PAGE FOUR -- ------ -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 FRVRIPTYTIYPTRTTRYIVITUIV (vob DL Theatrical News ARARARARARAARARRARAAARAAARARAR AAARAAARAAAAR DIANS, COWBOYS GOLD, INDIAN "WHITE EAGLE" Who would possess boundless wéalth? Who can imagine a bot- tomless inexhaustible pool of liquid gold--a bountiful gift of nature? If this gold were taken from its bed in the earth and marketed, what would happen? Would not gold be- come so cheap that it would be val- ueless? Would not the world be impoverished? Such a pool of gold is the centre of the plot of "White Eagle,' the new Patheserial of rough-riding cowboys and Indians in which fearless and daring Ruth Roland is stared in the role of an American girl who is the white chieftainess of the Indians. Aside from the tremendous power of the plot of "White Eagle," great interest is attached to this alluring atmosphere of the rugged, romantic and dramatic West; to its marvel- lous feats of horsemanship, its dar- ing dangers and heart-throbbing thrills. Particularly will "White Eagle" appeal to boy and girl scouts, camp fire girls and other Young Americans trained in nature lore and outdoor activities. No fire arms have Jeen used as material for the censor's shears. "White Eagle' is a straight- from-the-shoulder, swift-actioned story of adventure, mystery and ro- mance in that section of the great West that is still rugged, untamed and alluring. The Regent Theatre will present the first episode of "White Eagle" at! the Saturday matinee. AN APEALING STORY OF THE SAHARA DESERT ...: : IS "BURNING SANDS" A desert story which treats the na- tive Arabs as human beings, and which is tremendously appealing and dramatic, is 'Burning Sands," a George H. Melford production of Ar- thur Weigall's succcssful novel adapted by Olga Printzlau and Wal- demar Young. This Paramount pic- tire has as its central character Dan- jel Lane, a student and philosopher who lives among the Arabs and who, by his insight and sympathy, learns te know them as the ordinary man never does, and so finds in them much to admire. Lane is a splendid character, sympathetically portrayed by Milton Sills. The other featured rt, that of Muriel, was allotted to iss Hawley. Muriel is the present- day type of pleasure-loving, mate- rialistic young woman, who .refers to erself as "emancipated," but who is lly a slave to her whims and de- sires. She is an Enghsh 'girl, the daughter of Lord Blair, His Majes- ty's "Chief Commissioner to Egypt and the Soudan." Muriel, petted and spoiled, accustomed to admira- tion and flattery from every man, meets Lane, and out of the encounter of these contrasting characters | grows the drama. Lane does not flat- | ter; he admires, but in silence, be- cause while he realizes Muriel's great charm, he is convinced that it would be a great mistake for him to yield to it. Muriel is fascinated by this man, so different from any in her circle of courtiers An excellent cast supports Miss Hawley and Mr, Silla in 'Burning Sands", including such well-known players as Jacquline Logan, Robert @€ain, Winter Hall, Louise Dresser and others. REGENT ANNIVERSARY TONIGHT Tonight is the big anniversary night at the popular Regent and one of the biggest night's fun" is issured by the management, The theatre has been tastefully decorated and all the balloons, souvenirs and prizes for the lucky ones are in readines for the big gala night, A splendid program has been ar- ranged by Manager Pomeroy, and dancing will be indulged in on the stage right. after the performance. Special features on the program will be Prof, Shute and Jean Kennedy, the Reid Twins, the Oshawa Sym- phony Orchestra and many other good things. The feature attraction wil be Betty Compson in "The Bonded Woman" and as an extra special feature attraction "Sherlock Holmes" will be shown. There will be one performance, starting at 8 o'clock sharp, so come early in .or- der to secure a see: SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY The management of the Regent have arranged to show a real chil- dren's serial as the children love se- rials it has been with much care and precaution that the special serial "White Eagle," featuring Ruth Ro- land, has been selected for the chil- dren for Saturday matinee when the first episode will be shown. This is a real good subject for the children and mothers can be quite assured of nothing that will impress the young mind in any wrong way. As an ex- tra added attraction Sherlock Holmes will be shown. The Regent wish to announce that the annual Christmas tree for the kiddies with jolly old Santa Claus will be held Saturday, December 23rd. WALLACE REID AT THE NEW MARTIN Manager Ernie Marks of the New Martin Theatre Announces a Complete Bill for the Week-end What would you do if you had gone to sea, been shipwrecked, had lived for seven long years on an uncharted islapd yearning for the faces of your loved ones, only to re- turn at last and find your wife mar- ried to another man and the *'father" of your own children? That was the tragic home com- ing of Enoch Arden in Lord Alfred Tennyson's immortal poem, which comes again to the screen in D. W, Griffith's brilliant picturization of "The Fatal Marriage." The produc- tion is based upon the poem immor- talized by Lord Tennyson and in his treatment of this strongly dramatic material Mr, Griffith, with his con- summate mastery, has adhered closely to the poem. The home-coming of Enoch who returns to his old town with face almost hidden with a bead, only to knd his sweet-faced little wife wed- ded to an old suitor, played by Wal- | Two good will be on the bill, (Continuea on rage 5) vaudeville acts heart appeal, lace Reid, is an episode of powerful | tured. "Hurricane Hutch' wik also be fea- REGENT Morey sud Toowie Here's the answer 10° THE SHEIK® A picture as big, and sweeping as ifs name ~.. \ (; BIGGER THAN "THE SHEIK" USUAL PRICES USUAL PRICES Appreciation On our Second ANNIVERSARY TO THE PUBLIC OF OSHAWA The Regent Theatre is under the direction of the Famous Players Canadian Corporation Limit- ed, who are in position to present to the public of ANNIVERSARY Oshawa the biggest and best productions produc- ed at an earlier date than any ether theatre in Oshawa. Past performances have proven that we not only show attractions day and date with the largest theatres in Canada, but show them even before the cities of Toronto and Montreal. Read the papers of these two large cities and you will see that we are right in our assertions. We do not like to boast, but we feel that we would like the Oshawa movie fans to know that our aim is to get the big attractions here as soon as pos- sible in order that we present them in the best of condition. As every one knows, everything wears out, and this applies to motion picture films as well as anything else. We strive to give per- fection in every detail to entertain you and to please you, and that is our one big effort to give you the same as Toronto and Montreal as early as possible. The film life is one that is very short and by the time a picture has been projected and become six months old it loses its various parts and titles by continued splicing and mending. The Regent presents pictures as early as possible in order to avcid these deficiencies measure of the attraction. most popular as has been proven and to give the full Our stars are all the especially Thomas Meighan, Rudolph Valentino and Wallace Reid the latter who will appear at the Regent in his latest photoplays "Clarence Nice People", and the "Ghost Breaker" and "Mr. Billings Spends His Dime". Always look for the latest pictures of these stars and you are assured of modern en- tertainment with up to the minute photography. The management of the Regent wish to thank the Public for their hearty support for the past year and hope to give them better service in the next year. THE MANAGEMENT. PARTY AND CABARET TONIGHT 20000000000000 PROGRAM . Sherlock Holmes. 7. Prof. Shute and Jean . Adventures--Tarzan. Kennedy in a Dancing Specialty. + Concert by the Oshawa 8. Francis Reid in Singing Symphony Orchestra. and Dancing. 9. Souvenirs, Balloons, Confetti and Fun. 10. Betty Compson in "The Bonded Woman." 4. Anniversary Cake. . Phillip Phillips, Oshawa Juvenile Violinist. . The Reid Twins. 0000000000000¢ Dancing From 11 p.m. to 1 p.m. USUAL PRICES SPECIAL -- MATINEE For The Children SAT. AFTERNOON - 2.30 REGENT The Last Episode of Tarzan THE CHILDREN LOVE SERIALS, AND IN ORDER TO GIVE THE CHILDREN A SUITABLE SERIAL THE MANAGEMENT, AFTER SCREENING TWELVE NEW SERIAL PRODUCTIONS, DECIDED THAT THE BEST ONE WAS Ruth Roland in WHITE EAGLE A Real Indian and Cowboy Serial 1ST EPISODE STARTS SAT. AFTERNOON THIS SERIAL WILL BE SHOWN SAT. MATINEE ONLY ALSO FIRST CHAPTER |OF SHERLOCK HOLMES Children 10c -- Usual Prices -- Adults 25¢ Prices--50c - $2.00 - One Night Only fon. Dec. 4(n Seat Sale Sat. 2nd IN THE WORDS OF THE CRITICS "The best play of the year."--New York Herald. "Keeps standees on the tips of their toes."--New World." "The best mystery play New York has ever seen,"--New York Telegram. "A wild mystery play, considerably wilder than any seen in these parts for a long time."--New York Times, "Thrill after thrill--one sensation after another."'--Chicago News. '"An enjoyable bandit, 'The Bat." So uncanny in its manip- ulation that now and again you are impelled to whistle to keep from being afraid."'--Chicago Tribune. ""There is, in fact, hardly a moment without a thrill." -- London Times. "There is a thrill a minute.""--London Post. "The Champion of All Mystery Plays."--Life DOOOOO00000000 York Zz GEN BEST T| Her Greatest Since The Miracle Man BETTY COMPSON "The Bonded | Woman" , 1 Am Sacrificing Myself-- God Help Me. A Woman's rn." - i TO-NIGHT FRIDAY & SATURDAY CHILDRENS' - Big Double Bill Triumph SPECIAL - "The A Complete Story Every Week--Sensational Thrilling and Exciting SHERLOCK HOLMES MAT - SAT /'The Sensation Of The Screen The 1st Instalment of The Famous Dying Detective" Not a Serial-...BUT---- New Martin The Home of Vaudeville TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 D. W. GRIFFITH PRESENTS "The Fatal Marriage" STARRING Wallace Reid and Lillian Gish oth EPISODE--"HURRICANE HUTCH" VAUDEVILLE DELAPHONE BOLAND & GREEN Versatile Mimic Comedian Variety Novelty Act USUAL PRICES DON'T MISS IT ANNIVERSARY PARTY & CABARET TO-NIGHT Special Sat. Mat. Attraction For The Children THE MAN'S ANSWER TO THE SHEIK "Burning Sands" RUTH ROLAND IN "WHITE EAGLE" MONDAY Have You Your Supply "of Visiting Cards? If not, why not give us a trial? We can give you reasonably quick service on your order. We keep a fair supply of Misses', Ladies' and Gents' Cards on hand at all times so you Would not have to wait for new supplies to come in. If you can't call or phone then send your copy by mail. ;