Ontario Reformer, 14 Nov 1922, p. 6

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NER, 1 A a pr ----------r es ------ WRI an a » OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1922 g Ie | | Petes Too S igh Schoal Rugb . i a trong For or | ists El kom SR Althouse Clan Walloped 33-3 at Quaker Oats City--Locals| Did Not Work as Smoothly as in Eaier i Games--Backfield Unstéady | | Oshawa High School went down to defeat before P,C.I, at Riverdale, Park, Peterhoro, Saturday morning hy 37 to 3, in the first home and home games for the championship of the local group in the Inter- Scholastic sgries of the O.R.F.U. While the Petes had the better of the play throughout, the game was not 50 one-sided as the score wouid indicate. For the first two periods the visitors held their opponents in heck, but weakened in the third and four One of the main reasons . for Oshawa's big defeat was the un- steadiness of the backfield, © Many fumbles featured 'their work giving Peterboro a big advantage. Oshawa were unable to make any great..impression against the Petes line 'and secondary defence, nor did they have any more luck in their attempts. around the end, while in open field running the Petes, were slightly befter, P.C.I. uncovered a smooth repertoire of plays while on the other hand Odhawn did not get working. as they have done in prev- fous games, |' / °° Clark for Oshawa did some fine kicking and running, while Bouckley and Irwin worked hard. TQe visit- ors were outweighed by a good mar- gin but despite this big handicap the local students 'hope. to reverse the tables on their rivals in the re- turn, gime. here next Saturday, A year agd Oshawa trounced P.C.I, here but lost out in a third contest. The Line Ups Oshawa--Flying wing, Grant; halves, N. Irwin, Clark, Hubbell; quarter, Bouckley; snap, McKay; inside wings, Farewell, Miller; mid- dle, Beath, Brown; outside wings, Kohen, Wilson; subs., D. Irwin, But- chard, Nott, Jackson, C. Hubbell, Peterboro--Flying wing, Legon; halves, Fanning, Nicholl and Book- hout; quarter, Young; snap, Cowan; inside wings, Stacey, Browne; outs: side wings, Hay, Johnston, Subs, Parringten, McCall, E. Rye, W. Rye, Menzies, Oshawa won the toss and had the wind and sun in their favor in the first period. This gave the visitors a chance in the. first few minutes and after being held at centre on line plays Clarke kicked over the Peter- boro line to Fanning who was forced | to rouge. | Then Peterboro started to come on, By end runs and line plays they carried the ball down thb field from their own quarter line to Oshawa's fifteen yard line only to lose pos- ASHBY . the Tailor The man that suits you in cus- tom made clothes. Is now es- tablished at 46 King St. E. Regent Theatre Building session on a fumble, Clarke kicked out of danger but P.C,I, came right back, A beautiful run for thirty yards 'by Paling. and a plunge for 10 yards by Bookhout gave the Petes possession at Oshawa's five yard line and on the first down Stacey, failed | to convert, THe 'P.CI 5; Oshawa Y. ET H Collegiate continued to press in the second period. A fake kick gave Hay | a chance to get away for thirty yards and Mulholland booted to the dead | line for a single. P.C.I, 6; Oshawa : 3° . { The Collégiate running plays and | end runs gained yard after yard un- til finally they lost the ball for inter- | ferénce on Oshawa's one yard line. Oshawa, howpver, could not force the play out, #1 their territory and Mul, olland tried a goal from the field, x attempt going wide, but Colleg-| te wings forced gp rouge on 'the! play." P.C.I."7; Oshawa 1. | Half Time Score 8-1 | Peterboro nearly added four more/ points a minute later: when Mulhol- land on an end run carried the ball to Oshawa's line only to lose pos- session when tackled. The Petes continued to press and Mulholland | bheoted over a rouge from the 10 yard line. P.C.I. 8; Oshawa 1, H Before the half ended Mulholland kicked into touch-in-goal for another point, leaving the half time score P.C.I. 9, Oshawa °1, | In the third period Oshawa forced | a rouge on a kick over the lihe to] Fanning. P.C.I, 9; Oshawa 2, Peterboro then forced the visitors hack on the defensive. On a blocked kick at Oshawa thirty yard line, Young broke through and grabbing the Toose ball dodged throught the Oshawa rear guards for a brilliant touch, Mulholland failed to convert. | F.C., 14; Oshawa 2, Fumble Aids Petes A few minutes later a fumble bes hind Oshawa's line en a long kick from Mulholland gave [Fanning .a| chance to drop on the ball tor a try and 'Mulholland converted neatly P.C.I. 20; Oshawa 2, : Before the period ended, Fanning by a beautiful 35 yard run through | a broken field added another touch-| down for P.C.I. Mulholland did not | P.C.L. 25; Oshawa 2. | convert. | booting over for a rouge. | Then came the feature play of the |day, Fanning took a punt at his |own quarter line and squirmed through a mass of Oshawa wings for | la thirty yard gain. When tackled he | passed to Eastwood who carried the! |oval another ten yards and as he| | was downed transferred to Legon! {| who completed, a sensational play by {running thirty yards through a {broken field for a touch down, Mul- | holland converted. P.C.I, 31; Osh- |awa 3, {~ Collegiate's end 'runs carried the {ball to Oshawa again and Mulhol- {land bucked over the line to Clarke | who returned to Mulholland, 'Who | carried the oval to Oshawa's five {yard line and Bookhout promptly | kicked over for a try which Mulhol- |land converted. P.C.I. 37. Oshawa |3 "There was no further scoring. Oshawa had their best chance for a try at this stage when a foreward y conditions. our : sized tables, San) 2 ons, We carry a full link of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Bar- ber shop in eommection. Sachlas & Alex Prpps.. . West i ) 38 King St. Oshawa pass gave them 'possession twenty 'ydrds out. They kicked four yards on three downs and, then plunged for five more on 'the first down. Collegiate, however, braced, Oshawa losing on down three yards out and Mu the first down. fleld for the rest of the game. At 11 o'clock the game was stop- ped for 2 minutes while players, of- fiecials 4nd spectators stoad with bowed heads in mémory of the Em- pire's dead. il In a spirited eontest Ward & 'Dew- land's suceumbed to St. Gregory's 23 to 16 last evening in a ladies' in- door baseball fixture. The Salesladies showed marked improvement over their first exhibition, indicating that - i § THAT COUGH befdre it leads to complications. Good health is yours--there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy it, either. But to have good health, one must take proper and sufficient care of the body, to avoid all varjous ills. CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP -- needs no 'recommendation to those who have tried it. It sells upom its own merit. In $1.00 and 60c. bottles Jury & Lovell F. W. Thompson they hgve been Pp ing faithful- ly While the Saints won, the put- come was uncertain for the best part lof thé game. At'the énd of the third frame the score stood 11 to 8 in favor of the losers. In the fourth the Saints came through with six count- ters and nine more in the fifth. Had | the losers played errorless ball in the last two frames they would have | gained the verdict. The line-ups: . : |. Ward & Dewlands--Morgax, Kin- | ton, Ford, Leask, Steven: Piercey, Gallagher, Askew, Powers, Hamm. | St. Gregory's--fair, ° Brenham, Lee, Callaghan, O'Regan, Driscoll, Conlin. Unipires--Shith and Kelso. . Cobourg will trot out two teams for the O.H.A. battle, and the lake- shore club dre hopeful that the In- termediates will go a long way in the race. New players are required for the Juniors, only two of last sea- son's team being able to qualify un- der the age limit. See Additional Sport on Oshawa started the last quarter by olland kicked out of damger on | 5 Play was in mid-| O'Regan, Gillyn, Kennedy, Conlin, } + How They Stand ||. "INDOOR BASEBALL Won Lost Business Men ........ 3 0 Dreadnoughts ....... a 0 'Willlame .......... very 3 0 General 'Motors ........ 2 0 Padlirs............... 2 0 Oaifdwa ILC, ..... a, yg 1 YMCA. ..... AE ul 1 'Knights' of P, ........ a | 1 wiltings ............. 3 2 AYP. A, vires 1 2 NERS i | 2 ftegiment ........... yi) 3 BARKEES vis «svc cvevevs . ¥ 3 Cedar Dile ....... 0 3 Dreadnoughts 12, AY,P.A. 11 Business Men 11, Regiment-- Fittings 8, Cedar Dale 7 poy Same Thurpday |by Mr. W. A. Coad. Many promi-| 1st 2nd 3rd Bankers vs Y.M.C A nent citizens of the town will also be | Boulders game game game | Drondhon hts Ye G M C asked to speak. Mr. G. L. Galley, Turney ........ 156 167 120 : 8 hia | General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A, Karn .......... 100, ti a y ND 0 + JAGUE, has consented to provide _accommoy | Carruthers ,..... 29 ovr ia AMES" 1% » LRAty Lost dation for a large gathering and it LBEIY ia 92 128 SL. .Gregorys 9 0 |is expected the attendance will be [King ........... as 198 13 he pr YB vues re 1 0 the largest to ever attend an as- Total 1124, Speed Fiends won | Hotel. Tolar Ferny Ld 1 0 |semblage of this nature in Oshawa. hy' 44 pins, Villigen 25 0 | Every one interested in the: move- A. GROUP. poi And aos hb8naley 0 1 | ment is urgently requested to he 1st ond BME cing torr Y 1 ,f present, Y.ALCA. game Business Girls ......... 0 1 | SE Me, -- P, Canning "envy 164 145 170 Ward & Dewlands ..... . 2 | OWIB yu ivirrnrey / : Last Night's Results Business en . | Pounqer ......:+ 132... 138 §t. Gregory, 23, Ward & Dewlands! Donate Prizes ¥. DARING «5vr wre 120 16, cont ati , ii Games Thursday | for Bowlers 1st 2nd 3rd shers . siness Girls ED « Penpushers ame game me | Teach ve. Bus i The Y.M.C.A. Bowling League is HA Sor ale =n Ean "Y" BOWLING LEAGUE {mow well under way with indications | Nelson ......... 117 120 132 "A" Group. { pointing to. a most successful sea-| Thompson ...... 124 134... Won Lost son ' activity. : i ate o the injer. McGregor ........ a 98 Regivas ci .0... Bhi 0 already centred in the league, Mr. 4 y vj ; Sa a i 0 |W. H. Karn, druggist, King Street = Total 1009. Y.M.C.A. won hy § I Ha A "Ba yo | 303 pins, YMCA .. cio vrs 1 0 | East, and Ellis & Canning, men's . Hot 'Dogs Sisal Bal 1 o !elothiérs, King Street West, are of- A. Group. Dominion Bank ........ 0 1 |fering suitable prizes to winners of | = 1st 2nd 3rd oti wie vere ld 1 [two of the groups. It is understood Dominion Bank game game game Touliiers. var. 0 1 [that other prizes will also he do-|Mounce .......... 134 117 112 Pen Foshors. . rs 0 1 | nated. Thompson ...... 4 I. 116 en Pushers ........ .e | ey Ormiston ....... 92 109 132 "B" Group. creased it by three in the next two | O'Reilly ........ heed San Won Lostigtanzas, The Khaki boys fought| Total 978, Dobson's Pets ....,.... 1 0 | gamely, scoring three runs in the 1st 2nd 3rd Stirlings .............. 1 4 | fitth, but that was not sufficient to | Hot Dogs game game game Seribes ,........00n00 0 equalize the count. Business Men | Flintoff ........ 129 133 132 Go Getters ............ 0 0 |lived up to advance notices, their | Devon ... ...... vB iy 300 Bast Ends ............ 0 1 throwing and fielding being up to! Mason ......... 110 164 118 Pedlars Tanks ......... 0 1 [the standard, IMcRay. 131 Games Tonight The line-ups were . . re . Go Getters vs, Scribes Busines Men--Alger, bh; Sheri- Soro 1105. Hot Dogs won hy Re 8 vs. Spee ends | usiness Men--Alger 3b; Sheri-| § ghia peed Fiend | Busi Men--Al beri] %* Pil Pedlars vs. Dobson's Pets | dan, If; Rae, 188; Dobson, rss; Ed- ---------- . ! ger, rf; Whinfield, 1h Thompson, 4 Clo Battles Le; McDougall, 2h; Kelgo, ef; Ty- Bowmanville ¢ Se lor, p. w | Regiment --MeNally, rf; Metcalfe, Sports Banquet £e Feature Games|: Kewley, Iss; Salter, ¢; Harris, Winning Teams of; Gower, p; Wilson, 2b; Beaver, ig 'Contested rss; Hearst, 3b; Wilcox, If, i Al Three GC: Well | The score: An interesting function was cele- ~--Teams Show Improve- Business Men ... + 340 x--11| brated at Christie's Refreshment 3 | Regiment ___ .. 12203 S| Parlors, Bowmanville, Friday night, ment ------ mmr when officers and executive of Bow- -- | POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE | manville Amateur Athletic Associa- The indoor baseball games at the "What have you in the shape of | tion entertained to a sumptuous ban- armories last evening provided a few | cucumbers this morning ' asked the | quet members of the local baseball thrills for the large crowd of spec-| customer of the new grocery clerk. | team, who played in the Central tators. The six teams which occu-| "Nothing but bananas, ma'am," | Ontario Baseball League, also mem- pied the floor from 7 to 10 o'clock | was the reply. bers of the football team, who were furnished a good brand of ball and sent the spectators home well satis- fied. All scores were close and there- | fore exciting. Dreadnoughts nosed] out a win over AY.P.A. 12 to 11; | Fittings won from Cedar Dale 8 to| 7, and Business Men captured a hard-fought contest from the Regi-| ment, | In the opening fixture A.Y.P.A.| had the edge on their opponents un-| til the final frame when the Dread- noughts came through with eight counters, giving them the victory by a single run. In the fifth A Y.P.A.| succeeded in taking. the lead again but time was called and the score revpgted to the end of the fourth. Patton for the winners and H. Love- lock for the Anglicans twirled well, Dale Takes Small End Cedar Dale went back to the Po- lice Village with Fittings taking the big end.. "Home run" Chester made into the balcony quietly trotted around the circuit, sending in 2 man ahead of him. This hit drove in what proved to be the winning run. This contest provided some snappy baseball and not a lit- tle excitement for the Dale support- ers, The teams were: Cedar Dale -- Pietresiak, ras; F. Kellar, 1ss; Hester, 1b; R. Kellar, 2b; Arnold, 3b; McDonald, If; Bur- gess, cf; Greenfield, rf; Jackson, ¢; Nelmes, p. Fittings--Elliott, p;. Cox, ¢; Jubb, 1b; Brant, 2b; Dalby, 3b; F. Ja- cobi, 1ss; G. Jacobi, rss; Jackson, of; Pirie, rf; Chester, If. The score: Cedar Dale Fittings ... .. . The final fame of the evening was scrappy with ._ beth teams making a Jesperate attempt to fin: ish in the lead, Business Men even- tually won by 11'to 8 but they had to work for everything they got. ,The Regiment had greatly Ainmiproved since their last game and before last night's contest appointed Charlie | Wilcox mangiger, * » Gower cap- tain, and Bent sub-captain. The team worked w and from now on they should hold their own with the leading ¢ The winners took a lead of fliree Page 7 runs in the opening frame and in- ' - and received good support from their teammates. The line-ups: A.Y.P.A.--Arnold, If: Greene, 3b: Claus, lss; Gower, rf; 'H. Love- lock, p; Marks, 1b; Goodall, rss: $. Lovelock, 2b; Frink, c; Phen, | | ef. Dreadnoughts -- Harding, 2b; B.| Carey, rss; Blanchard, cf; Roder- ick, 1b; Patton, p; Carey, 3b; Wil- lis, ¢; Davis, If; L. Carey, rf. The score: Dreadnoughts ....... 3210 8--12 LY PA... .. . 5402-11 his bow to the fans by lifting the ball | after which he! Will Address | Athletic Assn. Representatives of Ont. Branch| of AA. of C. to Speak | . Thursday Night | Arrangements have heen made with representatives of the Ontario branch of the A.A.U, of C., for them to come to Oshawa Thursday evening to address the meeting in the Y.M.C. A., which is being held for the pur- pose of Organizing an amateur ath- letic association for this city. The representatives who will be present, are well versed in all matters per- taining to such an organization. They | will outline the most satisfactory system used jn towns and cities where it has met with success. The meeting will be presided over! Bowling League Gets Good Start Speed Fiends, Hot. Dogs and "Y" Teams Are Winners in Opening Games The games played in the Y.M.C.A. Bowling League Friday evening were confined to "A" Group, Speed Fields, Y.M.C.A. and Hot Dogs being the winning teams. Charlie Lewis of the '"Y" team in the first of the three games against the Penpushers howled 192, which i§ the highest individual score up to the present time. The Speed Fiends won hy the smallest margin of the evening being 44 pins up on the Boulders. The "Y"" howlers won hy 303, The scores were as follows: x A. Group. 1st + 2nd Jdrd Speed Fiends game game game iHlott .........., 143 144 144 Carnwith 139 119... Drew: svvvevis 30 hes McDougall ...... va 109 130 Wait co... Eas 1: Total 1168, runners in the Oshawa and District Football Association. Besides a number of local guests, the occasion was honored by the presence of Ernie Parsons and J. G. Nott, of Oshawa, president and secre- tary respectively of the CJ/O.B.L., who both congratulated Bowman- ville team on its first year's show- ing in big league company, as well as high esteem in which the club was held by other teams in the league. Dr. J. C. Devitt, president of the local association, acted as toast mas- ter. Short addresses were given by Dr. B. J. Hazelwood, G. O. Patterson, Major R. J. Gill, Dave Aldread, Dr. (i. C. Bonnycastle, R, F. Aitchison and others. The association is great- ly encouraged by its first year's ac- tivities in summer sports and is also very optimistic over its prospects for a winning team in O.H.A. hockey, Residence Rule Given Approval 1 0.B.AA, Favors Idea -- Would | | | Limit Activities of Pro. Coaches An amendment to the constitu- tion of the Ontario Amateur Base- hall Association. which will affect the | Central Ontario League was discus-ed lat a meeting of that body on Satur- ard rule, game game | Professional coaches. with amateur in ' the Carls-Rite The amendment was that all leagues affilmted with the O.B.A.A. must adopt the January 1st residence Another amendment was that day afternoon baseball clubs be not allowed to sit 108 | on the bench or direct play during games. The delegates were unami- mous in sending hoth amendments to the annual meeting, which will | be: held the first Saturday in April. | The January 1st residence. rule will undoubtedly meet with favor in the Central League also the amend- ment regarding professional coaches, | The two questions will he threshed out hy final vote the various leagues and a will be taken at the an- i nual meeting. | | the Representatives from the Hamilton Association and Southern Ontario Leagues aired their grievances over way the provincial champion- ships were conducted. The Hamil- | ton man spoke on behalf of his in- | winners, and the S.0.L. representative for St. Thomas senior, champions, Both clubs had long lay- offs in between games, and there must have been a hitch in the sched- ule somewhere. The long discussion over the championship schedule was brought to a close with the Ham- ilton Association introducing an amendment, which was accepted, and termediate A will be brought up for a final de- cision in April. It is as follows: "That each association or league § affiliated with the O.B.A.A., to par- | 4 ticipate in the play-off for th¢ Ong tario championshjp, must dectard . winners, and be prepared to enter finals (whére one league only fis operated) on the date as enumerated in the schedule herewith: Juvenilé, second Saturday, Au- gust; junior, second Saturday, Au- guts; intermediate, third Saturday, August; sepior, last Saturday, Au- gust, Where more than one league is op- perated, additional time he allowed, as follows: For two leagues, one additional week; for three leagues, two weeks; for four or five leagues, three weeks; and each league or association must positively abide by this rule or for feit all rights to enter championsMip play-off." The meeting was brought to a close with the presentation hy Mr. George Scroggie of the handsome silver trophy and twelve replicas of the big one, donated by The Mail and Empire for competition in the juv- enile series, and won this year hy the Moss Park (City Playgrounds) of Toronto. J. J. Solomon, Peterboro and J. G. Nott, Oshawa, represented the Cen- tral League at the meeting. TIMBER LANDS, Owning timber land to-day is like having money in the bank, and pru- dent farmers are husbanding their resources in the shape of trees, A woodlot may he meagre, but with in- telligent treatment it can he made to give a good return either in year- ly growth or in the shape of fire- wood. Only dead or fallen trees should be used for the fireplace or the cooking stove., Says the Wise Old Owl: Therearechins thatwen't surrender; There are beards that won't behave; There are faces that are tender And are difficult to shave. These and all the hairy troubles That the face of man beset, Fade away like airy bubbles At the touch of the Gillette. E00 D The New Improved \ .Uillette iy For Sale in Oshawa by JURY & LOVELL, LTD. THE REXALL STORE King St. E. Phones 28 and 1101

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