lines, out. places as the vote for the Municipal ae. (10 into the office of many successful business men and you will perhaps see a sign which reads some- | thing as follows: ** Plan your work, then work your | Election, said date heing Monday, We establish schools, libraries and other institu- Rlestion, say, aii 1 Tr T : Sn a . tions for the training of our young for the simple CUP TO" THE MANAGEMENT A ie Toth oe. of December. A. I'he pick and choose of Toronto 5 merchandise is within arm's reach reason that we wish to have them make a success of . (Mail and Empire) D. 1922, at the hour of Twely of every Oshawa family. Simpson's Oshawa Branch extends a irh J 8 iti | 'eloe the he. the Council their lives, We try to keep boys from drifting into Pavmibrs wi re shareholders in the United Co phi id HODH: Hie head of he joss ¢ : Ah farmers who are share ers e Unite - suid 8 5 ] servi hich is i 1 i i blind alley jobs. The life that has not a purpose, | armers i member of said Council appointed shopping service which is not only unique but unrivalled in the prompt i ; ted bv ideals. that } 1 well: and | Operative Company are aceused by the management ror that purpose hy resolution, shall i . wate ; vals i ( ell and 3 ; . 5 x Sr : 4 . . what Bat net io IY. dents, 1 Mid : | of donuble-e¢rossine their own venture to favor other attend at the Clerk's Office in th : make-up and delivery of orders. lo shop in Toronto, simply carefully planned, Is apt to peter ont and. heenme p hi | ' | : said. Municipality for the purpose of AOA « veralict om. the sta #f Tite stores that sale a cent or two cheaper, Tf is a prettypapmointing an if requested so to do, telephone your order to Number 1280. And whether you wish a ; : : hich; I 1 heavy strain on loyalty to ask pany man to pay more shall appoint hy writing igned hy : : ; In mueh he same way a city which 1s not pINeE Ey ticle than he can get it for somewhere else Mm, 180 plataolis 1 aus ua a ii teapot or a washing machine for the home, or apparel for personal use, grows up to be an unsightly, undesirable place in| : : » {summing up of the votes hy th ' I'he Co-Operative management ought to he ahle to |! lerk, and one person to attend u each polling place on hehalf of the sell as cheaply | i ; \ ity aref ' 2 oe - 1 3 terested inc and promoting p 8. 0c can be too careful about the persons in groans X iy ¥ J ; a. ithe proposed By-Law and a like num segregation of factories, the setting aside of the i SSE | her om behalf of the persons interes! vesidential district, and the proper location of is A LITTLE NONSENSE 124 fi and opposing the proposed - ' 2 i i HT P a a | By-Law. z business sections, A plan for a city means that .| ON the 2nd day of January, 1923, TELEPHONE 1280 n 0 actor ac H a 1 if f The schoolmaster asked his class if any of Lat the hour of Twelve o'clock noon them could tell him what an epidemic was, Jt the Clerk's Office' in the said No answer { Municipality, the Clerk of the rid y : Ren : { Municipality shall attepd and sum Simpson's efficie lelive 2)é ; dai en T Well, T will tell you. An epidemic is anything [up the votes given for and against pson's efficient motor de livery operates daily between Toronto and Oshawa. : . ; ' : which to live. No city has too many parks or play- | or any of a thousand Christmas gifts, it will pay you to remember "Simpson's Oshawa Branch." water supply, sewerage systems, fire protection and a score of other matters which ave thought out and | mapped ahead to meet the period of growth. Without thought or plan a city becomes merely a jumble of rr that spreads. Now, what is an epidemic? |the proposed By-Law. "Jam, sir!" shouted the class, in chorus. AND ALSO TAKE NOTICE th all persons claiming to vote a Fis Holders on said By-law are required at least ten days next precedive"The Jttle Mary came int » hous sdragele 4 : Little Mary came into the house hedraggled a ine to file Th the otfics -- rg -- - 1 . 1 a (------------ » wv x : : | and weeping. of the Clerk of the Town of Oshawa Inte WATIDD (3 Th Com pany Phere were a lot of good constructive suggestions | «fyy goodness," cried her: mother; "what a |2 statutory declaration Statiig th SY Mil oS) N\ factories, and homes, and stoves--altogether an un- | desirable place in which to live. Oshawa must plan now for the future, 1 0 0 oive Wb a 7 8 » of » ¢itizen cue i : sal 2 . eir lease meets the requiremer z 3 given the Council by some of the citizen guests at | gioht you are! How did it happen?" provided in Section 265 of Chapt eh Limited ™ pee py > io N ise procedure 4 4 : ¢ : ry : the recent banquet. It might be ais proecdur ro "] am s-sorry, mama, but I fell into a mud- 1912, RR. 8. 0. as to the voting have these 'get-together' talks from time to time. | puddle," er vil WARY RON C000 00000000CO0000C00C0000CI000000000 y . " 3 { Al a L LE 1 ¢ \ . N | J A | hd dh ---- "What! with your best new dress on?" that the names of Lease Holder : The 1 ' » . P '1; \ » hos - (75 VET iat ave 1 3 hs 3 ' zlecting 80 le sucl de ' 1 A . 1 > { What will happen to Santa Clans when the auto Y-y-yes, I din't have time to change it. wy Re of oo vid vi ! FHI LAST MINUTE RUSH tampede and reduces sales: | will replace the reindeer and sleigh! Could not --Central Wesleyan Star. |, .iity shall ri viendo n the verge of nervous pros- . J pality shall no pli 1 a : . 1 . v some inventive genius fasten sleigh bells to autos re a Voters' List for such voting : sy Fiifmag, ipstead Plumbing, Heating jst p near. i of being a s¢ ace and good iste hors' oShesH ie the. winter BIT DATED at Oshawa this 5th day 0 Chi AWS nea rey | ; J DReS RRA BOOK : instead of horns especially for u in the nt A Bl OF VERSE December, A, D., 22 i risima Lopping hich m-{ ) its 1 "4 i day 2 lox | and Repairs time ? hd n love. «even though they fe ts 1 n sent the | 3 ; y eo f hristmas gift earth many 3 oon a WHEN FATHER IS IT 1058-11) ork. | a as ol yours vg, ® ticed literaliy || : 2 2 I I r n hil ax ' ngonty sits y r love, con A French scientist has invented a clock that will | When it rains all day or the weather is rough To -- = 6, prasy, and on ill 4 oards: "Dol "tn % LAY ow. gow J. S. DICK always g¢ ng 1 carl light the fire in the morning. Now if some one would dull i » house we Si f 2 siories of in wi t eof vd whirt hold | Piste would I ch happier {| ig ( e morni ow ii ) And dull in the house we sit, 0 tho stories of old in which : P : | holds many | ) At Purdy Cols Premises girl in the case "picked up her s t t t ast inute ] & § . . J ] and ran Buffalo Commercial. v Oni uld make or purcha her ! 82 Simcoe St. S. and coal bills he would be a real benefactor. When Father is ** It." The U.F.0. convention will fu rifls ei r than most do, she would | | ESTIMATES GIVEN ; i ISTH S$ GIVE) . the answer as to whether Drury's {provide f r dear friends a satis- T} ks are hegir 19 get a ; Phone 942 Res. 369J Joiler Room Repairs a Specialty only. invent some way-of having a clock pay the gas | There is fun to be had playing blind man's bluff i = . a Sr : policy will "broaden cut" or merely | faction that is denied under the pre- |lit i1spicious sia's strait Men who represent their fellow citizens in muniei- | We tie a big handkerchief over his eyes, "flatten out." --Peterboro Kxami sor 1stom, which often amount } pal, legislative or Federal arenas carry with the of- | He moves very quick for a man of his size, fiec the eonfidence of the public. There is an honor | And knows where we are by our laughter and eries, | about office which goes far to compensate holders When father is "11.7 for the trouble and labor connected with the per- formance of their tasks. The little girls ereep up and tickle his car, em When father is ""1t."7 The automobile industry has greatly benefited | He doesn't quite cateh them. but comes pretty near, | from the spread of prohibition. In the U.S. statis- When father is "It." dud ties show that in 1911 there were only 199.500 pas- | ' senger ears produced, but in that year there were | Tom laughs till he has to lie down-on the floor, 2.170,000,000 gallons of wines and liquors consumed. | And Archie and Joe- vou should just hear them | In 1920 there were 1,883,000 cars produced, while roar, the consumption: of wines and liquors dropped to | For we feel that we simply can't stand any more, "126,000,000 gallons. Apparently prohibtion has at When father is "It." 7 eve before ania Back Home For Christmas The Old Reliable Canadian Pacific Will get you Back Home for Christmas, Wherever it is, and / However long since You Left. Fast trains, Day and Night, to Homes Everywhere. Tell 'em You're coming, do your Christmas Shopping early, take an early Train/sto dodge the Crowds, and QUALITY CIGARETTE IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY or CANADA. LIMITED. ¥