Ontario Reformer, 9 Nov 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922 of Nearby Places | S CORNERS machine is again pighborhood. Good eported, letcher has gone to in the future, and ited o! Elliot report the Black- sed. Mr. A, Bur- shawa to work at 8. R. Miles who has or health for some proving. We all hope on. ench visited over the friends in Toronto. art Wallis is quite ill Tope for a speedy re- Colhoun of Toronto liday with their sister 8. Lofthouse of the city holidays with her par- d Mrs. P. Lofthouse. t of Toronto spent Sun- me here, went on a hike Thanks- hut the rainy weather sappointing. Gould of Toronto is h Mr. and Mrs. G. H. and Mrs. Adams and ret are spending a few friends in the city. Buss visited over the holi- friends in Toronto, Mrs. James Stainton, Mr. tainton and Miss Florence accompanied by Mrs, John nd Miss Mabel Lander of motored to Peterhorough | TAUNTON w'een was very quietly ob- around here. Hallow'een called at the different houses the evening, but no damage ne, st everyone around here, at- the chicken pie supper, and at Zion Church and had a me. Walter Langmaid and Miss Langmaid, Oshawa, were sgiving visitors at Mr. A. D. naid's. beth Bowins and Victor, visited b. George Scott's, Harmony, on 'Ry. . and Mrs. George Hilt, Oshawa, Thanksgiving at her father's, Wesley Glasgow. and Mrs. Alan Davis and hanksgiving day at | 1d, spent father's, Mr. John H. Trull, Bow- ville. rs. William Drinkle is quite ill ime of writing. iss Maud Pierce, Oshawa, Mrs Allen and family, Ritson Road, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Salter, Pick-! g, were Thanksgiving visitors at . William Pierce's. COLUMBUS hich was held at the Methodist wirch, wad a decided success. The xpress their appreciation to those pecial mention might be made of he Beech and Niddery Orchestra, ylause,and to Mr. Dewland on the splendid songs which he rendered 50 ably. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Guy, entertained the officials of the Methodist 8. School on Friday night of last week, and all report a good time. Sacramental services were obser- For Your Dainty Silk Blouses For your daintiest blouses, the pretty things you do not wish to trust to a washi exclusive process instantly dissolve into a bubbling lather as harmless to fine fabrics as pure water itself. If a silk can be washed in clear water alone, it is safe in delicate Lux suds. Lux is unrivalled for washing fine articles and is sold only in ved on Sunday last at the Methodist Church, We are sorry to report the death of one of our esteemed friends in the person of Wm, J. Cook, who was raised in this community from boyhood days. For the past 12 years he and his wife and family have resided near Harmony and in that community he was highly re- spected by his neighbors and em- ployers. Deceased was taken sud- denly ill with appendicitis and was removed to the Oshawa Hospital but only lived a few days. The deceased was 42 years of age. The Funeral was held on Monday last from his brother's, Mr. Thos .Cook of this village where a very large circle of friends gathered to pay the de- ceased their last respect. The de- ceased leaves a wife, two sons, and one daughter to mourn his loss. The friends in this community wish to express their sympathy to the be- reaved family. Mrs. S. Nicholas is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Grills, of Pickering. Quite a number from here attended | the cattle sale of Chas, Luke, near Myrtle, and Mr, Jno. Stone secured two cows, Two constables from the south landed in dear old Columbus last Tuesday night with broad visions in their minds, but after strolling around the village for a while Bill says to Joe, "They have put one over ns this time. If we want to see any mischief done tonight, we will have to do it ourselves." Joe says to Bili ** I believe it.- This is too quiet for us fellows, this must he Prayer Meeting night in Columbus." So they decided to take their departure as soon as possible, so Bill says to Joe, "verily I say-unto you Joe, let us depart." They departed, feel- | ing much wiser for the visit at dear 'old Columbus, but much' disgusted | with the fruit of their labors. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robson and family of Toronto, spent Thanks- giving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellins, « MYRTLE Mr. Harold. Manning has finished Visitors over the holiday--Mr, and Mrs. Britton at Mr. Downey's, Mr. and Mrs. Luke at Mr, John- ston's and Mrs, McGowan and son with Mrs. Todd, A couple of automobile ragents irom a nearby town, were in this village one day last week, and whether their breakfast disagreed with them or they had growing pains or something, is not known, but they interfered with the busi- ness of the natives to such an ex- tent as to bring upon themselves some very unparliamentary language, without exhausting the supply, at that. With strangers, we like to have mutual good impressions, ir possible, but if they insist on rah- Ling us the. wrong way, thera ig nochimg for it but the fur must fly. KEDRON Mr. Harold Werry celebrated his birthday by entertaining a number of his friends a¥ a Hallowe'en party, Thursday evening, A good tim? was enjoyed hy all, Mr. Holewell and family have moved back to Toronto, having sold his place to Mr. Smith, of Winnipeg, Mr. W, Hoskin is building a new slaughter-house, Mr. R. J. Luke and Mr. J. Mountjoy are also improving their buildings. Rev. Mr, Carruthers, made a fav- orable impression here Sunday and will be welcomed again anytime, Recent Visitors:--Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Werry and Audrey, at Mr. H, FF. Werry's. Miss Farrell and Miss Rhea Croskem, Toronto, visited at | Mr. A. D. Van Dyke's. Miss Nora | Werry, St. Catharines with relatives, | Misses Florence and Olive Luke, at] home. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Rivett, Darlington, at Mr. W. Hoskin's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy and Rus- sel, Blackstock, at Mr. J. Mount- joy's, Sunday. Miss Hazel Van Dyke at home, Mrs, Will Armour, Helen and Karl, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Ar- mours. Miss Jean Hepburn with Miss Myrtle Ormiston, Enfield. Miss Gordon, Myrtle, Mr. R. Richardson, Ashhurn and Mr. G. Gibson, Oshawa at Mr. R. J. Luke's, BROOKLIN The supper and concert given by the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church was an- clared by all who heard it "The best vet." The supper was as such things | should be on Thanksgiving Day, | bountiful and satisfying. The tendance completely filled the chu despite uninviting weather. The concert was a real treat music lovers. at- rch to Mrs. Cross anid Ele- anor Johnson sang well ds usual. Brooklin folk, like all hea't minded people---a bit eclannish, w pleased to hear Will Arnold for hy- ere 'he first time with his cornet. The way he managed to tone down his in- strument to a small 'church was well done. Miss Puckrin gave number of readingg quietly and good taste, The central place on the progr 2 in an was given to Mrs. Kingsley Graham, winner of the gold medal for violin playing at the Toronto Exhibition. |ing 'was held in the church last She carried all before her in her Wednesday afternoon, and evening. first number, held them at each ap-| There were very good addresses on pearance and in the last number the |S.8. work. core, Her accompanist, Mrs, Ken jaudience would not be denied an en pt, of Toronto, shared the honors with her. DBrooklin people will not soon | forget these two charming art and Thanksgiving night. The proceeds, of course, go to the | summer months. work of the Women's Missionary | heen Society, ENFIELD ists a ' by, were recent visitors at Mr. Ed- win Ormiston's, The proceeds of the hox social were twenty-seven dollars and the proceeds of the chicken pie supper and Sunday services were almost seventy dollars, despite damp weather, RAGLAN Mr. J. E. Nottingham and son Ray visited his daughter, Mrs. Lorne Knapp, Burketon, on Sunday. | Mr. E. Prescott and Miss Mavis, { Bntield, called on their sister Mrs, L.. Rahm on Sunday. The Sunday School Institute meet- | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brent, Port | Perry visited his brother, Mr. Wm. Brent recently, The Young People's Club have ro- | sumed their meetings in the hall {after being dispersed: with for the New officers have elected and plans are being made for a pleasant and profitable | meetings throughout the winter, | At time of writing, Mrs. B, Rahm Mrs, Irene Ashton and Mr, Elmo | and Mra. Wim. Squelch are seriously Ashton, Toronto, are visiting at Mr, |! F. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Ormiston, Osh- awa, recently visited with acquaint- | ances here, Miss Bertha Sargent week end at her home in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page spent boro Mr, and Mrs. IP'rank Page and Miss | Alma visited at Mr. 8S. Page's, Mr. and Mrs. B. Powell and Mable Powell, Oshawa, were visit- | ors at Mr. Bert Ferguson's, Mrs. N. { the week end at her home in Peter- Annis and Miss Marj-| orie, Solina, and Miss Louis, Tor- onto, spent the holiday at Mr. Gilbert's, Miss Jean Hepburn and Clarence Vice, Kedron, visited | Mr. A. Ormiston's Mr. and Mrs. E and Messrs. Gordon Werry, En kilen, and Russell Smith, Sol were visitors at Mr. Russell Orm- iston's. Mr. Walton Pascoe spent Thanks- giving at Mr. C. Pascoe's, Miss Oke and Mr. Boynton, W F. | Dominion Mr. at Hoare, Bethesda, Mr.-and Mrs. Milton Werry, Tyrone, | nis- ina, hit- his term with Mr. Frank Brown and has secured a position in Cooksville, Mr. Jones, of Balsam, is taking | advantage of the fine weather and | Henry Scott and Helen, Mrs. | | expected shortly and will meet th The Harvest Home of last week adies' Aid of this place wish to f Oshawa who contributed to the! ttendance, of the tea and concert. | which was received with great ap- moving some of his household ef-| fects into the house vacated by Mrs. | Harnden. Mr. Chas Luke's auction sale was | a splendid success. Good prices | ! were realized for everything, thus | | netting him a handsome total. Messrs. Rodd and Hamna have | operations on their recently acquired wood-lots. A carload of stove coal came in last week and was disposed of in a few hours. Another of nut coal is! We hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. Wm. Davidson is erecting a new house in the north part of the village which he intends to occupy | when completed, There is a great scarcity of water spent the | in this neighborhood Mamy are without hoth hard and soft water. A good rain would he very welcome, PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahm, Ennis- killen, visited at Mr. F. Vallaret's and Mr. B. Rahm's last Sunday. A number from here attended the roast chicken supper, and concert at Columbus on Monday evening, while some went to Myrtle on Tues- day evening to enjoy a like feast. Hallowe'en passed off rather quietly this year. Everyone appar- ently enjoyed his or herself while no damage was done. A pleasant evening was spent at ber of the friends of Mrs. S. Wether hogg and Miss Eliza Hezelwood gath- ered to spend a social hour or so with them before their departure from our village. During the eve- ning the following address was read and Mrs, Wetherhogg and Miss Hezelwood were each presented with a leather hand bag. Dear Friends: -- We have invited you to spend a short time with us this eve- ning previous to leaving your home in our vilage, where for so many years you have been loved and re- spected. You have been good neighbours, true friends and will- ing workers in our community life, and we regret very much the circum- (Continued on page 4, sec. 2) REGENT -- TO-NIGHT MUSICAL MAGPIES VAUDEVILLE HERE just as well as the most ex- perienced matron. For we han- dle one grade of me; THE VERY CHOI So that insuvces fine quality no matter who buys it. And as we have hat one prize for all it is perfectly safe i» send a child for meat when it is more convenient lo do so. ..W. ATKINSON BUTCHER 12 Church St. - Phone 935 | | | | | same fate, | Come To Us To Save Your Property Walk into our office and learn that it is '"'penny wise and pound foolish" not to have fire insurance protection or not to have sufficient, We offer liberal policies in the leading companies, lowest rates and full exemptions and concessions where possible. Consult us on -all fire insurance matters. In- formation gladly furnished. V. A. HENRY INSURANCE 111% Simcoe 8. Phone 1198W, | Rubbers Steel's Week-End Specials SERVICE - SAVING - SATISFACTION Friday and Saturday Honey Best Clover Honey in 10 Ib. pails at $1.29 pail Women's Fleece- lined Vests Regular $1.00 value. On sale Friday and Saturday 69c Ornamental Clocks Antique design and guar- anteed. Special at $1.98 Butter has again ad- vanced, but we are able to offer another lot of first grade Creamery Butter at 38¢c Friday 9 a.m. Mac's Famous Pea- nut Taffy 20c pound Silk Sweaters Makes an excellent Xmas gift, and there are just 24 Week-end Special left. Saturday only Regular $3.79. - Flannelette Night : Gowns Well made and full length $1.29 Child's Woolen Hose A wonderful line of In- Have you seen the Woma Dolls They walk and talk and are unbreakable. Priced as low as $2.98 Complete line. D. & A. Corsets Special value at $1.00 fants' Woolen Goods for winter days EE OSHAWA Cone Shape Electric Heater ng for the bath room. Week- end Special $5.98 --Protect your health --Save your shoes --Keep your feet dry It's sound economy to wear DOMINION RUBBERS for Fall and Winter. They are made in such a variety of styles and sizes that you can get the exact shape to perfectly fit every shoe. You might not get these good DOMINION RUBBERS if you ask merely for "a pair of rubbers". Always ask for them DOMINION Rubbers. vy name --

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