Ontario Reformer, 19 Sep 1922, p. 6

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rhea ry _-- 7 Y : OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1922 ee ---- -- -- ---- . p+ - ~ 1) -- . _-- pn a eect - Black Menace | | | .BY ; 4 ; Every drop ARTHUR B. REEVE is nourishment CTO SER ) } 4 IN & PIER XIV |1 anticipated, although with such a 01 of Flame criminal, or band of criminals as the ennedy comfortable Black Menace I do not know that one hat it was merely a|might say that anything might be i keeping him quiét for a expected except that which was ed to the laboratory | more diabolical than imagination, aid of a carpenter whom It was in the forenoon that Speed o get out of bed under dropped in on me. Once or twice a substantial bonus, I|1 called up to find him during the ws and doors hoarded up day, but was able to get no answer, ght. After the second time, when I called passed a restless night up and was unable to locate Speed, lelad enought to be quiet the [I began to get anxious and called jg day. - To reassure him, [up Clare, To my greater anxiety 1 spent the day at the lab- she did not answer, and it was then restoring it to its original|that I knew that she had gone with as nearly as my unsclen-|him on some quest, could do so. Not until late in the evening did ked here and there I came |I get any word, And then it was evidence that before the ex-|that a car pulled up short at the lab- 'had taken place the labor-|oratory., To my great relief, I saw dtself had been ransacked, both Clare and Jack in the doorway. id not seem to be anything But they were dishevelled and look- , though there was much that |ed as though they might have been en smashed by the explosion. [through a wreck. = 'Thein clothes nm I considered there had been [hung on them wrinkled, and there B that could have interested |were several bad burns on their ck Menace except the ham- | flesh. of Kennedy in his work, and| "For heaven's sake,' I asked, ble removing him from the! «what's the matter? Where have ce and for all. you been?" a hard job to get the place | gpeed forced a smile, "You were 'ni i i ] again, but with the aid of} right," he answered. "We should not , j a dy"s students we were making | have done it. Yet the temptation - 3 y fair progress and I felt sure| was too great. We wont out to the % Jew days everything would | Trocadero." : pshape as ever, hy J TTT : Gl 8 deeply engaged in the work Yes--and what happened? : y i : | [ | Speed called, very much ex-| "Clare insisted on going," he re- plied. *And it was a correct clue, Dow that Kennedy must be|all right." et," he began, as he looked| I listened in amazement as Speed, pth Indgrest on what I was with a word now and then from "ivet 1 feel that we must not| Clare, poured out the remarkable lib on this fellow for an instant.'t (Story of how he had gone to the d was very cordial, but I|fast road house and had almost suc- Dance from the Musical Revie Evarssi the New Martin Saturday, R. Andrew Wilson, the eminent British authority, once said of the cocoa bean--""It is a kind of vegetable egg which contains all that is needed to build up a living body." Tea and coffee are mere infusions--but cocoa is an actual food in itself. Business men should remember that. Cocoa, made the FRY way, from the world's choicest beans, is pure, extremely soluble and of most deliciousdlavour. Nearly two hundred years' knowledge of the cocoa business stands back of FRY'S. Of course, remember 'A seeded | i b he It flared, and he shot it out in a long "There's just one chance," if mut- | gee. that it was really Ken-|ceeded in getting the goods on the|,,,ve of smoke and flame, tered, "Will you follow me?" wanted to see. |eriminal whom we wePe pursuing, The rocket fell 'close to Speed's! She did not cling to him. That Si've been thinking about that de-| It seemed that Minna Oakleigh |hoat on the water as it hung idly. {was not Clare's manner. ter that was sent to me the had been in reality pretty well known | Instantly the gasoline that lay heavy| "Yes," she answered, her quick | day," he finally remarked. there and starting upon that assump-|all about, surrounding them as they | mind already divining what was in 3 should anyone have wanted |tion, which proved to be corect,| drifted, was ignited. They were in| his thoughts. 'me out there at the Troca-|Speed had played hts game cleverly, |the midst of what was literally a pool | He leaped to the side of the Yurn-) ro Inn? Ive been making inquiries | not disclosing who he really was |of flame. ing. boat, above the scorching and 1d I find there is something about | but posing as one of those who had Around them licked the flames, | smoking pool of flames about them. ne Plage that may bea Javestiga. | bstome, ihvelved Yi the game that setting their boat on fire. The heat | As he did so he seized another cush- fr ho most a mind to go out pd played at the DNiystery|yag intense, scorching the paint and |ion, motioning to her to do the same. loo . . varnish. The inside of the boat was| "Let go of it the moment you x shook my head. "I'm afraid it! Everything had gone along fam-|now on fire. It was only a matter of [strike the water," he shouted, "Then | he & dabserous thing dor, you. ously, ald late in the afternoon, he|seconds now that they could stand it. down BK, cautioned. eally I should | gatherec y nts that some one, Far off the Black Menace was now | He leape 9 ihe shi a " you and Clare against making perhaps the Black Menace himself,|y,s 5 speck on Te A ot nie iipe over, Fg ying Seton Syert move as long as Reunedy Was sxpeered meet Madam, Rete and was coming toward them with help; As he touched the flaming water, up. | ons eur acqdes at the Toca ero. but it was half a mile or so away, and | thrashing about with the cushion, venal thinks there may be s momen had ary ye when the it was slow. Something had to be'he cleared just a small space in the hing to it," urged Speed, still meeting was to take place and Speed | gone and immediately, or they would | flaming pool 2bout himself. eonvinced by my presentation. 3nd Clave ere waiting for the ar be burnt to cinders with help in| Clare was ready. Before the flames fou know how things are," I 7iva : 2 ast cay witle 3 vas io De sight. |on the water could close again she pd. 'It seems to me that we might DR are wi 1s ent y ome kh Speed seized ome of the leather! leaped into the space he had cleare:l « " . ---- iter let well enough alone. Every | 0 Dust bay e nin on'y SOmeE- feughions which was not yet afire and| As she struck the water he seized Once Clare's breath gave out and. effect of a hal T to Mail and! $1.30 2 $1: now it costs $1 to je Kennedy has been away some | ne nus ave gone WLons. b flung it overboard. It fell, parting her. Together they sank, diving hi ike | 2 12 ath gavg out anc effec ol a halo. oronto Mail anc 1st to ear ¥o HO Lt, Bt ¥ a jihg has happened' either to you or | le car was approaching when, ihe flame and throwing the burning | down on the angle as far as they Sc Cegan 1o rise Empire, carn 31. 'THIngs ate better. -: 3 re." perhaps by some secret signal, its gas to one side for a moment, only | could, swimming under water--the Speed seized her and with his last Catharines Standard. i sole occupant must have been warn- pe i i i i remaining strength managed to carry i iE #*1 don't know what to do," fidget- to have it close together again on |blazing oil above them. alning Bil managed to carry |, 0 colf in line for the Czar's throne. ---- - iB 1 : ed. Instead of turning in off the|tne surface of the water ominously.| To come up for air meant horrible POR wiitil tlicy bobbed up, a matter Speed. "It is too good a chance : 5 he y the name we' -k \ i ¢. S *® road to the Trocadero, he swept on vor it w : i Stee whi Ih : )f hes beyo he cirele of g- | Cyril is hardly the name we'd pic The Mean Thing! tu fet slip past. Who knows but that A er Tourer So and oo Jt was enough to suggest some- Sustruciion, for they could not dive y Ey beyond the cirele of blis Tor the Dest roleh of Rusia. Tudo g p . ® ' - H g to Speed. , ack agi fast e g . gr . because Kennedy is laid up the Clare had not expected that, but it P Ihack again fast enough, k Menace may have become a wag only a moment when they were -------- - thing. especially when it is a little Ray--Ilow do you get such a nice Satuloss. Besides the letter out in Jack's racer and away. { knowledge of driving an automobile, complexion? Hy Rave been sent to me The other car was no mean ma- Ne SL, y = The sun shines on. the ust. and, Manitoba Free Press. . May--I run five miles every the Blac enace had had chine for speed and it was with : | ae a rT am morning e reason to depenll on this place. groaq difficulty that they hung on \ | the unjust, but Hon. Mr. Drury evi- There's nothing longer than the : S e to look it over." to it, as it veered off the road and N | dently feels that it shines too fav- summer days to the girl who is to be Ray My! Do you live that far more I argued against it, the started up toward the Sound shore } ; . &. - | orably upon the honored dome of married in the fall Chicago News. | from the drug store? Topics of e I coudd see that it merely con- of the Island, in the direction of { == aan -- = : = = | Mr. J. J. Morrison, creating the In 1921 it cost the National lines/ the Day" Films ped Speed in his desire to investi-| North Harbor. ' 8 He ually Jett. ana iustinenive. It was an exciting chase, but Speed ould follow ou iE o AB 3 a t pr 1 could Lot-but fret over Sooke the yisk, for the prize was a| UNCLE WIGGILY AND SUSIE'S |would fit Susie's head, he tried to p danger. Tell Kenne youl ad slip "it over. ot ang be a ig oy] oud Besides, he knew that it could not| Ope day, as U Wiegily Hp it over : , e thought as 1 di new, st forever. When North Harbor) n y, as Unce Wiggily was nop- "Oh, not that way, Uncle Wig- pry well that he was likely to get °° * o ping through the woods, wondering! gily!" crie i pakibid wir) was reached, the other car must turn » wondering | gily!™ cried the little raldit girl, t of bed, orders or no orders from ' : " what sort of an adventure he might | an the dress ts r either back to the city or go out ie might | when the dress wouldn't seem to go e doctor, and forestall or prevent further on the island, uod. in either have, he happened to skip past the|on. eed. case, he reasoned he had a good burrow where Sammie and Susie | "What's the matter?" asked the I was in a quandary, and finally chance of catching it Littletail, the rabbit boy and girl | hunny etermined that the best thing 1 There was one thing however, on lived. "That" one of the arms." laughed 9 9 'n | 2 s , ever, o wpe : : 5 : a | in 8, at | ould do was to go ahead on my own which Le had SEN i: rn just stop and see if either Susie. "You're trying to put my trusti hat ch vould not figured, They had ai od 3 1 3 er al Bg that chance Would, hed. North Harbor. tearing Sammie or Susie wants to come for | headthrough an armhole." or bpoed. . | through.the town much to the scan-|® BOP With me." said Uncle Wiggily And, indeed, the result was just g., o¢ tho inhabitants. On went the Just as he was going hippity-hop | 4 as 'I expected, if not quite the Way | oper car until it came to a dock. |®P the frout steps with his red, | There the occupant of the car hadi White and blue striped rheumatism | He took hold of another part of the abandoned it, running out on the end | ¢rutch, out of the door came Susie | dress, and again slipped it over | of the dock and leaping into a motor- | herself. | Susie's bead boat with a hunting cabin, which "Oh, somebody's got to help me!" | "Oh, not that way!" cried Susie {was tied up there, evidently waiting |cried the little rabbit girl. "I can't once more. {for him. do it all myself. Some one will have| "What's the matter now?" asked | it was the work of only a few min-{to help me!" | the puzzled rabbit gentleman | utes, however, for Speed to find an- "What's the matter? Help you do | "You've got it up side down!" | other fast boat in the neighborhood | What?" asked the bunny gentleman | chuckled Susie. "Do you want me | of the yacht club. In it he and Clare rather surprised. Has the Woozie|to go to Mrs. Twistytail"s walking took up the chase again. Wolf or the Fuzzy Fox gotten into | on my head?" | By this time the Black Menace, if, |Your house Susie, and do you need | "I should say not!" exclaimed the | indeed, it was the Black Menace, on |help in getting them out?" | bunny gentleman, twinkling his pink | whose trail they were, had perhaps "Oh, no! Thank goodness it isn't | nose. But stand still a minute a mile start on them. But their com-| that!" laughed Susie. But I'm here | Susie. I think I see how it goes." | mandeered boat proved to be thejall alone, and mother has left a new | After a while somehow or other, {faster of the two: and it was not|dress for me to go out in and I can't | Uncle Wiggily managed to get Susie] long before it was evident that they|get into it, and button it up the back | inside the new dress, or the dress were overhauling him. all by myself. Besides its such a'!outside of Susie, whivchever way you As their boat gained, Speed seized |strange dress that I can't be sure|like to have it. But pieces of the a megaphone and called for the |about the right way to put it on." |dress hung dingling dangling down Sher boat ahead to stop. But it was| "That's queer!" laughed Uncle all over, { without. effect. He drew his gun and | wiggily. I thought little girls "Something is wrong!" sighed fred Jack from the pursued Yoat| new all about dresses and such | Susie. ' an answering shot. thing . But where is your mother?" | "f guess it needs pinning up." said For some minutes there was con-| "Mother has gone over to see Mrs. | Uncle Wiggily. I mean those dingle siderable gun play, Cl d Jac i i \ gun play, Clare and Jack |pwistytail, the pig lady," answered |dangle ends. droppine. dowd out of Sighs 80 that |gysie and she wants me to come| "I guess so, 100," said Susie. So a n quite such good there to tea. When I got home, after [the bunny gentleman as well as he PURE BREAKFAST CoCo y 2 > \UPACTURED BY ho 3s " son S. he RY & MONTREAS down---with me." "Nothing will do but FRY'S" The Grand Duke Cyril considers so -------------- -- A little knowledge is a dangerous (To be continued) "Oh, I mustn't do that!" laughed Uncle Wiggily "Try again!" ~ Don't Rub--Just Soak Your Clothes Clean INSO is fine granules of soap essence, scientifically and completely different from ordinary soap, flakes or washing powder. It should be used differently too--for instance, to get the best results, do not pour the Rinso granules into the tub from the package. > THE Royal Electric Cleaner is positively the best cleaner you can buy, because 1. It is the easiest to operate, 2. It cleans more efficiently. daily use throughout Canada. We honestly believe it to be the best and most practical ~ Suddenly Clare exclaimed in con- stermation, It was evident. that it was not so much to hit them that the pursued boat-man was firing as for another purpose. The gas tank on their beat had been punctured by a shot and the gasoline was pour- ing out in a stream, spreading over the water in an irridescent scum. Another shot and another stream poured forth, as the Black Menace realized that he had corectly located the tank. Still their boat gained, al- as the gas sank lower in the tank. Desperately, the Black Menace pul- led two cans of reserve gas from a locker in his boat. He opened them and began pouring them out over the water astern. The gas spread over the water as he sped on. Gradually the headway of Speed's and Alice Wibblewobble, the ducks, I found this letter mother left for me." Susie showed Unele Wiggily a piece of white birch bark paper on which the rabbit lady had written: "Dear Susie--Mrs. Twistytail has invited me to tea. I'm going over. You pat on your mew dress, which though it was now a question of how | * 5 long it would maintain its headway, |W dress Susie? Perhaps I can help ' button it for you. I often button you'll find on the bed, and come |over also. I'll wait for you." { "Well," spoke Uncle Wiggily, "that seems all right. Where is this Nurse Jane's dresses up the back." "Oh, mabye you can help me!" {laughed Susie. "Come in and I'l show you the dress." Uncle Wiggily followed the little rabbit girl into the house. On the {bed was the new dress. It seemed having been over to play with Lalu {could, pinned up the loose ends and took tucksand seames here and there, and he and Susie set off for Mrs. Twistytoil"s. Whe nSsuies mother saw her little daughter she held up her paws in surprise and cried: ever possessed you to do this?" my new dress on right? Uncle Wig- gily helped me get into it.» "New DRESS, Susie!" cried Mrs. Littletail. "Why that's one of my new LACE CUDTAINS! 1 left you dress on MY bed. The lace curtains mistake!" pig lady with a laugh. "I think Susie and Uncle Wiggily made a pretty good dress out of the lace curtain. Now we'll all have some ice cream!" And they did. And "Oh, Susie! My dear girl! What-| "Do what?" asked Susie. "lIsn't| "Oh, it doesn't matter," said the | were on YOUR bed. Oh, what a] | Make the wonderful Rinso liquid' first--take half a package of Rinso for each tub of clothes--stir it into a cream in a little cool * water, add two quarts of boiling water, stir vigorously and put into the tub of cool or lukewarm water. Put your clothes to soak for one hour, two hours, overnight. ! or as long as convenient in this rich Rinso suds, then just rinse | thoroughly and she dirt runs away. Your clothes are ready for | the line--snowy-white, clean and fresh. If You Use 2a Washing Machine--ifollow the regular directions on the Rinso package and soak the clothes. Then before operating the machine, add fresh Rinso solution and proceed. No other preparation is needed when Rinso is used. At All Grocers boat decreased as the gus in the pipe to be all flucy like, with bows and |how Mr. Longears laughed when he line failed and none reached the car- | ribbons and sashes and buttons and {thought of dressing Susie in a lace | buretor. The engine stopped. No | button-holes and all things like that|curtain! But it looked real "stylish | gas was reaching it. | which go to make up a dress. anyhow, And if the trolley car] The Black Menace was by this| "Slip it on, Susie," said the bunny Yghon try to go swimming in the time far ahead and out-distancing gentleman, "and let's see how (itll mud puddle and splash chocolate || them. He turned aad from the lock- looks. Here, I will held it for you." er pulled what looked like a Coston signal flare. He tore off the top. Uncle Wiggily took hold of the dress and, finding a hole he though cake ali over the jitmey bus, I'll tell you next about Uncle Wiggily and the boy's boat.

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