Ontario Reformer, 14 Sep 1922, p. 5

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---- DR. T. C CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 231, DR. T, 8, rr OE S--" OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Phone 948, 1-yr, DR. 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST: Office over Kyle's Grocery Store. Phone 959, 4-1yr, DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No, 97, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, ADA PIANO, oak case, good Ras a bargain at $250, Stalter's Music Store, 23 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa, 45-tt SWEET CIDER -- MADE FROM good sound apples, Any quantity. Phone 908 r 24, (66-t.1,) GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE HORBE for sale, five years old. Apply 8] Annis 8t,, Cedar Dale, 67¢ FOR SALE--3 HANGING AND 1 Aladdin lamp, 1 three-burner O0il Stove, 1 drop-leaf Table, 1 Sofa, 1 Iron Bed. A, and J. J, Scott, 383, Aberdeen St, : 67¢c FOR SALE--A CREAM WICKER |= baby carriage, reversable gear, in: good condition, 74 Kenneth ave. 1) . 68-c DR, W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Stare, 16 Simcoe 8t, N, Phone 1243, SE "Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, L. J, SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, Bast, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion. in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR, D, B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat, Diseases of children, Office over Dominfon Bank, "Telephone 1165, Hours 11--1; 5--6: 5--0; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment, 45-6mos DR, A. A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear, 134-tf DR. P, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.CM., organist and choir master of King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a8 limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ, For terms, ete, apply on Saturdays at, King St. Methbdist' Church, or Phone 807J. (65-t.1.) Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer., Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa, Phones, Office 940; Residence 6195. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancer taries Pu! lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank, entrance Simeoe St.; Phone 13. J. ; Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Ofitice (entrance) 7% Simaoe St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, | g; Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones--Office 210, Res. 160. Chi " IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. ExaminaMomg free at office. Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. FOR SALE--BRAND NEW HLEC- tric fan, with Hamilton Beach mot- or, four speeds; also Moffatt gas range, with five jburners, meter, (porcelain and nickel med; used only a few months, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14; 1922 | Exhibitors 'Who (Continued trom page three) LINCOLNS Ram, two shears and over--J, W. Balson, J. W. Balson, Balson. Ram lamb--J. W. Balson, Balson, Balson, J. W. Balson, Shearling ewe--J., W, Balson. Ewe lamb--J, 1 Balson, Pen, ram lamb and Shearling ram--J. W. Balson, J. W. J. W. Ewe, two shears and over--J. W. W. Balson, J. W. two ewe son. Pen. one ram and four ewes--J, W Balson, TAMWORTHS will; Lloyd Snowden. A. Colwill will, Sow, will, Colwill, Sow, under 6 months--A. A. Col will, A. A, Colwill p Cent. Air Beats' Electric 'or Gas New Lamp Burns 94 Per A new oil lamp that gives an amag- FINE 'ARTS Landscape, from Newman, Miss M. Cook. V. Symons, V. Symons, lambs, dred by exhibitor-J."W. Bal- Boar, 1 year and under--A, A, Col- Boar, 6 months and under 12--A, Boar, under 6 months--A. A. Col- 1 year and over--A., A. Col- Sow, 6 months and under 12--A. A. nature--Thos. Marine, copy--Miss M. Cook, Mrs. Animals, copy--Mrs, Wilkins, Mrs., "Tray 'cloth, lace trimmed or in- serted--Mrs, Thos. Percy, Mrs. W, Caldwell. Pillow shams, embroidered or lace trimmed--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. W. Caldwell. Fancy white apron--Miss L. B. Fisher, Miss C. L. McCutcheon. Fancy articles made with handker- chiefs--Mrs. F. Bateman, Miss C. L. MeChtcheon, Hand made baby's dress--Mrs. T. Percy, Flora French. Embroidery work, silk on flannel or cashmere--Flora French. -| Bulgarian smbraldery=-Miee L. B, Fisher. Punch work--Mrs, F, C. L. McCutcheon, Knitted lace, one yard--Mrs, E. Hancock, R. Jenkins. Crocheted lace, 2 yards--Miss C. L, McCutcheon, Mrs, 8. Babe. Hoskin, Miss thermo- trim- Ap- ply telephone 1149j or 84 Oshawa Boulevard, 68-¢c ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity has been tested by the U.S, Government and 356 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, Real Estate For Sale smoke or noise--no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Burns 94 per FOR SALE -- 50 ACRE FARM north -west corner of lot 14 in 2nd concession 1 mile west of Ross' cor- ners, awa. Phone 239 r. 1 and 5. lake, garage, outfit, Lake, Fruits or vegetahles, grouped, from object--Miss M, Cook, Mrs, M, Wilkins, , Still life--Miss M, Conk. Water Colors (Amateur) Scene ,from nature--Miss M. Cook, Figures or group, from copy-- Miss M. Cook, Miss I.. B. Fisher. Miss L..B. Fisher. Embroidered 6 table napkins, ini- tial or monogram--Miss C. L. McCut- cheon, Miss L, B. Fisher, Queen Anne darning--Miss L. B. Fisher, Miss M. Wilkins, Raffia basket--M, Mothersill, Miss L. B, Fisher. Netting--Miss C, IL, McCutcheon, {4 sept, --Mrs. W. Couch, ti Centre piece, embroidered--Mrs. |T Couch, Mrs, J. Bell Lack. net vations R. onkin, (Continued Puckett: WH. on page 7) Jross stitch embroidery---Mrs. Couch. Pin cushion--Mrs. J. Mrs. W. Couch, Hemstitohing and feather stitching % yard each--Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs, J. Bell Lack. Fancy work bag--Mrs. W, Couch. CUT FLOWERS Collection of roses, at blooms---A. Dilling, A. Dilling. Collection of dahlias--A. Dilling, F. B. Lovekin, Collection of pansies--W. H., Ton- kin, A. Dilling. Collection of Phlox Drummondi, dis- Ww. Bell Lack, least 4 CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON " MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Feel Its orating ect ~ At all good Druggists 200c1, 0 ndra et. 6|Nov. 3 saturnia cent, air and 6 per cent. kerosene (coal oil), common The inventor, P. N, Johnston, 246 Inanimate objects, Thos. A. Miller, Miss M. Cook. original -- Fancy work basket--Mrs. ¢ A BR Gand, Mrs. F, Bateman. Immediate possession, Apply H. R. Dearborn, R. R. No, 1, Osh- 68-c FOR SALE--A COTTAGE AT THE McLaughlin Buick car and $6560 buys the complete Apply Ned Smith at the Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to send a lamp on ten days FREE trial, or even give one FREE to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars, Also ask him to explain how you can get the agen- cy, and without experience or money Water, sewer and sidewalk, King St, East, Residence, 403, East. Phones 1232 or 403, LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG,| nz acnee deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 Office phone 1232, 46-t1 LOTS ON HILCREST AT $50 RUS- the purpose of attending the funeral sell Perkins, Regent Building, King bo-uf attend. make $250 to $500 per month, Notice I, 0, 0, ¥, FUNERAL NOTICE Officers and members of the Cor- inthian Lodge No. 61 will meet at Hall at 2. 30 o'clock Saturday for of our late Brother Kierstead. Phoe- nix Lodge members are invited to To Rent HOUSE TO RENT--6 Box "H"" Reformer, in Bradley Building, or w party taking otic, Bldg. floor--heat light. Size 27x73. terations to suit tenant, H. Engel. - it 1 orl TO RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FORE ished front bedroom. Central. conveniences. person. Apply 178 Phone 804. WANTED TO RENT-- A 5 OR 6 roomed house, central preferred. Apply Box "L" Reformer. ROOM TO RENT--SUITABLE FOR two young gentleman. Church St. Bond St. "ROOMED brick 'house, all conveniences. apply 69-a FOR RENT---FURNISHED OFFICE 231 King St. will sell fur-| niture and on monthly payments to| tion Suite 4, Beagles 4,t HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD Al- Apply to| 47-1. Suitable for nT mediate 9-0 fine Apply 123! Simcoe St. 68-h John B, Crawford, F. E. Spencer, N. G. Sec. Houses For Sale FOR SALE ----------. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, East, hot water heat- | ing, everything in first class condi- . Apply owner, Geo. T. Everitt, 43 Inglewood Drive, Toronto. 68-1 "LUXURIOUS NEW HOME FOR SALE $5,800 WITH A FAIR CASH PAY- ment will buy this beautiful new 6 roomed brick bungalow, on Osh- awa's finest residential street, hard- wood floors, fir trim, fire place, wired | for electric stove, 3 piece bath, all 1 Big conveniences, drive way, | Must be seen to be appreciated. Im- possession. $4,200 will 6 roomed brick bungalow, in locality, new and tastefully | decorated, large rooms, 3 piece bath, All conveniences. A nice buy. We buy, ave suit everyone ice, 68-b | have house to suit everyone in pr South Oshawa In- Estate Co. 430 South. Phone 1240 W.. Petley, J. A. Bickell 69-a size and locality. surance & Real |E. L. by young lady. Box "V." Reformer, (66-1) -- | TED-SITTING ROOM WANTED FOR SALE BY TENDER {| TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY | the undersigned up to Oct. 1, 1922 WANTED -- A STENOGRAPHER. | Apply Commercial Dept. Bell phone Co., Oshawa. 66-1. Tele- | for the purchase of the Oshawa | Curling Rink as follows:--1. the | property; 2. tne building; 3. the | property and building. No tender | necessarily accepted. Dated at Osh- | awa, Sept. 11th, 1922 by J. A. Me- WANTED A for a day and a half each week. Apply Mrs. S. J. Storie, housekeeper. Apply stating wages, ete. to Box 4 Reformer. nor ironing; RAL of four. gia to Mrs. McKinnon, 91 Centre Street. CAPABLE WOMAN 88 Drew| 674 SALESMAN WANTED APPLY BOX WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS 68-b 68-c Gibbon. 68-c Help Wanted--Male "R" Reformer. 69-b | TINSMITH--GOOD ON FURNACES, {and general work, good wages. H. H. Lockwood, 288 Arthur St. 69-b | MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- i We instruct and supply you Work Wanted Surveyors M. M, GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-41 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1yr given. Apply 13% King St. W. WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. Slate, Tile, felt and gravel or shing- les. S. J. Gascoigne, Box 343, Whitby, Ont., Phone 243. (66-t.1.) WANTED--EARLY APPLES BY the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- sel Perkins, 403. Residence 151 Park Rd. N. 54-41 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162. Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 652), might 552w. Rit- son Road North. 91-41 Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for ree booklet. 20-40 $00 FT NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered. Apply A. C. Cook, Alice St., E. (65-3) LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash. doors and interior trim. AF. L. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. 69-41 A ANAC iif) FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD AND exchanged, also motor truck for hire. Local or long distance. B. Warner, 329 Court St, Oshawa. Phone 1006W. 61-1lm Personal Have you seen Marie? Don't call her up. She will be at the Martin Theatre next Monday night. Be there but DON'T GET PERSONAL. (68-b) Automobiles For Sele 31 Bond Street East. Phone Air 69-¢ FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. Apply 357 King St. E. 69-b FOR SALE--A FIVE PASSENGER condition. Will For particulars car, in excellent sell reasonable. apply Box "BE" Reformer. 53-2mo | =| Sept. with work. West-Angus Showecard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. 33 LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK 44, done by job or piece. Estimates Personal / I will be at the Martin Theatre next Monday night. I will expect you. (Get here early, watch for my smile, BUT DON'T GET PERSONAL. (68-bh) Sale By Auction THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- ed instructions from Lloyd Gifford to sell by Public Auction, at Lot 16, Con. 3--East Whitby; Wednesday 20th, at 1 pm. His Farm Stock and Implements. For List and terms see Sale Bills. Jas. Bishop, Auctioneer. 69-c 'AUCTION SALE F. L. BEECROFT, GRANGE FARM, Whitby, will sell by public auction, stoek, implements, household furni- ture and seven hives of bees on Saturday, Sept. 16th at 2 o'clock sharp. 69a TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER '19--MR. J. G. Langmaid, Lot 28, con. 5, Dar- lington, will sell all of his farm stock, implements, ete. Sale at 1 p.m. See bil. James Bishop, Auc- tioneer. §7a-70a OWN- or having farm for sale; give par- ticulars and lowest price. Johm J. Black, Canada Street, Chippawa Falls, Wisconsin. Sept. 9-16-23 Night Watchman Eontinued from page 1) Deceased is also survived by one brother and three sisters, the broth- er being John of Hamilton. The sisters are Mrs. John Underwood, Kenzie, both of Winnipeg. The late Mr. Kierstead would have celebrat- ed his sixty-second birthday to-day had he lived. He enlisted with the 116th Ontario County Battalion dur- ing the Great War and was in train- ing with that battalion until the final selection made in Canada when he was discharged. Whitby, Mrs. Clemens and Mrs. Mc- | 'Musical Instruments Repaired Violin. Bews pepaired. Violin, Banjo, Guitar etc., Band Instru- ments. Work guaranteed. W. Gordon 74 Centre St. Phone 206 (66a) 46%) (72a) (Bp) = |Miller, Miss M. Cook. = | Fisher, Mrs, W. Caldwell. Any study, copy work--Miss M, Cook, Miss L, B. Fisher, Miscellaneons (Amateur) Portrait, any medium, from life-- Thos. A. Miller, Miss M. Cook, Sepia, scene--Miss L. B. Fisher, Miss M. Cook. Pastel, any subject--Thos, A. Mil- ler, Miss M. Cook. Crdyon, light and shade--Thos. A. Crayon, colors--Thos. A. Miller, Pen and ink sketch--Thos. A. Mil- ler, H. Wamsley, Magazine cover design--Thos. A. Miller, H. Wamsley, Poster design--Thos. A. Miller. Penmanship, commercial--Mrs, M, Wilkins, Water color drawing, by child un- der 15 years--W, Gormley, Basketry--W. Gormley. Wood carving--Mrs, P. Bateman, Mise I.. B. Fisher. HAND DECORATED CHINA Cups and saucers, 2 different de- signs--Mrs, M, Wilkins. 'LADIES' WORK Child's dress--~Mrs. T. Percy, F. French. Lady's shirt waist--Miss L. B. Lady's washable sill, Mrs. T, Percy. » Corset cover, hand made, lace trimmed--Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. D. W. McDonald. Corset cover, hand made, embroid- ered--F. Hoskin, Mrs, I.. B. Fisher. Lady's cotton night dyess, hand made--Miss C, L. McCutcheon, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Embroidered sheets--Mrs, W. Cald- well. Underwear, 3 pieces, machine made dress--M. Moth- Fancy curtains, home made--Mrs, W. Couch, Mrs. T. Percy. Pair embroidered pillow cases-- Miss C. L, McCutcheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. Pair fancy pillow cases--Mrs, W. Couch, Mrs, D. W. McDonald. Embroidered collars and cuffs, set --Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Miss L. B, Fisher. Any new original Miss C. Perey. Embroidered baby carriage robe-- Mrs. F. Bateman, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Pin cushion--Mrs. W, A, Parish, Mrs, F, Bateman. Luncheon set, 7 pieces (centre and 6 doylies, plate size) Mrs. 8. Babe, Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Dressing sacque--Mrs. Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Boudoir cap--Mrs. F, Mrs. W. Caldwell, 'Morden cross stitch--Miss L. B. Fisher, Regina Percy. Tea cosy, embroidered and mount- ed--Mrs. F. Bateman, Mrs. T. Percy. Tea cosy, knitted or crocheted-- Mrs. M. Wilkins, Miss C. L. McCut- cheon. Fancy work bag--Mrs, Miss C. L. McCutcheon. Darning bag--Mrs. W. Mrs. F. Bateman. Eyelet embroidery--Mrs. well, Mrs. F. Hoskin. Centre piece, white solid embroid- | ery--R. Jenkins, Mrs. T. Percy, | Centre piece, colored linen em-.!| broidered--Mrs, F. Bateman, Mrs. M. | Wilkins. | fancy work-- L. McCutcheon, Mrs. T. T. Percy, Bateman, T. Percy, ( Caldwell, W. Cald-|} Centre piece, coronation braid-- Mrs. C. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. Perey. Thos. Sept. 0 FE RE I pape pt Carmania sept, ' Sept, Sept, Sept, 16{0Oct. 14|Nov. 11 sept. 24 Nov. 21--(Cruise) Nov, #H--(Cruise) . Dee. 6--(Crujse) e) Feb. 10--(Cruise) ... Feb. 10-- Cruise) ... | For rates of pesss, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Sept. 16|0ct, 14|Nov, 11 Sept. 23|0ct, 2 Ausonia Albania MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG & LONDON 30]Nov, 4lDec, 9* wet, 14 Nov, I8 *Halifax 10 Liverpool, . Andania Antonla N.Y. TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL B|Oct, 26 . Seythia Laconia N.Y.~CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPTON 2|0ct, 13 2W|Noy, 7 wet, 3loet, 24 Berengaria Mauretania Aquitania N.Y, PLY, CHERBOURG & HAMBURG et, Caronia wet, Saxonia The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service, Sleeping cars on night trains parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information Trrom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornlug, District Passenger Agent, "Toronto, H. R. Sheridan, Town Agent Telephone 132 W. H. Hutchison, Depot Agent Telephone 60 ana Tyrrhenia Bhi Dn e rss ssnenrarrannrnsinsarnsss Samaria N.Y. TO GLASGOW (Vis Moville) Columbia Algeria wt, cameronia N.Y. TO MEDITERRANEAN Jet, 286-- (Cruise) Tuscania Laconia . Scythia Tuscania .. Samaria ... Caronis Mauretania an. 24--(C e, freight snd further particulars apply to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORDCO., LIMITED GENERAL AGENTS 8 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. Asthma Sufferers Hilton Parks, Waterdown, ., writes: Wer can safely bless the vy you left a bottle of Asthma Remedy with me, 1 bad relief from the first dose and have been im- proving ever since: can lic down at night and rest; the cough has en- tirely left me; I have gained three pounds since I started the bottle, which. is now nearly finished. The good news has spread around this aistriet, and already several want to try it. I feel so good over the new life, as it were, I like to tell others," £1.50 per bottle, Money back if 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' not satisfied. For sale at Jury and Lovell, and Thompsons Drug Store, Oshawa, or by mail from H. T. Briggs, Whitby, Ont, ~Mrs. F. Hoskin, Flora French. Embroidered towels with initials --Miss C. L, McCutcheon, Mrs, L.. B. Fisher, Towels with insertion, knitting--R. Jenkins, Fisher. Towels with Swedish darning (pair)--Regina Percy, Mrs. T. Percy. Embroidered bedspread--Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. F. Hoskin. Child's jacket, embroidered--Re- gina Percy, Flo. French. Child's javket, crocheted or knit- ted--Miss C. [. McCutcheon, .W Couch. Child's bonnet, ted--Mrs. C. L. Percy. crochet or! Mrs. I. B. crocheted or knit- McCutcheon, Mrs. T. Irish crochet--Miss C. L. McCut-| cheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. Centre piece holder--Mrs. man, Mrs. M. Wilkins. Fascinator, crochet--Mrs. McDonald, Miss C. L. McCutcheon, | 12 button holes on 6 different ma- |i Srl --Mrs. W. A. Parish, Mrs. M.! Wilkins, 7 samples of sewing, % vd. of each, hemming, running, over-sewing, roll hemming, felling and 4 button holes --Mrs. Thos. Percy, Mrs. D. W. Me- | Donald. Feather stitching and ing, % yd .each--Mrs. Mrs. D. W. McDonald. Stencilling--Mrs. W_ Caldwell, Mrs. hemstitch- | F. Bateman, Baby's bootees, knitted--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. Cape or shawl, ed-- Miss C. L. W. McDonald, Pair of knitted woollen stockings --Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. E. Hancock. Pair of Miss C. L. Fisher. Pair of woollen mitts, men"s-- Beath & Hamcock, Mrs. E. Hancock Pair of knitted woollen lady"s--Mrs. IL. B. Fisher, Hancock. Pair of knitted bedroom slippers-- Mrs. S. Babe, Mrs. I. B. Fisher. Pair crocheted bedroom slippers-- Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. J. B. Lack. Pair finitted or crocheted bed socks --Miss L. Fisher, Mrs. J. B. Lack. Six crochet table mats--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Mrs, F. Bateman. Darning or damask, straight, and 3-cornered Mrs. Miss C. L. McCutcheon. Darning pair of stockings over worn hole--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. Kitchen apron--Miss C. L. cheon, F. B. Lovekin. Rag rug, hooked-- Mrs. E. cock, Rag rug, hooked and cut--NMrs. E. Hancock. Rag rug, cock. Rag carpet, cottom warp, 5 --Uriah Young. Counterpane, crochet--Mrs. Lack, Mrs. W. Couch. Quilt, patchwork, woollen--Mrs. D. McCutcheon, knitted woollen socks-- McCutcheon, Mrs. L. B. mitts, Mrs. E. bias M. Wilkins, McCut- Han- woollen--Mrs. E. Ham- yards J. B. | Mi C. L. knitted or crochet- c ass Mrs D. | WORK OF M. Wilkins. Sofa cushion, made up--Miss C. L. | McCutcheon, Mrs. W. ouch. Sofa cashion, made up--Mrs. C. L.' {| McCutcheon, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. | A piece of fancy work by lady over 75 years--Mrs. D. W. McDonald, Mrs. R. Lawrence. Mount Mellick embroidery--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. Apron, hand made--Miss C. L. Mec- | Cutcheon, Miss L. B. Fisher. CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS Apron, machine made--Mrs. Couch, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Darning stocking, black or white --Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Crochet work, cotton, 1 yard--Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Dainty patchwork, cotton, quilt--Mrs. W. Couch, Dainty patchwork, 'woollen, do's! quilt--Mrs. W. Couch. Handkerchief, hemstitched hand--Mrs. W. Couch. Handkerchief, trimmed with lace! by hand--Mrs. J. Bell Lack. Six samples sewing, % yard each, hemming running, over-stitching, felling, gathering and 2 button holes w, do's | | by | F. Bate- ||| «irs DOJIMION STORES, LTD, 530 Simege Best Creamery BUTTER 40c| CHEESE, PRIME Ib. 23¢c Sliced Breakfast Bacon Ib. 38¢c | Pure Lard Ib 19¢ | | Peanut Butter | b. 23¢ Wheatlets Cornmeal Roll Oats Best Rice Shredded Wheat . . Cornflakes ..--.... Pot Barley Pearl Barley Ice Sugar Walnuts shelled Fresh Dates, 2 pkgs. 25¢ { Zime Jar Rap, 20c Rubber Rings for 25¢ TEA . Ib. 49¢ .. Ib. 55c . Ib. 65¢ Quart Jars | Shredded ®.23¢ Cocoa- Brown py Tic 24 ib. Bag Best Pastry Flour 89c¢ BEST GRANULATED 12% 1b. $1.00 SUGAR $7.65 Cwt. 2.2 2 W. McDonald, Mrs. E. Hancock. Quilt, patchwork, cotton--Uriah Young, Mrs. F. Hoskin. I Quilt, patchwork, silk--Mrs. E.| Hancock, Mrs. D. W. McDonald. | Best quilted quilt--Uriah Young, Mrs. J. Sleeman_ : Tie-down comforter--Mrs. McDonald. | Ornamental Finger bowl doylies, 6 pieces, same | size, embroidered--Mus. Thos. Per-| cy, Mrs. W. Caldwell. Plate doylies, 3 pieces, same size, embroidered--Miss L. B. Fisher, Mrs. Thos, Percy. Plate doylies, 3 pieces, same size, crocheted--Miss C. L. McCutcheon, | Regina Percy. Netted doylies, 3 'pieces, same size | --Miss L. B. Fisher, Miss C. L. Me-| Cutcheon. | Sidel D. W.| A ------ "© WANTED TO RENT © House or fiat with conveniences. Ap- ply 28 Simcoe St. South, 65-1 rd scarf, esftbroidered-- _{Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. Thos. Percy. Sideboard scarf, inserted with lace | --Miss L. B. Fisher, Mrs. J. B. Lack. | Fancy table cover, colored linen--| Regina Percy, Mrs. W. Caldwell. Five g'clock tea cloth, knitted or crochet lace-~Miss Li. B. Fisher, Mrs. Thos. Bercy. Tray @€loth, embroidered--Miss C. L. McCuteheon, Miss L. Bb. Pisher. ? Gas i How Will We Get It? Permanent Gas Service. ) i 233 : : ee -- Ontario The Burning Question of the Hour ? H-E-~A-T ? 2 No Need to Worry! --Here's a Tip! to heat more home this winter than ever before--and do it It's a safe bet, that gas heat will help solve your problem. Ouwr full line of Gas Grates and Heaters will soon be in--Watch closely for developments. Better still have your name on our calling list early. Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Cleanliness Hyd ro-Electric Power Commission of 15 KING ST. EAST

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