Ontario Reformer, 30 Nov 1922, p. 6

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BEET Wa a tC 5 7 * a] oh 1) ' which the Children's Protection Act ildren 8 Aid was placed upon the Statute Books (Continued from from page 1) ents (NOP WARDS)..... 9 Children involved ......... 1152 Children made wards' of the Society . 13 Children ha to the indus- trial School ....i..%00" 4 Compliants received . . 126 Investigations made 254 Pieces of mail sent out ... 2773 Pieces of mail received .... 790 covered, putside Oshawa .. 8010 Office Interviews . . 282 Parents and geurdians pregecuted ..........000 Places visited outside the town of Oshawa ..,..... Court Attendance ........ War in .foster-homes hedfd from ... 'Wards placed in foster- homes . 'Wards returned to Shelter .e Wards visited Warnings given .. Wards married cee Children taken:to Hospital at OrdiMR «i ve tusvvn vn ve Wards died (Infant) .... The Shelter report is as. follows: --_ Children in residence during the year, 36 children; number of days in the shelter (total), 3186 days; total |a number ' of meals given (approxi-|T! mate), 9,368 meals; shortest stay for any child ip shelter, 2 days; longest stay for any.child in shelter, 3656 days; number of children per day in the shelter, 9 children; num- would he lest. Few Children Committed Every ohild coming under our care, has to be committed by an order of the court, and while 1152 children were involved . during the year, only 15 children were com- mitted to our Society. - I am pleased to state that only 4 ehildren 'were committed to the Industrial Schools, and that altogether we have only had about half the children' appear- Bao with ask pear Com | EVE RYTH ING Quite a number of cases have been 3 investigated, to find that thgee came | Mrs. C. E. B. writes, '| washed some new under the Soldiers Aid Commission, blankets with CHARM and a little soap and as the fathers had served Overseas. The Commission took chargé of these you ought to see them--they are beautiful." cases and disposed of them, which helped to lessen the number of chil- 15¢ d 25¢ t d ( 'dren committed to our Society. The an a a )O rocers | Mother's Allowance Act has had a decided effect upon our work, and has enabled . many children to re-| -- ---- Fem Ferner - main with their own mothers, who [Rotary and Lions' Clubs of Oshawa |better nd larger way than we have would otherwise, in many cases, have (have greatly assisted in a material [in the history of the Society. had to be cared for, and placed out [way. All of which is respectfully sub- With Stsungers. A 1921. asl Throughout the County of On-|mitted, H e option Act, © , has iario we ve ove ee . . W. Elliott caer ith pe vo anil While Only jiavie v nave the very best co-opera- Local Supt. C.A.S., Ont. Co. in its infancy as yet, we have had a on, and help has heen given by all 5 STEEL' Dollar Day hou, I AA. SATURDAY, NOV. 30th number of applications for leave to (the different Organizations, and pt children under the new Act. Churches. The County Council have is has remedied a long standing |shown their interest : il inznens grievance and injustice and now the | ooo st and willingness children have no longer to be alien 5 any way they could. The and out-casts as formerly, but chil- |Warden and The Reeves of the var- dren of the bond woman inherits [ious Municipalities have been called equality with the children of promise, |UPon from time to time, for infor- imation regarding cases of neglect in Seasonable.asticles specially chosen through- out the. entire store for this day. Many more values equally as good n not advertised A -- oe ber ot Shilargn IB the shelter for the| mye problem that has always béen their own locality, and have re hija Pipe hi Grom: average nam. before us, has in a measure been gered valuable service to the I re re " vd JP _y f child solved by the Act for the Protec- |guperintende nt, by their prom Bn er, 3 children; number of ch /Cren ;,, o¢ Children of Unmarried Par-| prombiness, in shelter at end of year, 6 children. : jend have given so liberally of their ; : : . : » ents. By this Act we are enabled to | fime, to assist in disposing of many Electric Light Bulbs Nickeled Sad Iron and | Narcissus Bulbs for Xmas The Children's Court help the unmarried mother and her " INC the esa : ' ies, A Sy of the cases handled during the year. UL Reg. 49¢ Handle. Reg $1.25, for | blooming. Reg. 45¢ doz. Theft 5 [paternity can be proven before Court, | I 'also want to thank the Mem- y \¢ 3f $1.00 : Trespassing on Railway ...... 9 {the financial responsibilify is placed bers of the Courts of this County \ : Su 0) A or . $1.00 3 Dozen for $1.00 Delinquent 2 [full administration of the Statute is with whom I have had so much to he - : re do this year, for the splendid - : Habitual Truancy 2 |difficult, it is working out well, and |€0 AS . P id as 1 ream 11.11.11; 3{ml bere a sauary olen. many slates ab tho bur of the County SILVER Ec hed an riollr Bepases | Large Cut Glass Basket | Footed Sugar and Crear ncorrig ¥ veers sass . i i 5 ates, J i i ari i i . i Neglected children I have to record with regret the Constables, and County Sheriff. Our The gift shat fs charihed pac in Holly Box with in Holly Box er in Cut Glass. Reg $1 death of three of our valued mein- old aly Gere Iolend, in the per- ays Ribbon _pair . 38|bers In the passing of Mrs. H. p.|Son of Colonel J. E, arewell, K.C., The traditional gift. The gift : 00 ' Disposed of as follows: -- Schell, Mr. James McBrady, and Mr. [hfs given the most valuable assist- that turns into an heirloom. $1.00 $1. r 2 pairs $1.00 Cony a pe 15|W..E. Dyer, who for some years ance of these men, who I am sure This Christmas is a time for a So Industrial Sonools i dd 1 took a lively interest in our work, have the vision and burden for our gift of silver, especially as we Seat to Indyatry Cees 1land contributed largely by their underprivileged children. have so large a stock to choose fl | Fruit Set Cut Glass Butter Tub and Warned and. fined. ... g |time, and. efforts, as well as finan-| I want to express my sincere From and rites are so lov, 4 prov eee Knif Placed on parole ... 3 |cially. Their presence and council Shanks to our friends and subscrib- S) 1ALL GI X S s3eh as de Large bow! and six dishes Alarm Cl ks e Suspended sentence 4 |are greatly missed, but their in-|ers who have given so liberally to- Swainers P on eh aes, cut alass oC $1 00 Adjourned indefinitely ...... 2 {fluence and example will long re-|wards our funds, and who have sent De y and Peppers, aps, many g Real eye openers for main with us. {such splendid donations of food and others $1 00 th dark morni $1.00 to $3.50 ete. A ngs. Men's White Linen Total . .. 88 Special thanks is due to the- 'Board | ¢1othing to our shelter, also to Mr. Specially hased for this sale Handkerchiefs There were seven times during the |of Management, for their faithful at- |20d Mrs. F. W. Cowan for the heat- || | ARGE GIFTS such as Tea : year that the Court adjourned to a tendance at our meetings, there be. IDE plant now being installed in the Sets, Tea Trays. Sandwich ||! Vani C 18 later date. ing eleven regular and one special | Shelter. Throughout the County, Trays, Caserolls, Flower Bas- anity Cases 12 for $1 00 Besides the regular. work under |meeting during. the year, and for ie lens ig 4 kets Regular value to $1.39 $1.00 the Children's Protection Act of On- the willingness of every one to as- [boror ed we $5.00 to $35.00 e . 3 | ¥ 2 tario, we have had' to include two 3iSt-in everything to make our ef-| 0" "hu iv terest in: the little We will be pleased to. show [ii $1.00 | . .|forts a succe nt Men's Fancy Suspenders new Acts of 1921, namely The Chil uccess, It has been neces- | .. 4... ynder the care and super- Y pe sary to call upon r 5 these goods... Make your selec- : - dren of Unmarried Parents Act, and |S&ry pon our Homorary| , i," t our Society. defer By I aa nh 4 2 pairs $1.00 The Adoption Act, We have there- Solicitor, Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., tion now and we we it | : fore. in operation now, "The: Chil- [On many occasions for legal advice, | We look forward to the coming till Christmas for you. Work Baskets Weather Strip dren's Protection Act of Ontario, | and he has always shown the deep- year with fresh hopes that we may : . with amendments," "The Act for the est interest, and has taken the great- still progress, and notwithstanding D. J. BROWN 3 in set Metal and Felt and All Dainty Camisole Protection of Children of Unmar-|©st pains in every case brought to!the social condition, prevailing in | Jeweller stris | 00 : ried: Parents," and 'The Adoption his attention. We also thank the our midst, with unrest and pro-| Jeweller nd Oprometrisy $1. Set Felt Keeps out the Fine Grade Silk Ribbon } 10 King St. W., Oshawa cold and kaths the heat Tri od o || rmm Act." physicians for their professional and | blems so difficult to solve, we trust | » valuable services, so freely rendered, |we may be able to conc with these | Phone 189 Taking this into 'careful conmsid- 5,4 REV Es ! : eration. as well a5 the large. terri- 80 necesssary af all times. The situations, and serve humanity in a! China 140 ft. for $1 00 $1.00 tory, which covers the entire County _ - of Ontario, it will be seen that the ml. Tea Cups and Saucers men 1ask.is no gmall hg and fan hardly 7 for $1.00 Childrens' Dainty Blouses be covered properly, by the present 4 - staff, Work of this nature calls for - Ror es $1 29 the greatest patience, tact, and love : for children, as well as sympathetic : rere Fre . ; a H Hand Painted Laundry Soap persistence, and subsequent super- r 1.4. Wh Loh DARIN AT HE PERE by a 5 A - . vision. (GER © LE ye ) EY: ili. EY | China Bread and Butter Sunlgiht, Gold, Surprise Eb Finished: Hand : Plates No phone orders taken. ony: - {2118 an The Children's Protection Act of : BR. ] a. A 3 : EE FF ; : ' : Ontario, gives to the Society the pow- "X 2 y Lp A a 3 d 10 for $1 00 No free delivery Mirror." Neat design er to remove children from places / Pe -- ---- <A me | { called homes, that are not fit or pro- i ; - i -------- | ! 16 Bars $1.00 $1.00 per for children to live in, but our i " work has consisted largely in making ) Li F loating Castile Soap French Ivory Combs adjustments in these so-called homes, Large Bar : Beautiful and seasonable and in bettering the conditions, vh 1 ible. This bl = beh o ain with their 12 for $1.00 . gifts. Reg. 59% each own parents, and thus stfengilien » { Sleighs ' 2 for $1 00 the home life of our eounty. To a Kiddies' Coasting > large degree, this has been accom- French Ivory Perfume plished, by the aid of the Church, various Clubs, and other organiza- tions, who have become so interest- case. Two dainty bottles Well --- tat Ivory Hair Receivers ed in Child Welfare,;as to, be most He ad t Ground stoppers neatly painted Nice boudoir design useful, in ou econstruction work. | oa quar € rs | $1.00 $1.00 no tp te et pen ep --r RE SI LVLTR It has been found in some cases necessary to bring children to our ! : Shelter, and placed in the hands of . French Ivory Ring Case, Face Powder Cates our worthy Matron, Miss Hender- : Plush lined, dainty gift Fits any oval powder con- jou, Wiiste They vii looked Site} in $1 00 ) M 1 Ki tainer the very best possible manner. 8 : has. been pa i to me many. times, > olasses sses $1.00 as | have found that once children Delicious candy wrap- ane ar no susionn 10 over ons || Electric cel on i Blackbosrds; Mantle pieces in artistic | | 5 Ibs for $1.00 | | Frames, assorted shapes children, so that we have had very White Ivory Scissors Public School have. been reported ter is most important, for when chil- $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 their lives, as far as possible, giv- this in itself has made our work writ, oie F ountain Pens, Brersharh | Pencils Hose. . Reg. $1.69 year's meeting, has been all that we |f Hand Painted Bread and | Misses and Ladies' Velvet ne ie ateriony sete Florentine Statuory | | "pedin was vesrs. | | Wie Toons Promone her again, designs Miss Henderson al ha the happy: faculty of Yeoding i on for i Crokinole Boards, Christm as Cards an d $1.00 Th 3 for $1 00 little sickness th hout the year, 4 : and an jo bres wt He the Decorations, Hand Painted China, Choice . ... : ; b Fubiic Schovl have. beep reported far y 3 " Boudoir Slippers | 12 Cut Glass Tumblers | Good quality steel blades sent to know the work in our shel- Selection of French Ivory, Classy Lines in Comfortable, Restful neat design and, ivory handles > Rigi. 8 sia tho gm ; Stationer : ing Shem.a howe, and especially that y- : Flannel ette F " led Silk Ga 4 Ladies Silke and Bi ool mother love n° our, Matron we || d 1 ilk. ter. an ose eg have one who fills that place, and ;f "BOOKS F OR EVERYBODY Nightgowns Arm Band Elastic For $1 00 Pair possible, and in a great measure f or chil d ren, 6 to 1 4 years " os ete 4) ; success $1.00 3 Yds. $1.00 Ladies' All Wool Clocked room, which was opened officially by The Warden of the County at last For $1.00 Pair desired, and' especially in bringing : 'Lad a Pa * hig Ee MN B 1.00 ing : Hats. Reg. $1.75 For | Men's 4 in Hand Silk Ties remain there until they can be placed A $ » . Zz. eam 4 2 For $1.00 | with the other children in the shel- - a - a hiv------------ - ter. It will also be useful in case of sickness. Jo 08 count of I bln canary COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Shelter, the Saciety. also has the task of finding foster-homes for these little ones. It has always been our aim to find & home for each child, where the little lad or lassie will fit it, and fill the plage as far as possible, and so that the dad and - : ls mother will fill the place in the y k : ks little heart, that it has lost, by be- " . ing removed from its own parents, ' and placed with strangers. This in PY itself is a very precious and delicate work, and unless studied very tare- fully, and the child placed in the proper home, the whole purpose for

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