DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, . 231. men's clothing and furnishing busi- | Phone 908 r 24. (66-t.1,) 19 King St. West. Phone ness. Apply Johnston's Clothing |\ywHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- | Sfore. (89¢) | yp the home with a change in fur- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store.| WANTED --BRIGHT BOY ABOUT Phone 948. A DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Office over Royal Bank. Phone 959. Residence 306. (4-1yr.) WANTED -- GOOD BRIGHT BOY about teen years of age, to learn 1-yr.| 17 to learn advertising. fair education and good appearance. Good opening. Apply Reformer. Help Wanted--Male SWEET CIDER. -- MADE FROM good sound apples. Any quantity. niture, We buy, sell and exchange used furniture. Highest cash price paid for good second hand furni- ture. DN. Dime, 56 King Street West. (20b) | Phone 271. 75-2mos Must have DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. | GIRL WANTED FOR OFFICE] include pipes; good baker. work, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN-|Ltd. Phone No. 97. trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. DR. W, J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, {yANTED_YOUNG GIRL, TO AS. boards, dining tables chairs rockers, sist with house work. Phone 425W, Office over Engel"s Store, 16 Simcoe St, N. Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- | CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE, CHAM: Help Wanted--Female '| pion coal and wood stove, six lidded; Apply in person, Fittings, | 84 Oshawa Boulevard between 7 and 00-29 o'clock to-night. (90-a) WANTED -- A YOUNG GIRL FOR |BIG SALk OF FURNITURE THE housework. Apply 166 Centre St.|People"s furniture store 17 Prince $t. (89¢) | 15 stoves, ranges and heaters, side Apply e, carpets, rugs. Bed springs, mattresses Good home | couches, cots--cribs camp beds, hall Artides For Sale | Hallowe'en was WANTED--WOMAN TO HANDLE racks, piles of tin ware at cost. Furni- ture bought and sold. 84-1mo. (Continued from pase 1) lemen on the floor and also for the best comical dresses. There was a good attendance and the gowns and costumes of brilliant hues combined to create a beautiful picture. The affair did not cease until early Wednesday morning. Similar af- fairs were staged in other parts of the town. The usual parade of Hallowe'en comedians was noticed on the streets, The costumes were as numerous as they were original. In the majority of cases the faces of the funmakers were smeared with burnt cork. Impersonations of Charlie Chaplin seemed to be the BOYS OPEN SEASON BY HOLDING PARTY Trail Rangers and Tuxis' of Simcoe St. Church Are Active The Simcoe St. Methodist Trail Rangers had an exciting time at their Hallowe'en party on Tuesday evening. The different groups with their mentors made all that the church parlor could accommodate, and the boys in their masquerade costumes and the fireplace decorat- popular conception of comedy. Merchants and storekeepers were pestered as usual with gangs of | children calling loudly for the pro- ed with pumpkins, altogether made | quite a Hallowe'en picture. Merlyn Corvin as "Jack of Hearts" carried | off the prize for best costume, while ed by the Board to take charge of the Boys' Work of the Church, and with several live-wire leaders lined up, 'a strong program is assured. The basement is to be put in condi- tion as reading room and gym- nasium, and the Board intend to do all that is possible to make this a big year for the Simcoe St. boys by giving their church privileges when- ever they are wanted. The reading room will be open at all hours. On Friday evening the Tuxis Boys open their work with a rousing ban- quet, There will be local speakers, and one of the finest speakers for boys' inspirational talks from To- ronto will be present in the person of Mr. Chaffee, who was closely as- sociated with Judge Mott and for two years president of the Ontario Boys' Work Board. The mission of Jesus was from the same source and with the same object as the punishment of our sins. He came to work along with our punishment, He came to side with it, and set us free from our sins.--Gearge Macdonald. SPECIALS esmeniie ap fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St, [sale of Christmas cards on commis-| -- oc -- 2 -- © x +| prietors to "shell out." To the| Ray Halloran as "A Classy Gentle- N. 83-tf | sion. Apply at once. Retafmer ei pb ARMS credit of the harassed businéss man" took the comic prize, Many od sf - . . . men, they complied repeatedly. of the costumes were exceptionally At the masquerade dance held in fine, so that-the judges had much the Town Hall the prize for the difficulty in deciding. |L, Beecroft, Whitby, phone 12, . 90-h FOR SALE--HUNTING COAT, COR- outside, and Medical % For Opening Week Oct. 3rd | DR, C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN |GOMFORTABLE ROOM -- WITH |duroy inside, leather best dressed lady was captured by | The boys entered heartily into the SOAPS and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, | hoard. Central location, would | high laced hunting boots. Apply| igs R, Gallagher, who represent- games, both combatant games and : Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 116-1yT | share apartment. - Apply Box "s" [272 Albert St, in 90-bled a butterfly. The best dressed | team games, and their singing at the | Castile .............oiiiiii iii ivi veneer. 7 cakes 28¢ Refor FOR SALE -- STOVE WITH OVEN. | gent, (Spanish) was Mr. N. Noble. opening of the meeting is especially atte. .... | KAY YSICIAN, SUR Ter. (90a) p almette . DR. Mc -- PHYSICIAN, i YOUNG MAN LTURE WORK 563 Albert St. (89h) | The prize for the best lady's comic noteworthy of mention. Refresh-! Fels Naptha 3 cakes 25¢ } geon, Accouchey. Office and resi- ' bid "| FOR SALE -- SINGER SEWING | costume was awarded to Miss N.|ments were served before the gath- | PIB rer rpes i dence, King St.Jgast, corner Victoria |ing, desires room and board in pri- machine, practically new. New pro-| Richardson. She was garbed as a |ering broke up. 10 Laundry and 2 Lux ................ iritinie erie $1.00 | Bt Dslinwa TURN, be ag ahi es, Vege cess oil stove, sacrifice for cash, Ap-| black cat. Mr. Mason, dressed as a| This was the first meeting for the | Peerless ......... OR CP PY veresane asrsrrrreniny . 6 for 25¢ { DR. L, J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST. |308, Oshawa, Phone 462-W ' 88.4 | Ply 70 Celina St. (89h) | Bhost, won the prize for the best | Trail Rangers, but they are look- CLEANSERS ; | East, Toronto, will be at Jury & ! pd R ys PULLETS FOR SALE ALL THOR- comic dressed man. The bestiing forward to their weekly sessions i Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday (ROOM 3D BOA D JOR ig ongh breds about ready to lay. Mr. | dressed couple on the floor were |the coming winter. C.S.E.T. is off to | Gold Dust ............ ASL, resist er 4 for 25¢ from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- Mel. aE, a ome ab . p noe, Rainish, 23 Albany St. (90c) | Miss St. Andrews and Mr, F. Flur- a great start in Simcoe St. Church, Diamond Cleanser 3 for 25¢ tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr oly 21) Jarvis ha nae FOR SALE -- FINE REED Go-|™ in the opinion of the judges. { They expect to have one hundred | Hand Sapolio 2 for 25¢ ates, ply 2 rvis St. . § -- I REE 0- ibn aniigain dpi | boys in the program. ! SBPONO ....ooviiiiiniiiiiniiriaens DR. D. B, NEELY, RAR, NOSE AND Ww Ww an, ch Jra_ cms rendition, wil) The Peterhoro C.G.E., baseball] Mr. E. L. Petley has heen requests] Soap, Powder... TERE day 5% 5c | roat. seases of c! ren. ce ork anted y team, winners of the intermediate | owder Dathbrick ............ srrrssrass varvrrssaes revs or 25¢ over Dominfon Bank. Telephone | witaA® ABOUT THAT Ti aicy | 116 Prince St. (89h) | a wo-- . 1155. Hours 11--1: 5--6* 50: plone WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY gir pOR QUICK SALE, THREE- | championship of Ontario, were guests | | Pearhine .....c....c..cumniiniinin wrasse 3 OF 286 » H H : } Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. tor 3 Bed With springs and {of the Kiwanis Club at a luncheon on | | days 2--B; 7--9; or by appointment. | gor' mie "palt and Gravel or Shing. | 10ATter poo he > h " ne 4 Tuesday. Alex. Kay, the well-known Gas From Food CEREAL 45-6mos | 1.0 Chimneys repaired. S. J. a TI R00 pi hh id umpire, said that Peterboro' had nev- | " Cr. Batley, Pha. ........0oi. i niiaiaiaig 28¢ PR. AA HALLIDAY, oe So Gascoigne, 3 King St. E, ORligwe, 7 and 8 o'clock tonight. oon) & vou 1 Ontsrio stslapivnghiy wa Presses on Heart! Wheat Kernels ........ FT EST 15c . onto, ha Phon Br t, ; HAI oR ind & Lovell's Drug Store first and third |DRESSMAKING -- FANCY OR Houses For Sale players were engaged in organized | : Quaker Oats, small ............coooooovnnnivinnnnn, 2 for 28c¢ : 4 ih : baseball, and last year the number! If food does not digest it turns in- Quaker Oats, large ..................coisins ir inivsinisrerensres , 23¢ | Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 (plain, also embroidering. All work FOR SALE ELEVEN-ROOMED p It isons which f Th f for consultation in diseases of the done reasonable. 357 Centre St. ik se No ad hy had heen increased to 240, This. to poisons which form gas. This of-| Bulk Oats... uniiiiinn isin inisin. ... 6 Ibs, 25¢ nose, throat and ear. 134-tf 88-1 | frame boarding house or can be|year a total of 650 players were! ten presses on heart and other or- | Sie easily turned into two stores, zo playing organized baseball, and Pet- gans causing a nervous, restless | CANNED GOODS DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 1¢0 BLOOR five roomed house all in good condi- | erhoro's share of the baseball hon- feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, | Street West, Toronto, will be at his R LL Rent i R | tion. Water, lights, cellar. Apply lors had been two Ontario champion- glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, Corn covers itis diddddiad Sossebersiees 2 for 25¢ office over Miller's Arcade each Sat-| FOR RENT--THREE NICE FI "| 70 Celina St. Terms to suit pur-|ghips, Next year Mr. Kay has removes foul, decaying food-matter | RE LO 2 for 25¢ urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- Rished Fooms, a Litable Bind LBht| chaser. (89¢) [hopes of seeing another league in, you never thought was in your sys- TOMAIORE .....o0osiniiiriisinsiviiiisnpiininsns Grins 2 for 29¢c talion and treatment of diseases of Jousekieeming, eT y 488 0s | FOR SALE -- 4 ROOMED COT-|the ring to be known as the ban- tem which caused gas and pressure |} | Delmonte Salmon ear, nose and throat only. id i : "*|tage and two lots for sale. Apply|tams. He asked the Kiwanis Club on heart. Adlerika expels poisons Pelican Salmon WANTED TO RENT--FOR THREE | 577 Nagsau St. (90D) [to foster one of the teams. The age. and gas from BOTH upper and lower ak Legal or four months, typewriter, Under- ----ay TE eve HARRY SALTER'S LIST wood preferred. Box "M", Reform-| yo cit ooo TO LET FURNISH- Chicken Haddie .. Kippered Herring ... howel. EXCELLENT gainst appendicitis. to guard a- Jury and Lovell -- | limit will be 15 years. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-|er, 90-11 | x --- Ltd., Druggists. rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| GARAGE FOR RENT APPLY 810 ed or unfurnished, 10 roomed house, " om Eg Alred Salmon Sockeye veyancer. Money to loan. Office| princa gt : (89¢) |) Jarge hedtooms, dleetic lights, NOTICE TO CREDITORS -- --st Heinz Beans, no meat ...............c....imnniniiiiinns 143% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone : _ hardwood floors downstairs, i piece} , i AYNNEr Soups ...............c.iiciiniiviniiniisiiis iin ! 1t% ig FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED |bath, combination hot water heating,| ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE Es- sm Pichi ol DS e ! or unfurnished or partly furnished" storm sash to all windows, large | TATE OF ELIZABETH HANCOCK, $6,000. WILL BUY A LOVELY 6 amp os). Pp : 5 { D. 'A. J, SWANSON--BARRISTER, | rooms to suit the party. Apply 61 barn with electric lights, 1% acres of | late of the Town of Oshawa, De- room brick with all modern con- Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce with Cheese .............. 22¢ Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| Base Line East, South Oshawa. Will (land. Everything in first class shape. ceased: veniences, fire place, cement drive- OLEOS cer, etc, All branches of Civil and| rent cheap. (89¢) (Possession at once. Apply Harry| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that way and all newly decorated, in 5 lI } Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of-| FALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOIS | Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. { all persons having any claims or de- North, King Met ............coioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininisnsnsnisnsiins 22¢ ite, King St. Chambers (Formerly |sioor heat light. Size 27x73. Al-| 90-h | mands against the late Elizabeth oo 500 wii BUY A LOVELY 6 Rose Brand. ................ccccoviocarsiciiomiisrsshissssisarsirens 22¢ shawa House) King St. West, Osh- | 2 ------ ------=--=| Hancock, who died on or about the i : diinged awa. Phones, Office 940: Residence terations to suit tenant. Apply to] Si . V t Twenty-third day of September, A room brick, with all modern con- 6194. H. Engel, 47-1] tuations Vacan D. 1922, at the Town of Oshawa in | Yohiences, hardwood floors down- A FULL LINE ©F GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES TO RENT -- 4 NICE, BRIGHT | pawn MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO| the County and Province of Ontario, | "airs and wired for electric stove, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-| rooms, freshly decorated. Suit mar- | are i 4 iq in North. Possession given at once. $60 paid weekly for your spare time are required to send by post prepaid °° eh xRRy } risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-|ried couple, no children. 167 Park | oriting showeards for us. No can-| or deliver to the undersigned, solici- $5,500. WILL BUY A NEW S§ armony as : lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank, | Road North, ' | vassing. We instruct and supply you! tor herein for Leslie Hancock and room brick house, with all modern ' entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. R gtierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, G., D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- OFFICE TO RENT -- A BRIGHT, | with work. Phone 1040 clean, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in the Royal Bank Chambers, immed iately adjoining R. Moffat's law of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, conveniences, hardwood floors dowa- Limited, the &xecutors under phe Stairs and fire place, in North. Will of the said Elizabeth Hancock, $3,800. WILL BUY A NICE 6! their names and addresses and full | room brick, bungalow style, with all West-Angus Showeard | Delivery to Any Part of the Town i Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. A Situations Wanted rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. (fice. Hardwood floor, hot water | particulars in writing of their claims | conveniences except furnace, in good | - Office (entrance) 7% Simooe St. |heating. Will rent at a reasonable | YoUuNG LADY DESIRES POSITION | and statements of their accounts and | location. Terms easy. -- South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on|figure to suitable tenant. Apply to|ag stenographer. 3 years expegience. | the nature of the securities, if any,| $3,950. WILL BUY A LARGE 6 mortgages, conveyancing and gen- John Bailes & Sons, Ifardware. {Apply Box "P", Reformer. 81.f | held by them. eral practice. Phone 63, 86-t) WE MAKE AND SELL | room house on good lot, in splendid | === AND TARE NOTICE that after |jocation. Terms easy. House rent-| | the Eleventh day of November, 1922, | ing for $40.00. Wanted To Buy H. E. MORPHY, B.A. BARRISTER, Lost and Found | WANTED TO. PURCHASE TYPE. | the said executors will proceed to| wi HAVE MANY MORE HOUSES, gr Rowe A i a) Dflice LOST -- DIAMOND RING. RE-| writer, Underwood preferred, must, Gistribute the assets, of the said de- also lots and farms. : Phohes--Office 210 de 160 SUAWA.| ward. 127 Summer St, or phone be a recent model and in 1st class | CCASed, among the persons entitled | WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF IN- 3 hy 3 3 187w. (90b) | condition. R. A. Hutchison, Col. | thereto, having regard only to the|gyrance. Chiropractic WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK | borne St., Whitby. (891) | claims of which they shall then have | pp QgHAWA REAL ESTATE 2 AND HAVE KEGS FOR SALE child's skooter from the entrance in| =m --ro------g5----=-------- | had notice, and that the said execu-| SALES CO. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO-| Mr. Baird's store, Simcoe St. S., Real Estate For Sale | tors will not We lable for the said! ey King East -- Photie 795. OSHAWA CANNING CO. . practic Spinal Adjustments and get| Sunday afternoon, return to 142% FOR SALE--LOTS ON JARVIS ST. C. LYCETT, J. C. YOUNG. well. Examination free at ofPice.| Simcoe St., S., at once. (90a) |%6. per foot, water and sewer; lots| péreon of w hosg claim they shall Bot] Phone 625. Phone 9097]. King St. West Phone 93 Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. | FOUND--A _ SMALL BUNCH OF [O00 Centre St, 2 blocks from King| "psrpp at Oshawa, the Twenty-| ton) = |keys. Owner may have same by St. Water and sewer; lots on Keu-| geen day of October, A. D. 1922 ET | Surveyors proving property and paying for ad.|Peth Ave. 39 x 127. \H. Salter, 21 | M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civie En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-1 at 42 Bond St. W. 82-tf | Royal St. Phone 185. 90-1 LOST -- A KITCHEN CHAIR BE- | By General Real Estate, 413% Simcoe tween Oshawa and Brooklin. Finder Street N. please communicate with Mrs. Rat-| $4,700 -- $1,000 DOWN cliffe, Brooklin, 90-a | new T7-room Brick Bungalow, com- Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am-|preferred. Mail terms and full par- | 8-Toom Brick House in the north Right now to train for big paving bulance; morgue and chapel in con-| ticulars to P. O. Box 413. (89¢) me ompleled by Nov 10th. mechanical jobs . ir [ou are me nection; picture framing; 11 Si = = = oS pre 0 DOWN UYS A 5- chanieally inclined and like working a icute taming 1) Simcoe WANTED TO BUY--SIX OR SEVEN | room house, nearly new. Containe|Hl around automobiles and tractors, 19 1 jvision St. 26-1yr A Rn A al i f you are cheating yourself, Can you" TH DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE [analy aor carn" metne other need | snap. ; Ml aitord to dois Never was tier Office and Chapel, 31 King St, |=--me---- = . We have the best buy in lots in such a deman ained men. A East, Oshawa. Finest Motor equip- ment and Ambulanee service, Phone | THERE WILL BE SOLD BY PUB-| Next year. mean independence for life, rn 1082, Day or Night. (89-1 mo.) [lic Auction on Lot 16, Con. 3, Dar-|OPen evenings from 7 p.m. until 9. automobile and tractor op ng iin n, Sat., Nov. 11th, the property Phones 1207; residence, 651. and repairing, tire vifcanizing, bat- Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT [suit purchasers. The timber js most-| $1,000. DOWN BUYS A 7 ROOM [Hl 16.150, tour disposal. Cail or Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa {ly maple or other hardwood in the Brick Bungalow Complete by Nov. rite do i he giily hs : Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South. [south woods and in the north woods| 10th, all modern conveniences, this and Bow, i Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162. 11-tf FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552j, might 552w. Rit- son Road North. . 91-41 ---- = a= --a=_._| plete by Nov. 15th. Houses Wanted lamps and carpet sweepers. WANTED -- SMALL HOUSE WITH |2 00d buy at this price. garden plot adjacent to town limits This is $4,500--%$800 DOWN BUYS A NEW roomed brick house in good condition | electric, water and gas. This is a WOOD SALE Oshawa, all a good investment for of W. L. Law, about 10 acres of by General Real Estate, 413% Sim. standing timber in 3 aere lots to y % a coe St., North. mostly cedar. The purchasers wili be given to the first day of March, 1924, to remove the timber. Terms: All sums of $20 and under, cash: over that amount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes with interest at 6 per cent. Sale commences at 1 o'clock, W. L. Law, owner; Jas. Bishop. auctioneer; '. 90-93 is a good buy. $1,000. DOWN BUYS A 7 ROOM Brick House situated on the best street in the North End, just com- pleted, every convenience, you must see this. WANTED FOR TWO CLIENTS 2 Small Houses near Fittings prefer- RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. 20-tf | croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood-| Business. Open every evening from 91 Ontario St. | ee Yard, Whitby. Ont. 7 to 9. Phone 1207. Residence : | Architects 69-1) 651. (90a) SALE NOW ON SHARP & HORNER, 73 King St. West Toronto, Schools, Churches, Public Buildings, etc. Economy in design, efficiency in administration. ag 71-41 red. State price and payment down. Mr. OWNER IF YOU HAVE ANY Property for sale and want quick ac- tion let us handle it for you as we have had 15 years experience in the Real Estate Business and know our Lumber LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- BUYS A! Wired for range, |" 5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered. Apply A. C. Cook, Alice St, E. a 83-1 ~~ Musical : HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M,, organist and choir master of King ed. Price $4,000. Terms easy. W. C. ' 3 St. Methodist Church, is prepared to : accept a limited number of pupils in [Ont oe Canideo; DODDS Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe arms I'or WILSON ~CROBIER FARM, 100 acres, nice frame house, good out- buildings, and eighty acres cultivat- TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED" FOR LATH- ing. Apply F. L. Beecroft, Whitby. Tel. 12. 90-b aT p FARM FOR SALE--HALF A MILE Bt \ Organ, For. Ki s, ete. Y ORijorth of Thornton's Corners, 40 3 K i 0 iN E Y i Coane Borg Big Methbdist' | eres of choice land. There is a : = - . (65-4.1.) large solid brick house, barn, ce- Accountants ACCOUNTS RENDERED AND GOL- ections made; books of accounts posted and financal statements pre- pared; income tax reports prepared, adjusted; general and cost account- ing systems installed: audits and uthorized investigations made; a trustee in bankruptcy. Hugh K. Mid- | Sungeon. Office and residence 36 not satisfied. For sale at Jury and dieton, Accountant, Auditor, ete.| Division St. Phone 151. Dog hos- Gehawa, or Dy ail trom at T. 52% Simcoe St. North. tf | pital in connection. (77-3mos.) | Briges, Whishy, unt ment stabling, hennery, pigpen, gar- age, orchard, etc. Apply on the premises, D. J. ©. Donnell, RR. Ng, 3, Oshawa. 87-d Veterinary ALEX WANNAN VETERINARY G. D. CONANT, Barrister, &e., Oshawa, Ont. Solictor for the said executors. 87-90-93 | 00 ME [WE WANT every day you put off coming to us, few weeks of your time invested now will give you a trade that will tery welding by Our free employment ser- building and oxy-acetyiene the Hemphill practical system. steady work. © Do it Aulo - & Tractor School, . (90d) D. W. Park's Private Sale of House- hold Furniture at PHONE 408 pou e 1 started which is now nearly finished. The d mews has 90 per 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' a IER