Ontario Reformer, 14 Sep 1922, p. 7

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News of Nearby Places TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Cameron and daughter, of Enfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron recently. Miss Phoebe Lake, of Newcastle, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Levi Skin- ner, Miss Hazel Werry, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, W, McLaughlin, of Oshawa, Miss Lola Richards, Mrs, C. Rich- ards and son visited Mr, and Mrs Tom Richards recently, Mr, and Mrs, Smith, Oliver anc Bobbie, of Blackstock, visited Mr and Mrs. Mutten, Misses Edith Smith, and Elva Vir tue were recent Sunday guests of Mrs, Viola Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Monk, Mr, and Mrs Brown, of Bethany, were week-end guests at the Parsonage recently, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Wight and Mrs, S. Rundle, of Bowmanville, Mrs. H, J. Werry, Miss Alma and Mr. Lloyd Ashton, of Enniskillen visited Miss Ema Werry recently. Miss Greta Oke, of Bowmanville, visited Mrs J. Brauton, School .re-opened on Tuesday with Misg Mahle Wight again in charge, The League meéting on Thursday night was in charge of the Juniors. All who took part did so most cred itably, Mr. and Mrs, J. A, Charlton, of Toronto, and son, Nelson, Mrs. Charl- ton, Jack and Bob, of Brooklyn, N. Y., motored from Toronto, and called on Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Wer- ry, and Miss Ema Werry recently, Farmers everywhere are anxious ly looking for rain. Apples, corn ete, are ripening very fast. EBENEZER | Mrs, John Worden is spending a few | weeks with her son, Mr, O, O. Worden, Tdronto, Mr, A, J. Gay has purchased a new Chevrolet 490 Special, The League Executive are holding their annual meeting for the preparing of topics and programs for the coming league year at the home of Mr, R, E, Oshorne on Thursday evening of this week, Miss Bernice Arnott, Taunton, is holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Osborne, All are pleased to see Mr. 8. Vinson and family around again after their recent illness, | The School Fair is being held on | Saturday of this week at Maple Grove | instead of on Wednesday owing to-the | fair at Oshawa, ) | The many friends of Master Orval'| Grills are indeed very pieased to hear that he is improving nicely at Oshawa [Exh ibitors Who Capt OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 ured Prizes At Fair This Week (Continued Collection of carnations--A, & J. J. Scott, R. Brooks. Collection of = dianthus--G . R. Puckett, R. Brooks, Collection of double stocks--Miss V. Symons, Collection of annuals--Mrs, M. Wil, kins, F. Symons, ' Collection of asters--Q. R, Puckett, Andrew Dilling. Colléctoin of zinnias--W, H. Ton- kin, G. R. Puckett, Collection of petunias--A. & J. J. Scott, Mrs, Alex. Taylor. Collection of snapdragons--Mrs, M. Wilkins, F, B, Lovekin, Collection of coxcomhs--R, Lick. _ Collection of verbenas--Mrs. Selomon, A. & J. J. Scott, Collection of sweet peas--F, B. Lovekin, Collection of marigolds--Uriah Young, Miss V, Symons, Collection of nasturtiums--R. H. Brooks, Mrs. A, Taylor. Collection of coleus--A, & J. Scott, Mrs. NF, Symons, Collection of bhalsams--Miss V. Sy- mons, Bobert Brooks. Collection of gladioli, not more than 6 varieties, 3 specimens of each, ~A., Dilling, Miss A, E., Scott, W. H. Tonkin, Collection of hegonias, any other variety--A, & J. J, Scott, R, 8. Mc- Laughlin. Collection of double geraniums-- A. & J. J. Scott, A, BE. Henning. Cactus--W, H, Tonkin. Single specimen plants, not other- wise named in list--W, H. Tonkin, A. & J. J. Scott, Hanging basket with plants--A, & J. J. Scott, W, H. Tonkin, Table houquet--D, M, Tod, Mrs, F, Bateman, Hand bouquet--M, G. J. Mothersill, G, from page 5) Collection of not less than 6 vari- eties of field roots, 3 of each--Uriah Young, Robt. Brooks. VEGETABLES Egg plant--Robt. Brooks, Wm. El liott. 3 heads caulifiower--W, B. Rowe, W. A. Broughton, 3 heads green cabbage, early--W, H. Tonkin, Robt. Brooks, 3 heads green cabbage, late--Robt, Brooks, W. H. Tonkin. 3 heads cabbage, Savoy--Miss V, Symons, W. H. Tonkin. 3 heads red cabbage--Robt. Brooks, W. H. Tonkin, 6 table carrots--T. Bottrell & Son, Robt. Brooks, 6 parsnips Parish, 6 héets--T, Bottrell Tonkin. 12 commercial tomatoes--W, B, Rowe, Robt. Brooks. 12 salad tomatoees--Robt, Brooks, Norman Buss, Water melon--W, A, Robt. Brooks. Musk melon--Robt, Elliott, Citron--Robt. Brooks, Wm. Elliott, 6 cucumbers, largest and best--R. Brooks, Mrs, W. Couch, 3 heads white celery--R. Brooks, F. B. Lovekin, Gallon yellow onions--R, Brooks, W. B. Rowe. Gallon red onions--Uriah Young, Bottrell & Son. Half gallon pickling onions--W. H. Tonkin, Uriah Young. Squash, green hubbard--R. Brooks, Wm. Elliott, Corn, golden bantam--Wm. Elliott. 6 ears sweet corn--Robt, Brooks, Mrs. F, Symons, 6 peppers, red--T, Bottrell & Son, Wm. Elliott, Robt, Brooks, Mrs, W. A, & Son, W. H, Broughton, Brooks, Wm, T R. Prichett, Bouquet made by amateurs--@G. R. Prichett, Robert Brooks, Asparagus fern--A. & J. J. Scott. Agapanthus--Robert Brooks. Collection of plants in flower--R, 8. McLaughlin, W, H. Tonkin, A, & J, J. Scott, 1 bushel of large peas--Mrs, W. A. Parish, Uriah Young. 1 bushel small peas--Uriah Young, 1 bushel fall wheat, white or red-- W. D. Dyer & Son, Mrs. W. A. Cald- well, Uriah Young, 1 bushel spring wheat, white or red --Uriah Young, Mrs. W, A, Parish, Beath & Hancock. 1 bushel spring wheat, Uriah Young. 1 bushel oats, white--Mrs, W. A. Parish, Uriah Young. 1 bushel oats, hlack--Uriah Young, Mrs. W. A. Parish. 1 'bushel barley, 6-rowed--Uriah Young, Mrs. W. A. Parish, 1 bushel rye, winter or spring-- | Beath & Hancock, Mrs, W. A. Par- | General Hospital, | ish Silo filling in this vicinity is well | under way, | Miss Clara Williamson has been re- | engaged as senior teacher at 8.8, No. " Miss Marie Coit is attending Oshawa High School this year, | binder--F. W, L. Tamblyn, 12 ears of corn--Uriah Young, Wm. Elliott, Mrs. Alex. Taylor. Half bushel flax--Uriah Young. Sheaf of white oats bound with C. A Chapman, Mrs. L. Middieton. 1 peck of white beans -- Uriah goose-- | 6 peppers, green--Robt, Brooks, m. Elliott, | 12 long radish--T. Bottrell & Son, Robt. Brooks. | 3 heads red eelery--Robt. Brooks, |'T. Bottrell & Son, | Pie pumpKin--Uriah Young, Mrs. L.. Middleton, A Gallon pickling cuenmbers--Wm, | Elliott, Mrs, L. Middleton. Collection onions, 6, varieties of each--Miss E, McLa lin, W. H. Tonkin. Collection garden vegetables--R. 8. | McLaughlin, Robt. Brooks. | Collection tomatoes--Robt. Brooks. FRUITS | Commercial Apples--Five of each, Baldwins--W, B. Rowe, W. Elliott, | Elmer Lick. | Spy--T. Bottrell & Son, Lyman A. |Gifford, W Elliott | Greening, Rhode Island--Mrs, Alex. Taylor, Lyman A. Gifford, F. W. L. | Tamblyn. Golden russets--W, | Brooks, L. A. Gifford. Golden Kings--W. B. Rowe, Bottrell & Son, L. A. Gifford. { Ben Davis--W. B. Rowe, L. A. Gif- {fore T. Bottrell & Son. { Cranberry pippin--T. B. Lovekin, { Elmer Lick, Mrs. W. A. Parish, | Stark--L. A. Gifford, Robt. Brooks, |W B. Rowe, R. T. + PAGE SEVEN a, lfc i Chili Sauce--A. P. Cronk, Uriah Young, Mrs. Alex. Taylor. Tomato catsup -- Mrs. D. W. Me- Donald, Miss V. Symons, Mrs. A. R. Gaud, Pickled onions--W. A. Parish, Mrs. F. Symons, Mrs. A. Taylor. Pickled cucumbers--Mrs. E. Han- cock, Mrs. W. A, Parish, Mrs. F. Bateman. Mixed pickles -- Mrs, E. Hancock, Mrs. D. W. McDonald, Mrs. W. A. Parish. Mustard pickles -- F, Mrs. A. R. Gaud, Mrs, Donald, Grape catsup -- Mrs, W. D. Mec- Donald, Plum catsup Mrs. W. D, Donald, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Salad, decorated -- Flora French, Mrs. W. A, Parish, Mrs. M. Wilkins, B. Lovekin, W. D. Mec- Me- mons, Brock. Mrs, ton, Two loaves of white bread--F, B, Lovekin, Two loaves hrown bread--F, B, Lovekin, Mrs. L, Middleton, Plain sponge cake -- Mrs F. Sy- Mrs, F. Bateman, Miss O. Layer cake, plain white, iced -- F. Bateman, Mrs. L. Middle- Miss (i. Soloman. Fancy layer cake, iced--- Miss Olive Brock, Mrs. F. Bateman, Mrs, J. Bell Lack. Tarts--A. P. Cronk, Mrs. W. A. Parish, F. B. Lovekin. Doughnuts--A., P. Cronk, Mrs, J, Bell Lack, Mrs. E. Hancock. Apple pie--R, Jenkins, A. P, Cronk, Mrs. F. Bateman, Elderberry wine--Mrs. D. W. Mec-|[- Donald, R. Jenkins, Mrs. M. Wilkins. Lemon pie---F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. W. Parish, Mrs. F. Bateman. Cookies, six--A. P. Cronk, R. Jen- kins, Mrs. F. Bateman. Tea biscuits, six A. P. Cronk, Mrs. W. A. Parish, Miss Olive Brock. Dozen brown eggs -- Mrs. A. E. Henning, Mrs. L. Middleton, Beath & Hancock. Dozen white eggs Miss Olive Brock, Mrs, L. Middleton, F, Heddon & Son, A. DAIRY PRODUCTS Best 5 Ibs butter in prints or rolls ~R. Jenkins, Mrs. L. Middleton, Miss O. Brock. Rest 10 lbs butter in prints or rolls--R. Jenkins, Mrs, L. Middleton, Miss Olive Brock, Best 5 lbs. butter in crocks-- Jenkins, Mrs, L. Middleton, Best 5 lbs, butter in crocks R. Mrs. J. Bell Lack, R. Jenkins, Mrs, L. Middleton. Best 10 Ibs. butter In prints or rolls, special--Miss Olive Brock. Best 10 1bs, butter in crocka. Special prize by J. W. Borsberry, (Oshawa, butter to become property of donor--R. Jenkins. Best 10 lbs, butter in prints or rolls. Special prize by Miss McWil- liams, Supt. Oshawa Hospital. But- ter to become property of donor -- Mrs. LL. Middleton, Best 5 lbs. butter in crocks. Special prize by T. B. Mitchell, Oshawa. But- ter to become property of donor-- Mrs. L. Middleton, Best 5 Ibs. butter in prints or rolls. Special prize by Wm, McAdie, Osh- awa. Butter to become property of donor and be delivered to donor--R, Jenkins. Canned plums, 1 sample--Mrs. W. A. Parish, Uriah Young, R, Jenkins. Canned pears, 1 sample--Mrs, I. Bateman, A. P. Cronk, Mrs, Alex, Taylor. Canned raspberries, 1 sample™ Mrs. F. Bateman, Mrs. W. A. Parish, Uriah Young. ® Canned strawberries, 1 sample-- Mrs. W. A, Parish, Mrs. F. Bateman, A, P. Cronk. Canned cherries, 1 sample-- Mrs. D. W. McDonald, Mrs, W. A. Parish, A. P. Cronk. Canned red currants, Mrs, J. Bell Lack . Canned peaches, 1 sample -- Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Uriah Young, Mrs, D, W. McDonald. . Gooseberry jam -- Mrs. Alex. Tay- lor, Mrs. 'D. W. McDonald, Mrs. F, Bateman, Collection of canned fruit, correct- ly named--F, B. Lovekin, C. R, Love- kin, Uriah. Young. Display canned fruit, 12 varieties, by Woman's Institute of Counties of Ontario and Durham--Woman's In- stitute, Woman's Institute. Display canned vegetables, 12 varieties, by Woman's Institute of Counties of Ontario and Durham-- Woman's Institute, Woman's In- stitute, 12 handmade articles by Woman's Institute of counties of Ontario and Durham Woman's Institute, Woman's Institute, Preserved citron--Mrs. W. D. Me- | Donald, Mrs, W. A. Parish, Mrs. A. | R. Gaud, ! Preserved black currants--Mrs. L. Middleton, Uriah Young, Mrs. W. A. | Parish, Preserved fruit, 2 flavors, ok. Mrs. | 1 sample-- Mrs. F. Bateman, A. P. Cronk, Mrs. M. Wilkins. Red currant jelly--F. B, Lovekin, R. Lovekin, Mrs. W. Couch. | Crab apple jelly. R. Jenkins, Uriah Young, F. B. Lovekin. Apple jelly -- Mrs, F. Bateman, Uriah Young, F. B. Lovekin. Quince jelly--F. B. Lovekin, C. R. Lovekin, Mrs. D. W. McDonald. Collection of jelly, correctly named --F. B. Lovekin, C. R. Lovekin, Uriah Young, Orange marmalade Mrs. McDonald, Mrs .E Hancock. Raspberry Vinegar-- Mrs. M. Wil- | kins, Mrs. A. R. Gaud, Mrs. L. Mid- | dleton. = Currant Wine--Mrs. D. W. McDon- ald, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Rhubard wine--R. Jenkins, D. W. McDonald. C. D. W. Mrs. Al CUGARZIIES IRININIRISIRINIEIETS A ua o ETTES \ GAR] h\y AD QO 29 King of Cigarettes 10 for 15¢ " 35¢ IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY or CANADA, LIITED. Grape wine--Mrs. D. W. McDonald, R. Jenkins, | Young, Mrs. D. Ww. McDonald, Mrs, |W. B. Rowe. |W. A. Parish. Ontario--T. Bottrell & Son, W. H. Best 3 bushels of peas, any vari-| Tonkin, F. W. L. Tamblyn, ety. Prizes donated by Hogg &| McIntosh Red--L. A. Gifford, T. Lytle, Oshawa--W. H. Balson. | Bottrell & Son, Elmer Lick, FIELD ROOTS | Wagner--T. Bottrell & Son, Mrs. 15 Ibs. p s. Irish C. | Alex. Taylor, F. W. L. Tamblyn. | > Ibs. potatoes, Irish Cobbler type, Wealthy--F. B, Lovekin, W. B. to be displayed on surface 18 inches | y | syuare--Robi, Brooks, F, Heddon & Bove Tai lle Sou, Robt i | Son. » H, ' : | "15 ws. o __ | Brooks, C. R. Lovekin. | 'w 5 oe. poiatoes, Early Ohio type . Any other desirable variety apples |W. A. Broughton, W. H. Tonkin. | --W. B. Rowe, Robt. Brooks, L. A Best 6 roots, purple top Swede | oo s y . yl As turnips, globe shaped--Uriah Young, |" Best collection commercial apples Robt, Robt Books. mammoth red man.|® YArieties, 5 of each and' separate gold--Robt. Brooks, Uriah Young, from above--W, B. Rowe, L. A. Gif- Yellow Intermedate mangold-- | 07d: Robt. Brooks, F. W. L. Tam- Uriah Young. blyn. 6 white carrots--Robt Domestic Varieties--Five of each. " Snow--F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Alex. Mrs. W: A. Parish. 2 6 red carrots--Uriah Young, Mrs. Tallon, Elmer Lick. Gifford, W. B W. A. Parish. 12 Pay os ts f Rowe, Robt, Brooks. Z sugar heets for factory purpose| "pion aim Pippin--Elmer Lick, L. --Robt. Brooks. y 1 squash, yellow, green or field 4. Gilford, W, B. Bowe, sill Bhmer Robt. Brooks, . . : 1 hd Wu. Blioit, Brooks Lick, Robt. Brooks, W. H. Tonkin. ' » » Dozen crab apples, large--F. B. F. He Son. 2 ke So ce corn--w. J. |LOvekin. T. Botirell & Son. Balson, C. A. Chapman ae Duchess, cones, diameter of hoop, hn end 17% inches--W. H. Tonkin, C. R. Week End Clearance Alexander, cones, diameter of hoop 17% inches--F. B. Lovekin, C. R. Lovekin, E. Lick. Wolf River, cones, diameter of hoop 17% inches--W. H. Tonkin, F. B. Lovekin. Men's Fine Shirts, all sizes and patterns, to clear at .... 87¢ Men's Chambray Shirts, all sizes, reg. $1.25, to clear at 89¢ Men's all Wool Sweaters, Grey, Brown, Maroon regular $7.95, to clear at ssinaiasisns .... $4.75 Young Men's V-neck Sweaters, some wi wil collars, reg. $6.50, to clear at $3.75 .... $1.15 -- A-------------- DENTYNLE CHEWING GUM Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY d JURY & LOVELL, Ltd Phone 28 Phone 1101 ¢ Brooks, UST the purest finest gum produced-dentists really recommend it because it helps save the teeth. WwW. H Pears--Five of each Duchess of Anjou--T. Bottrell & Men's Grey Military Flannel Work Shirts, all sizes, reg. $1.49, to clear at ................ assess Son, Robt, Brooks, Elmer Lick. Bartlett--F. W. L. Tamblyn, R. Brooks, W. H. Kirby. Sheldon--Robt. Brooks, Kirby, W. H. Tonkin. Clapp--Beath & Hancock, F. W. L, Tamblyn, T. Bottrell & Son. Winter Nellis--Robt. Brooks. Men's Brown and Blue Tweed Trousers, reg. $4.00, to clear at - .. $2.49 Men's Fall Hats, reg. $5.00, to clear at .. .. $2.95 Men's Fall Weight Overcoats, reg. $13.95, to clear at $7.50 Boys' Blue Fox Serge Suits, reg. $12.00, to clear at $8.50 Boys' Fall and Winter Overcoats, reg. $12.00, to clear at ...... sirshan ans Hain An I vs, $7.49 Men's Grey and Brown Tweed Suits, reg. $18.50, dear at .........rcvom praia e nl $13.50 Men's Fine Kid Gloves, reg. $3.50, to clear at ........ $1.95 Keiffer--T. Bottrell & Son. Louise Bonne--Elmer Lick. to c 100 pairs Boys' Boots, double soles, reg. $4.95, to clear at a Any other variety--Robt. Brooks, F. Heddon & Som, T. Bottrell & Son. Men's Brown Boots, Blucher toes, reg. $4.95, to clear at Collection of six varieties and sep- parate entries from above, 5 of each --W. B. Rowe, F. B. Lovekin. Plums--Twelve of each Men's heavy solid Leal toclearat ....... ar ASSANS ASAE o sannnnnn Other specials in Men's and Boys' Fall and Winter Under- wear, Caps ahd Sox. Lombard--Mrs. Alex. Taylor, F. W. -- Domini ing Co il Dominion Clothing Co. L. Tamblyn. . Burbank--W. H. Kirby, Robt. Brooks. 68 KING ST. W. PHONE 1151) Formerly known as Old Oshawa House Known as King Street Chambers. Pond Seedling--T. Bottrell & Son. Vail Seedling--W, H. Kirby, Robt. Watch the Cartoons in Our Windows. Brooks. Any other variety--W. H. Kirby, Robt. Brooks. Bradshaw --T. Bottrell & Son. Collection of native fruits of all kinds, no limit--Robert Brooks, T. Bottrell & Son, C. R. Lovekin, a ----

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