Ontario Reformer, 16 Sep 1922, p. 6

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, A --------------------------A T_T 1922 pr ---- ------ ---- oy ---- ee Helping Your Business EEP your business | Mr. L. Gifford is soon having a 'sale of farm stock, etc. Mr. Gif- ford will be moving in the near future on a farm south of Harmony. Mr. John Izzard and Mrs. Izzard of Cooksville, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Robinson. ~~ ia "- Babe Mackay, Classic Dancer, with the Musical Revue, "Every Gin," at with this - Miss Marjorie Allems has return- ed to Toronto after spending three weeks' holidays with her parents. Mr. Alden Hodson, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his par- ents here, Mr. Ben Walkér, who spent the summer at Mr. W. Smith's, has re- turned to his home in the city. Mr. Howard Mackey spent a few days in Toronto last week. 'Miss' Dorothy Tarr, of the O.L.C. spent 'the week-end with Miss Mary Dryden. ' Miss Alice Moore entertained a number of her friends to a weiner roast on Friday evening. 'Mr. Russell Heath, of Arizoha, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. C. Mackey. Mr. Roy Dingman " in the Osha- wa Hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Ralph White, . of Chatham, visited his parents over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cross left last week for a two weeks' vaca- tion in Wingham and other points, 'Miss Jean Dryden weturns this week to her studies at Moulten Col- lege, Toronto. Mr. Gordon Ratcliffe and wife, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rat- cliffe. Mr. John Whiteford, who has been quite poorly for some time, was taken worse last week, which causes the family much anxiety. Mrs. Wilkinson and Miss Witkin- son, of Marsh Hill, Reach, have re- turned home after visiting her daughter, Miss Wilkinson, in Brook- Hn. The many friends of Miss Etta 'White will be glad to know she is able to be out again, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenwick, of Enterprise, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald. Mr. Robert Gilroy, of Toronto, vis- fted his aunt, Mrs. Arthur Cook, last week. Miss Wyndoitte, of Gamebridge, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E. Pat- terson, Mrs, Penfound and Miss Tamson Penfound, and Mr. Snowden, of Bowmanville, and Mr. Brooks, of Devonshire, England, visited at Mr. A. C. Elliott's last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chinn, of Toronto are in the village for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tarvis, of Ash- burn, are engaged at H. Fenn's for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Leask and Miss Mona Leask, of Greenbank, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott on Sunday. Mr. Blare and Miss Maggie Blare, cf Treenbank, vieited at Mr. Martin Routley's last veck. Miss Evelyn Ellens has returned home after visiting her uficle, Mr. Roy Bond, Oshawa. Mrs. Keith Lawrence has return- ed after ten days with her sister, Mrs. Mulholland, Toronto. Miss Jean Slater has returned home after a two weeks' visit with Rev. and Mrs. Fowlie at Colborne. Mrs. J. D, Howden, who has been seriously ill at her daughter's, Mrs. (Dr.) John Moore's for the last 'two weeks, is much 'improved. _ 'Mr. W, F. Batty exhibited several animals at the Canadian National Exhibition, and was successful in winning first in the elass for three- year-old Clydesdale fillies and se- cond for two-year-old Clydesdale fillies. N Mrs. Fred Holliday is very ill with acute rheumatism, and has suffered a great deal during the past week. Her mother, Mrs. J. M. Willis, of Whitby, was with her for several days.'- She is likely to be confined to the house for a considrable time. Born-----At Sherbot Lake, Ont., Monday, September 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. BR. P. Robinson, & son. (John Dantel). RAGLAN Mrs. Jos. r has returned home after a' pleasant visit with friénds and relatives in Oshawa. Miss' Madeline - Vallant visited friends in' Oshawa recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dring motored to Maivers and spent the week-end with friends there. Miss Bertie Luke, Toronto, 'was a South Orange, recent guest at her home here. Master Bert Etherley has return- ed to his home in the city after a prolonged holiday with his uncle Mr, D. Lyle. Miss Ada Brent," Toronto spent the week-end and holiday at her home here. The schools have re-opened after the summer vacation. Miss Summer- ville is engaged for another year for the village school and Miss A. Smith, of Odessa, has charge of the Mount Carmel school. Mr. J. Nottingham, and son Roy were in the city a few days last week attending the exhibition. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Avery, Carl and and baby Doris, were at Burketoh on Sunday attending the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. J. Avery. Miss Blanche Hodgson is attend- ing High School in Oshawa. Misses I. and M. Callant and BE. Nottingham were the guests of Mrs. E. Copeland in Toronto, a few days last week. Misses Jean, Ruth, and Grace Robinson of Brooklin spent Satur- day last week with Miss Allie Avery. Miss Velma Stacey, Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. Miss Pearl Brent has returned home here after spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. K. Kief, Toronto, visited friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Platten motored to Toronto with their son, Clifford, last Saturday and attended the Ex- hibition. BETHESDA The Township council have con- structed a splendid conerete culvert, on Concession 6, just east of 8.8. No. 10 It was indeed most neces- sary for the thaws of early spring often caused the children to walk the fence to avoid the flow of water over the road. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson 'Charlton, Master Jack and Baby Genevieve, of motored to Toronto on Monday and accompanied by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cheriton motored here and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hoar and called on several other friends. Mrs. W. G. Rundle, has returned from visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Oke, at Ebenezer. Mr. Everett Hoar, accompanied by Mr. Lance Phare, made a busi- ness trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. W. J. Dudley sang at W.M.8. at Tyrone, on Thursday. Miss Alice Werry, will assist in music at Long Sault Harvesthome on Sunday. Sorry to report that Mrs. Mahood is not continuing to improve and is still under medical treatment. Dr. B. J. Hazelwood in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White en- tertained informally on Sept. 10th, it being the 3rd, Anniversary of their wedding. Many Happy re- turns. Every boy and girl in school sec- tion should do his and her best for the school fair at Hampton on Thurs- day. Bethesda has had the cup for two years now, here's hoping we can retain it. TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wright and family of Newcastle visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Annis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, of Toron- to, visited at Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Mutton' 8. Mr. Russel Smith, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Clem- ens, Miss Florence Werry, of Bethesda has been spending a few days with Miss Ema Werry. Miss Werry is planning to hold a sale of house- hold artieles and furniture on Mon- on | day Sept. 18th. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry are visiting her sister Mrs. C. A, Cooke at Grimsby and visited Toronto friends en route, Women's Missionary meeting was a little special this week. A good program and asocial hour was spent, after which lMght refreshments were served, The occasion was of es- pecial interest as it made Mrs. Wm. Brent, an untiring and much re- spected worker, a Life Member. Mr. E. B. Cooke, of Newcastle, preached very acceptably here Sun- day morning and conducted Harvest Home Service at Long Sault both aftermoon and evening. Our choir, assisted by several young ladies from Bethesda, rendered assistance in service of song. Lt. Col. McLaughlin is attending '| Neweastle School fair on Monday, i] having been chosen by Major Snid- er of Port Hope to judge the classes in physieal training, and will spend the day with his eousin Mrs. Wright the Martin, Sept. 23 Mr. G. Walter of Toronto, visited with Mr. N. Buss over the holiday and returned to the city accompani- ed by his mother, Mrs. R. Walter, {who has been spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Buss. MYRTLE Mr. Hahn has removed his house- hold effects to Toronto, where he will reside during the winter months. He is retaining his fine home here for his summer residence, Carpenters are busy at Mr. Downey's erecting an addition to the house. Silo filling is the order of the day around here. Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton, Mr. Russel Stainton and Miss Florence Cameron, Mrs, John Lander and Miss 'Mabel Lander, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cornigh, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Short, and Mvs. John Cornish, motored to Port Perry recently to see the beauti- ful rose gardens, of an artistic Italian design, owned by Mr. F. Kent. Mise Janie Trevail has returned home after a lengthy visit at her bro- ther's, Mr. Gordon Trevail, Courtice. Messrs, Garfield, and Hilbert Trevail Murton 'Walters, C. McMann attended the Toronto Exhibition. ENFIELD Miss Werry, Tyrone, visited at Mr. Russell Ormiston's. Mrs. Nelson Bmith' and Mr. John Smith, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. Art. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stinson, Detroit, 'was a guest at Mr. John Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Hepburn spent Sunday at Columbus. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Fred Smith is under the doctor's care. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Geo. Martin 18 recovering from a bad at- tack of pleurisy. The threshing machine is still the neighborhood. in KEDRON Among those who attended the C.N. E. from around here, were Mr. and Mrs. L. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cole, Helen and Ruth, Miss Luella and Mr. Arthur Hepburn and Miss Flor- ence Conlin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot on the arrival of a son. Mr. Durham and family have moved to Harmony, he having sold his place to Mr. Holewell, of Toronto, who has taken possession. Mr. Lorne Duff, Myrtle, visited Mr. J. Mountjoy's. Mrs. H. L. Pascoe spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. Scott, En- field at Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy and fam- fly, and Mrs. W. Langmaid, visited Mr. Cullis, Mariposa, Sunday. Mr. James Ryan, of Boston, visited at Mr. 8S. Conlin's recently. Mr. J. Mountjoy visited his sister, Bowing, and Victor, visited in Ponty- Allie, and, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray, |P20! Mrs. T. Pereman, Columbus, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Crossman, Cecil and Gladys, motored to Cobourg Sunday. THORNTON'S CORNERS Silo filling and corn cutters are the main occupation at present and will be for a couple of weeks if the fine weath- er continues. Many from around here attended the Oshawa Fair and report a good time. The exhibits are said to be the best for years. + Mrs, Jeffreys and family have our deepest sympathy in their sad bereave- ment, Mrs, E. Pascoe is visiting with her parents in Detroit for a few days. The recent showers have been very beneficial to the farmers. Canning corn is reported an excellent crop in most places. We are sorry to report Mrs, R, Miles is not improving much in health, Rally Sunday will soon be held in the Sunday School. A good attendance is looked for. Special music by the school and an address will be given. Mr. W, Sturgess, of Whitby, was cal- ling this week on old friends ' and neighbors. Bad Breath Is Usually Due to the food asta. soft and moving. rescribe Nujol because it » nye like this natural lubricant and N uf ol is a htbricant--not medicine or Sin -- ------ If your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg-O Just as slow to act--its double action insures vening with a slow or het oven. EGG-O ing Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD bitin Mr. Frank Briggs and daughters, Viva and Thelma, are in Ottawa this week, visiting his brother there and taking in the Fair. During the recent electric storm, Mr. F. Brown had a valuable cow kill- ed by lightning. Last Saturday as Mr. Rgbt. Chis- holm and his men were speeding along the C.P.R. track in their lorry, an un- expected freight train nearly ran into them. The men jumped to safety but the lorry disputed the right of way and was badly smashed up. The road has been: sprinkled with some sort of cement, said to be worth two dollars a bag. The stuff tracks in very badly, and, judging for one house only, there must be about ten dollars' worth of it on every kitchen floor here. Sunday forenoon a group of men were seen seated by the side of the road, making up cigarettes with a new-fangled machine, which they say works like a charm. It was very Bank. You will 5 ily helpful, with us always read- counsel and competent Price By and adequately equipped to conduct all banking transac- tions connected with your business. Discuss your You will find with our local manager. DOMINION BANK - OSHAWA BRANCH . CEDAR DALE BRANCH, . © CN; HENRY W. H. SHEPPARD, iw 0 EC. CROSS, Manager. . . naughty, though, as besides iss, setting al bad example to the young, it shocked the good peoplc and as well, that sort of thing keeps the revenue down by lessening the sale of the highly taxed ready-made brand, TIMES HAVE CHANGED Formerly the management of in- fants was a tradition expounded by the handy woman and her colleague the woman next door, and after the child was weaned the only available food was the emulsion of cowdung |} and house-flies known as fresh milk,--Dr. Fred E. Wynne, Prof. Public Health University of Shef- field. * ' -- a ---- . NOT AS 'BAD AS PAINTED (Detroit Free Press) Of course it is true that modern girls are not as bad as they are painted. Some of them couldn't be. Best Plums and Peaches for Preserving Crawford Peaches will sulli be vali short ume.' ' Fibertss 'able for a now bej offered. Prices lowest - years, season for the Dbesj pre- serving varieties will soon be over, so don't delay in securing your canning requirements, The best "preserving Plums, Green Gages (Reine Claude) and Prunes are also obtaineble. The mark of the Ni- agara Peninsula Growers, Limited, Grimsby, Optario, on containers stands for carefully * packed, evenly graded rult. . Queen's Hotel Block Our Assortment of Records is Co Come in and hear the latest in popular Dance and Song Records A COMPLETE LINE OF RED SEAL RECORDS STOCKED D. A. Tait's Music Store Phone 1138j wr te Simcoe St. North "That 'Have v The F inest{Grapes Been Grown In Years + Grapes from the Niagara Peninsula have vag been prized for their quality and flavor. § But the Blue Wordens now at your deglers surpass any grapes that have come from this famous district for several seasons. #4 Geapes bring health ; eat plenty of them. Geape jams and jellies are delicious ; preserve 'mow, § Be sure the grapes you buy have the stamp of the Niagara Grape Growers on the baskets. § It stands for better quality, careful grading and careful packing. NIAGARA DISTRICT GRAPE GROWERS j rl ST. FIRE evi ONTARIO Era 4 Special lue--Fox Trot THE VIRGINIANS Fox Trot BILLY MOORE . PALACE QUARTET "His Master's Voice" Record 216368 Ask to hear them played on the Victrola atany "His Master's Voice" Gealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co, Limited, Montross "His Master's Voice"- Victor Records Why Should | Cry Over You?--Fox Trot "His Master's Voice' -Victor Record 18933 Say It While Dancing--Fox Trot THE BENSON ORCHESTRA OF CHICAGO I'm Just Wild About Harry--Fox Trot PAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA "His Master's Voice" -Victor Record 18938 Coal Black Mammy--Fox Trot Tricks-- PAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA "His Master's Voice" -Victor Record 18939 Can't Yo Hear Me Calling (Caroline) Medley of Irish Songs No. 2 All on 10-inch double-sided 85¢c. AFULL LINE OF RECORDS NOW IN STOCK ~~ Also we cary a choice selection of Classical Records and a complete Tine of vpdadie-minute Popular Selectips, D. J. BROWN Jowaller & Optometrist

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