Ontario Reformer, 30 Nov 1922, p. 3

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| Oshdwa and District Artistic Windows The Reformer believes that no town or small city in Ontario has as attractively dressed windows as those of the Oshawa merchants, It is of course impossible to mention all the artistic windows but those of F. T. Lamble deserve notice. His "baby" window last week and "his "lace" window this week are worthy of comment, Boys, Look! We have placed in stock a fine assortment of Japanese fancy lac- quered boxes, filled with the most de- licious of Canadian made chocolates. Just the thing to give her at Xmas. Let us put one away for you, The Savoy. (100-c) Subway Work Completed. Work. is at last completed at the _ C.P.R. subway east of the Kingston Road, near Whitby. This spot, which has been the worst point on the road between Whitby and Osh- awa for years, is now properly drain- ed, and has a good smooth surface of fine crushed stone, well rolled. - Since the grade on the bad hills be- tween Whitby and Oshawa has been lessened, and the road widened, the draining and surfacing of the road at the subway has remedied the last possible complaint about the Whit- by-Oshawa road. ° Gs J 4 4 by :local appMcations, as "Be . each the yn portion of op atarrhal - Deafness uires constitu- Jona treatment. HALL'S CATARRH EDICINE 'is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deaftnéss is caused by an in. flamed condition of the mucous Tine of he Eustachian "Pub, - When this tube is nflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect ng, and when ie is 'entire h closed, e88 is the result. Unles! ihe in aon 2D be Reduced, your . roy. forever, HALL CATARRE MEDICINE acts rough the -blood -on the mucous sur- faces of the system, thus reducing the in. flamm ation and restoring normal condie Circulars free. All Druggists, ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Oblo, Nervous Feeling Due To Gas on Stomach It Pays. You will benefit if you come in and look, over our beautiful stock of Xmas jewelry. J. Horwich, 23% Simcoe South. (101-e) Christmas Chocolates. To your friends in England or France send a box of our delicious cllocolates, Give us the address and we will pack and mail them for you without extra-charge. Order now. The Savoy, (100-¢c) Service and Value, . Do your shopping early, and do it at Horwich's jewelry store. You will get good service and good value for your money. (101-e) Beet Wife and Child. Steve Bakala, Russian, of Cedar Dale, appeared in court this morning before. Magistrate Hind facing the serious charge of assaulting and doing actual bodily harm and also beating his 8 year old daughter Mary. He was remanded until De- cember.7. Both his wife and child are said by the police to have been severely maltreated. George Stezuk Olive Avenue, paid $5 for disobeying an order of Fred Palmer, sanitary inspector, to clean up a pig-pen. Manage Transferred {Mr. H. S. Langford, who has for the past three years been manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, is shortly to leave Oshawa. He has been transferred to the Seigneurs Street Branch, Montreal. Mr. S. J. Anderson, of Montreal, has been transferred to the Ohsawa Branch, Mr. Langford while in Oshawa has been connected with a number of organizations and has taken a keen interest in welfare work. His departufe will be regret- ted by his many friends and business associates, Was 818 a Ton A typographical error in Tuesday's Reformer was responsible for con- veying a wrong impression. In the article dealing with the coal situa- tion Mr. Frank Mason was quoted as saying that if the council went on record as having no intention of in- terfering with the dealers providing they did not sell in excess of $20, that he believed that the dealers ! Rl ~ |Gifts That Are Appreciated. You Can Do It Evenings, For your conveniences our store will be open every evening, from Decembe! 1st, until Christmas. Joseph Hyrwich, 23% Simcoe S. ' Nov, 30-Dec. 2-7-9-14 Gifts ghat last please most. Buy them at™J, Horwich's Jewelry store and get better goods, at lower prices. : : (101-e) Gun Club Meéting. A meeting of the Oshawa Gun Club followed by a shoot will be held at the club house Saturday af- ternoon at 2 p.m. As many members ag possible are requested to be pres- ent as some important business is to come before the meeting. It is also hoped to have a large number of shooters take part in the practice events during the, afternoon, BETEL CHEWER'S BLACK TEETH The jet black teeth, displayed hy many natives of India and wither i Eastern lands are the result of betel |ehewing. . This habit, very prevalent in those sunny regions eventually blackens'both the teeth and the lips. Chewing the betel is a custom invol- vi polite ceremonial like that of suyff taking. As our grandmas ex- chdnged snuffboxes, so the Orientals exchange betel outfits. The betel leaf, picked green, spread with mois- tened quicklime and wrapped in a few shreds of betel nut, forms a nar- cotic stimulant that some authori- ties credit with strengthening the digestion of a vegetarian people and | helping to ward off fever. Long con- | tinuance of the habit not only black- | ens the teeth hut also destroys them, | 80 that those who begin betel chew- | ing at an early age are quite likely | to be almost toothless at 25. ! | LOST TREASURE, | A graveyard for ships and a rich | sunken treasure, lies off the British | coast. between Land's End and the Lizard. Now and again the sea has yiclded a little of the riches hidden | there--in 1912, for example, when | a fierce storm shifted the silt from | the beach between Porthleven and | Luoe Bay, and so much Spanish coin | was picked up that the heach came to be known locally as "the goTd | mine." Then there is the ford in| the Wash containing King John's jewels dana war chest, together with | loot from half the churches and! castles in England. This ford, ac-| cording to a leading archaeologist, Sir William Hope, was.at a part of | the Wash reclaimed from the sea in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. a Early in. the Month --- Early in t gil, ] rll " poner e Morning The hours you spend in shopping--what ones are they? Do you realize what a difference the time and' day make in shopping satisfaction? The crowded, hurried conditions which inevitably prevail during * the afternoons before Christmas simply cannot bring about as hap- py results as shopping at an ear- lier day and hour would. Why Not Give Your. Lady Friend a Silk and " Wool Sweater Sample Hand Bags from a Leading New York Manufacturer We have secured what we think to be the biggest value of the day, in the season's latest modes of Hand Bags. A sample shipment direct from the New York manu- facturer to be sold at actually one- third less than regular prices. Among the many styles represent- ed are the famous "Billie Burke Beauty Box" and "The Bag of the Hour." No need to describe the "Billie Burke" as it is world famous. But "The Bag of the Hour" is a new one, with a guaranteed watch inset, making this bag most valuable. 'Many other leading styles of the season are included, ranging in price. Children's Box and: Change Purses 49c¢ Ladies' Hand Bags $1.28 to $5.95 A shipment just arrived of Silk and Wool Sweaters in styles that have not been seen in Oshawa before. Words fail to do justice in describ- ing their smart appearance. Made by one of the leading manufacturers of the country, Pemans. : Who doesn't feel young enough to, be a sports enthusiastic at Christ- mas time, at least sports enthusiast enough to enjoy a warm, snuggly sweater, that is both a splendid protection and possesses a fashion smack that is in tune with snpw days. Comes in two-color tone, {White and Jade, White and Tor- quoise, White and Gold, = White. and Black. Specially $3 95 ° Priced ves'y 1 3 The National Trade laundry baskets with tutions of the country. Blind Institute, Toronto, . Specially Represented During. Christ In a special department all by itself and out of our regular line entirely. - BASKETS, all sorts in every shape and size imaginable from the smallest pin tray basket to the big lid: Trays of every deseription. Suggestive Christmas Gifts that make Christmas shopping a pleasure. 'And, ~let me tell you a secret,--~The prices are just enough above actual cost in order to clear them. So that by making a gift out of this: line to your friends, you are not only saving money, but you are helping us to help one of the most "deserving insti- 1) would make an effort to get more | -- coal for the town. What Mr. Mason did say was that if the council went on record as having no intention of interfering with the dealers provid- ing that they did not sell in excess of $18 per ton, he believed the deal- ers would try and get more coal for the town. A MAN'S PRAYER "Teach me that 60 minutes make | unholy skirts, Blind me to the faults an hour, 16 ounces one pound, and of the other fellow but reveal to me Help. me so to| my own, Guide me so that whenever live that I can lie down at night |! look into the faces of my friends with a clear conscience without a |! will have nothing to conceal. Keep gun under my pillow and unhaunted | me young enough to laugh with lit- by the faces of those to whom I have |tle children and sympathetic enough brought pain. rant Re I may [to be considerate of old age. And earn my meal ticket on the square, | When the day comes of darkened and that in earning it I may do unto | shades and the smell of flowers, the others as I would have them do unto | tread. of soft footsteps and the me. Deafen me to the jangle of |crunching of wheels in the yard-- tainted money and to the rustle of | make the ceremony short and the admitted on the free list. Amongsa: these were "all foreign fruit-plants." The copying clerk, in his superior wisdom, omitted the hyphen, and in- serted a comma after "fruit," so that the clause read 'all foreign fruit, plants, ete." . The mistake could not be rectified for about a year, and during this time all oranges, lem- ons, bananas, grapes, and other foreign fruits were admitted free of duty, with a loss to the Government of at least $2,000,000 for that. year, house is in exactiy the centre of where the four corners of the sev- eral states meet, Pressure of gas on heart and other . rr organs often causes a restless, ner- epitaph simply--'Here lies a man. vous feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc, as mixed in' Ad- lerika, expels gag and relieves pres- sure and nervousness almost IN- STANTLY. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel. Adlerika removes Matter you never thought was in fyour system which poisoned stom- ach, causing gas and nervousness. EXCELLENT to guard against ap- pendicitis. Jury & Lovell, Ltd. Druggists. ek AB ------------------------ GH HAS HOME IN FOUR DIFFERENT STATES One man in the United States is living in approximately four differ- ent states at the same time. He is a ranchman whose house and lands cover the corners of, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. The wind- 100 cents one dollar. TWO MILLION There is a story that the inser- tion of a comma once cost the Uni- ted States Government the sum of $2,000,000. About forty years ago mill that pumps water for his stock |the United States Congress, in stands in New Mexico and pumps | drafting the Tariff Bill, enumerat- water in a trough in Arizona. The |ad in one seetion the articles to be | COMMA WORTH J R Xmas crackers and stockings, get them now, while the assortment is good, The' Savoy. (100¢) aA T Annual Clearing Sal Absolutely the most stupendous selling event in Ladies' Ready-to-wear ever staged in Oshawa Coats, Dresses, Suits, Skirts and Blouses--Thousands of dollars worth of Quality Wearing Apparel Thrown on Sale uarantee every article in our store to be of the highest quality. 'Ladies, if you are not Never before have we made such an effort to dispose of our immense stock. We g e ev! J a customer of this store, come and see us -- benefit bythis sale. Read the prices; the saving is enormous to you for the genuineness of these offers--you know us in the past--the goods we sell must be of the highest quality, COME EARLY! Ladies, come early; the stock is immense; have your first choice DRESSES such quality goods. We must impress upon you and the prices here cannot be duplicated. Our Qutstanding Value 50 only Ladies' Skirts, all wool Botany and cross-braid Serge, regular $4.50. All ¥ ir LADIES' COATS 25 coats with fur collars and cuffs; full lined, in duyetine and velour . Regs ular price 28 $16.95 for 18 plain style coats; sizes 16 to 46. These coats are full lined, both plain and embroidered. $ 1 6.95 Reg. $28.50, for 18 Burberry style, 'goals. fir 31595 $1 oats. 18 Burberry s Regular $29.50, fOr iis. ai 95 a 30 coats, American velour ! at and Bolivia, . embroidered ¢ and silk lined. Very finest cloth, fur trimmed and plain. Regular $37.50, $27.95 for Individual coats, 1 dozen Normandy, and Velvorine with natural fox 0 ; fur. Persian mp and "3 beaver. Regular pr : "SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED" Pha vp $55.00 to $75.00 . = OSHAWA PHONE 1173 |™* =: DRESSES 35 dresses, Chiffon, Velvet, and Laces, beautiful shades Regular $39.00 to $45.00. Sale Price . 25 Canton Crepe dresses. $35.00, for 25 Canton Crepe dresses. $24.50, for 20 party dresses in latest shades and styles. Reg. $32.50, for .. LADIES' SUITS 25 suits, Broadcloth and Tricotine. These suits are reduced 50 per cent. The price is cut in two. This means a great saving. Get an early choice. 1 WAISTS Lot 1. All sizes and shades. Reg. for pe 3195 25 'Tricotine $20.00, for 20 Tricotine dresses. $16.00, 24 children's dresses, Reg. $8.50, for 20 children's dresses, Reg. $6.50, for ITE CHILDREN'S COATS 50 children's coats, ages 6-14; Burberry and Velour, fur trimmed and plain. $10 95 » Regular $15.50, for Cantons, and 'styles. $29.95 $24.95 dregses - in $22.95 These consist of Georgette' and Crepe de Chine, Regular $8.50 $ : 4.95 1 dozen Fur Chokers. 25 Tricotine, Poiree Twill $12 to $20.00, for all lar $24.50, for . All fur coats reduced 15 per cent. Pe , samme apne Don't forget the place. You need this Wearing Apparel--Save Money. We make all our goods, and our regular prices are lower than other stores. Our sale prices cannot be duplicated anywhere. Sale commences Friday, Dec. 1st and continues ior ONE WEEK only Pherae 7 SIMCOE ST. S. i a ain

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