THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DE ingen C. 14, 1922 PAGE FIVE® ---------------- fats er -- Theatrical News AAARAAARAAARARARAAARAR AAARARARARAAARARAR AT THE REGENT "Ebb Tide," Geroge Melford's lat- test Paramount production which -will be the feature at the Regent JOHN BARRYMORE'S NEW FILM ROLE John Barrymore, whose screen ap- pearances have been marked by qual- ity rather than quantity, is to be seen n Monday, Tuesday, ibis' Lo Grand theatre on Wednesday, is a gripping sgtory of unfortunate men, who reach thrilling climaxes in their lives in the adventurous South Seas, "UNDER TWO FLAGS" "Under Two Flags" is one of the big powerful screen dramas which thrill and grip the audience" and keep spectators on the edge of their seats, It is a story of the Algerian bar- racks of Arab intrigue, of fierce fighting by French and Nomad tribes of love and desqair, combined with a mystery surrounding Victor-- 'the man of mystery." Cigarette, the child of the desert, ,daughter of a French father and an Arab mother, matches her wits and strength against Ben Ali the Arab chief and her woman's wiles against the indifference of Victor. Cold blooded desert warfare, hot blooded love and the tepid influence of civilization were the elements that wrought a miracle of love in the lives of Cigarette and the unknown man from "outside," though that miracle brought tragedy in its wake, 'Under Twa Flags" is a Universal-Jewel ver- sion of Ouida's immortal epic, star- ring vital Priscilla Dean, coming to the New Martin Theatre next Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday . cember 20, for four days, in a characterization which he has de- clared to be the most interesting he has ever' made--none other than fiction's greatest .detective--Sherlock Holmes. = "Sherlock Holmes' was directed by* Al Parker. Perhaps no other character. in fiction is so universally liked and known, and from all in- dications, the same universal interest is attaching itself to the picturiza- tion of the famous detective story. Aside from the magnet of having so distinguished an actor essay the stellar role, the supporting cast has been chosen with such definite care and detail, that it reads like a roster of the best known players of the stage and screen, In fact, the mak- ing of the picture was delayed until every character down to the most unimportant super was perfectly cast. AT THE GRAND John Barrymore will be seen at the . Grand theatre on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December, 20, '21, 22 and 23, in a characterization of Sherlock. Holmes. The production is directed by Albert Parker, ' The story is adapted from William Gillette's stage play and founded on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. Every effort was made to get an ef- tect of absolute and intimate authen- tieity, COLD PENETRATED Mary Street, 352; Simcoe Street, 322; Hilleroft Street, 70; King St., 384. rr The corporal punishments were: Centre Street, 17; Simcoe Street, 13; Mary Street, 4 Albert Street, 7; King Street, 2. ; The report of Miss Seiling, Public will Bank Walls With Earth School Nurse, was as usual, interest- ~--Principal Makes Monthly Report The ayerage attendance at Osh- awa Public Schools for the month of November was 1902, ninety per cent of the total enrolment. These fig- ures were contained in the report of Supervising Principal A, E. Garbutt at the meeting of the Board of Edu- cation Thursday night. 'Mr. Garbutt stated that a good deal of trouble from the cold was being experienced st Hilleroft portable particularly in the west room. He suggested that the difficulty might be overcome if it were banked up with earth. The wind, he said, seemed to blow right through the walls. It was urged that steps be taken to protect the build- ing and Trustee Nott stated that he would at once see that earth was taken to the school and an effort made to stop the cold from penetrat- ing into the rooms. He said he had made arrangements some time ago to have this done but it had not. been carried out. Reference was made in the report to bave the floors of all schools scrubbed during the Christmas hol- idays. If it was the wish of the Board to have this done, the janitors should be notified at once. This aroused considerable di ion about the ef- ficiency of the janitors and resulted in a motion being passed that the rules be reprinted and f and placed in prominent positibns in the schobls so that there would be no misunderstanding about their duties. Trustee Browne was of the opinion that it was customary to have the floors scrubbed twice a year and the rule will no doubt be enforced in future. The report of the Supervising Principal briefly is as follows: Aver- age attendance for the month, Cen- tre Street, 375; Albert Street, 399; ing. A Girls' Health League has been formed which hold weekly meetings. Sixteen girls from Centre Street school have joined and they are be- ing instructed in home. nursing, bandaging, first aid, ete. The total number of children in- spected during the month was 917, besides 42 home visits. The number of cases coming to Miss Seiling's at- tention were listed as follows: car- fous teeth, 261; tonsils, 314; defec- tive vision, 52; pediculosis. 37; skin disease, 13. MADE IN CANADA The Surety of Purity Therearenomiraclesincook- ing. What goes into the food must inevitably come out. " Even the baking perfection that results from the use of Royal Baking Powder is no miracle. It is simply the result of ab- solute purity entering the food --and emerging again. Royalis made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes. It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Ml a i L Liki Ri '| High School Hearsay The Christmas Exams. begin on Monday and will continue through- out the week. School closes Fri- day, December 22 and will re-open January 3, 1923. Many of the students are planning to spend the vacation out of town. The school's team for the annual inter-school debate has been select- ed. Miss Kathleen McLaughlin and Arthur Slyfield will uphold the neg- ative against Bowmanville here on January 17, the subject being "'Re- solved that strikes in industries essential to life should be prohibited by law." The winning team in this debate will then meet Whitby High School. The congratulations of the stud- ent body are being extended Mr. A. W. Ferguson on his appointment to the principalship of the school. Mr. Ferguson is very popular in the school and everyone feels that the appointment is a fitting recognition of his ability. " Mr. E. H. Chapman, physical di- rector of St. Andrew's College, Toronto, spoke to the boys of the school on Monday afternoon. His topic was "The Value of Keeping ~The subject was one of much interest to the boys and Mr. Chap- Fit." man's, able 'handling of appreciated, The O.H.S. night against the team's good showing is basketball boys play their second City League game to-|cents a pound. Hot Dogs. The | price from 40 to 43 cents. arousing much interest around the school and the team always has a large follow- To-day's Market, _ Chicken was selling as low as 2 cents a pound when the market opon-| ed this morning and there was a lib- eral supply on hand. The price ran as high as 356 cents a pound, Duck was also plentiful and brought 35! Butter ranged in Other | prices prevailing were: cooking ap-| ple 35 cents a peck, beets 25 cents a peck, squash 10 and 15 cents each, ing. Quite a number of the boys |cabbage 5 and 10 cents each, turnips of the school who are not members of the school team are playing on other teams in the City League, --Mr. Douglas H. Ewing, of To- ronto, has recentiy been appointed local manager for the London Life and has taken up hig duties here. 4 for 10 cents, onions 40 ceniz a peck, carrots 20 cents a peck. i ~--Mr. J. C. Young was back at his office Friday after an absence of two weeks through illness, --Mr, A. C. Lycett is confined to his house with a bad cold. WATCHES Dainty Wrist Watches in all the newest shapes, plain and engraved. ' See that special model at only $13.00 Fully guaranteed Men's Pocket Watches--complete show- ing of all the best makes. Special Watch for the Boy only $5.00 Arthur 0. Felt "THE GIFT SHOP" Grand Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18-19 An all star cast plays in Up In The Air About Mary The Bathing Girl Special Five Reels of Furious Fun The Fastest Show on the Screen Larry Semon in THE FLY COP Completes the Bill--Usual Prices Mon. NEXT WEEK! Tues. and Wed. I = Usual Regent Prices - =~ A Thrilling Fire and Shipwreck at Sea! A Breathless fight with deadly Octopus! SS ECEC ® One Woman who had never known love! THEYRE ALL IN Cast Includes : Lee Lia James Kirkwood LEAH BAIRD ~ " When The Devil Drives " = And another who had never known anything else! -------- THE BILL "Under Two Flags" Christie Comedy Pathe News Vaudeville TWO GOOD ACTS A Splendid Show At USUAL PRICES Adults / EW MARTIN The Home of Vaudeville A Mon. --- Tue. 'and Wed. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Glorious-- Audacious Insolent! Always she had danced for her beloved Chasseurs . . . wildly and with the fire of the desert from which she sprung . . . now she danced «+./. madly . . . for but ot -whoee eyes would not y eld . . . The Picture Magnificent PRISCILLA as glorious Cigarette, the Daughter of the Regiment, in a stupendous picturization of the world-famous narrative of romance and adventure "Under Two ---- The Grand Theatre IS SHOWING ~3 an "' SHERLOCK HOLMES Direceod by Albert Parker. Adapted From William Gillette's stage ploy foundod on Sir Conan Doyle's stosies and only original story of Holme's life as a detective The! greatest detective story in the cause/of right that has ever been shown.