Ontario Reformer, 14 Oct 1922, p. 5

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DR.'T. C. CLEMENCB, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. Wept, Phemne 231, DR. T, S. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- jee over Hogg and Lytle's stora, Phone 948, 1-yr, DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Office over Royal Bank. Phone 959. Residence 306, (4-1yr:) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lavell's Drug Store, Phane No. 97, DR, "TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of etenbeck"s Store, DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Sim St, N. Phone 1243, Houses For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 191 Ritson Rd. S. 80-e FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, overy convenience, excellent loca- | tion, good garden, Apply 13 Ritson Road South, or Phone 835. (80¢) FOR SALE--A 4 ROOM COTTAGR with back kitchen. Call at 44% Sim- coe St. 'N., 81-¢ FOR SALE--FINE BRICK VENEER geven roomed residence, with finish- ed attic, modern conveniences. Ap- ply on premises, 117 Colborne 8t, K,, or phone 1145-J, 81 FOR SALE--NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE with all conveniences, Hardwood floors and fire place. Large lot. Apply 80 Bmma St. (81-¢) | FOR SALE--#700 DOWN, , BALANCE as rent. 5 roomed house, all con- veni Apply 173 Celina St, ir Medical DR. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North. Phone #7. 110-1yr DR. McKAY ~-- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. Kast, corner Victoria St,, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. L. J. SE T, 73 BLOOR ST, East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, ta4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease {f the oye, 12- >-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat, Disease of children, Office over Dominion |Bank, Telephone 1155, Hours 11--} 5--6: 5--9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9;lor by appointment, 45-tmos DR. A. A. HAILIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Torojto, will ha at Jury & Lovell's Drug §tore first and third Friday each mogth from .2.30 to 4 for consultation /in diseases of the nose, throat anfl ear. 134-tf DR. F, T. BRJANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Mijers Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 talion and trg ear, nose and jtment of diseases of hroat only, Legal TANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solpit¢, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. ney to loan, Office 1434 King St East, Oshawa, Phone 445, DA J JOSEPH. P. WANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, btary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. ill branches of Civil and Criminal Lw. Loans arranged. Of- fice, Kingpt. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa Hgse) King St. West, Osh- awa, Phoms, Office 940; Residence 6194. GRIERSO! & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Coveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Ofce over Standard, Bank, entrance Sncoe St.; Phone 13. J. F, Srtersox B.A., T. K, Creighton, B. A. G. D. CONAT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicor, Notary Publie, ete. Office (entmce) 7% Simooe St., South, Oshaa. Loans arranged on mortgages, mveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, H. E. MORPY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Nory Public, ete. Office 11% Simecoc St. South, Oshawa. Phones--Offit 210, Res, 160. Ciropractic IF YOU ARBICK, TAKE CHIRO-|- practic SpinalAdjustments and get well. Examiniog free at office. Dr. S. M, Jon< 86 Simcoe St. North. Srveyors ill 4 p.m, for consul-| _ This is a snap. (81-¢) FOR SALE--6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE at 117 Stacey Ave,, alsa huilding lot adjoining. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to Russel Perkins, Regent Bldg., 50 King St, KE, B2-0 PROPERTIES FOR SALE #800 DOWN AND BALANCE ON monthly payments will secure yon a 6.roomed brick with electric lights, furnace and three-piece bath, on a paved street and cen- tral, electrié stove and electric fix- tures go with the house. $1,000 DOWN AND BALANCE ON monthly payments will immediate possession of a 6.-room- ed brick with three-piece bath, electric lights and furnace, electric fixtures go with house. This house close to G.M.C. and it could proh- bably be bought with less cash down, Make offer. Have several houses that can he bought with from $100 to $300 down, and farms with as low as $500 pay- ment down. Look our list over be- fore buying. 4. ¢, MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance, King St. Chambers 66 King St, W, 8le $4000 will buy a 6 room brick house with all conveniences. Cen- trally located. $6500 will buy a 6 room brick with all convenience on paved street and in a lovely location, . $2000 will buy a 7 room frame, with hardwood floors downstairs and electric lights, ~ Special--$3100 will buy a 5 room' give you Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- A GOOD WHITE wicker baby buggy. Will sell cheap. 281 Jarvis St. 0-¢ FOR SALE--SWEBT CIDER PARK Rd. 8. or phone 955w, 80-t FOR SALE--LOFT OF TWENTY homers, Lot or separate. Apply Secretary Hamilton Homing Club, King West, Hamilton, 78-1 FOR SALE, CHEAP -- SECOND hand gas range with high oven, In good condition. See it in our east window, John Bailes & Sons, Hard- ware, 81-h FOR SALE--1 CONGOLREUM RUG, in first class condition, Size 10 hy 10. Apply 19% Prince St. 81-h FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKRER baby carriage, in good condition. Apply 15 Colborne St. E, (B1-e) FUR SALE-- ONE WM. PARK- hurst double barrel shot gun. Ghar- anteed in A,1, condition. Apply H, T. Palmer, 43 Colborne St, East, 82-a FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain at $195, Stalter's Music Store, 23 Simcoe St, N,, Oshawa, 46-t1 SWEET CIDER -- MADE FROM good sound apples. Any quantity. hone 908 r 24. (66-t.1,) WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER up the home with a change in fur- niture, We buy, sell and exchange used furniture, Highest cash price paid for good second hand furni- | ture, 1. Dime, 56 King Street West, Phone 271. 75-2mos M, HENNICK, SECOND HAND, 442 Simcoe Street South, buys second hand furniture and clothes, Pays the highest prices, For sale reason: able, four dining room s2is, bedroom sets, clothes, men's and women's. Phone 117J. 79 FOR SALE -- ONE FIRST-CLASS young Jersey cow. Apply 241 Nas- sau St. Phone 946. (81h) FOR SALE--A AUDION RADIO SET Loose coupler. Complete, less phones and aerial. $14. 218 Verdun Road. 82-c SALE -- TWO DELIVER) horses, 2 good wagons, cider barrels and apple barrels. Apply D. M. Tod Bakery, corner Bond and Church Sts. 82-a 26 St. 2-2 | {FOR SALE -- CEDAR POSTS, and 30 cents each. 331 Centre Phone 1249-J, FOR SALF -- 16 HENS AND A thoroughbred svhite rooster. $2 Inquire 102 Elgin St. W. 82-a stucco house with all conveni , double floors, hot water heating, wired for electric stove, This is a snap. We have some choice lots for sale at reasonable prices, in all parts of the town. We write all kinds of insurance life, fire, accident, sickness, plate glass, burglary and automobile. Oshawa Real Estate Sales 61 King St. E.--Phone 793. A. C. LYCETT J.C. YOUNG | Phone 625. Phone 909). (80¢) Co, SPECIAL $3,800 WILL BUY A LOVELY 5 room cottage on large lot in North, with 3-piece bath, electric lights and convenient to car line. $500 will buy a lovely 40 foot lot convenient to General Motors or Fittings, with water, sewer and sidewalk. THE OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SALES C0, 61 King St. East Phone 793 82-h Help Wanted--Male MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- i We instruct and supply you M. M. GIBSOMONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Syeyors and Civie En- gineers, Whitl Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late ' E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertake: & Embalmers LUKE BURIAICO. -- FUNERAL directors, embmers, private am- bulance; morgiand chapel in con- nection; picturtraming; 11 Simcoe St, South. Phe 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1yr Tire epairing ALL KINDS OFIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire RepaiBhop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. aieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone62. 11-4£ FURNITURE STMED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Al storage for cars. Day phone 552jight 552w. Rit- Road North. son olf Pats ng. with work. © West-Angus Showcard 23 Colborne Bldg, Toronto. exceptional opportunity in this ter- ritory for our money saving house- hold necessities. Sell on demonstra- tion. Large profits and steady busi- ness for a wide awake man. Small capital required for goods only. Our organizer is now here. Write for ap- pointment. Box "L", Reformer. 82-a WANTED -- ENERGETIC SALES- man, references. Apply Box "J", Reformer. 81-b BOY WANTED--FOR ALL DAY DE- livery. Apply to H. A. Suddard 546 Simcoe St. S. 80-c SALESMEN WANTED -- ONE OR two salesmen who desire a profitable and permanent commection. we offer an attractive contract, with salary and commission. We want men of given every 'backing from the home office, and their earning possibilities will be limited only by their own cap- abilities. Apply Box "0", Relonfier. RIDOUT AND AYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Stre Toronto, Regls- tered Patent Atheys. Send Aschcts SHARP & HORM, 73 King St. West Toronto, Swls, Churches, Public Buildings, :. Economy in design, efficiency fidministration. 71-41 Musl HERBERT C. TREER, ATC. organist and choipaster of King St. Methodist Chur is prepared to accept a limited nuer of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice #ure and Pipe Organ. For termete., apply on Saturdays at Kingt. xs ae - Methbdist' (654.1) ___|ant. Help Waniod Fame WANT) sale of a cands on commis- sion. Apply at once. Reformer. -¢ WOMAN WANTED FOR SEWING (making alterations.) Athol Clean ing and Dyeing Co., " Athol aw. ~C WANTED GOOD GENERAL SERV- 299 Simcoe St. 8. 82-tf WANTED--A Scneral howbomork. Apply: 256 Con- e Wood For Sale | WOOD FOR SALE--500 CORD OF | soft slabs, also 500 cords hard wood, cut to foot lengths and delivered. Slabs $12 per cord, Hardwood $17.50 1 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED --AN | Sison Bd. N. YOUNG GIRL FOR. R. E. Johnston, 75 Hogarth Street. 80-c | HARDWOOD, CUT, $15 PER CORD; |softwood, cut, $13 per cord. Frank [Pam 361 Ritson Road. WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. Slate, Tile, felt and gravel or shing- les, 8. J. Gascoigne, Box 343, Whitby, Ont. Phone 243. Oshawa office, phone 1232. 0. tf Board and Rooms WANTED -- 3 MEN TO TAKE A large room together, also 4 men to board and room out about ten minutes walk from General Motors. Apply 102 Alice St. Oshawa. 80-e TO LET--TWO ROOMS, FURNISH- ed or partly furnished, with use of kitchen. Conveniences. Telephone. Apply 422 Prospect St. 82-a FOR RENT --A BED SITTING ROOM suitable for two business girls, in a private family. 195 Court St. 82-a TO RENT -- TWO UNFURNISHED rooms situated near General Motors Possession immediately. Apply 312 a LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. I. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. Wanted Excellent opportunity for ener- getic life ins. agent. Territory: Oshawa and Durham Co. Apply P.O. Box 1042, Peterboro. (8lc) For Sele By Auction ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25TH. at 12 o'clock sharp, S. J. Bond, Lots 1 and 2, Concession 6, East Whitby, will sell by auction all his proper- ty, all farm stock and implements. uctioneess-- A GEO. JACKSON, TED JACKSON. 69-tt 82-85 Church or Phone 7. Accounts ACCOUNTS EENDED AND GOL- of accoufits ALEX WANNAN _ETERINABY Surgeon. Office airesidence 36 Division St. Phonel. Dog hos- pital in connection. (77-3mos.) recently been refinished throughout. Apply to Box "Q" Reformer. 82 ae7, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 PAGE FIVE Five Errors Central Ontario League circuit yester- day afternoon when Belleville, cham- pions of the CO.B.L. were declared winners over the much heralded Hill- crest team, 1921 Ontario champions, the score heing 5 to 4, Williams goes a large share of the credit for accomplishing what was considered by many fans to he an al- most impossible task. Despite the fact that the Grand Trunks made five errors, three of them in one innings, Williams pitched himself out of the ness, Nine of the invincible Hill crests whiffed the air before Williams' hooks, which were working perfectly, his control being the best he has dis- played this year, men reached first on charities, The Indian easily outpitched "Cannonball" Scott, and, had he been given airtight support, the T.A.B.A. champions would have returned to the Queen City with only one run to their credit, 2,500 Fans Saw the Game A crowd of 2,500 fans witnessed the contest under ideal weather condi- tions, and although opinion was divid- ed as to who the winners would be, the Central League representatives | Belleville registered the winning run a wild demonstration followed. It was thought by many that no C.0.B.L. team could stop the Hillcrest aggrega- tion, but those who_did so under- estimated the calibre of Belleville's pitching ace. Will Meet Galt Hillerests are considered to be the hardest combination to defeat in amateur baseball, and it is believed that the Quinte City team will win from Galt by a bigger margin than they did over the Scott-Hennessy com- bination. Belleville will now meet Galt in the finals for the Ontario championship, and Central League fans will be pulling for them to come through with the title. The Grand Trunks captured the O.B.A.A. honors in 1919 with Freddy Goyer at the helm, but the Railroaders are pinning as much faith in Williams as they did Goyer at any time. The play by innings follows: -- First Innings Hillerests -- Walker singled to cen- tre. Hennessey sacrificed, Walker to second. Irwin singled to centre, Wal- ker stopping at third. Irwin stole second base. Samuels flied to left, Walker scoring, Irwin moving to third. Lancaster got on through H. Mill's error, Irwin scoring. Lancaster stole second and went to third on Mill's bad peg. B. Irwin fanned. 2 runs, 2 hits, 2 errors. Belleville--Ross walked, ficed, Lancaster pitch let walked, | Weir saeri- to Samuels. A wild Ross take third. W. Mills H. Mills out, Waldron to - | Samuels, Ross scoring, W. Mills going Lost and Found LOST A FOU NTAIN PEN, NEAR fire station. Reward on its rsturn Please return to 42 Simcoe St. N. 81-¢ FOUND --A SMALL BUNCH OF keys, Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. at 42 Bond St. W. 82-t1 LOST--BAR diy WITH THREE stars (W.C.T.U. Finder return to Reformer. Reward, 82-¢ General dl Wants STORE WANTED--SMALL STORE centrally located. Apply Box "MM", Reformer. Agents Wanted AGENT WANTED--TO HANDLE canvas goods, rope, ete, imcludins a world famous waterproof canvas for motor, and wagon cowers, ete Must be energetic. Liberal com- mission allowed. Reply, enclosing references, to Box "A" Reformer. To Southpaw | difficult holes with the utmost cgol-| Only two Hillcrest | had the largest following, and when | 80-¢ Mig ghty Hillcrests Vanquished Williams Hurls Trunks to Victory POE LET THE TEST Alice--Do you really think that clothes make the man? Virginia----0f course not. kind of car he drives, Its the Belleville Defeats Toronto Team in Semi-Final Play Off For Ontario Championship--Got Away to|* Bad Start But Indian Won Notwithstanding WINNERS MEET GALT IN FINAL; REJOICING ON C.OBL. CIRCUIT There was great rejoicing in the] to second, J. K. Williams out, B, Irwin to Samuels, 1 run, 0 hits, 0 | errors, -- Second Innings Hillerests--Waldron grounded. out, second to first, Scruton out, pitcher to first, Scott doubled to right field. Walker out pitcher to first, 0 runs, | 1 hit, 0 errors. | Belleville--Meagher fanned, Casey beat out an infield hit to Waldron, Hagerman fanned. Williams fanned, making the third strike out for the {Cannon Ball, 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. [ Third Innings Hillerests -- Hennessey fanned on three straight hooks. Pete Irwin pull ed the Indian for a walk, Ross pulled down Samuels' long hit after a nice run. Irwin stole second going all the | way home on a had peg of Weir's throw. Weir fumbled Lancaster's grounder, B, Irwin fanned. 1 run, 0 hits, 3 errors. Belleville--Ross fouled out to Hen- nessey. Weir grounded out, Waldron to Samuels, a nice pick up-by the Hill- crest first sacker. W. Mills went out, B. Irwin to Samuels. 0 rums, 0 hits, | errors. | Fourth Innings Hillerests -- Waldron out, Weir to first. Scruton out on a bunt to third. |Scott hit a Texas leaguer back of | second base. Walker flied to centre. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. Belleville -- H. Mills hit to Scott, Samuels dropping the throw. J. K. Williams fanned. Meagher popped back of short, Waldron making a nice catch. H. Mills stole second. Casey singled to centre, scoring H. Mills. Hagerman flied to Pete Irwin. 1 run, 1 hit, 1 error. Fifth Innings Hillerests--Hennessey fanned. Pete Irwin walked. Samuels hit to Mea- gher, whose throw was too late to get Irwin at second, both runners safe. Lancaster popped to Meagher. B. Ir- win out, Weir to H. Mills. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Belleville--J. H. Williams walked, Hennessey nipped the Indian off first. Ross fanned. Weir out, Waldron to Samuels. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Sixth Innings Hillcrests--Hagerman muffed Wal dron's fly, the Hillcrest short stop landing at second. Scruton sacrificed. Scott singled to centre for his third hit, Waldron scoring. 'The Indian caught Scott napping at first. Walker out, Weir to first. 1 run, 1 hit, 1 error. Belleville--W. Mills out, B. Irwin to Samuels. A nice pick-up by "Squiger." H. Mills out, Waldron to first. J. K. Williams got a hit on his grounder, but Waldron pegged bad to first, the runner going to second. Meagher popped to Waldron. 0 rums, 1 hit, 1 error. Seventh Innings Hillcrests -- Hennessey struck out, for the third time. . Pete Irwin rolled to J. K. Williams. Samuels rolled to Meagher. © rums, 0 hits, 0 errors. Belleville--Casey flied to left. Hager- man singled to centre. J. H. Williams doubled to right. Ross struck ". Weir walked. The fourth ball was wild pitch, scoring Hagerman. Ww, Mills singled through the box, scoring Williams with the tieing run. Harry Mills flied to right. 2 rums, 3 hits, © errors, Eighth Innings Hillcrests--Lancaster out, pitcher to first. B. Irwin fanned. Waldron. fan- ned. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Belleville -- J. K. Williams fanned. Meagher grounded out, Scott to Sam- uels. Casey drew four balls. Samuels made a spectacular catch of Hager man's foul. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Ninth Innings a Hillerests -- Conacher batting for Scruton, the big fellow grounded out, ville--Lang place of Scruton. Williams fouled out to Samuels. Ross walked. Weir flied a musical comedy in 2acts by Oshawa' best talent in aid of the Hespital. REGENT Oct. 25 and 26. HARDW flioor--heat light. Size 27x73. terations to suit tenant. H. Engel. 4 ~d | T0 RENT HOUSE, STABLE AND Tk PIKCE DANCE Orchestra . 00D Al- Apply to ATL. DODDS KIDNEY PILLS to Pete Irwin. W. Mills doubled to left, séoring Ross with the run. The decision of Yay's at the . Henpmessey had : ; ceomsonssal® § 8 B comodo. ooh uNmo me PD sssuse Ramm NOD OD OOD 2 ; § 8 ee ® 3): ly] ewmasmashesn BR PPP PP FPP LEAGUE PRESIDENT CONGRATULATES TRUNKS When the final bulletin was flashed over the wire yester- day announcing the result of the Belleville-Hillérest game in Péterhoro, President E. Parsons of the Central League despatched the fol- lowing telegram to the Belleville Club: ' Walter Gerow, Esq., ' Manager' of the Belleville Baseball Club, Congratulations your- self and team of sterling players on your victory today. Sorry it was impossible for me to he 'present th celebrate your achievement. Weep up the good work. E. PARSONS, President C.0.B.L. to Er SLT PT Aa XR RE A AAA baad dll IIL III IZ TL] Paikdile And' Oshawa Clash In Rugby To-day The rugby season will be officially opened this afternoon when the team representing Oshawa High Sdhool in the interscholastic serfes of the O.R.P.U. will play Parkdale Colleg- fate at Alexandra Park. While the | A ------ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Walter Brown, late of the Town of Oshawa, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the late Walter Brown, who died on or ahout the 13th day of August, A. D. 1922, at the Town of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty and Province of Ontario, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or de- liver to the undersigned, solicitor herein for Harry Brown and Her- bert B, Wilson, the executors under the Will of the said Walter Brown, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and nature of the securities, if any, neld by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Twenty-first day of October, 1922, the said executors will pro- eeed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice, Dated at Oshawa the Fourth day of October, 1922, Barrister, ete, Oshawa, G. D; CONANT, Solicitor for the said executors. 78-81-84 Ont, local students have put in many | hours of solid practice, this game| will be thefr first real test and' it wifl no doubt strengthen them a great deal for the opening O.R.F.U. fixture, The game wil commence about 3.15 and many spectators will be on hand to give the boys encour- agement, The other attraction at Alexandra Park this afternoon is the Oshawa-| All Scots soccer match. This game should also draw a large crowd as EY oa The Girl'from Vaga: bondi Written and produced Wilson MacDonald Canada's Eminent Poet Playwright. Oct. 25 and 26 under auspices Oshawa Hospital by and both teams: arg among the best ial their respective groups. All Scots] m---- a ------ m-- are an inter-eity éleven and accus- tomed to playing in the fastest com-|) pany in amateur circles, Rules of Several Games Will Be The Ontario Athletic Commission | bas arranged with the A. G. Spald-| ing Co. to place under one eover the ||| rules of baseball (indoor and out), lacrosse, hockey, football, basketball, soccer, volleyball and handball. The commission will dis- separate school in the province free | on application to the commission of- fice, 46 Richmond Street West, To- ronto. Any pupils desiring copies! || for themeselves may secure them | from the publishers. I The commission is undertaking to || distribute 10,000 copies of this pub- lication free of all cost, one to each Hh school. Obviously. the commission cannot undertake to send copies to any but the teachers, to be used as books of reference for their respec tive schools. Likewise only those | will get them. The idea of having under one OF} = er the rules of practically every | game played in the schools fills a| long felt want, and should be a great | boon- and couvenience to' teacher | and student. Local public schoels will no doubt avail themselves of the opportunity of securing copies of the rales as it will be wery valuable in conducting | all branches of spor:. MIGHT BE WORSE We seldom appreciate our bless- ings. The girls might have taken to cutting it pompadour instead of bobbing it. The Turk is back in Europe, "bag | and baggage."--Ottawa Jourmal. Someone should page the wise men of the East.--Brandon Sun. It's hard to convince the flies that | the seasom is over.--Brandom Sun. | Normailcy mot having been return- ed, could it have been sent to the Dead Letter office?--Detroit News. The only pant of tie nation's fora supply raised by the middlemen is the price.--Hantford Times. Ed. Howe says that golf is ing the nation. Ay, mon, but Tous ye and Men's Suits, Sponged and Pressed Men's Suits, Dyed Men's Overcoats, Dyed Men's Overcoats, Pressed .... tennis, | l tribute one copy to amy public ll " 3 Elgin Street | | Otfers For Sale One Cider Milf Complete $15.00 Two Used Upright. Pianos $200.00 On Easy Terms Trap Drummer's Outfit $55.00 | || One Ford Light Delivery Truck, | % ton, canopy top, all new tires and tubes and thoroughly over- hauled I One Sedan, just like f schools thinking it worth while to fi Apples Wanted Oshawa Canning Company | Oshawa Ontario t Bs

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