Ontario Reformer, 14 Dec 1922, p. 16

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i Max Swartz In 'order to be able to take § stock "right after the New & Year se will clear oiit all the 3 Coats, Dresses, Waists, etc., 3 in the store at exceptionally low prices, ' EE We also Rave a lot of odds | | and ends in a general line i: and 'would suggest your com- 3 ing in and looking the stock over. It will pay you, Max Swartz | SKing SUE Phone 798 Vorry? You Need Not Worry Over Fall Housecleaning If you let PARKERS clean your: Curtains, Portieres and Rugs, as we believe this is the 'hardest part of house cleaning. or for a change restore the faded fabrics to their original shade or perhaps to an entirely different colour by dyeing them PARKERS way. We will gladly call and give you a price on any of the above articles. "4 trial 'will convince you" Phone 788, PARKER'S Cleaners and Dyers 38 Simcoe Street, N. Goods Called For and Delivered. No Extra Charge. REFORMER WANT ADS, PAY §| « age of Jqrieeh | facture. cloth, -- , . # s he Passing Word MSunt Stéphen is deed, aged 2 years. He away uily on November idence, Brocket Hall, Hatfield Ru Gp prt had been" ving in absoly e Lephes ant for many yedrs,: - : . TH . his educational advan fined to. what 'the par - forded. Leaving Poni he' was ran Sealer in } een. Havi our years' appren dn the northern 1 to a dra in A fogs mp ship, like'-many 'well-known firm 'which stil xists under' the slow of St. Alt. Lr Tauls 'It was the middle of, the 19th cen- tury when George Stephen, then 31 | Lh age; reached aoanade in 'company is--¢ousin, Dona "Smith Cufterwards Lord Strathcona). - 'In. Montreal he ghtered the service . of his cousin, Toe ater he Sent ae, and three ater he wen -uhdér. the style of wi Fm dvd i & Company, Years of steady hard | work followed, In 1062 ry partner died, and Geo iri the whole business, a i Thi Deoved remuner- ative and he soon e r rector i the Bark in 1876 he was chosen dent, snd. later i » ht. 3 of Lord Mount Stephen will he ered as bein iefly re . associated with, ihe. a peeption -an the rrying to completion of the CPR, e fionset transcontinental railway. oined the small but determined and optimistic group of men who had accepted the offer of the Government to build the Can- adian Pacific Railway: first president in 1881, and the first annual report was printed on. one sheet of notepaper and signed by George Stephen, It was fitting that he should be its first president, for $3 ice-presi- dent had put his all into it, for one | Xa ; for another, he had unrivalled driving power; and, again, he had | " genius for method and detail. A year after the completion of the C. P, R., George Stephen was hood sted a baronet, He built himself a magnificent home on Drummond: St., | Montreal, in which he took great] pide; especially in the conservatory, | uiit after the English style, as weli | as in his pictures, to which he de- | voted much attention. | In thinking of the public welfare of the community, Sir George Ste- | phen at that period displayed great generosity, © : Sir George Stephen resigned the] Presidency of the C. P, R. in 1833] n which he was suecseded by the) late Sir William Van Hotne, wio| consolidated, and at the same ti extended the service and earnings | of that great corporation. Thre-! years later, in 1891, he was evented a baron by Queen Vietorfa, when b. Steghen, and crossed tha 'At'astic | to settle down in Eneiard In hj! besutiful hope, Brocket all, 5.1. | peace.) 1921, at.his [i George § n was a Scot, born Mi in 1829 at Dufftown, Hanftehire, pi at the early |: apprenticed [7 : he made his | 'way to' London, w! ore he joined ps : RE pd ¢ 7 THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1922 I -- _ Stephen" unt Otephen . ® Mount Stephen became known, AB the flags rom 'one end of the sys. tem to the other were placed at half- mast, and a laurel wreath was plac~ ed dn the statue of Lord Mount Stephen which stands in the waiting room of the Windsor street station here, "It was a cause of great satisfac tion to Lord Mdunt Stephen that he livad to see his 'baby' grow into the greatest enterprise Canada-has ever known," said Lord - Shaughns | "There was a great personal frien 4 ship between us," continued Lord Shaughnessy, "which d d as of Lord Mo INDIAN SUMMER Along the line of smoky hills The crimson forest stands, And all the day the blue-jay calls Throughout the autumn lands. Now by the brook the maple leans, With all his glery spread; And all the sumachs on the hills Have turned their green to red. Now by great marshes wrapt in mist Or past some river's mouth, Throughout the long still autumn day Wild birds are flying south. - -- William Wilfred Campbell, Trenton Police claim that they ized one of the most elaborate | the years advanced." Discussing the fact that Lord Mount Stephen was in his 93rd year, and that Mr. R, B. Angus, who had been so intimately connected with Lord Mount Stephen, is in his 91st year, Lord Shaughnessy commented: "I am only 68; quite a and complete Stills ever discovered in this part of the province a few days ago when they rarded the house of Edwin Hall on Stanley Street. The result, so the. poiice say, was a liquor of the very best quality. Whether they ascertained this fact ---- =r tr vee by sampling the seizure or not is|give.--To find one thankful man I not told in the reports. will oblige a great many that are not Problem in Ireland seems to be: | 50.-- Seneca. Is De Valera a clinging vine or a poison ivy plant?---Toronto Tele- gram. * . With all our wonders of invention no gue scems able to invent a type- writer that can spell.--Brandon Sun. Is Germany planning for another war? That is one question. And another--is Germany insane?--Tor- onto Mail and' Empire, He who, when called upon to speak a disagreeable truth, tells it boldly and has done, is both. bolder ard milder than he who nibbles in a low voice, and never ceases nibbling.--Lavater, Pursue not a victory too far. He hath conquerad well that hath made his enemy fly; 'thou mayest beat him to a desperate resistance, which may ruin thee.--Herbert, It is another's fault if he be un- grateful, but it is mine if I do not The way to" avoid the imputation of impudence, is not to be ashamed of what we do but never to do what we ought to be ashamed of.--Cicero, In a free country there is much} clamor with little suffering: in a despotic state there is little com- plaint but' much suffering, --Caruot. Let not the emphasis of hospltaly ity lie in bed and board, but let truth, love, honor, and courtesy flow in all thy deeds.--Emerson, Selfishness is that cCetestable vice which no one will forgive in others and no one is without himéelf.-- H. W. Beecher. Silence is a figure of speech, un- answerable, short, cold, but terribly severe,.--Theodore Parker, The sower of the seed is assuredly the auther of the whole harvest of mischief.--Demosthenes, illiam_ Stephen, who | his entir efforts to it, relinquishing the whole: A \Blected a di- |} lontreal, and He was its 3 assimed the tit's of Tord Mo -yil: » a boy compared with them," 'l was first associated with Lord Mount Stephen in 1882 nearly forty years ago, shortly after the cone struction of the Canadian Pacifie had been commenced by the com- pany. hut my relations did not be come at all close uptil the end of 1884, From that time until he retit~ ed from Jarticipation in the com pany's affairs we were very close husiness and personal friends. In-i deed, our very warm personal rela tions continued to the end. "Lord Monnt Stephen was a man ;.-1 With imagination and initiative, '2 conrled with probity and courage. J "During ths construction of thel trans-continental line he had many! A anxious hours, and there were when his personal fortune, as weld ns that of his colleague, Lord Strath. cond, was placed in jeopardy in loans to the company in its dark days, [ ] "To Lord Mount Stephen beyond all-others may be attributed the cessful completion of the railway, 3 "During the last 25 or 26 years #1 he had lived in England, but he fol lowed Canadian affairs with the keenest interest, 3 #1 "In view of the*part that he play- +] ed in the first and most important 4 cnterprise connected with Canada's "4 progress, 1 am sure that the name. 1 of Lord Mount Stephen will alwayws be cherished by Canadians, and, ine deed, throughout the world," "My most intimate connections field, Herts, near wich the Sans-|With him were in 1884 and 1885, oury fami.y reside, he for many When the Government, after the firss -- Lord Mount. Stephen was twice furnished the requisite funds from married, his first marriage taking their own fortunes, at a considerable piace in 1553, to Anne Charlo:te,| sacrifice, ro doubt, because they had daughter of PResjamin Kane. In[to sell other securities that they held 1897 he was united to Glen Tufnoll,|to raise the money. Finally the daughter of the late Captain George | Government did make a further loan Tufnell, RN. There was no issuelof $5,000,000, which saw the com- of tirese murvieces; bit Lord Mount pany through, and enabled it to get: Stephen edopted a daughter, who !along until Lord Mount Stephen, or married 8 son of the Nor!" ote fam- | George Stephen, as he was then, ly in Engiord. ' had succeeded in selling the com. It is of interest to .noie that al- vany's first mortgage bonds through "o"rh in h leJietory to the C. P.' Baring Brothers. 2. shareho'ders, Lord Mount Step "Just as soon as the company re. hen excused. his retirement on the ceived pmyment for ifs bonds, the grornd of health he lived for. a wiho'e debt to the Government wag veriod of thirty-three years there. |paid. He had said he would repay fer, or the span of another genera- | the 'oan, and did se. But if he had tion, scpled modern methods Le would M:ch rearet was exnressad in C. prob-bly have tried to borrow morg R. ciccies when tie death of Locdimorcy instead." TN pe AECL a A= <r b £1 A. 7) Select Your Xmas HW TR 950) WRAPS b i LJ f WA LA ML LA andies Now 1 Cluchlos years entertained notable person. '0an, were loath to provide any more ages and devoted himself to the pro- |morey. It was during that emerg- motion of philanthropic movements, ency that he and Lord Strathcona oe Our salesladies will prepare your special requirements for any time or date. SIMCOE ST. NORTH LI ei EE ry Xmas Shoppers Attention! as 4 a ES A Special List This Week of Gift Furniture! Our store is open evenings for your convenience, shop early if you would be the lucky buyer, as lines sold out cannot be repeated. New shipments have arrived daily and our stock never so attractive in values as right now. TO MB ol EA ETT HE PICTURES Do you know, we have some fine pictures in our store? All sub- Jects, all qualities. Real Oil Painting by Nathaniel' Downey at Low Prices. An- assortment of Hi Rockers. Commode Chairs, ete., unsurpassed anywhere. All mod- erately. priced for shopper. ie > CHILDREN'S CHAIRS I: Chairs, A utomobiles; ers, Veloci for the boys, in abundance. our stock, get our prices. CHILDREN'S. TOYS In ays; ous ons, 2) he, On FOR THE GIRLS ' Doll Cabs in leatherette. Doll » N - priees. Qur prices are much low- er than city stores for goods of quality. FOR THE LITTLE TOTS Ba ur vi wy % $150 to $3.00 each Carriage Fur Robes XMAS DINING SUITE Quarter-cut oak, fumed finish. Table, Buffet and Slip-seat Diners. A splen- did Suite, new design, good stock. An Xmas Gift price complete $150.00 COMBINATION BUFFET and China Cabinet, large size, new design, an excellent piece in any home, quartered surface oak. Reg. $68.50. Xings Gift Price $18.00 . XMAS DINERS Full slip-seats of real leather, fumed or golden finish. Regular values $75.00 set. Sale Price $40.00 Set BLANKETS FOR MOTHER It's cold weather. We have the warm kind, White or Brown Plaids. Prices on large sizes, as $6.50, $8.50, $10.00, $11.75 These values are unbeatable. SEWING BASKETS Sewing Tables. We have a good range: in fumed finish, at very rea- sonable prices. Be early, for these. REED FERNERIES Pedestal or Box designs, mostly fum- ed finish. New goods at prices with- in reach of all. From $6.75 to $25.00 each EXTRA SPECIAL One only Chesterfield Suite, three pieces in a serviceable Tapestry, loose cushions, nicely made. An Xmas Gift to whoever buys it. Special Sale three pieces $135.00 " Y TABLES Thirty different designs, fumed, . golden or walnut finishes. Our price range is from $17.50 to $75.00 each - We would like to show you our lines. * The values are good. * Santa has indeed been gracious to us, in sending us such a good assortment of Xmas Gift Furniture. We can please you at prices that cannot be beaten by any store anywhere. Ask people about our prices. we abide by your decision. LUKE BROS. TABLE LAMPS We have a nice range of Lamps, metal or silk, price range from $12.00, $15.00, $17.50, $5.00 and $7.50. Priced right fo right selling. : MOTHER'S GIFT From the Whole Family A life saving, a labor saving de- vice, one that saves her miles of steps every week. Make it a get- together gift, a good Kitchen Cabinet, all prices. BATH ROOM MIRRORS In White Enamel Frames, the heavy plate kind, $3.75, $3.25, $5.50, $6.75, $8.00. Bath Cabinets, $5.75, $6.50, $10.00 DAD'S GIFT Is he getting up in years? Com- fort his old age and infirmities with a lovely easy chair and a smoker set (if he uses it). Our range is so large, but lines from $12.75 to $35.00 are wonderful. \ Ne SISTER, WOULD LIKE A Cedar Chest, or Shirt Waist Chintz Box. Well, you should see ours, really they are nice. Prices range from $8.50 to $30 each. Come early. COUCHS Sliding Couchs, standing Couchs, folding Couchs, Divinettes for the hurry up bed. Yes, we have 'em all. Prices $12.50 to $60.00. Get one. BROTHER Yes, he wouldnt like it if he were forgotten. A Sectional Bookcase, just a start if you wish of one unit. top and base, or a Writing Desk, y Chair, Foot Stool, Smoker Stand, Brass Bed, a good Mattress, a Chiffon- der or Rug for his room. We can fill any want. See our store full 63 King Street E.

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