Ontario Reformer, 16 Sep 1922, p. 7

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craze for semuvite toes. What's a toe, any way, compared with being in the fashion? HAY PRESS FOR SALE Horse Power Press, made by} International Harvester Company. Capacity--one ton per hour. Nearly new and .in good order. Enquire of GRIERSON & CREIGHTON, Solicitors, Oshawa, Ont. 70-b FOR SALE~USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain at $250. Stalter's Music Store, 23 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa, 45-t8| tion. Apply owner, Geo, T. Everitt, FOR SALE -- McCLARY'S ELEC-|43 Inglewood Drive, Toronto. 68-1 tric range for sale. 'Nearly Be Ap- | HOUSIHH FOR SALE -- NINE ROOM ply 216 Athol Street. 0-tL.) I hrick, nice location, central, built re- WEET CIDER -- MADE Ron cently, hot water heating, all mod- ood sound apples. Any quantity. ern conveniences, and splendid condi- hone 908 r 24. (66-t.f.) |tion. Applp H. C. Bradley, phone FOR SAL ) WICKER 420. 70-¢ baby carriage, reversable gear, In |= good condition, 74 Kenneth ave : -C FOR SALE--BED, DRESSER AND stand, also heater. Apply Box "W" Reformer. A (70-¢) FOR SALE--BRAND NEW ELEC- tric fan, with Hamilton Beach mot- or, four speeds; also Maffatt gas 'range, with five thurners, thérmo- meter, {porcelain and nickel tgim- med; used only a few months. Ap- ply teleph 1140j or 84 'Oshawa Boulevard. 68-c FOR SALE-LADY'S GEORGETTE dress and two sport skirts, Apply Box 0", Reformer. 70-a TOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY AND harness, parlor suite, coal heater |---- and some other furniture, Apply 79 Brock St. W, ¢ 70-a Real Estate For Sale BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FOR DR. 'T. C. CLEMENOE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West. Phone 231. PDR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's stora. Phone 948, 1-yr, DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS "DENTIST: Office over Kyle's Grocery Store. Phone 959. 4-1yr. "DR. awmEs, DENTIST SSoFFIOR over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97. DR, 'TREWIN, DENTIST = trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe 'St. N. Phone 1243. Medical DR. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North. Phone 57. 110-lyr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR-| "7 geon, Accouchen. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 04. DR. L, J. SEBERT,-73 BLOOR ST,, East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, 231 King St. East, hot water heat- ing, everything in first class condi- [AON Hie oncaes: ANGLICAN 8t. George's--Oor, John and Cen Rev. OC. R. dePencier, M.A., 80 Athol Bt. West SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 4 p.m.--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.30 p.m, ~-- Teachers' meeting. Wednesday, Club. WANTED TO RENT House or flat with conveniences. ply 28 Simcoe St. South, Ap- 65-1 MOM's. SUFFER AT TIMES All medical officers of health suf- fer at times from the misdirected efforts of amateur enthusiasts. The | fault lies with the medical profes- sion in passively maintaining >a vested interest in established Wis- ease.--Dr. Harold Kerr, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. 17th. FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to Oct, 1, 1922 for the purchase of 'the Oshawa Curling Rink as follows:--1, the property; 2. the buflding; 3. the property and building. No tender necessarily accepted. Dated at Osh- awa, Sept. 11th, 1922 by J. A. Mec- Gibbon, 68-c Help Wanted--Male SALESMAN WANTED APPLY BOX "R" Reformer. 69-b PINSMITH--GOODP ON FURNACES, and general work, good wages, H. H. Lockwood, 288 Arthur St. 69-b (sec- Lloyd George will give the profits on the sale of his book to charity. But it is not certain that he will be excessively charitable in what he says.--Toronto Telegram, TRAINING is of Jitelong value any Day or irl. Shaw Schools In Toronts hold the premier position. Thi years record. Over 25,000 studen (and their parents) testify to the rely! indjvidual iisliueiion bn uiven, Personal Jona ¢ of fhe cl y. IE he as any time. db. 7.30 p.m, -- Boys' ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. Tuesday, 3 p.m. -- Mothers' Un- lon, Wed. and Thurs, 7.30 p.m. -- Girls' Club. Have you seen Marlo? Don't call her up. She will be at the Martin Theatre next Monday night. Be there but DON'T GET PERSONAL. 69b P. McIntosh, °C it Pe Principal our meats make their appeal ot the happy family circle where quality foods are apprec- {gted. Nothing but the best and Jots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- istactory service. Our tele- phone is your friend, SIM JOE ST. SOUTH CHRISTIAN WORKERS OHURCH Athol 8t, West SPHRVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 11 am.--DIubliz Worship. 2.30 p.m.---Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Puhlic Wr=hip. MAKE } MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg, Torvlo Come To UsToSave Your Propertay Walk into our office and learn that it is "penny wise and pound foolish' not to have fire insurance protection or not to have sufficient. We offer liberal policies in the leading companies, lowest rates and 17th. SALE 8 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, HOT |=----==== BAPTIST DR. D. B, NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children, Office over Dominion Bank. oT Sophos 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 5--0; Satur- days 2-5; 7--9; or by imi iy 45-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovells Drug Store first and third water heating, hardwood floors, ele- gant, up-to-date home, Price not set, Sale By Auction 'Emmanwel Baptist Church---King KE. reasonable offer will be considered. $4,260 with $500 cash will buy a nice 6 roomed home, centrally located, 3-piece bath, wired far electric stoye. A nice buy. $7,000 will buy a 6 roomed brick on paved street, sep- arate bath, fireplace, wired for elec- AUCTION SALE THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- ed instructions from Lloyd Gifford to sell by Public Auction, at Lot 16, Con, 3--East Whitby, Sept. Stock and 20th, at 1 p.m, Implements. Wednesday His Farm For List Rev. J. L, Harton, B'th, Pastor, Residence. 18 Aberdeen Street. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th. 11 a.ms--Special Harves Home and Rally Day Service, 3.00 p.m.--Bunday School, full exemptions and concessions where possible. Consult us on all fire insurance matters. In- formation gladly furnished. V. A. HENRY , INSURANCE 113 Simcoe 8. Phone 1198W, PHONE 517 tric stove, electric .plate in cellar, new garage, large rooms, beautiful home, $3,600, 6 roomed brick, 3- piece bath, gas, all conveniences, and terms see Sale Bills, Jas. Bishop, Auctioneer, 69-c TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19--MR. J. G. Langmaid, Lot 28, con. 6, Dar- 7, p.m.-- Public Worship, All are cordially invited to these services. Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases: of the nose, throat and ear. 134. NOTICE DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 1¢0 BLOOR Streét West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat. urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, HERBERT C. TRENEER, A. T.C.M., organist and choir master of King driveway, paved street, Party leav- ing town, $2,200 with $100 cash will buy meat 4 roomed cottage, water, light, nice locality, lot 40 x 200, Terms, $20 a month to cover princi- lington, will stock, p.m. See bills, tioneer. implements, etc. sell all of his farm Sale at 1 James Bishop, Auc- p 67a-70a CHRISTIAN Centre Btreet, near King Rev, E. T. Cotten, Ph, B., Pastor pal and interest. We have some week-end specials in lots. South Oshawa Insurance and Real Estate Co., 430 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1240W, Hardwood For Sale bl 21 Frank 169 Athol St, E,, Phone 847). i SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. Pp ar 17th. Faulkner ~ I have purchased the electri- cal business and stock of Mr. W. A. Killoran, 3914 Sim- coe Street North, Queen's Block, and am prepared to do anything in the line of softwood, cut, $13 'per cord, Plaza, 361 Ritson Road. Rooms Wanted WANTED--BY OCT, 18T, ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping. Con- venient to General Motors. Box *"U", Reformer, 70-¢ Help me COOK, GENERAL -- EXPERIENC- ed. Good references. Can be well recommended. Apply Box "Z" Re- former. (70-b) WANTED A STENOGRAPHER. Apply Commercial Dept. Bell Tele- phone Co,, Oshawa. 66.1.1. WANTED A CAPABLE WOMAN for a day and a half each week. Apply Mrs. 8. J. Storie, 88 Drew St. 67 COOK GENERAL--NO 'WASHING : nor ironing; family of four. Apply to Mrs. McKinnon, 91 Centre Street, 68-¢ WANTED -- GOOD WOMAN FOR one day a week. Apply 130 King St. E. 70-a WANTED -- TWO LADIES OR pleasant work. Apply 2 to 5 p.m. or 7 to 8 p.m. to "Manager", 86 Albert St. 70-a Gramophone Repairing | ALL MAKES OF GRAMOPHONES! and, Reproducgrs repaired, main springs, etc., expert work. W, Gor- don, 74 Centre St. Phone 296. 67-70-73-76 Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR, 31 Bond Street East, Phone 1016-J St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ, For terms, etc., apply on Saturdays 'at King St. Methbdist Church, or Phone 807J. (66-t.1.) Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 3% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, electrical contracting. A. W. Bra ley Phone 1083 391/, Simcoe St. N. E. L. Petley; J. A. Bickell, 70-a LOTS ON PARK. ROAD NORTH, just north school, 132 x 150 ft. Name and pick your own frontage, $25 down, balance 'terms to suit purchas- ers. See sign, For further particu- lars write or phone owner, G. Hurd, 381 Montrose Ave., phone Kenwood 2461-J, Toronto. 70-d FOR. SALE ~~ 50 ACRE FARM north -west corner of lot 14 in 2nd concession 1 mile west of Ross' cor- ners. Immediate possession. Apply H. R. Dearborn, R. R. No. 1, Osh- awa, Phone 239 r. 1 and 6. 68-c LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard, Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East. Office phone 1232, Resid , 403, 46-tt risters, _| LOTS ON "HILCREST A? AT $LD RUB. sters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub sell Perkins, Regent Building, King lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank, entrance Bion St.; ayy By East. Phones 1232 or 403, ~~ 59-tt To Rent F, Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B. A, TO RENT--SINGLE OR DOUBLE garage, by the month. Reasonable and Durable. Apply Box "F" Re- former. (70:2) TO RENT---TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeep- ing, central position. Phone 1295W, 70-b FOR RENT---FURNISHED OFFICE in Bradley Building, or will sell fur- niture and on monthly payments to party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley Bldg. 4, -tf HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD floor--heat light. B8ize 27x73. Al- terations to suit tenant. Apply to 69-c H. Engel. 47-.| FORD TOURING CAR FOR BALE, WANTED TO RENT--SEVEN OR| Apply 357 King St. E. 69-b eight roomed house, with conveni-| FOR SALE--A FIVE PASSENGER ences, for end of September. Apply |cdar, in . excellent condition. Will at once to Willlam Morrison, 167 gell reasonable, For particulars Pearl St. 70-c {apply Box "E" Reformer. 69-b Board and Rooms | Zp opi CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Sept. 20|0ct. 27 Cassandra Oct. 6|Nov. 3 Saturnia 70-lmo! 11 a.m.--Pphlic Worship. | 2.30 p.m.--Bunday School, 7 p.m,--Public Worship. Wed, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting, Fri, 8 p.m, Choir practice, $260 cash and $20.00 per month including in- terest and principal, will buy a 5 room frame dwelling, large lot, chicken house, etc. $300 cash and $18.00 per month will buy a small dwelling in good repair. Electric lights, sewer, and water. Centrally located. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simcoe St. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 11 a.m,--Subject, "Mater." Wed. 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial invita- tion is extended to all. 17th, $500 cash, balance arranged, will buy a 7 room, pressed brick dwelling, all conveniences. Hard- wood floors, electric fixtures, window shades. Newly decorated. : Centrally located. $1,000 down will buy a 7 room Rug brick dwell- ing, with two extra rooms on third floor. Every convenience. Hardwood floors upstairs and down, also hardwood trim all through. Large lot. Inquire. D. A. J, SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc, All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- gra. Phones, Office 940; Residence GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR+ When We Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY § JURY & LOVELL, Ltd § Phone 28 Phone 1101 . KING ST, METHODIST Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D,, Pastor Parsonage 139 King St, E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th, 11 a.m.--Public worship, 2.80 p.m'--<Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship, I have a number of good buys in Lots, Houses, Stores or F arms. PRESBYTERIAN Simcoe Bt. South, Cor. Bruce Street, Rev. G. Yule, Minister. Residence the Manse, 65 Simcoe 8., Phone 408. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th. 11 aim.--Public worship. 3 p.m.--8Bunday School. 7 p.m.--Public worship. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. How About Your Fire Insurance. 113 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 85 Let Me List Your Property G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 7% Simape St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phones--Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinatio§ free at office. Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231, Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL 3 directors, embalmers, private am-|l bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; - picture framing; 11 Simeoe St. South. Phone 210, Resilience 19 Division St. 26-1yr] Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ided]' Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162, 11-t£ FURNITURE BTORED -- IN CLEAN dry 'building. Also storage for cars. Day phone S52}, night 552w. Rit- son Road N 91-tf SIMCOE ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev, J. H, McBain, B.A,, Minister Phone 148, SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 a.m.--Fellowship Meeting. 11 a.m.-- Rev. Mason Doyle, Toron- to, will preach. 3 p.m.--S. S. Rally Day Service. 7 p.m.--Rev. Duncan MacLeod, For- mossa, will preach. Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. 17th. BED-SITTING . ROOM WANTED | by young lady. Box "V." Reformer, BET HUNE WLLCAE bss Winifred 4 Wilson New || Work Wanted LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK done by job or piece. * Estimates given. Apply 13% King St. W. 53-2mo WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. Slate, Tile, felt and gravel or shing- les. 8. J. Gascoigne, Bex 2343, Whitby, Ont., Phone 243. (66-t.1.) SALESLADY WOULD LIKE POSI- tion in a store; had dry goods expe- rience. Write Box "N", Reformer. 70-a Patents SALESLADY WISHES TO CLERK < in grocery store. Write Box "N", Re- RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT former. 70-2 Bus, Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis-| ---- S---- Send General Wants Potent Attorneys. a WANTED--TO BUY 1 OR 2 SMALL | kittens. Will be given good home. Box "T" Reformer. (70-2) WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWN- .Jer having farm for sale; give par- ticulars and lowest price. Johm J. D| Black, Canada Street, Chippawa N.Y. TO GLASGOW (Via Moville) Falls, Wisconsin. Sept. 9-16-2315, 49ioct. 4INov. 11 .. WANTED--EARLY APPLES BY sept. the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- | Oct. 69-1 sel Perkins, 403. Residence 151; xy. 10 ANEAN Park Rd. N. bate MEDITERR 26--(Cruise) ; Accountants FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD AND | Nov §i--(Crutse) also motor truck for e, -- (Ui . ACCOUNTS BENDERED AND COL- Saupe. distance. B. Warner, | Doc JS--(Cruise) . ections made; books of accounts|329 Court St, Oshawa. Phone 1005W. | Feb. 10--(Cruise) . postefi and financal statements pre- Feb. 10-- Cruise) pared: income tax reports prepared, adjusted; general and cost account- Lost and Found ng systems installed; audits and | em investigations made; authorized | LOST -- A DOCTOR'S BLACK LEA- trustee in bankruptey. Hugh K. Mid-| ther bag. Finder will receive reward dieton .{by leaving at Mitchell' s Drug Store -a THE SALVATION ARMY Brigadier (Miss) L. Prescott and Capt. (Miss) I. Froud, Com- manding Officers, SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th. Annual Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving services at 11 a. m. 3 pm. and 7 p.m. Divisional Com- mander Brigadier Moore; of Toronto, will preach at each service. Special music. Young People's classes directly in the morning at 10 o'clock. Sunday School smd Bible Class at 2 p.m. Monday night Salvation meeting 8 p.m. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Life Saving Guards. 7.30 p.m. -- Also cottage prayer weeting at 8 p.m. Saturdey--Praise meeting at 8 m. i MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Sept. 16j0ct. 14|Nov. 11 Sept. 23|0ct. 2 Ausonia Albania MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG & LONDON 9 | Sept. Oct. 30|Nov., 14|Noy. *Halifax ig Liverpool. Spee, Andania Antonia Depend on King George'sNavy-- It's guaranteed to be the finest chewing tobacco made--and it is' N.Y. TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL o Sept. 14j0ct, 12 Sept, 28j0ct. 20 Carmania +.» 'Scythia ++» Laconia You can bank on that! And what's more --at the new low price of two plugs for 25cts.-- it's a value you can't equal ! N.Y. --CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPTON Sept. 220ct. 4 Sept. 26|Nov. 7 det. BjOct. 26 Berengaria .. Mauretania RR PY dessaea.. Aquitania N.Y. PLY., CHERBOURG & HAMBURG I ------.--.s i ------------ , - 5 i SOMETHING TO AVOID ' (Ottawa Journal) Canada has a bumper crop and is on the eve of great prosperity if the adyantage be not lost by strikes. | The shopmen threaten to go out claiming they have not been dealt with fairly. Well, there is a level of justice ud Yossi considera- . + ms of expediency that cam be - Columbia Home over between the Govern- ment and railway company authori- ties on the one hand, and the shop men on the other. But for the good of all let's avoid ap industrial mess such as they have had do en- dure for several mouths in the United States. OFF WITH IT (Woodstock Sentinel-Review) A well-known opera singer has suffered the loss of a toe, the result of wearing tight shees... This ought to be 4 warning ageinst tight shoes but it is just as likely to start | 4 gra . 5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 nd, delivered. { 4 Jet. Saxonia BOSTON--LIVERPOOL--QUEENSTOWN thousa Cook, Alice St., E. LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUG dressed lumber, lath, shi 2x doors and interior trim. 'F. L. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. " Cameronia 61-1m For gates of particulars

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