SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~0-0| . tlon of tis readers In contributing flems to this column, Send us & Pbosteard or 'phone 35. --Mr, Gilbert Herrington, of Hast- ings, has accepted a position in town, --Messrs, O. Durrant and BE. R. Mothersill spent the week-end at Crooked Creek. --Mr, and Mrs, E. L, Cull, of Oril- lia, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, C. M. Mundy, Simcoe St. North. --Mrs, Plerce is spending some time with Miss Lydia Mahoney, of Talbot ville, formerly of Oshawa. : ~--Mr, and Mrs, George Pugh, of Whitevale, were visitors at Oshawa fair yesterday. ---Mrs. A. Brown, of Port Perry, is visiting in town, the guest of Mrs. Pearson, 188 Athol Street, East, --Mr. Will Creamer was in Port Hope over Sunday, the guest of his sister, Mrs, Wm. Southgate, William St. --Messrs, C, R., Lawson and W. Plunkett, of Rooney & Co, Toronto, were in town Tuesday and Wednesday in connection with the Bishop Bethune College audit, Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Gibson, Port Hope, announce the engagement of Hamilton Hewson, Oshawa, younger son of the late MP, and Mrs, Joseph Hewson, Port Hope, Ont., the marri- age to take place early in October, SLOBODZIAN--HRYNIW At 8t, Gregory Church Saturday morning a quiet wedding was solem- nized when Anna Hryniw was united in marriage to Jwan Slobodzian, both of Oshawa. They were attended by Miss Anna Drozduk, of Oshawa, and Mr, Peter Krsyminski, of Toronto, A Woman's Pride The useful pride which makes woman careful of her appearance and com- plexion finds a help in the purity and delicate clinging fragrance of BARNS WN DAF Fay ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED ~ Best Jo You MONTREAL the ceremony, The young couple will make their home in Oshawa, SINCLAIR--WELLS A very pretty wedding took place at high noon on Tuesday Sept. 12th, at the home of Mrs, M. A. Wells, 184 Simcoe St., Oshawa, Ont., when her eldest daughter, Lillian Mabel, was united in marriage to Mr. Wil- liam. Clarence Sinclair, son. of Mr. and Mrs . A. D. Sinclair of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, The ceremony was con- ducted by Rev, A, M, Irwin of King St. Methodist Church, The bride, who was unattended looked very charming in a gown of Georgette crepe, trimmed with rddium lace panels, and carried a bouquet of Op- helia roses. She was given away by her brother, Mr. Frod Wells of Port Hope, Ont, Miss Parl Sinclair, sis- ter of the groom played the wedding march and during the signing of the register, Mrs, Fred Wells sang. The bridegrooms gift to the bride was a platinum bar pin set with diamonds, {and to the assistants, onyx and pearl bar pins. After a delicious buffet luncheon Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair left for a motor trip to Ottawa and east- ern points, On their return they will Start on "Hike" to Quebec After Three Months' Stay Here After spending the last three months in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Coover left yesterday on a hike to Quebec City. The eouple walked here from New York, arriv- ing in June. While here, Mr, Coov- er was employed as pianist with the Adanac orchestra, It is their inten- tion to walk to Quebec City and from there to take the boat to Cuba, Mr, Coover having an engagement as a pianist in Havana, commencing a- bout Christmas, "We are not walking for a wager, so that we can take our time', Mr, Coover told the Reformer yesterday morning. They are carrying two blankets, a poncho, and cooking u- tensils, cooking their own meals and sleeping under the stars, although if the night is wet or unusually cold, they are not adverse to sleeping in a barn or patronizing a hotel. (Continued from page 1) fair by Mr. W, E. Bramhall. One of these was a siphonget closet, with Mueller valve, which does away en- tirely with the tank method of flush- ing. In another corner of the tent were displayed samples of all the vaccines and anti-toxins which are supplied free by the Department of Public Health, who are kept supplied by the Provincial Board of Health. These vaccines may be secured on request by any doctor at any hour of the day or night from the department. while Rev. Father Bench performed _- ) _ Miss Cross and Miss Harris had an interesting exhibit tastefully arranged with a background of educational panels arranged in series, There were illustrations of the correct methods of dressing and feeding babies, pre-natal work amd tuberculosis cases, all of which were arranged in series. A pair of scales correctly tested was also in the tent and whilé G56 babled were weighed on Tuesday over 100 were weighed yesterday. There was also a chart displayed which showed the number of cases of tuberculosis in town and the centre of each case, Red pins showed where a person was being treated in isolation at home while pink markers were placed for those centres from which a patient had been remov- ed to a sanitarium for treatment, The tent had been plentifully sup. plied with literature from the Public Health Department at Toronto and the headquarters for the Canadian Red Cross Society, also of Toronto, and this was freely distributed to all visit. ors. The staff of the local department of Public Health was ably assisted during the fair by members of the local branch of the Red Cross Society, Through the courtesy of the Ontario Milk and Creamery Producers' Asso- ciation, the local Department of Health was supplied with 400 bottles of milk which were supplied gratis to all children under ten years of age. Mr. D. M, Tod, the well known baker, had also donated small rolls to ac- company each gift of milk and before six o'clock last night every vestige of milk and rolls had disappeared from the tent, . THEATRES SECOND BARBARA BEDFORD IN STAR PICTURE, "Winning with Wits," William Fox's stirring story of a girl's fight to save her father from prison, is announced by the manager of the Grand Theatre, for an engagement heginning to-night, Barbara 'Bedford, hailed as one of the most promising screen ac- tresses of the present day, is seen in the star role. As Mary Sudan, a vivacious young actress who learns, on the eve of her big suc- cess In the theatrical world, that her father has been sent to prison, she is said to repeat the display of versatility and winsomeness that made her a favorite in her first Fox vehicle, In her new picture-- which is her second as a star--she is called upon to assume the per- sonality of a woman of the world as well as a stage player, and the contrast in her acting of the two roles is reputed to he remarkably fine, She is reported to wear some stunning gowns, and to display notable histrionic ability. The story, which was written by H. H. Van Loan, is said to be filled with action. -- "EVERYGIRL" Hudy Davis, the dainty little Can- adian actress who plays the name part in Young and McKnight's musi- cal revue, ""Everygirl", is a native of Toronto, though her professional career has taken her to New York for several seasons past. However, she has always managed to spend at least two months every summer at her home on Lake Simcoe. When she was offered a role in "Everygirl" and was told that it was to be an all Canadian Company she fairly jumped at the chance, A whole winter in Canada, with the advant- ges of skating and toboggning seem- ed too good to he true, 'When do we play Banff," was her first ques- tion. When told that Banff had a varying population of from fifty thousand in summer to five thousand in Winter, she seemed a bit disap- pointed, but the promise of a stop between trains there on the jump from Vancouver, to Calgary, easily satisfied her, "Everygirl" will be the offering at the New Martin Sat,, Sept. 23rd, for One Night Only, RICH GOWNS SHOWN IN "HER GILDED CAGE" Gloria Swanson Wears Alluring Cos. tumes in Her New Paramount Picture Gloria Swanson, Paramount star, whose beautiful gowns worn in her screen productions have made her the fashion model of the screen, is not limited to stately, formal fas- hion creations in her latest Para- Allow us to Select Your = meat from our large variety of juicy roasts, tender steaks and full-flavored chops. You will never experience a disappointing dinner if you market here. We carry only the most desirable meats, and the prices we charge are reas- onable. Phone is open from 7 to 9.20 Friday evening for Saturday deliveries. W. ATKINSON ll 12 Church St, Phone 933 le ABY | WEEK Starts Saturday With a regular Saturday festival of specials in lovely things for the tiniest trousseau of all. FOR 8 DAYS Everything Baby will need, in and out of doors, will be featured for your inspection. It's a long time since we have been able to secure so many pretty, dainty baby garments as these. ; Dainty Dresses, Padded Kimonas from Japan, Padded Quilts, Shawls, Carriage Covers, White Woolly Scarfs, Baby Sweaters, Crocheted Jackets, Bootees, Baby Mitts, Baby Coats, Bonnets -of all descriptions, Comb and Brush Sets, Baby Baskets, Rattles, Teething Rings. | mount picture, "Her Gilded Cage," which well be the big feature at the Regent To-night, Friday and Satur- day. Miss Swanson first appears in this story as a poor French dancer, lat- er is seen in the modestly colorful costumes of a cafe entertainer, and then blossoms forth, under the guid- ance of an American press agent, as "Fleur d'Armour," the dance sen- sation of the season. It is asserted by those who saw Gloria wearing the new dance cos- tumes about the studio, that if she is fascinating and charming in the ballroom gown, evening gown and afternoon frock, those adjectives fail to describe her in the new thea- trical costumes, in which she is beautiful and alluring. These creations are gorgeously bizarre and thedtrical. One in par- ticular, is an exquisite combination of pink silk tights, silver cloth and pearl heads, set off by a head dress of clusters of many colored bird of Paradise feathers. A stuffed bird of Paradise with long graceful plum- age, adorns her wrist, and adds a novel effect to the terpischore per- formance, This costume lis sym- bolical of the bird of Paradise, Grand Theatre BARBARA BEDFORD in Sept. " Winning With 1 Wits" SUNSHINE COMEDY "One Minute Please" 1 4 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE Why Not See the Best? -------------- We've killed the mail order business in Oshawa for Dry Goods and Ready to wear. Good Merchandise Big Assortments Lower Prices Oshawa women do not even think of buying away from home for the simple reason, they get as well suited and pay less money for their goods. See our Splendid Coats--Suits & Dresses. See them on yourself, not a photograph. o charge for any alterations -- no trouble. Turn up your catalogs and compare our prices for Flannelette Blankets, Table Oil- cloths, Knitting Wools, Cotton Spools, or anything else and you will find our lines lower than mail order houses. Always Money Back If You Beat OUR Price | "THE ARCADE" ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY See Our Windows Friday Night Fifteen Easy Chairs Rockers, and Arm Chairs, large sizes, very comfy, Oak, Willow and Reed. Regular prices $12.00 to $18.50. Saturday Bargain $109 Three Piece Chesterfield Suite Cane backs, upholstered spring seats, Velvet or Tap- estry covers. Regular value $185.00. Special Saturday, 3 pieces $1158 Luke Bros. 63 King East OSHAWA