FIERCE OCEAN STORM MINSTREL SHOW SCORES I MADE TO ORDER NOTHER BIG SUCCESS IN THE STUDIO Many directors have attempted to stage reproductions of ocean storms in the studio, but most of them have had only indifferent success, It re- mained for Irvin V." Willat to ae- complish a remarkable feat along this line. After taking pictures from the deck of a real steamship on tho Pacific in -his new production for Paramount, "On the High Seas,' featuring Dorothy Dalton and Jack Holt, which comes to the Regent next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, he had an exact reproduction of a section of the deck constructed in the studio tank at Hollywood, It was placed on rockers, aeroplane propel- lers were used to make a terrific wind, rain eame down in torrents and lightning flashed, In this episode Jack Holt and Mit- chell Lewis are giving a sea burial to several corpses which they found on the derelict, schooner, having taken refuge tidreon from a small hoat in which they and Dorothy Dal- ton, playing another featured role, have drifted for several days after the sinking of an ocean liner. AOTION IN PICTURE A liner on fire at sea and a happy though unexpected wedding, mark the beginning and end of the Para- mount picturization of "On the High Seas," which will be the attraction at the Regent theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. But between these two stirring and epochal incid- ents there is crammed a wealth of thrill and sensation as will stamp the picture one of the most forceful and dramatic ever screened. The Whithy Minstrels are coming to the New Martin Theatre, for one night only, Friday, Dec, 16th. On their initial appearance at Whitby, the newspaper comment was as fol- lows: -- The first performance of the third season of the Whitby Amateur Ath- letic Association Minstrels, given last night in the Music Hall here, marked another successful step in the history of this fine organization, and assured the Minstrels of a continuance of the first-class reputation they have es- tablished in the past, The enthus- fasm and originality which gave to the W.A.A.A, Minstrels such conspic- uous success last season and tne year before, are again in evidence, and have enabled the boys to put on a program that egy 1ls, if not surpas- ses, any previoui JYort, The musical program in this part was excellent and included "I'll take you home, pal o"mine," by Eddie Fe- gan; "Indianna," by B8id Erskine; "Why should I cry over you," by Bert Sheppard; "Coal Black Mammy' by J. M.-8hort; "In a garden," by T. M. Gourlay; "The World is waiting for the Sunrise," by W, D. Dykes; **Geor- gette," C. Stiner; "Wake Up, Little Girl," by Harold Richardson; "Pick me Up and Lay Me Down," L. Mec- Intyre; "Call Me Back, Pal o"Mine," by R. 8, Abernethy; and the finale, "To-morrow," by the entire company. An augmented twelve-piece orches- tra, under the leadership of Matt Gouldburn, who also' directed the: singing, provided accompaniment as | well as rendering selections during the evening. A New Second Part The second part of the show had been reorganized and developed, so a ---------------- NEW MARTIN "The Home of Vaudeville" One Night Only FRIDAY Dec. 15 i { spirited girl, THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1922 - errs rp -------------------------------------------- | that it was in do way a repetition or reproduction "of previous shows. Firat, there was Houdon, the magi- cian and illusionist, who executed numerous. skillful and unusually clever slight-of-hand tricks, accom- panying them by a patter of talk and Jokes, * This performance, being en- tirely non-professional was very de- servedly applauded loud and long, A laughable skit follows and very enjoyable musical numbers were given by Miss Helen Stapleford, violinist and Mr, W, D. Dykes, tenor soloist, ; The grand finale, "A Night in Honolulu," was one of the best num- bers ever put on by the "Minstrels. 'The sketch Introduced Gallagher, Shean and Murphy (7. Gourlay, J. M. Short and Dr, Lynch), in hum- orous songs, followed by selections by the Royal Hawaiian Troupe, and an exhibition of dances by several "ladies" of Honolulu, that almost brought down the house with ap- plause, It was a well-arranged, amusing number, and pleased the crowd immensely, To Manager J, M., Short and hie efficient assistants, as well as to the chorus of forty voices, must he given generous praise for putting op a performance that will increase the fame and reputation of the Whithy Amateur Athletic Assoeiation Min- strels, AT THE REGENT On Thursday Dec. 21 the Regent Theatre will have an extra special attraction, The occasion is the com- ing out party of the "General Mo- tors Chorus," composed of about fif- ty people. The chorus is under the leadership of Mr. Courtney, and he has a splendid group of people aid- | ing him, One unique thing about it | is that every single person is a Gen- eral Motors employee. Everyone should most certainly hear them, MARTIN GETS DEAN'S 'UNDER TWO FLAGS The dynamic personality of Pris- cilla Dean has never been given such forceful expression on the screen as | in "Under Two Flags," the Univer-| sal-Jewel production of Ouida's famous novel, which comes to the | New Martin Theatre on Tuesday, | Wednesday and Thursday. The | Cigarette, idol of a | French regiment at Algiers, is the type Miss Dean portrays so well. A portion of the town of Algiers, | with a faithful reproduction of the | French barracsk there, was built at the big studis. Members of the cast (lived "in character" for several | months. Miss Dean herself became {80 accustomed to the costumes of | the play that it was difficult for her | {to readustj herself to habits of nor-| imal lite when not actually working! | before the camera, FELINE D R ALLL N ATRY Si PAGE FIVE ----eem---- TE ES E-------- Western Canada. The obsequies will be held Saturday afternobn, Rev. J. H, McBain conducting the service. DINNER ROLLS Sift together 4 cups flour, 1 tea- spoon salt, and 6 teaspoons haking powder, Rub in 1 tablespoon short- ening; add 1% cups milk and mix 10 smooth dough; turn out on flour- ed board; knead well to make smooth. Cut dough into small pieces by 2 inches wide; form each fio smooth roll with square ends. Place on greased pans far apart and stand in warm place 20 minutes. Brush with butter; bake in very hot even 10 minutes; brush again. with but- ter; &hake 5 minutes and serve hot. Don't feel sorry for yourself; feel sorry for the folks that have to live with you. Elbert Hu Share God keep you fro "It is too late," When the fool in made up his mind the market has gone by.--._ ... Spanish Proverb, to make rolls about 4% inches ie Mm , New Martin = 4 MON, TUES, WED, Coming--*"Under Two Flags" Starring Priscilla Dean See It Next Week Matinee NEW MARTIN Barctino aud his Trick Dogs "The Son of the Wolf" |CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY | At the New Marti Theatre, on RE (Saturday afternoon, there will be al | Oshawa and Mrs. B. VERA ASHLEY Vera Ashley, daughter of Mrs. J. H. Ashley, 78 Division Street, died very suddenly at her home at ten o'clock this morning. She had been ill for almost two weeks and had been confined to the Oshawa Hos- pital for four days but having im- proved steadily she was allowed to return home. Early this week she suffered a relapse and had since been in a critical condition. She expected to return to work on Mon- day. Deceased was one of Oshawa's most popular young ladies and for the past few months was manager of the L. R. Steel Hat and Lingerie Shop, Simcoe Street South. She was a member of Simcoe Street Me- thodist Church. The- surviving members of the fa- mily are, her mother, Mrs. J. H. Ashley; one brother, Norman, and two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Hopkins, Williams, in CHILDREN'S AT TH: Saturday at 2.30 SEE! SEE! =~ The great photoplay "Hurricane Huteh" PRICES 25¢ AND 10c - REGENT - To-Night, Friday, and Saturday - gases DIRECT FROM LOWE'S TORONTO The Greatest of all Sea Romances In a Stirring Love Story-Of-The-Sea By The Producer of Special Children's Matinee. Along | SA WHITBY MINSTRELS 50--Chorus of Fifty Voices--50 ~ Come Prepared To Laugh! PART ONE A gorgeous and funny Musical Show PART TWO Miss Helem Stapleford . - . . . W. D. Dykes, Tenor - Houdon, Noted Magician Comedy Skit - "The Frolicsome Lambs" ROYAL HAWAILIAN TROUPE IN SONGS AND DANCES PRICES--Reserved 75¢, 50c, 35¢c--Rush, 25¢ Violinist NEW MARTIN TO-NIGHT--FRL and SATURDAY with the big photo play of the north, "The Lone Wolf," will be a vaude. | ville act that will especially please the boys and girls. It is by Bortino | and his Pets, one man and his six | trick dogs in a variety novelty act. Just how cleverly a dog can be train- ed and what astonishing tricks he | can perform will be shown to the | boys and girls, Saturday afternoon. VAUDEVILLE AT NEW MARTIN | Two especially good Vaudeville! acts, are playing at the New Martin Theatre this week-end--Rottach and Miller, a singing and dancing couple € will make you laugh, and Bartino | and his Trick Dogs will astonish you with: the surjprising tricks they can | perform. JACK LONDON STORY AT MARTIN Romance, intrigue and adventure amid the big snows of the North- west, from the theme of Jack Lon- don's stirring tale "The Son of the! Wolf," which opens its engagement | at the New Martin Theatre to-night. | NORTHERN ONTARIO STILL NEEDS HELP Now that winter has gripped the North help is more urgently needed "Behind the Door" SENSATIONAL Among those in the splendid cast is | Edith Roberts, late star of Cecil De | Mille's Saturday Night." than ever. Here is a typical scene--a little boy 10 travels many miles | for the daily supply of food for a large family. HiJfather is building a | | mew house to replace the one destroyed by the big fire. In-the meantime | mother and the children live in an old shack on the outskirts of Cobalt. | Thege 1s something among men more capable of shaking despotic power than lightning, whirlwind, or rr ---- | " Rottach & Singing and comedy act USUAL PRICES THURS. : DEC. The General Motors Male Chorus 60 VOICES In Connection With Our Regular Big Programme . 21ST. Picture Usual PRICES earthquake; that is, the threatened indignation of the whole civilized world.--Daniel Webster. I will not choose what many men desire, because I will not jump with common spirits, and rank me with the barbarous multitude. «Be not affronted at a jest; if one throw ever so much sait at thee thou wilt receive no harm ualess thou art raw and uleerous.--Junius. Human nature is so constituted, that all see, and judge better, in the affairs of other men, than in their own.--Terence. "My Business is too Small 10 Bother With Books" PERHAPS that is why it is Proper financing of any business, great or small, is not possible without systematic bookkeeping. And without proper financing no business is likely to grow. WE. RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT is an stem designed especially for the smaller Retailer who would find a full set of books burdensome. Office of the District of Belleville INSPECTOR OF TAXATION Belleville, Out., Mr. H. K. Middleton, Retail Business Systems, 52% Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa. Ont. Dear Mr. Middleton: -- Replying to your letter of the 21st inst, I will be very glad indeed to recommend your systems, the Retailers Accountant and Farmer's Accountant, as I am sure that installation of these systems will be _a very great assistance to the taxpayers, and simplify very greatly the work of the Department in disposing of Income Tax Returns. October 23, 1922. Yours faithfully, (SGD) W. L. Doyle, , Inspector of Taxation, Belleville District. In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with the guarantee of the services of an expert accountant at a very low rate, py on og dang rg wok ge goon systems offered; a smaller merchant installing it is on his way to bigger business and success. The Retailer's Accountant RETAIL BUSINESS SYSTEMS Phone 1262 5244 Simcoe St. N, Odaws small' USUAL PRICES SHERLOCK HOMES--NO. 3 COMING NEXT MONDAY THE SENSATION OF THE YEAR "EBB TIDE" DIRECT FROM LOEW'S, TORONTO HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. FLOUR FLODR FLOOR IS GOING UP IS GOING UP iS GOING UP WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE We will also be obliged to saise the price soon. BUY BUY Sow! Complete stocks of POTATOES, FEED of all kinds always on hand at low est prices. PHONE 203. USEIT. HOGG & LYTLE, LTD.