Ontario Reformer, 12 Sep 1922, p. 3

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PAGE THREE Oshawa and District Ministerial Ass'n. Met, The Oshawa Ministerial Associa- tion held its first meeting since last spring yesterday morning in the Y. M.C.A, Those present were Rev, George Yule, Rev, E. T. Cotten, Rev, A. M, Irwin, Rev, J, H, Mec- Bain and Rev, J. 8, McMullen, At the next meeting, which will be held in October, the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. The association meets on the first Monday of every month but as last Monday was Labor Day the Septem- ber meeting was postponed a week. STORE CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY AT 12,30 AS USUAL, BUT FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF VISITORS WILL OPEN FROM 6 P.M, TO 6.30 P.M. YOUR OCTOBER DESIGNER IS HERE We Strive To Gain Your Confidence Not to sell you goods once, but to sell you again and again, that is our aim and ambition. The very existence of this establishment depends upon your constant patronage. To do this there are certain rules which we must strictly adhere to, these are some of them, We must sell you dependable goods. Prices must be absolutely right. Our sales people must be prompt and courteous. Styles must be up to the minute. And, we must stand absolutely behind every article we sell. ' WE SELL [1 | WATSON'S % to a post 'as Assistant Trade Com- missioner and by meeting manufac- turers of various cities hopes to be- come well versed in industrial con- ditions, Taken With Fit While engaged with other work- men in laying a gas service main on Bagot Street into the home of Mr. B. C. Colpus, William Bowden of Nassau Street, was taken with an epileptic fit yesterday afternoon about two o'clock. He collapsed in- to the trench without a word and was removed to the Oshawa General Hosgpital in a truck of the Hydro Electric Commission, Dr. F. J. Donovan attended him, His condi- tion is not serious, You Are Invited to Inspect Our Fair Exhibit of All the New Styles in Fall Coats and Dresses WE DECIDED ON BUYING SWISS CHAMOISETTE GLOVES After seeing every other make shown us for this season, because for wear- ing and fitting qualities they are in a class by themselves. You pay no more for them than you are asked to pay for the ordinary kinds. Wrists are fastened with two domes and are piped with white, Backs are stitched Examine closely their finish, their . fitting qualities and compare their prices with those you will see else- where. We know ourselves that we have the finest range of Women's Ready-to-wear Garments in Oshawa, ~and we want your opinion on them, Trade Commission Coming, Oshawa Board of Trade will have as their guest to-morrow, A, F. Me- Eaghren, of Ottawa, a Junior Trade Commissioner, Becretary J. A. Mc- Gibbon has been notified by letter to that effect has been requested Visited Textile Plant Following their regular weekly Visitors to Oshawa Fair We Welcome You! to assist the official in meeting local manufacturers. Mr. MelEachren is making a towr of Canada to com- plete his training before proceeding 1 RR -------- luncheon held yesterday in Welsh's Parlours, the members of the Osh- awa Rotary Chub visited the plant of the Oriental Textiles, Athol Street, East, School Board Insert On motion of Trustee, H, 8, Smith and W, P, Knight it was decided to close the Public Schools and the High School on Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoons of this week so with silk in the same shade as the and grey, Sizes 6 to 8. glove. Colors are black, brown, sand Special 85¢ Pair THE LAST TEN WEBS OF BLEACHED COTTON WE CAN SELL FOR THIS LOW PRICE. Wednesday Special 16¢ yard When we go to buy this quality We want you to visit our store--we want your confidence in our goods, and in our method of transacting business. We have prepared many buying opportunities for this Big Event, Come and examine them. Whether you want to buy now or later on, we shall be pleased to show you all the new things in which you are interested, 10 Dozen Heavy White Bath Artsyl Sweater Silk Watson's Fall Underwear For Girls The name Watson's on every gar- ment is a guarantee that the quality is the hest that money can buy. Vests and drawers in a soft fleecy finished ribbed make, Sizes 2 to 8 . years at 65¢c and 75c Di 11 i A Constipation When you are constipated, enough , Nature's Towels A very exceptional value, you will readily admit on examination, Plain that the staffs and pupils may at- again the price will be too high to tend the Oshawa Pair. | ' allow us to repeat this remarkable Postpone Opening Meeting offer. So our advice is to buy in as 4 PLY SCOTCH FINGERING : YARN A quality that possesses a 'heautiful 2 oz. skeins, Colors, Black, Navy, Sky, Mauve, White, Rose and Pink. not Inbricating | is pro. in_the bowel to keep waste soft and ol is a ricant--not medicine or JBRICANVSNOT A LAXATIVE | Home and School Clubs have post- Both Albert Street and Simcoe St, 4 REGENT Thur., Fri, Sat. Matinee Sat, \orila "SWANSON Jal ! Gul led Cage ® AT USUAL PRICES Just in what condition a heavy cold leaves your system? --A general rundown condition. ~--Weak and probably infected lungs. can, needle finish. generous a quantity as you possibly A fine sturdy quality with soft 36 inches wide, hemmed ends. Size 21x40 inches, Selling at 48c each , Per Skein 85¢ soft lustrous finish, and weighs full 16 ozs. to the Ib. Colors black, grey, white and cardinal. Special per Ib, 1.19 --A raw, harsh throat, inviting infection. There is absolutely no reason why you should be in such a condition, "Get that cold before it gets you" REXALL CHERRY BARK will be your best remedy. Try a bottle to-day. The : Rexall : Stores Jury & Lovell F. W, Thompson With Warm Wool Blankets At so Moderate a Price wear. ingly hard to procure. Brown, Henna and Chiswick Blue, Per yard ....++., The best 16c tinent. Women's Health Brand Fall Weight Vests Strap shoulder, top finished with neat cro- chet edging and draw spring. 36 and 36, Special "Ibex Flannelette Blankets, Largest size 72x84 inches, White with Pink or Blue Border, Per pair 36 Inch Silk Chiffon Dress Velvet The quality--the finest we can buy. price--fully 1007 less than the city. that charged Granny's Own Sweater Wool The This is the fabric that is going to be fashion's favorite for street and evening Incidentally we would mention that later on this quality is going to be exceed- Comes in Black, Navy, "$5.00 Sweater Wool on the con- Comes in three weights, Floss, Duch- ess and Komfort. per oz. ball cotton yarns, in Size 64x84 inches for pair $8.75 Bize 72x84 inches for pair $9.85 This pretty BUTTERFLY UNDERWEAR CREPE PRICED FOR A WEDNESDAY MORN- ING SALE fabric for dainty undergar- ments priced so reasonably that we are afraid the quantity 250 yards will be gone in less time than it takes to tell the story. are Pink, Maize, Sky and Mauve, inches wide, Special, yard Colors Special Cloth 2 x 2% yds and 1 Special Special In An Exceptional Purchase of Colleen Brand Cotton Table Cloths and Napkins We have the most remarkable values offered at any time during the year. are as you know made from Cloth and Napkin Sets 56 inch Bleached Table Damask 68 inch Bleached Table Damask Colleen hrand damasks the finest Sea-Island They have a natural bright mercerised finish and will wear and launder as well as linen. In fact at the price we recom- mend them in pre- ference to linen. Table Cloths 45x45 inches, suitable for breakfast cloths or table tops. Special $1.69 each Table Cloths 52x52 inches. Special ++ ++ ++ 81.88 each Table inches. Cloths 63x63 Special .. +. ++ $2.85 each Table Cloths 2 x 2 yds., special $3.85 cach Napkins to special $4.45 doz. Table Clot} 2 x 21% yds. special $4.45 each Napkins Lo match, special $4.45 doz. 22" match, 99m $9.65 set doz Dinner size Napkins. per yard 98c. per yard $1.19 |" poned their opening meetings. The Albert Street Club will meet Thurs- day afternoon at 4 o'clock, instead of Wednesday, when plans for the year i f will be made. Simcoe Street Club will not meet until Tuesday evening of next week instead of Friday even- ing next. A good program is being prepared and fice cream and cake will be served. | First Meeting of Season-- i f The first meeting o fthe P. M. A. Mothers' Association was held in the Baptist Sunday School room yester- day afternoon, when after a short i program, refreshments were served. | Readins by Mrs. A. J. Stalter and DRY-GOODS BOOTS & SHOES i by leaping off a Mrs. Parks were much enjoyed. The president of the organization, Mrs. Witterick, occupied the chair. The man who committed suicide Paris bridge was very evidently in Seine.--New York | Telegraph. The Greatest Slaughter of Merchandise in Years! Come to the Sale and Come Quick! Sakae ps AR on ELS Sonar ths Now that the cool evenings are here why not dance. Complete the Oshawa Fair by fnishing up with a dance. The Ontario Regiment ¥.C. are hold- ing a dance in the Armouries on Wednesday evening, Sept. 13th at 2.30 pam. The music will be given by the Vi Serenaders of Toronto, so all, old New Phone Exchange Assured for Pt. Hope C. F. Sise, Jr., General Manager of the Bell Telephone Co., Montreal; K. J. Dunstan, managing director; T. H. Ashley, special agent, Toron- to; R. C. Douglas local manager, Oshawa, were in Port Hope on Fri- day on business. The officials as- sured the manager there, Mr. E. M. Hall, that the new exchange will be built and the modern equipment in- stalled, but were not in a position to state when the work will be com- menced. The block on the main street just north of Mr. Sculthorp's property, including two stores, and formerly used as a laundry, has been purchased by the Telephone Company from Mr. Sculthorp for their new offices. OLD-FASHIONED KIND "Have you a noiseless typewriter?" "No, she chatters a good deal."-- Boston Pranscript. Not Dead Nor Drunk But A Watchman Receiving information that a man, who was either dead or drunk, was lying in a ditch at Harmony, License Inspector Mason, in company with Sergt. Paxton and Interpreter W. Igel, made a record trip to that village Friday night. On their arrival they found that they were not deceived as to the man's location, but fortunately he was neither dead nor under the influence of liguor. The inspector attempted to rouse the man from. his slumbers, but mot until shaken two or three times did the man open his eyes. On inquiring who he was, the man declared he was a night watchman and was em- ployed to watch the detour at Harmony. He denied empha- tically that he had been asleep, but the officers had their own opinions. : LEFT BABY ON DOORSTEP A bouncing baby boy, ten days old snugly tucked away in a small bas- ket, was found on the steps at the entrance to the Port Hope Hospital about 11.30 o'clock Saturday night. The clothing of the little one was spotlessly clean and of very superior quality, but there was no note or in- structions 'of any nature left with the babe. After the discovery had been made the nurses recalled hav- ing seen an automobile stop in front of the hospital about an hour be- fore. Education Board (Continued from page 1) open the case of Oshawa as he un- derstood that they were impressed with this town as a possible techni- cal educational centre. It was there- fore moved by Trustee H. S. Smith and seconded by Trustee F. Chappell that the secretary be instructed to take the preliminary step in the mat- ter. Mr. Althouse's Report. The report of Principal J. G. Alt- house in which he referred to the attendance at the High School was as follows: "The Oshawa High School reopen- ed on Sept. 5th with all the teachers present and an enrolment of 319 pu- pils, or 36 more than on the cor- responding day of last year. The present enrolment is 340, of which 165 are boys and 175 girls. There are 259 pupils from the town, 65 from Onfario County and 16 from other counties. "The increased enrolment is most marked in the first year of the gen- eral school, where there are 99 pu- pils. Of these 30 have applied for the subjects on the Lower School ex- amination, and so must be put in a separate form by themselves. The remaining 69 cannot be handled in one form, but must be divided into two forms, making three first year forms in the general school, in place of two as heretofore. This necessi- tates adding a teacher to the High School staff. M ment C has been in- formed of this requirement. "In the Commercial Department, The chairman of the in attendance. There is also a first year form and a second year form, which includes two distinct courses of study. "Through the activity of the Pro- perty Committtee the High School building has received many necessary repairs during the vacation. The assembly hall walls and ceilings have been metalled and painted; the stairs have been rebuilt; the build- ing has been re-wired and new elec- tric lighting installed; bicycle sheds have been built; a cement curb along the driveway now protects the lawn from careless motorists, and the front steps have been rebuilt. Shelves have been built in the chemistry laboratory; proper facilties have been made for gtoring the cadet uni- forms and a shower bath has beén in- stalled in the boys' basement. "Fifty Moulthrop desks have been added to the equipment. "All 'of these repairs and improve- ments are appreciated by the pupils and staff. The work of the school will be carried on under much more favorable conditions than those which existed before. "The caretaker had the building clean and the grounds in first class order for the opening of school." Pigeons Disappear Two Men Arrested Two arrests were made yesterday afternoon by the local police in con- nection with a number of thefts, which took place on Nassau Street recently, the last ome being on Thursday evening. From time to time pigeons have been missed in that locality and when some more were reported missing from the pens of Mr. G. Walker and Mr. J. Me: Kay, yesterday morning, Mr. J. As- kew thought it wise to notify the police in order to protect his own birds. He intimated his suspicions to Chief Friend and a few hours later, a number of the birds were discovered at the home of Russell Down, on the Base Line West. Both Russell Down and Wilfred Miles were taken into custody and last evening apeared before Magistrate Hind. An adjournment for eight days was made. Down was released Some people are proud of their an- cestors, while others are blame.--Massena Observer. not wo Clean Your Home The Royal Way! IE: air sweep for you, clean for you, and make house- keeping easier for you. The Royal is not only the best cleaner, it is the simplest cleaner you can buy. There's n to get out of order, and it's so light, quick and bandy that it's a joy to usc. And the Royal, with its at- - tachments, cleans thoroughly, and cleans everything. ot Tied Cleans doy Air-Adone! meedn't deprive yourself or make You need to purchase a Royal. All is a small amount dowm may be met in easy Ask for a free demonstration, and the iculars of this plan to-day. 'Made in Canada The Electric Shop 52 Simcoe North a third year form of 18 pupils is now on bail and Miles was detained. bt] A -- 8 C------ I ] a)

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