Ontario Reformer, 14 Nov 1922, p. 8

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p-- ---------- TT Tis Sy SE . SOCIAL and PERSONAL 'The Reformer invites the ~0-opera- tion of {is readers in contributing items to this column, Send us & postcard or 'plione 85. ' --Mr. Kenneth Jinks was a recent visitor in Picton. . --Mr. Albert N, Ellis is enjoying a few weeks' vacation with relatives in Cleveland gnd Detroit. ---Mr, L, H., Kirby and wite, West- "mount, visited at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs. R; A. Wright, Street, Sunday. _--Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Wigg returned Wednesday evening last' from a trip to London and St. Thomas, .. =--=Mrs, W. R. Way, Mrs, N. Bas- get, Mr. Geo Moore, Misses Florence Way and Frances Veale, all of Beaverton were, recent visitors in town, --Mrs, George Bull, Simcoe Street North, is in Napanee today attending the funeral of her sister, Miss G. Trompour, wha died very suddenly in Toronto on Saturday. --Mr, and Mrs, F, Dobney, 55 Park Road South, are leaving on Novem- ber 17th for England, sailing from Montreal on the Montcalm, Mr. and Mrs. Pobney came to Oshawa from Nottingham, England, 18 years ago. Mr. Dobmey Has two sisters residing in Nottingham, while Mrs, Dobney's mother, two brothers and three sis- ters also reside there. Mr, and Mrs. Dobney hope to be present at the wedding of thé former's niece which takes place at Christmas. Their friends in Oshawa will wish them a pleasant holiday. Mr. Fred Dobney, Jr., will reside at 55 Park Road South and take charge of the busi- ness during Mr. Dobney"s absence. --Misg Victoria Lack returned to Peterboro last week to resume her studies at the Normal School there, after being confined to her home for the past three weeks through ill- ness, --Miss Dolly Maxwell of New York spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Luke, Elgin St. E, -~~Mr and Mrs. Alvin J. Small and son Max and Mr. Bob Kerr of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Luke, Elgin St. E. --Mr. Willlam Merritt who re- Division in Bowmanville for some months but have -again taken up residence in Oshawa. --Mr. Howard Bradley is confined to the house having contracted blood poisoning in one of his fingers which was injured a few days ago. --Mr. and Mrs. T. Adair, Albert Street, have returned home from a vacation spent in Detroit, PERRY--HUTCHINSON Very quietly at St. George's rec- tory 'Saturday afternon by the Rev. C. R. dePencier the marriage was solemnized of Ruby Alberta, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutchinson, 559 Masson Street, to George Perry of Oshawa, formerly of London, Ont. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. L Walker, After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Perry 1. (t for a trip to To- ronto. On their return they will re- side on Patricia Street. : CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cheeseboro- ugh desire to thank all those who were 80 kind to them during the ill- nes and death of their son, Clarence. To the officers and staff. of the Hos- pital, Dr. Rundle, Dr. Wilson, the neighbors and Mr. Disney, special thanks are tendered for the many ex- tra kindnesses rendered." Also those who so kindly sent floral tributes. 94-a Deaths CLARENCE B. CHEESEBOROUGH Sincere sympathy will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cheesebor- ough, of Harmony, in the death of their only son, Clarence Blake, in his 17th year. He died on Saturday morning following an illness of eight weeks' duration. The funeral took place yesterday from Disney's funer- al parlors thence to Union cemetery for interment. Deceased is survived by both parents. Rev. C. R, dePen- cier conducted the funeral service, MURIEL KATHLEEN FEASBY Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Feasby, 273 Jarvis Street, will deep- ly sympathize with them in the loss of their daughter, Muriel Kathleen aged 7 years, whose death occurred on Saturday at noon. The little girl had not been well for some time. Early in September she had her ton- cently underwent an operation in the Oshawa Hospital, has recovered sufficiently to return home. Mr. siles removed but had been able to attend school until one week ago when she contracted a cold. Pneu- and Mrs. Merritt have been residing OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1922 monia developed and together with heart trouble, her demise followed. Muriel was a member of the Pres- byterian Sunday School and attended Hillcroft Street public school where she was in the senior primer class. She was of a bright and pleasant disposition and was popular among her playmates, The obsequies were held yesterday afternoon from the family residence, the service being conducted by Rev, Geo, Yule, The pall bearers were Allen and Baden Switzer and Gerald and Stacey Mont- gomery. The floral tributes includ- ed one from the General Motors Mounting Room and one from Hill- croft street gohool, Notification Of Minister's Visit Still Awaited J. A. MoGibbon, secretary of the Board of Trade, stated thin morning that as yet he haa received no offi cial notification as to the date when the Hon. Mr. King, minister of pub- lie works, would viait Oshawa to Ine spect the proposed harbor alte, It will be recalled that both the Mini. ster of Public Works and Premier W. L. M. King had promised to come to Oshawa on the 16th or 16th of this month. L. O. Clifford, M. VF, could not be located this morning, and consequently The Reformer was unable to dearpy of the date definite ly set for the visit. It ia known, however, that the proposed visit of the legislators will materialize bHe- fore the end of the month UNDULY EXCITED The people in a certain coast town noted for its Sabbath obworvance were greatly incensed over the fact that printed cards boaring the name | of a well-known shipbuilding firm | had been received by prominent citl- | zens, inviting them to attend the launching of 'a vessel on the next| Sunday afternoon, the reason being | given that the tide was highest on | that day. | Sunday came and In every church | the launching was widely advertised | and denounced, and it was not until | late in the day that some one re- membered it was April the first. A meeting of the executive of the Oshawa aBseball Club will be held in the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow even-| ing for the purpose of winding up | business for the past season. It is| possible that some discussion will take place regarding the outlook for the year 1923. -- You Can Thank the Mild Weather for these Splendid Bargains BALANCE OF OUR FUR COATS AND PLUSH COATS AT EXTRAORDINARY PRICES One Coat, best Persian Lamb, beautifully lined, trimmed with No. | Sable on deep collar and cuffs, value $450.00, for $348.00 Two Hudson Seal Coats, collars and cuffs of No. | Sable in two styles, very best grade, real value $425.00, for ..... $325.00 One Natural Coon, No. | quality, deep collar, with cross trim- ming on skirt and cuffs, value $350.00, for ....... $259.00 One Marmot Coat, Coon collar and cuffs, value $175.00, Plain Hudson Seal Coat, worth $400.00, for Balance of Plush Coats All Reduced See the Windows To-night coaa.. $119.00 | SPECIAL BARGAIN IN 36INCH CORD VELVET 9c YD. This velvet is much used for Kimonas; it is newer than Eider- down. Colors--Pink, Cadet, Red, Jade, Mahogany, Gray, Black. Regular $1.50 yd. for .......................... §8¢ yd. " SPECIAL NOTICE--When we guote value we mean the price at which Toronto furriers sell these grades. We guarantee every Fur Coat to be better value than you can get elsewhere--or your money back. THOS. MILLER and SONS PROTEST PROPOSED CHANGE IN ROUTE Meeting At Hampton Objects To Closing C.N.R. Line --Means Big Loss Darlington Township ratepayers are strongly opposed to the latest plan of the C. N. R, directors, which move would deprive them of the rail- \ way facilities now given them orn the Cenadian Northern line. Last evening a largely attended meeting of the ratepayers of the township was held in the town hall at Hampton to discuss the company's proposal to close the C. N. R. line from Cherrywood to Orono and to divert the traffic over the Toronto and Eastern radial line. The meeting, while passing no for- mal resolution of protest, was unani- mously opposed to any such move, which would not only greatly in- convenience farmers in the central part of the township, but would also mean a cohsiderable financial loss, as the farmers, at their own ex- pense, had erected stock pens, fruit houses, sheds and other conveniences at both Tyrone and Solina stations. Reeve Thomas Baker, of Solina, who presided, spoke in no uncertain terms as to his views on the aband- oning of the present system which was now serving the people of Dar- lington. Other members of the Town- ship Council and ratepayers voiced similar opinions and at the conclu- slon of the meeting a committee com- posed of Reeve Baker, A. L. Pascoe and J. R. Cole, to wait on E, W. Oliver, manager of the Toronto and Kastern Radial, and Mr. Hunger- ford and Mr. Ruel, of the C. N. R,, TAXATION EN. LOCAL AOCCOUNTANT'S SYSTEMS INSPECTOR OF DORSES ---- Mr. H. K. Middleton, of Oshawa, has received the following letter from Mr. R. W. Doyle, the Inspector of Taxation at Belleville: Belleville, Ont., Oct. 23, 1922, Mr. H. K. Middleton, Retail Business Systems, 52% Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ont, Dear Mr. Middleton: -- Replying to your letter of the 21st inst, I will be very glad indeed to recommend your systems, the Re- tailers Accountant and Farmer's Ac- countant, as I am sure that installa- tion of these systems will be a very great assistance to the taxpayers, and simplify very greatly the work of the Department in disposing of Income Tax Returns, Yours faithfully, (Sgd. W. L. Doyle, Inspector of Taxation, Belleville District. The Retailers Accountant has al- ready been sold in cities and towns of this neighbourhood, and has proved very popular wherever in- stalled, while the Farmer's Account- ant and Income Tax Record is equal- ly well adapted for the purpose for which it was designed. Mr, Middle- ton is trying to obtain in Oshawa the capital necessary to sell his systems on an extensive scale, and, as there is reported to be a big demand for simplified accounting systems, and as he is said to he prepared to be more than fail with those who back him, he doubtless will be success- ful. We wish him every success. (94-96) laying before them the injustice and hardship which would be experienc- ed by many people living along the present road, were it to be removed and request them that no action be taken until the matter had been gone into more thoroughly. WHEN IT'S SAFE "....And then I told him that he was a dirty bum and a liar and that if I ever saw him again I was going to knock the lights out of him." '"He's much bigger than you; It's a wonder he didn't swing onsyou." "Oh, I was going to tell him some more too, but central cut off the con- nection." ; STRANGLED BY CHORDS? 'Excuse me," said the law's limb, as he appeared at the door of a Young street home, 'but I hape you'll give me what information you have, and not make any fuss." "What, do you mean " was the indignant inquiry. "Why, that little know." "I don't understand." "Why, you see, we got a tip from the house next door that somebody was murdering Wagner and Chief O'Neil sent me down here to work on the case." affair, you Y. M. C. A, and Regiment will blay a practice game in the armories o-morrow evening. Players of both eams are requested to be on hand. cr -- as you live in the house. best--the most sensible and Celina St. It's Hard to Correct a Mistake in Plumbing After the plumbing is installed in your new home, it is difficult to change it. Whatever inconveniences or defects are discovered must, in all probability, remain to bother and annoy you as long So it is advisable to get, right at the outset, the newest, the practical plumbers of long experience, you can safely rely upon us for advice on this important problem. MILLER & LIBBY Plumbers and Tinsmiths practical plumbing fixtures. As Phone 108 Y L recipe. 2 We rs Add the milk diluted with the water and cook be cooked by either boiling or steaming. For cooking, just add water (CARNATION MILK is much richer than whole milk because part of the water has been taken away by evaporation. add an equal part of water to the Carnation you use and you will have milk of normal richness. If you want thinner milk, all you have to do is increase the amount of water. Use Carnation just as it comes from the container, or slightly diluted, for creaming coffee, fruits and cereals. Buy Carnation Milk regularly from your grocer. and absolutely pure. Send today for the Carnation Cook Book. Try this CREAM WHITE SAUCE (For creaming vegetables) "Prom Contented Cows" fuls flour, 1/8 cup Carnation Milk, 2 tablespoonfuls butter or substitute, 14 teaspoon- elt butter or butter substitute, add flour and stir until thoroughly mixed. about five minutes or until mixture thickens, then This recipe makes one , All vegetables may be creamed. The vegetables should er cooking with salt, drain and add cream sauce. CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, " JOHN STREET, AYLMER, ONT. CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LID. Condenseries at Avimer and Springfield, Ont. --n mm For cooking, therefore, It is economical, convenient The label is red and white * Made in Canade by AYLMER. ONT.

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