Ontario Reformer, 14 Dec 1922, p. 7

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yn Bowlers Hitting Stride Have Chance To Tie Reginas For First Place in League The Y.M.C.A bowlers returned to form Tuesday night for their "Y" Bowling League fixture with Domin- jon Bank the latter being defeated hy 203 pins, The highest score of the game was 167, 'The "Y" men have an excellent chance of over- hauling the Reginas who have not 'lost a game, Should the "Y'" win their game. Sgalust the Spillers on % Priday::night, the deciding contes hid ght, on December 20, when the two leading teams meet, The second A Group fixture went to Hot Dogs hy 47 pins, The Boulders did | not howl as consistently as their op- ponents, Wright for the ~"winnlers was high man, making a 173 record, In B Group Pedlars defaulted to The Reformer Scribes, owing to the inability of the former to get their players together, Dobson's Pets al- ready have taken a firm hold on the first half of this sceduie, Tuesday night's scores were: A Group Dominion 1st 2nd ard Bank Game Game Game Mounce .... .... ...... 86 ---- 92 Thomson . .., 110 118 02 Ormiston ... 141 -- MALE res iiinrs ores ies: wr 80 120 Total 070, 1st 2nd Ard YMCA, Game Game Game Lewis .. 135 140 Chester ... 167 99 P. Canning ... ....147 134 126 Total 1173, Y.M.C.A. won hy 203 pins, 1st 2nd 3rd Boulders Game Game Game Turney .... ... -.....108 157 120 LTT AAR, | | 142 03. King TE, | 97 150 Total Ist 2nd 3rd Hot Dogs Game Game Game Mason vend I -- 138 Wright. . RHA, | 173 131 McKay Pan | 4 138 129 PHRGOM -.... .... ++: iim 123 -- Total 1219 Hot Dogs won by 47 pins, FISH HAVE LONG LIVES Many species of fish are known to be very long-lived, among them the pike which, though greedy and fond of heavy meals, is slow-growing. A Swiss naturalist, Konrad Yesner, has recorded the history of one that was 267 years old, It had spent its en- tire existence as a prisoner in a fish- pond. Not long ago a plaice was caught in the North Sea, wearing a disc which proved that it had been previously caught in 1904. For the -Jast twenty years there has been a con- ger eel in the Plymouth aquarjum, and as he was a big fish when he was caught he is probably not far off his fitsieth birthday. Carp are known to live for many years, and they grow only two or three inches a year. The salmon, on the other hand, grows rapidly and dies young. I --------. GRAND TRUNK "2 rey KIDNEY i LLDS ore od 'tow They . Stand' © INDOOR BASERALL Business Men .. Dreadnoughts Regiment .... .... Knights of P, 'Cedar Dale ... Metros Bankers ER a EE a) Williams ve, Dreadnoughts, Fittings vs, K, of P, ' AY.PA, vs, GMC, LADIES' INDOOR, LEAGUR on Lost Bt. Gregary's .... gpd, Superiors .... ... . Business Girls Fittings .... Teachers Pedlars ... GMOS. ini Ward & Dewlapds Monday's Game Teachers 14, Fittings 0. Game Thupsiday 8t. Gregory's vs, Pedlars, "¥"" BOWLING LEAGUE A Group Reginas YMCA. .. Hot Dogs Speed Fiends . Boulders Spillers Penpushers Dominion Bank ... .... B Dobson's Pets Scribes Go Getters ... .... .. Cast Ends . Stirlings- .... .... .......... Pedlar"s Tanks ... .. TRY H08t "Y" Dormitories i Mixers Business Men Speed Merchants # Last Night's Scores Bankers 28," Hot Dogs 12; Business Men 31, Pill Mixers 11, Saturday's Games Pedlars vs, Aces Reformer vs. Speed Merchants High School vs, Hot Dogs Eastern Hockey. Wes ooOo=o There is a possibility that Belle- ville a a Lis i 8 in another league besides the O.H.A. this sea son. Arrangements are being made for the formation of a league com- prising Belle Nepanee and two teams from Kingston one of the two teams being rom Queen's Uni- versity. Jack Derry, of Napanee, whe is one of the prime movers of the proposed new league, was in Kings- ton recently to. broach the subject to hockey men there and before he left the city he was practically as- sured of one team at least. Wil- liam Palmer, manager of the Y.IL.C. B.A. team, champions of the Kings- ton city league last year, was ap- | proached on the matter and seemed ite enthused over the plan but would not yet definitely as to whether the Irishmen « Fy Moa the league or mot. The other team from Queen's may. be entered soon, but should Queen's not care to en- ter, there will only be one team from Kingston. . Mr. Derry was in Belleville. Fri- day and interviewed the Belleville hockeymen about the subj and Intermediates Open Dec, 29 The local O.H.A. season will get | under way on Friday, December 29 | when Bowmanville intermediates ! will ®yigit- Oshawa for the opening game, The juniors will play their | first game in Bowmanville on New | Year's afternoon. At a meeting of representatives of O.H.A., clubs in this district held in Welsh's Parlors Tuesday night schedules were drawn up for intermediate group No. 3 and Junior group No. 4. Those present were: A. W. Edger, Bowg#anville; F. T. Mathison, Whit- by; W. P. Skitch, Cobourg; H. J. Toyer, Port Hope; Jos. Welsh, Osh- awa, Whiby will not be represent- ed in the junior series this season. The schedules are as follows: a THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1922 ---r "MOUNTIES " FORMED TO STOP BOOTLEGGING, The "Mounties" that famous force of Northwest Mounted Police, now called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, were according to a recent re- part, established as the result of an invasion of the Hudson's Bay Co.'s territory in Cananda by American whisky runners and Indian traders, whose operations were a serious menace to the British, traders, and who were setting an example of law- lessness to the red men that the Ca- nadian government refused to toler- ate, It-was in 1870 that the Fort Benton traders, who controlled all the Indian fur and buffalo rohe tra- ding in Manitoba, were surprised by the appearance of a United States marshal, who announced he had come to put a stop to whisky trading with the Indians, The Hudson's Bay Co,, in the north furnished whisky to the Indians quite freely in connection with its trading with them, tind the tribes. that traded at Fort Benton demanded whisky also, They announced that if they could not get whisky at Fort Benton they would go forth and trade their furs to the Hudson's Bay Co, The Uni- ted States carried out its intentiops- at Fort Benton, The Indians invad- ed Canada, with white whisky run- ners close in their wake, This con- stituted a challenge that the Hud- son's Bay Co., could not ignore, and representations were sent fo Ottawa that resulted in the immediate or- ganization of the Royal Northwest PAGE FIFTEEN ---- INDIAN "BATTLE" NOT ALWAYS . "MASSACRE." A writer who likes to see justice done to, the. American Indian is Cy- rus Townsend Brady, LL.D. In the preface of a volume on "Indian Fights and. Fighters," he makes a marked distingtion between the terms 'massacre! and 'battle,' He says that every time a body of troops engaged in a fight with Indians and the, trogps were. out-numbered or caught at. a disadvantage, and the battle was continued until the troops were slaughtered, such an affair was popularly called a "massacre," as, for instance, "The Custer Massacre." Mr. Brady. believes this to be an un- warranted u sof te term, Custer, the author points out, attacked the In- dians jand fought desperately until he and his men were all killed. He calls it a "battle" and not a mas- sacre.,"" When an Indian war party raided a settlement or overwhelmed a train, or murdered women or chil- dren, that, he thinks, was a "mas- sacre." The author says: "I would like to ask if anyone ever heard of the 'Massdere of Thermopy- lag'? The Greeks fought there until all save one were killed, Te results there were exactly the same as those of the hattle of the Little Big Horn, hut I ave yet to read in history that the Persians 'massacred' the Greeks in that famous pass." The newspaper is one of the fore- China is looking around for a con- | Mounted Police, N to give her a start : we'd he- glad to send her, with our) blessing, the Eighteenth Amendment | lock take that subtle power, the nev-| per, is not living in the nineteenth to ours.--Columbia Record. most wonders of the modern world. -- The family that does not take, and Miss not the occasion; hy the fore- | carefully read, at least one newspa- er-halting time--Wordsworth, century.--J, A. Broadus, EAST-AND WEST AGREE 'Lydia. E Pinkham's Vege- Sk Women to Hedy ~ The . two letters which: :. fellow clearly show the broad 'covered by this well-known medicine, Women from, every og know some Nn your own ne horliood-~praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound as. a wonderful medicine for troubles women often haye, i From. Prince Edward's Is land---East Miscoughe, I'. B, I.--"I had female troubles for two years, I always had a h he and a pain in my side and sometimes I felt so wi that I could not do my work, A friend adyised me to take Lydia BE, Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and I have taken six bottles of it. It has done me i lot of good and | am still taking it. 1 will tell my friends of your medicine and hope they will try It"--Mgs, CamiLe Des Roce, Miscouche, P. E. I, From Saskatchewan-----West Wadena, Sackatchewan.--"A friend in Rose Valley -recommended Lydia E. Pinkham) Vegetable Compound to me an has been a great hélp to me. recommend it and you can use Wis letter as a testimonial if you wish,""--Mps, Peres Nosoin, A AA AA We Sell Automobile S McPherson Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots. The Burns Co., Ltd. Intermediate No, 3 Bowmanville at Oshawa. Jan. 3.--Cobourg at Port Hope at Bowmanville. manville at Port Hope. Oshawa at Bowmanville. Jan. 17.--Bowmanville at Whit- by Jan, 19.--Whithy at Cobourg; Ty. : y M » Port Hope at Oshawa. 5A Winter Jan. 22.--Cobourg at Bowmanville Jan. 24.--Oshawa at Whitby. Jap. 26.--Whitby at Bowmanville; Oshawa at Port Hope. Bowmanville at Cobourg. Feb. 1.--Cobourg at Oshawa. Junior No. 4. Jan. 1.--Oshawa at Bowmanville (afternoon); Cobourg at Port Hope. Jan. 4.--Port Hope at Oshawa. Jan. 8. --Bowmanville at Cobourg. Jan. 11.--Cobourg at Oshawa. Jan. 15.--Port Hope at Bowman- ville. Jan. 18.--Oshawa at Port Hope. Jan. 23--Port Hope at Cobourg; Bowmanville at Oshawa Jan. 29.--Cobourg at Bowman- ville. Feb. 2.--Bowmanville "at Port Hope; Oshawa at Cobourg. Referees from the different towns were named as follows: Cobourg, Kent Payne; Port Hope, J. Rowden; Bowmanville, Alan Campbell; Osha- MATHEMATICAL CURIOSITY. The following elaborate table is Ai they are guite enthusiastic 'over the "| formation of a league of the ma- ture proposed. It is likely that a team will be entered very soon from Belleville in the League and with Kingston teams the league should enjoy a great deal of popularity. Men's Club Hold Record Rl or d to a Harvard University pro- fessor, who must have spent much time in order to thus discipline his own mind and minister to other peo- ple's curiosity : 1 times 9 plus 2 equals 11 12 times 9 plus 3 equals 111 123 times 9 plus 4 equals 1111 1234 times 9 plus 5 equals 11111 12345 times 9 plus 6 equals 111111 123456 times 9 plus 7 equals 11111- 11 1234567 times 9 plus 8 equals 111- 1111 {12245678 times 9 equals 111111111 1 times 8 plus 1 equals 9 12 times 8 plus 2 equals 98 123 times 8 plus 3 equals 987 1234 times 2 plus 4 equals 9876 12345 times 8 plus 5 equals 98765 123456 times 8 plus 6 equals 987654 6543 12345678 times 8 PIES equals 98765432 123456789 times 8 plus 9 equals | Age is often less the result of natural decay, than of disuse.--Ambition has i ceased to operate; contentment ' &s indolence, and indolence decay | of mental power, ennui, and some- | times death.--Men have been | induced by intellectual va- Brodie. ; Dee. 29.--Cobhgyrg at Port Hope; ; Whithy: Jan. 9.--Whithy at Oshawa; Bow- | Jan. 12.---Port Hope at Whitby; | Jan. 16.--Port Hope at Cobourg. ! Jan. 30.--Whitby at Port Hope; | wa, Chas Hall; Whitby, Bert Smith. 1234567 times 8 plus 7 equals 987- | Wadena, Saskatchewan, Let us outfit you properly, Skates put on free. kates and | Main Four Corners, OSHAWA -------------- Ever Play Hockey on Chrome Nickel Steel? T is thrilli font. This Special Chrome Nickel Steel gives C. 3. M. Automobile Skates a blade as hard as glass with an edge as-keen as the best edge tool, The Chrome Nickel Steel blade grips the ice so you get full power out of every stroke. It responds instantly to your uickest, most lightning-like moves. You can turn, twist, stop up and speed ahead again with surprising sud- And these blades are practically unbreakable. Inside their hard exterior is a "core" of tough steel that makes C. C. M. Skates capable of withstanding the severest strains of hockey playing without snapping or bending. This Special Nickel Chrome Steel is more costly, but is speedier, stronger, safer and holds a more lasting ge. Ask your dealer to show you C. C. M. Model T. Tubes -- electrically welded to give greatest strength--the great favorite with professional hockey players. Or Model D, which is preferred by many e players. A speed - some, brilliantly-nickeiled skate, Other C. C. M. Models--hockey, pleas- ure, racing, figure-skating--for men, ladies, boys and girls. 987654321. | t The failure of the mind in old |, kpowan to die, literally speaking, of | disease We handle Automobile Skates and Skating Boots, Hockey Sticks and equipment of all kinds, Skates put on. Come in and inspect our stock. Skates sharpened. :

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