Ontario Reformer, 3 Oct 1922, p. 5

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posite Pental--- ave Dp so vr DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Oftice over Andison's Tailor. Shop, 19 King St, West, Phone 231, DR.'T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Phone 948. 1-yr. DR. §. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. fice over Royal Bank, Phone 959, asidence 308, (4-1yr.) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICR over Jury -and Lovell's Drug Store. Plione 07, DPR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbéck's Store. DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe N. Phone 1243, Real Estate For Sale - LOTS FOR SA Residence, 403, LOTS ON HILCREST AT $60 RUS East. Phones 1232 or 403. B9-t LE GREAT BIG deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard Cheap, with reasonable Sagnctionh Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply " ay Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 FOR SALE --FORD UNDERSLUNG King St. East. Office phone 1232, chassis, apply 73 Wilkingon Ave, 46-tt a ' LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH| Robt D, Prestén, King St, Chambers, rg (77-¢) | LATHING AND SHINGLING, WORK sell Perkins, Regent Building, King! Biven. Apply 13% King 8t. W. »| MODRL 490 FOR SALE APPLY «| Jack 'Gowali, 98 Bigih St, Bast, (76¢) .| done by job or plece, Estimates t 53-8mo building lots on Dearbourne Ave One with double garage, Apply 24 right for quick sale, For particular apply Box "8", Reformer, 70+ FOR SALE -- TWO | WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY Dearbourne Ave. : (75-¢) | les. 8. J. Gascolgne, Box 343, FOR. SALE -- CHOICE BUILDING lot located on Simcoe St. North, (MAN WANTS STEADY WORK IN west side, 76 foot frontage, Price |lactory or store. Apply Box "Ww", Roof, we do all kinds of roof work, 1| Slate, Tile, felt and gravel or shing- -| Whitby, Ont., Phone 243, (66-t,t.) «| Reformer. 77-8 Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN nd Surgeon, Union Bank Building, ancoo St, North, Phone 57, 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawp. Phone 94, DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST. East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m! to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, FAR, NOSR AND Throat, Diseases of children. Office over Dominfon Bank. 'Telephone 11565, Hours 11--1; 5--46: 5--u; Satur- ¢|FOR SALE--400 FOUR PASSENGER houses and business property. (77-¢ Help Wanted--Female dc stamp for full particulars. Littl onto. (77-a 8. between 7 and 8 o'clock, evenin, (75-¢ ROBT. D. PRESTON AS SOME OF | coupe, only driven 2,000 miles. Cord the best buys in Orhawa in "lots, tire equipment, including spare. LADIE§ EARN MONEY AT HOME| ire. | llent running order, onl coloring Christmas cards and folders; J0) 1 eXuel on: 14 5 obiy W. light pleasent work that nearly every-| |, James, 58 Aberdeen St. Phone one can do, Sent any distance. Send! 1971.J,, 77-¢ Art Shop, 165 Spadina Avenue, Tor-| WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN TO FLAT TO RENT--2, 3, or 4 UN-| keep house, references required. Ap- furnished rooms, Central, Good | ply to Mrs. McKibbin, 481 Simcoe St. (locality. Heat and light supplied. First class condition and running or: y|der. H. G. Hawkings, 410 Masson +|8t. Phone 116-J, 17-¢ FOR BALE--McLAUGHLIN MODEL 85, fully equipped, with new spare used about four months. Apply W, 8 == Board and Rooms ) 1Apply 173 Celina Street. (77-a) TO LET -- BOARD AND ROOM Situations Wanted A YOUNG GIRL OF 1% YRARS Sohdeh Banca tion: wishes a Job [pad bon, as clerk. in a Grocery or Book store, Reply to Box "D" Re- ygars before it was given a pave (17:12) nent. |. Automobiles For Sale... | former Office, ® Rooms Wan -- WHLL FURNISHED [portion of the pavement would pass id fHit, 2 or § 'Foams. Busi- |a section of its land where it would logated. (never he needed. Would consider unfurnished. Phone 5 ehh He (76¢) lod the apportionment of the cost of WANTED "~ TWO ROOMS FOR [the proposed pavements on Rock, x 0" |CQentre, Court, Prospect and Front (T6e light housekeeping. ~~ General Wants WANTED TO REN writer for @ months: Phone 678 : ) (76¢) WANTED--TO BUY HAND PICKED ment was $1,700, He didn't think winter and fall apples hy the harrel or otherwise. Apply Russel Perkins, (over the sgreet. 151 Park Road N. Phone 403. 77-81 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1922 willingness to supply, The company ere for 60 years, nd it had to walt for a great number of «The Oshawa Raliway Company al- $0, protested, pointing out that a The report of the engiicer show- streets, as published in The Re- = | former ten days ago, Dep. Reeve Mason sald he was -- A TYPR- convinced Front Bt, could be fixed up for $200, to carry the iratfic put on it, whereas the town's share for the proposed asphaltic pave- there was a ton of freight a day went Might All Have Agreed, * ° CARD OF THANKS Ernebt Harlow, /151 death of his wife, Dep. Reeve Hill ventured if the pavement had been agked for be- Nassau fore the company located here not wishes to thank his many [one Councillor would have refused friends, the Hospjtal Staff, those who [the request, kindly loaned cars and the Whithy| Asked for his views, Engineer kindness | mith said that while he had based shown during the recent illness and hig figures for the official advertise- also for floral | ment, having no definite instruc- (77-8) | tions on the most expensive ! "{@ontinued trom page 1) rear of the Band, On returning to construction he did not think » isuch was necessary on that Dokeys Hold Fine ro. Instead of making the {pavement 20 feet wide it could be | 18 feet, and instead of 3 inch asphal- tic wearing surface it would be 2% be kept in condition by the use of cinders and these they expressed a PAGE FIVE Councillor Moffat rose to a point of order and urged the Mayor to keep members on the matter in hand. Are Not Going Broke, Councillor Preston 'refused to be silenced. "I have some rights," he declared, 'Are we going to vote for this and then can't pay for it?" "We are not going hroke and don't worry' replied Reeve Morris, Councillor MdTfat asked to have the engineer state what would be the cost of a 16 foot concrete, 18 foot concrete, and an 18 foot asphal- tic pavement, without curb and gut- ter, The engineer's information was that the total cost of the asphaltic pavement would be $4,095 for 18 feet wide with a five year guarantee, and a concrete pavement would be $3,276 with only a two year guaran- tee, the total extra cost of asphal- tic pavement over concrete heing $819. The town's share of the extra cost would be $177 or $16 a year; the, Oshawa Railway. Company's share of the cost would be $276, or $25 a year; the Malleable Iron Co's share of the extra cost would he $366 or $33 a year. The average life of asphaltic pavement is over 20 years, of concrete pavement it is 15 years, and therefore the deben- tures are for asphaltic 20 years and for concrete 15 years, This makes the annual payments required high- er than for asphaltic pavement. Re- pair charges for asphaltic pavement are much less than for concrete, it was also pointed out by the engineer, Councillor Trick suggested that the pavement of Front St. be laid over until next year, hecause he | You Can Get Back Your Grip on Health Hope for the millions of unfortun- ate men and women who are victims of stomach trouble is sounded by Mrs. O. BE. Smith, of 169 Yarmouth Road, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Smith was a victim of stomach trouble in its worst form but was completely re- stored to health by taking Tanlae. She says: "1 suffered terribly from indiges- tion, headaches and dizzy spells, My kidneys also bothered me, and my back and legs hurt constantly. But since I took Tanlac, my digestion is perfect and I never have an ache or pain of any kind, in fact, I feel just fine all the time." Undigested food ferments in the stomach and soon the entire system is filled with poisons. Tanlac was designed to restore the stomach to a healthy condition and build up the whole body. Millions everywhere have atclaimed its wonderful power, Get a bottle today. Tanlace is sold by all good druggists, , Beware of those who are homeless by choice! Yon have no hold on a human being whose affections are without a taproot.--Southey. FIRST CLASS HAND SEWER--AT for one gentleman, convenient to the Castle Hall, Mr. Joseph Flor-|inches, reducing the cost from $6,- ¢ , | didn't think it could he done this | ' ' i 207 to $3,864, of which the town's |' | once on ladies work, Apply H. centre of the town, apply Box "NN"! ence, Royal Vizier, took the chair | 2 ; 5 ; > year anyway. days 2-5; 7--9; or by appointment Iguerir, 11% Simeoe St. S.. Phone (Reformer Office, (76b) | and presided while the degree work (Share would be $1,040, the railway Would Strike Out Clause 1198]. (75:8) --4v | Was being exemplified, There were ¢OMPany $1,270 and the Mulleabl ould Serike Out ayses . _~_ |BOARD AND ROOM WANTED--BY b ¢t candidates f .,Co. $1,690, Councillor Trick and Deputy DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 43 COL-|wANTED: EXPERIENCED FEMALE [2 business girls, central. Apply Bos | 2, Number of candidates Irom QiBer ep. Reeve Mason moved that the | Reeve: Mason moved to strice ou lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury | ypyagsers, capable of eontrolling dis- |*"T" Reformer. 76-b | the occasion one of outstanding im- €bEINcer's report be adopted, with|the clause of the report to pave & Lovell's Drug Store first and third tricts, to act as agents for old esta) |------=----==== Apps SOEs | portance. ne the clauses referring to the paving [Front and Prospect Streets, with as- Friday each month from 2.30 t0 410003 firm, carrying well known, [41 Tibia of Prospect and Front streets struck | phaltic pavement. © of #1 for consultation in diseases Of thef ijl. Savel. of lines in dally use: ouses W, | Following the degree work, local phaltic pavement ouncillor Mof 2 2 PH h . iscussion as to the merits | fat and Deputy Reeve Hill mdved 24-tf . : __FIVE sx | Pythians joined in the festivities at out. A d put v aose, throat and ear. 1 good salary and commission; state ex- (WANTER TO RENT 3VB.OR 21% a magnificent banquet in the spacs|0f concrete vs. asphaltic pavement [to amend the report to provide for Puts Pe Into v perience, age, ete. Apply, Thomas J. L420 " 0 a A Apply W | lous dining hall," which had been ensued, with Mayor Stacey strongly lan 18 foot concrete pavement, with- P DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Lipton, 24 Front St. West, Toronto. 320 to 2 oo monL. pp y Jo. | tastetully decorated by the Pythian favoring concrete and Councillor (out curb and Rutter. The amend. Street West, Toronts, will xa Mi z (76D) aint Bodin Seb ya ddd -| Sisters, who also prepared the ban-iTrick, as chairman of the Board of | ment carried on a vote of 5 to 4. You urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-| WANTED -- GENERAL SERVANT, } Articles For Sale | Quet. The usual toasts were pro- Works strongly opposed. Council- : 4 ' , ira posdd and were very ably responded lor Preston also took the opportunity | =-- - _n » Just what you talion and treatment of diseases of [no washing or ironing or upstairs | " i or! 4 and throat only work. Apply 221 Simcoe St. N. FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, | to after which addresses were given to ask why such a report was only Fall days to make you feel ear, nose , . 77-a |08Kk case, good condition, a bargain|by The Imperial Prince, Grand published on September 21 when the Pl bi H "fit." Peptona is made of iron Yd id { : diigo, ng | . : p --ins PRET t $195. Stalter's Music Store, 22 | Chancellor, Royal Prince J. G. Wil- work on some of the streets was al- umbi eah Legal keeper pA = 2 WORKING HOUSE Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 45-tf| son, editor of the Pythian Review ready underway. He wanted to ry eat ng i StFuse 3nq ase less Lod ' 4 WED a 9 ont | 4 iri 2 re y Ww yas res sible suc iver Oil. 1in people get fat agp WEET CID -- 2 {and Past Grand Chancellor of the know who was respomsible for such an epairs iver JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-|Wages. Apply Box "2", Relormer, EWaet Si Ee MADE FBOM: ryor and others. Mr. Meese deliver- a muddle, and asked if the Finance P on it and weak people get Hisar, Soljeitor, Hoisty Pabie, Con: WANTED -- WOMAN FOR TWO OR [Phone 908 r 24. (66-t.1,) | ©d a most inspiring and instructive Committee was to blame. Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty v r. Money to loan. ce : -- - - ; 14% King St. East 445, PEPTONA The Tonic That need these | Pythian talk. He complimented the R Morri b f th strong. It builds you-up:and . a pi = . 4 eeve orris, chairman of the eon , Oshawa. Phone |three days to assist in housework. (WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER | officers of the Temple, who exempli- Finance Committee, replied that helps you up. Avply Watuestay morning at 150 up the hole with a shauge io) fur-| fled the degree stating that of all the they were not to blame as they J. S. DICK Division St. 77-a ure. e buy, sell and exchange 4 Y 4 p s Dia: bh aA D. A. J. SWANSON_BARRISTER, | =r = 4 El pe md Jisited In Canada |paid the bills given to them. Reev At Purdy Co.'s Premises Rexall Drug Stores 82 Simcoe St. 8, ESTIMATES GIVEN is & Lovell jused furniture. Highest cash price and the United States, Achi Baba Mika J B.A 4 Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- Houses For Sale { Morris suggested that Mr. Cowan be Phone 942 Res. 3603 {paid for good second hand furni-| Temple was one of the best. He interviewed re the paveme 3 PETITE tudes Subba 0, " on | . " pavement. po ete. All- tranches of ev) as HOUSE FOR SALE--5 ROOMS, ALL | ture. D. Dime, 56 King Street West. | paid special tribute to Mahedi Har-| 1¢ the town had spent its available { Phone 271. 76-2mos | old Barnes and Saruk Fred Tilley of vr CO i g ; 1 conveniences Possession at once. | a ¥ Of money, Councillor Preston wanted Hes, Bing = y Sham St Eg i Apply 173 Cel na Street. (77-2) {FOR SALE -- ONE COMBINATION | Toronto. who, he claimed could DOL +5 know who was responsible for ews. Phones, Office 940; Residence] FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, | 88s and coal range and one 3 picec| be excelled on the American contin- fqneing the work . 5 ; : . Ww lent i i istle w - dye. room aad tuth, all conveniences, | Parlor suite, mahogany finish. Ap-|ent in ritualistic work. The Imper ---- -- ge hardwood floors downstairs. Price | PY 238 Bruce St. (76¢) | ial Prince in his talk on the Pythian » » » » » This is a message to conscientious housewives, and a GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-|reasonsble. Phone 1027-J, Oshawa GREY BABY BUGGY FOR SALE [Other Spoke ut the boundary ve be- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-|Junction. ee ______T4-g|Good as mew. Apply 175 Prince | POIRLNE out that while some declar. lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank,| FoR SALE -- THREE-ROOMED | St. 4769) [ og" there was an imaginary line sep- entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. Rlj,yce small outlay, make good begin- FOR SALE -- SONORA GRAMO- | ara » » piece of advice to all. The shortage and high price of cooking fuel has brought to light many things which might never must represent! Just figure what this would run into in a year! Use enameled ware utensils for cooking and save heat and money. Don't purchase cheap, flimsy enam- eled ware. Get the best, either Diamond Ware, which is sky blue and white outside with a snowy- white lining, or Pearl Ware, which is a beautiful pearly grey and white mottle inside and out. Another enameled ware of really super qualities is snow-white outside and inside with deep blue trimmings. It is called Crystal Ware i used in many of Camada's finest homes ic | All three of these wares carry a tin the two countries, ' F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, ning, ean be built on any time. | phone, half cabinet size, price $25. not vi there Sonat line be Hy B. A. Butt, 38 Simcoe North. 77-c| Apply 51 Ritson Road N. (76¢) | They were all one body. | --] _| FOR SALE--SMALL TWO ROOMEDP FOR SALE -- COOK STOVE, BURNS | Knights of Acui Baba Temple gD CORANT, Ba. LisAR house and three lots. Owner going wood or coal. Will sell cheap. ap) were highly pleased with the flatter- | Office (entrance) 7% Simope St.| West and must sell. Located West-| ply Webster, car barns 77-a| ing remarks of the Imperial Prince, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on|mount. $1,000 cash: Land alone is| pop SALE -- | ONE DOHERTY OR: | and his visit to this Temple will be mortgages, conveyancing and gen-| Worth this. See Robt. D. Preston, gan, one glass topped secretaire both | 1008 remembered. The Toronto eral practice. Phone 6 ing Sirset Chambers (7731 |in-gout. Sontition. ~ Apoiy 1? So.| Kivi who came to Ostiows eariy |coe St. 8S. in- 8 hed home this H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Lost and Found | FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED | [Mrtiu on the 4 40 GTR. train de. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office |iG5y 4 BAG, EITHER ON KING | Durham cow, due October, 35 head in the Castle Hall at Osh ne Ep 113 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. or Park "Rd. S., containing sum | choice feeding cattle, som. short] i a ou aya. Phones--Oftice 210, Res. 160. of money and cheque for Simpson's. keeps. Apply James Mckenzie, lot " i H : 7 | al opp 2. a0 have been known otherwise. Here i i Finder please return to 47 Colina |6, Concession 7. B. Waitsy 773, Killing Christians i thing, for instance. Did you Chiropractic St. Reward. ___(76¢) | FOR SALE--KITCHEN RANGE, TN | # Ee A righ LOST--ON STREET CAR SUNDAY, | first class condition. Will sell cheap. | CL ---- know BC Tameled Wate IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO-|purse containing about $19. Finder Apply 213 Verdun Road. 7-0 Continued from page 1) cooking utensils heat more quickly kindly return to F. Singer, Margaret | FOR SALE -- POMERANIAN DOG. 8overnor, James would have quickly than utensils made all of metal, -|St., Cedar Dale. Reward. 77 pedigreed. Apply Mrs. Bedford, one been in control of the whole of Ire- such as copper, brass or aluminum? "| LOST -- SATURDAY, BETWEEN mile east of Whitby, on Kingston nd, and with Such Nearness a con- It's true. Try it! Hospital and Gliddon Ave., a lady's Road. 77-a | cen omanists, the pire gold wrist watch. Finder kindly re- | FOR SALE WINTER APPLES DE. Might have been recaptured for Cath- Take a good grade of enameled turn to Mrs. Terms, Oshawa Hospi-|livered by the barrel -- Tolman | olism. : ; ware saucepan, and a similar sized M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- (tal. Reward. TiC Sweets, Baxters, Starks, Ontasios,| "ho can estimate the value of the saucepan made of copper, alum- minion Land Surveyors and Civic Ea-| = Baldwins. T. E. Edmondson, Cour-| Service rendered to the Protestant inum or brass. Put twe quarts of Ei a ToRent lis Fone iboats "3 oh nd Brin, since by thc ts pt cock. Be rt . | Wwe az dein rans a s' seige o A " Sonsor to late W. E. Yarnod, of Poft |0y mor -- POMBIEHED ROOM | DOMINION ORGAN FOR SALE IN 'Londonderry? This has furnished in- the fire and time them--see how with or withomt board. Apply Ruz | Sud condition. Apply 7 Aol St. | spiration for succeeding generations Ritson Road S. Tic |W. 7-2 {of Protestants. They believed that FOR RENT--ONE ROOM AND ONE | TWO TRON FOLDING BEDS WITH | civil and religious liberty was worth garage; ome organ for sale. Apply mattresses, baby buggy, wringer and | living for and dying for." at 75 Bond St. E. 77-2 | tub stand, lawn mower, garden hose, The Turkish Menace FOR RENT _SOLID BRICK. J CAR | kitchen rocker, kitchen cabinet, go- | "But today we have another enemy 1 all-metal saucepan, garage, centrally located. Apply to cart, pails, etc. A. R. Alloway, West- | of Protestantism to face, with the same heat will take P.O. Box 413. 75-b mount. Phone 395. . 7M. Cotten said, the Turkish approximately eighteen minutes-- T0 RENT--GARAGE ON AGNES | CANARIES -- A FEW REAL GOOD |army, the instrument, to a great ex- almost double the time--to come to St., just off Division. Call phone |singers, for sale. Also heus, reason- |tent, of Mohammedanism is challeng- the boil? S10-F or apply 157 Agnes St. 7o-c| able price. Mrs. Meredith 119 Rit. | ing the power of Christianity. Brit- FOR RENT_ FURNISHED OFFICE|®on Rd. S. 77-c | ish soldiers have been ordered off As- in Bradley Building, or will sell fur- . niture and en m----_ly Jayme to Lumber : Blas g A 4.-4f | LUMBER WE HAVE ROUGH AND HALL T0 RENT -- HARDWOOD dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, i 30 & doors and interior trim. F. I. Bee-| The sp a a ized in- | croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood-|formation of the brutal manner jin Yard, Whitby. Ont. FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE 10 $3 rent on Dearbourne Ave. off Elgin E. LUMBER FOR SALE -- 10 M. PFT. Apply 241 Dearbourne Ave. (75) Man. siding. Phone 1027). Oshawa ONE BEDROOM TO LET. WITH |Junction. (74g) ail con etc. Apply 178 Al- Agents Wanted bent Phone . sel. Ey o Cs es, ent 5. pone F218. rr ATTENTION--OUR AGENTS ARE A HOUSE M0 RENT -- 4 ROOMS, "40 1c the amount of business Apply to 194 Alma St. evenings be- tween § and 7 o'clock. Ee i 5ig 4) ex 4 i : service. Greatest facilities. Samples free. British Canadian, 122 Rich- HACo ONAL) ORN TT i af i i 3 DODDS SALLI PILLS

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