Ontario Reformer, 30 Nov 1922, p. 7

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HE REF § OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 Ck re R TO BU AND US Den R. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, ffice over Andison"s Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West. Phone 231. DR: T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- tice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1-yr. DR: S. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Oftice over Royal Bank. Phone 969, 'Residence 306. (4-1yr.) 'DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE: lover Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. ! Phone No. 97. {DR. TREWIN, DENTIST EN- /trance to office one door east of 'Detenbeck's Store. | BR, W. J.. LANGMAID, DENTIST, {Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe ist. N. Gas for extraction. Phone 11248. |DR, ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St. IN. 83-1 | Medical --a ET . Werk Wanted POSITIO T -- WOMAN wants upstairs 'work in hotel, or house-keeping position. A.-M, Young, General Delivery, City. : (101-c) WANTED -- POSITION AS COOK, experienced, good reference. Sleep out. Female, Apply Box 21, Osh- awa P.O. (101-b) WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or Shing- les. Chimneys repaired. S. J Gascoigne, 50 King St. Ev Oshawa. Phone 1232. 89-tf. . W. HAYNES, 00 RKER, storm doors, storm windows, win- dow frames, and cabinets built to order Floors machine sanded] Bronse weather strip put on. Prompt ser- vice. Reasonable prices. Phone 481 --161 King St. West, Always there 7.to 8 a. m. 95-1mos DRESSMAKING -- FANCY OR plain, also embroidering. All work done reasonable. 337 Centre St. Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- LOOSE COUPLER crystal set, also 500 shot Daisy Air Rifle. © Both in excellent condition. Apply 110 Alice St. 99-¢ FOR SALE--SUBJECT TO PRIOR sale 3 L. R. Steel Inc., units, $75 per unit; also 3 L. R., Steel Realty units, $60 per unit. Apply Box "P" Reformer, 100-¢ FOR SALE--LIGHT HORSE, SUIT- able for delivery wagon. Phoue 180r3. 100-b FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER baby carriage. Apply 143 Celina St. 100-¢ "REX ALL SEASONS TOPS'--FOR senger Models. Complete with Sum- mer and Winter Equipment, all taxes paid, f.0.b. Montreal. .$153.50. his is a Real Sedan Top with venti- lating plate glass windows---only a limited numher at these special prices. . Rex Tops ean be supplied RME ---Melaughlin E-H or K-45 Five Pas-|~ General Wants GOOD CANVASSERS male or. femdle, nice work and good pay. See Mr. Sowerby between six Oshawa, WANTED, BOSTON TERRIER DOG, about six months old. Box "Q" Re- former. (100c) BRASS PRESERVING KETTLE OR anything old fashioned. Fletcher, 28, "Maple Avenue, Toronto. (101-2 ES ---- ra i - -- - Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE -- FORD COUPE IN ¢plendid condition. J. A. MeGibbon, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 166. Houses For Sale FOR SALE ~~ 6 ROOMED STUCCO house, all conveniences, $3,700, halt cash. Apply 26 Westmoreland Ave. HOUSE AND CONVENIENCES FOR for other cars also. Carriage Fac- tories Limited. Orillia, Ont. 99-1 | DR. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North. Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., Fast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PAR, NOSR AND Throat. Diseases of children..Office over Dominion Bsnk. Teleplione 1155. Hours 11s=1; 5-6; 5-+9: Satur days 2--5;' 7==9; or by appoimtment. 45-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third | Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases ot the) - nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 1¢0 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat. urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. . 88-1 Te R ent" HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al- terations to suit temant. Apply to H. Engel. 47-tf, A 3 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT. Apply to Thomas Robinson, Cedar Dale. 100-c TO RENT --- 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, all conveniences, centrally located, immediate possession. Ap- ply 119 Huron Crescent. OF TO - A cléam, up-to-date office 18 x 21 1 » ft., in iately adjoining R. Mofat's law of- fice. Hardwood floor, hot water the Royal Bank Chambers, immed- | FOR SALE--ONE CABINET BED-| stead, one double bedstead, also 2 leaf table. Apply 205 Huron Crescent, near Fit- tings). 99-c BIG SALE OF .FURNITURE THE People's furniture store 17 Prince St. | 15 stoves, ranges and heaters, side | boards, dining tables chairs rockers, | carpets, rugs. Bed springs, mattresses couches, cots--cribs camp beds, hall racks, piles of tin ware zt cost. Furni- ture bought and sold. 84-1mo. FOR SALE -- WHITE WICKER! baby carriage. Good as new. 211 Verdun Rd. 99-¢ CEDAR POSTS AND POLES, ANY heating. WIN rent at "a reasonable figure to suitable tenant. Apply to John Bailes & Sons, Ilardware. , 86-t! TO RENT -- ONE OR TWO SMALL rooms, 13 Simcoe St. North, (101a) 113 100-c quantity, also firewood. Algar, {Church St. Oshawa. SWEET CIDER -- good sound apples, Phone 908 r 24. (66-t.1.) MADE FROM Any quantity. LOST ON SATURDAY, NOV. 18TH, between Ritson Rd., Church St. Colborne St. and Elgin St., sum of money. Finder suitably rewarded. J. A. McGibbon, Dom. Bk. Chambers. Phone 166. (971) LOST -- TRAVELLER'S SAMPLE Case, containing a catalogue. Find- er please return to Chadburn Motor Oshawa. Reward. (101-b) Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 97 Colborne St. E. (101-a) D. A. J, SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All branches of Civil and Cuj* 1 Law. Loans arranged. Of- | fice; King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- 'awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 619j. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank, entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F, Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B. A, G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 73% Simaoe St., South, Oshawa, Loans arranged on mortgages, eonveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone. .63, yin H. B, MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 1134 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones--Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinatios free at office. Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. . Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minfon Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231, Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- PUNERAL ulirectors, embalmers, private am- .sbulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St, fouth. Phone 210. Residence 19 Livision St. 26-1yr THE DISNEY FUNERAL SBRVICE Office and Chapel, 31 King St. East, Oshawa. Finest Motor equip- ment and Ambulance service, Phone 1082, Day or Night. (80-1 mo.) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162. 11-tf e > FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phome 552j, night 552w. Rit- son Road North. 91-tf RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys, Send for free booklet. 20- tc (52% Bimcoe St. North. WANTED--WOMAN OR GIRL FOR general housework' every day from 9 am. to 7 pom. Apply Mrs. D. M. Tod, 136 Simcoe St. N. (101-a) WANTED -- GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Apply 66 Celina St. (101a) WANTED AT ONCE--TWO WOMEN or men of neat appearance and good character for pleasant outdoor oc- cupation in this town. Whole or spare time, position permanent and pay excellent, L. M. Washington, 556 Celina St., or Box Z. Help Wanted--Male "WANTED -- RELIABLE AGENTS in all unoccupied territories to sell fertilizer. Write for fuller particu- lars. The W. A, Freeman Fertilizer Manufacturers, Hamilton, Ont." i 100-c BOY WANTED FOR GENERAL OF- fice work. Good prospects. Apply Williams Piano Co. (101h) ___ Farms For Sale Equipped Pounltry-Fruit Farm; Pleasant Home; Edge Village. Flock poultry, some cows, vege- tables you can raise and fruit from orchard mean comfortable living and worry-free future for you; 8 acres just outside depot 'village, stores, schools, churches, etc.; enly 5 miles city; all tillage, 100 apple trees, pears, plums, cherries; fine 7-room house, good water, electrieity, heauti- ful shade, barn. To settle affairs only $3.400, horse, cow, sow, flock poultry, tools, implements, etc. thrown in for early sale; part cash. J. C. Montgomery, King St. Cham- bers, Oshawa, ont. 100-c $1,000 SECURES 8 ACRES Close to Oshawa, With horse, cow, pig, poultry, implements; you can work in Oshawa and have your living free on this little farm, raising vegetables and fruit for your- self and have some to sell; 110 mixed fruit trees; short distance to new radial line; handy to store, school and church; all tillage, level, rich, loamy soil; creek water available; comfortable 7croom {rame "house; barn for stock and feed; $3,400, only $1,000 cash down; quick possession. Move quickly if you want this farm. J. C. Mont- gomery, King St. Chambers, Oshawa. (101-c) Accountants ACCOUNTS RENDERED AND €GOL- ections made; books of accounts posted and financal statements pre- pared; {income tax reports prepared, adjusted; general 'and cost account- ing systems imstalled; audits and investigations made; authorized trustee in bankruptoy. Hugh K. Mid- dleton, Accountant, Auditor, bir Architects (SHARP & HORNER, 73 King St. est Toronto, Schools, Churches, Public Buildings, etc. Economy in /i8ign, efficiency in administration. i © Tete IAM P limited number of "pupils for music lessons, Apply Catharine Hutche- son, 97 Bond St. E. Phone 4], 92-tf Vi » sm Tn Surgeon. Offiée and' 36 Division Bt. Phone 151. Dog hos- pital in connecticn. €77-3mos.) PE Ck Lumber LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, si , sash, doors and interior trim, F. L. Bee- eroft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. ---------- MISS EULALIE BUCHANAN Medallist, London, England Maithay Melhod of Piano Instruction, will accept a Unmiled Samper of pupils Oshawa, Classes for rem, . . For fees and further information apply all for| |FOR SALE ORGAN, PIANO case, or will exchange for 2 good dressers. Apply Box "E"" Reformer. WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER | {up the home with a change in fur- niture. We buy, sell and exchange used furniture. Highest cash price paid for good second hand furni- ture. DN. Dime, 56 King Street West, Phone 271. 75-2mos parts, new and used, Algar, 69 King St. W. Oshawa. 100-¢ UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. AP- ply A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin East. FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SUITE, quarter cut oak, leather seated chairs, fumed finish, in first class condition. Apply 329 Court St. (100c¢) FOR SALE--2 HIGH GRADE HOL- stein heifer calves, one week and three weeks old respectively. Also 2 registered Holstein bulls, of the May Echo strain, 8 months old. All very fine animals and priced right for quick sale. Phone 462. Ad- dress L. N. Holm, Oshawa Missionary College. (101-h) FOR SALE--RADIO RECEIVING outfit A. 1 set. Hear as far as Kan- sas City, and Texas. Call at 115 Alice St. Saturday afternoon or even- ing and hear it, (101-b) FOR SALE--1 LADIES FUR COAT, size 38; 1 Parlor Heater, and 1 Oil Heater. Nearly new. Apply 234 Arthur St. (101-a) FOR SALE--3 PIECE MAHOGANY | parlor suite. Can be seen at 39 Lloyd St. (101-a) | FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER baby carriage. Cheap. 92 Elgin St. . (101-a) | FOR SALE--55 WHITE WYAN-| dotte pullets, bred to lay strain. W.| W. Nesbitt, Kingston Rd. E. (Brown | | Farm). (101-¢) | FOR SALE -- 1 OSHAWA CLOVER Huller in good running order. May be seen by applying to George Lane, R.R. No. 1, Oshawa® just north of C.N.R. tracks by appointment, Must phone 291r2 evenings. 2 a Phone ! phonograph and ®101c) 1273). 257 Albert records. St. al BR HEUMAT Hy NY [ > H y | yy T nN All in good condition. * TIRES, TUBES, LARGE STOCK OF | selling cheap. | {Thomas Robinson, Cedar Dale. $27 BUYS A MAHOGANY CABINET | { sale -At 25 Elgin St. East. Must be removed from premises, on, or before * Jan. 15th. Apply to Fred Flintoff, 51 Westmoreland, Ave. For Sale By Auction THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- ed instructions from Mrs. Mary Wil- son, 149 Celina St., to sell by pub- lic auction, at her home, on Friday, | 'December 1st, all of her household furniture, Sale at one o'clock. Maw, au WANTED -- BED-SITTING ROOM for young couple, with board pre- ferred, must be quiet and central, fullest particulars to Box "F" Re- former, (101-b) WANTED-----TWO OR THPWR FUR- nished rooms, with housekeeping conveniences, or Board and room for married couple with baby. Near | Apply | General Box "B" WANTE good rooms and hoard. "W"" Reformer, Houses Wanted WANTED TO RENT WITH OPTION of buying, a five or six room house or Bungalow, within one mile from "General Motors." Apply Box "0" Reformer. (101-b) Wanted To Buy WANTED--TO BUY DIRECT FROM (owner, seven room brick house with all convenience. Very central. Phone 1042) or Box "R" Reformer, 100¢ Real Estate For Sale J. C. MONTGOMERY, REAL ES- tate and Insurance. Have a large list of Farm and Town properties. Several with small payments down. Look my list over before buying. Mortgages bought and sold. Office 10% Church St. Phone 205W, (95-1) Motors prefered. Reformer, Apply Box (101a) HARRY SALTER"S FOR SALE $240 WILL BUY LOTS ON JARVIS St., 40 x 110; 2 lots on Kenneth Ave., 39 x 127, price right; 2 new 6-room brick houses on Golf St., all I'convenienced, possession at once; 1 7-rcom brick house on Athol St, hot water heating. Good buy. Ap- [ply Hary Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. 100-h TT T0 LET i 7-ROOM HOUSE, ALL CONVEN- iences, will lease for a term. Posses- sion at once. Apply Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. 100-bh Notice NOTICE TO FARMERS--1 HAVE purchased a hay press. Anyone re- quiring their hay pressed, apply to WANTED, | ""lon his tomb. 100-¢ (101-c = | accommodation were known. Travel- Wm. | 2OR 3 MEN BOARDERS | 100-c : PUGILIST IN WESTMINISTER ABBEY. Not many persons kmow that a prize-fighter is: buried among the By lcalebrities of Westminister Abbey. and eight p.m., at 26 Prince St. |In a group of statuary near the north 100-¢| qoor of the Abbey, one of the sta- | tues shows a remarkable arm. Some persons observing it might imagine that the arm in question was an ex- aggeration, but it was actually mod- elled from the arm of a verger at the Abbey named John Burton, .who | was also champion prize-tighter of | England. Burton was the Dean's | verger, and he was asked on one | occasion if he would like to he bur- jed in the Abbey. Burton said he { would, and asked that the fact of | his championship should be inscribed To this the Dean con- sented, but the proposal was too | much for the Chapter, and Burton's tomb his a blank space on it in con- | sequence. A LOVER'S PLEDGE It was an old-fashioned custom [for lovers at parting to break a piece {of money between them each keep- |ing half as a pledge of constancy. This came from very remote times, before inns and houses of public 'lers had then to trust to the hos- | pitality of strangers living on the road, and it was customary at part ing to divide some article, such as a while stone or small coin, and for the host and guest each to take a part, | that if the host required similar hos- pitality from his guest he might claim it by showing his token. In the Revelation of St. John this cus- tom is referred to where Christ says, ""I'o.him that overcometh will I give a white stone," so that at the Day of Judgment he may gain admission into Heaven. PUNISHMENT London Sunday- Express: Are our | prisons humane? Is solitary con- finement barbarous? The truth is that we know little about the life {led by the modern prisoner. The short-sentence. man spends twenty- three hours out of the twenty-four for a month in a small cell. The penal servitude man spends three months in the same isolation. There- |after the prisoner spends seventeen hours of the day in solitude. Some prisoners go mad. Some commit suicide. Others rot mentally and morally. The question is whether solitary confinement ought to be used as a punitive weapon, If it does not do the criminal good, what good does it do? Our own view is that the prison ought to he ameliorative rath er than savagely punitive. We ought | to make our criminals better, not worse. It is not good for even the criminal to be alone. LITTLE WORDS. By Greta G. Bidlake, The little words are dear to me-- Their meaning lies so deep; | The little words, the little words Like hope, and home, and sleep. The little words, the little words-- ! I bear them in my mind; The little words, the little wards. As pure, and good and kind. He kissed her on the check, It scemed a harmless frolic; He's been laid up a week, They say, with painter's colic. | ~-- (Torch). It is the wasted minutes that ex- plain the spoiled days. To let sixty seconds pass with nothing to show OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Jurroughs (standard) Book-keeping Machine. One Edison Dictaphone outfit complete, also Adding and 'listing machine. Bargain for cash. | Mr. Wilson, 88 Bay St. Adel. 2269. (101-bh) for them, seems a trifling matter to most of you, Yet these wasted min- utes honeycomb our lves, and make them comparative failures, Make the most of every minute and there is no danger that life will disappoint you. TE ------ Oshawa Golf Club Ltd. Oshawa Golf Club Dec., at 8.00 p. m. The Annual General Meeting of the the Oshawa Public Library building, Simcoe St. S., on Monday evening, 4th Ltd., will be held in DR. A. B. FORD, - Ra BE Ton ---- | Members of the Corinthian Lodge No. 61 1,0.0,F. are urgently request- | ed to meet in the Lodge room Thurs- | day evening Nov. 30th. Business of importance your attention. Mr. T. Cranford, Noble I". 2. Spencer, Rec. Sec't'y. Grand, lhe Doxa / Rexall § FTE DIL Test Eyesw= IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. § Phone 28 Phone 1101 ¢ demands | (100¢) A nice little store for rent in Cedar Dale, suitable for hard- ware, drugs or butcher shop. Apply J. Bullivant, Cedar Dale, or ourselves. $4,100 will buy a nice 6-room frame, with all conveniences, wired for electric range and centrally located. Terms rea- gonable. Possession Dec. 1st. $2,800 will buy a 6-room house (new), with all conveni- ences, hardwood floors down- stairs and sunroom, on large lot, near car line, $3,100 will buy a ©5-room house with all conveniences, on paved street. Terms easy. 83,500 will buy an 8-room brick with all conveniences, "hardwood floors dewnstairs, fireplace, in North. We have many more houses, also lots and farms. We write all kinds of insur- ance. OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SALES CO. i. Phone 703 J. C. Young Phone 909J 61 King St. A. C. Lycett Phone 625 (100-c) 58 AVENUE RD., TORON skis, THOS. HENDERSON, President. Sec'y-Trefs. ANNOUNCEMENT Under new management H. Smallwood TAILOR Exceptional Value in Indigo Blue Serge Suit and Extra Pants $36.00 ORDER NOW FOR XMAS 13. SIMCOE ST. S. Women of Thirties Most Beautiful, Say Critics Full Bloom of Loveliness May Be Preserved F ur Beyond Middle Life by Care of Health--Tanlac Has Helped Thousands Regain Lost Vitality. But thirty is a dangerous and de- ceptive age, A wo- man may grow even more beautiful and attractive than ever or may enter into a rapid decline that robs her of the glowing. skin, the clear eyes, the charming smile and the gracefully curving figure that are so essential to the comely and at- tractive. Nature has vided the danger signals and they should be heeded: with scrupulous care if one js to preserve indefinite- ly the full bloom of loveliness. DANGER SIGNS Digestive trou- bles are the chief danger and Tanlac, the celebrated sys- tem purifier and body builder, is the chief remedy. If you feel tired out all the time, or your skin i5 sallow pro- are thin and colorless, and you suf- fer from headaches und backache, do not sleep well and wake up with a bad taste in your motith; if you are nervous and out of sorts, have dizzy spells and black spots befere your eyes; if you suffer from acid stomach, indigestion and are afraid to eat certain things, it is a sure sign that your digestive organs are not performing their full duty and the system is becoming clogged with impurities. - Tanlac was designed to overcome just such a condition and thousands of women throughout the United States and Canada have taken this wonderful medicine with such re- markable results that they have ex- pressed gratitude in the public press. Mrs, Rebert O. Reynolds, 127 N. Denver St., Kansas City, Mo., says: "For ten long years 1 suffered from a very bad form of rheuma- tism, stomach trouble and nervous- ness. Three bottles of Tanlac built me up twenty-five pounds and I haven't a trace of my old troubles left. I believe Tanlac will help any- body." and your lips pale, if your cheeks | Many famous men have said that no woman is really beautiful until after she is thirty. Her beauty has been flushed and refined by the fires of experience into a fulsomeness with which even the freshness of youth cannot compare. Mrs. W. W. Ben- son, 3828 Warsaw St., Seattle, Wash., says: '""Tamlac built me up fifteen pounds in weight, rid me of dyspep- sia that had kept me miserable for vears and brought the color of health back to my face. 1 feel . splendid all the time and words cannot express my gratitude to this grand medicine." OTHERS TALK Mrs. Gertrude Gartee, highly es- teemed resident of Toledo, Ohio, pays a remarkable tri- bute to Tanlac: "To see me now no one would think I have been through all the suffering I have during the last twelve years. I was a mere. shadow as the result of stomach trouble and rheumatism, but Tanlac built me up 24 pounds and made me as healthy and well as any one could wish to be.: T look like a different person." Mrs. Ida Hamburgh, 316 S. Main St. Brattleboro, Vt., is still another well-known woman who has expe- rienced wonderful benefits from the Master Medicine. She says: "Before taking Tamlac I was in wretched health and weighed only 117 pounds. Now 1 weigh 144 pounds, my health is splendid and have never felt better. My friends al remark on how well I am look- ng." Do not become old before your time. Restore and 'preserve the full bloom of beauty by building up your health, which is the only source of lasting attractiveness. Get a hottle of Tanlac today from any good druggist, NOTE: You cannot hope to ge! the most satisfactory results from Tanlac Without first establishing a frée and regular movement of the bowels. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are absolutely free from calomel and are sold on a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. MRS'ROBERT ©. REYNOLDS

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