Ontario Reformer, 29 Aug 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1922 ---- PAGE THREE Oshawa and District TO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED--OFFICE BOY, GOOD writer, quick at figures good pros- pects, Apply in own hand writing Box "R" Reformer, 63-c Holidays Nearly Over A week from today the yougsters return to school after that two months' vacation, A little fellow ex- plained to us that those summer hol- jdays were a long time coming hut a short time going, Injured His Neck Mr, M, Leizine, 178 Langley Ave- nue, Toronto, who was one of a pie- nic party at Oshawa-on-the-Lake last Thursday, injured his neck while diving and was rushed to Capt. Wm, Culling's establishment where first ald methods were applied, the young man's neck being straightened. A Lawyer's Qualifications Dealing, with the importance of wills and 'strongly advising all his hearers to draw up one:of these legal documents, Raqtarian R. Moffatt ad- dressed the loeal Rotary Club yes- terday at their noon-day luncheon. Mr. Moffatt was speaking on the qualifications necessary for a success- ful lawyer and barrister, Broke Wrist Cranking Car Clarence Hayes, of Raglan, sus- tained a broken wrist when crank- ing his car Saturday morning on Church Street, in front of Dingman and Mason's. The crank suddenly flew back after Mr. Hayes had turned it over, right wrist. He was taken to the Hospital where Dr. Rundle attended him. He was not injured otherwise and is able to be out again. Lost A Finger Walter Bunn had one finger taken off and two others badly mangled when his hand caught in a machine he was operating at John Noble's planing mill, at Whitby, Saturday morning. He was brought to Oshawa Hospital, where his band was dressed. Still Owner iFuned $500 Dinetro Neamish, who was arrested on Friday afternoon and charged with keeping and operating a still on his farm about three miles east of Osh- awa, appeared in the Bowmanville Po- lice Court before Magistrate Horsey. Accused pleaded guilty and was fined $500 and costs with an alternative of six months. His brother, John, and Sam Panas, the hired man, appeared on similar charges but were dischar- 'MAN TO breaking the bone of his| A False Alarm A false alarm turned in from Box 7 at the Fittings about 9.20 last night gave the fire brigade a run to Bruce and Drew streets, Condition Unchanged The condition of Mr, W, Cox, who is in the Oshawa General Hospital with a broken back following a fall from a pear tree is reported to be about the same this morning as at last reports, i I-- Many Hear New York Preacher A crowded church greeted Rev. Dr, John Caleb Moor of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York City, when he spoke in Emmanuel Baptist Church here on Sunday even- ing in the absence of Rev, J. L. Harton, Water Up to Standard Reports received from the Provin- cial Analysist at Toronto show that the water supply of the town of Osh- awa is up to the standard, Five sam- ples were recently forwarded to the government by the local health of- ficials and the returns which have just been received show that only in two was a slight contamination found, It has been discovered that thi state of the water, however, was du to the fact that the filters were be- ing regravelled in preparation for the winter and the water had be- come defiled for that reason, A Public Health Exlébit An exhibit dealing with the food values of dairy products, particularly of milk, is being shown in the Herti- cultural Building at the Toronto Ex- hibition this year. Because of 'ts relationship to chi'd welfare and pub- lic health it will be of interest to all {members of Home and School Clubs who visit the demonstration and {hear the lecture. Because of this {a special invilation has been extend ed through Mrs. R. 8S. McLaughlin president of the local |Home and school Club Council, to members to visit the exhibit by Miss Helen G. { Campbell, who is the demonstrator (and lecturer. Miss Campbell re- {quests members of Home and Scho9l {Clubs who visit the exhibit to make themselves known to her personally. $15,000 Debt on Nurses Home Lifted The $15,000 debt that was con- | tracted by the Ladies Hospital Aux- | iliary when they enlarged the Nurses' | Residence on Alexandra Street, im- | mediately behind the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, has now been entire- ly paid off. The addition was erect- ed solely through the efforts of the auxiliary and while a portion of the debt had been paid off some months ago, only during the past three weeks has the total debt been met through the assistance of several friends of the Hospital and the ladies interest- ed in the work of the auxiliary. The enlarged nurses' home has accom- '|TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN--I have had placed with me for sale a small piece of close-in property which would sub-divide into about fourteen excellent building lots, The proper- ty can be purchased so that a per- son can easily double their money invested, This property would suit a builder or a person who likes to make a sound investment, This land is within the half mile circle and is bound to he a money maker, Robt, house, lot; $4150. money. will be considered. King St. Chambers, WANTED--FIRST MORTGAGE Al security, Central. excellent fruit trees, Chambers, DESIRED -- perty, business district, eight per cent, King St. Chambers. WITH A BRILLIANT RECORD AS SOLDIER CAPT. NAYLOR DIS Was Father of Mrs. W, E. Water- house, of Oshawa--Son Killed in France Captain Samuel Smith Naylor died D. Preston, King St. Chambers, 63¢c|on Thursday at his residence, 2747 X ~~ | Dundas Street West, Toronto, at the DO ie wus An Tommawal Mago of T0 years atier an lnow of left for me for sale his seven roomed [nine days. Frame construction, large|was the father of Mrs, W, E, Water- is halt ress oe house, 225 Bruce Street, 8 proj 8 wort e Nothing less than half cash originally from Nova Séotia, Robt, D, ob Preston, Since the end of The late Captain Naylor He came but in Toronto for many years. the war, during which he was actively connected with the 96th Lake Superior Battalion, he lived Amount $1500, | had been living in Port Arthur. He Apply Robt, D. Preston, King Street (was also an active member of Shun- 03c|iah Lodge, A. F, & A, M,, Port Ar- A TWO THOUSAND dollar mortgage on a central pro-| Will pay Canada was a brilliant one. age of 18 he joined Lord Wolseley's Robt. D, Preston, Red River Expedition, going in the thur, Capt. Naylor's military record in At the advance party as sergeant-major. FOR SALE--9 ROOMED SOLID red brick house, all modern con- | veniences, central locality, in good re- | pair, large lot and side drive. Pos. | session immediately. Ideal home, | Apply 195 Albert St., or Phone 832w, 63-c FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN TOUR- ing seven passenger, tires good us new, two spares. Engine equipped with tire pump. Car is in first class condition and is real snap for some- one. Owner needs cash. Apply after 6. 539 King St. E. 63d eee | MEA LFiny $08 VW" Reformer. 6l-c | U3 of Canada require machine opera- for Trimming Departments, 61-b E MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO paid weekly for your spare time iting showeards for us. No can jssing. We instruct and supply you je th work. prvice, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. ptihemem---- A p= ------ [ANTED--THREE rooms onl pall house with good accommoda-' pus, centrally located. hen applying. Box "I sep l= Reformer. OOMS AND BOARD WANTED FOR, wily of four. J. C. Ross, Reformer; ice. FJANTED ife and self. J. E. MacKay, Retor-2 RENT - Apply Box "8" Re- 4 URNISHED ROGM TO ear Post Office. mer. e St. South. 63-2 a%r.p waNTED -- GENERAL MotTl.0cal Liberals West-Angus Showcard rals, men and women, who are unit- ng in a great testimonial banquet to 334.0 'remier Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie "oronto, wing the banquet, at which Ontario rin Slopes of the Canadian National Ex- OOMS TO LET--APPLY 330 CENgibition today. His father had organized the first Canadian overseas battalion, during the Crimean war, and was chief warden of Hochelaga military prison. One of the late Captain Naylor" sons was killed in action while fig* ing with the 52nd Battalion. TW" survive the late captain's wider -ere sons, Arthur, of Toronto, ¢%, LWO of Bradford, England; »d John, daughters, Mrs. Captaj @nd four Port Arthur, whose+ Denison, of killed in France; » husband was house, of Osh~-Mrs. W. E. Water- and Mrs. B)AWa; Mrs. 8S. Newton, ,wxon, both of Toronto. To Attend Banquet To Liberal Leaders Several Oshawa Liberals are ex- scted to join with the Ontario Lib- ing at the King Edward Hotel, tomorrow evening. Fol- inisters in the Dominion Cabinet ill be guests, a reception will be| State rent eld by the Prime Minister. The testimonial banquet will be) 63-c eld in connection with the annual peeting of the Ontario Liberal Wo- { en's Association in the Gage in-| itute, 223 College Street, on Aug-| st 30, and there will be an execu-! ROOM AND BOARD ve meeting of the Ontario Reform | Prefer bedroom and ssociation in the King Edward Ho-| 1 the following day. F. Wellington | fay, the Ontario Provincial Leader,| 7ill also attend both meetings and) peak at the banquet. Right Honm.| r. King is the guest of the direc-! er ee S-- -- _-- nh A -------- A Few f the Outstanding Values for Wednesday Morning Shoppers An Exceptiol] Good Value in Marquisette yy tain Goods Yoidisa material that 7: be beat for everyday use. gives excelln * Mresh and nice, so easily laundered, ito von a service, and at this time we are offering Bid at a price that is very exceptional. Comes in < shades, white, cream and' ecru; 36 inches wide. Wednesday Morning 25¢ Yd. 360 YARDS SPERO LONGCLOTH The longcloth with a reputation, The maker's name stamped on every yard of it. This has proved to he one of our most popular lines, 33" wide and we are offering Jou, this quality. Wed- y Morning, per yd. . 25¢ A BIG TOWEL FOR LITTLE MONEY A Turkish Bath Towel that is just a little differ- ent to the ordinary. Splendid drying quali- ties and very service- able. Striped patterns on white ground, strip- ings of blue, gold, yel- low, pink and mauve. Wednesday Morn- 48¢ ing, each 400 YARDS STANDARD COTTON 36" wide, the best gual- ity for the money that has been shown for some time. Wednesday M » AN ASSORTED LINE OF SILKOLINES Including some most beautiful blendings ot color and designs that are beyond par. An- swer the purpose of side curtains, cushion ecov- ers, coverings for quilts, ete. 36" wide. Wednes. day Morning, per 25 Cc PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY In Black, Brown, Navy, White, Light and Dark Grey. All sizes. This 1s a good weight for early Fall and should be a quick seller as the price erate pur $1.69 erate. Pair - 500 YDS. PURE IRISH LINEN GLASS TOWELLING 22" wide with red or blue check. A very spe- cial number for Wed- nesday morning that will mean quick 25 selling. Per yd. Cc CHILDREN'S DRESSES WASH SUITS AND BLOOMERS 2 TO 12 YEARS This is a very timely bargain, for after com- ing home from the summer holidays, and getting ready for school, the children will need new clothes, and here is your opportunity to fit them out at a price that will mean a real saving. Regular up to $2.75. WEDNESDAY MORNING $1.48 ea. | Scarboro Golf Club will send a ENFIELD |* "Has the cool weather affected|been affected." was the ready re- your business to any approciable ex- | sponse. And with a few other remarks modation now for about 30 people. teat?" The Reformer asked one of |in general not at all complimentary the largest Oshawa refreshment em- [to Old Sol and his general laziness "Say. if you [this summer, the white coated gentle- |angeville, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. W. C. /©Ver saw the crowd in here on a hoi (man that administers affairs behind | Jordan and daughter, Waumetta, of [day and the drinking in here on a the bar rang up another mickle as a | Milwaukee, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. cool one you would be able to sce thirsty drayman profferred Payment {Tapp and som, Gordon, of Port Ar-|for yourself how the business has | for a mug of "Star Beer." |thur, have been guests at W. J. Or- | MA N RENT--ONE NICELY FURNISH WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU THE BIG- of : team of about twenty golfers down| MT- and Mrs. W. H. Jordam, of bedroom, all convenicneces, a le to ls BL DON Vem Aoi Oshawa to-morrow afternoon for Shelbyville, Mich., Mrs. W. H. Cole ah Te oa Ksyn inter-club match. Oshawa lost to and daughter, Miss Beverley, of Or- Poriums of this nature. Ox "L", Reformer. 63- Req When a Motor Car rboro on the latter's course twe Takes Buggy in Tow FANTED TO RENT A maTiweeks ago and am attempt will be pom fiat or rooms furnished or uni@dde to turn the tables on the Tor- hrnished. Apply phone 11 G3-onto golfers. After having for years submitted] FANTED TO RENT TWO FUR to the indignity of being towed out]jished or unfurnished rooms, The New Martin To-night and Wednesday Bed Bugs, Mothsand all Insects and Vermin UNSURPASSED AS A GERMIOIDE AND DISINFECTANT Sold Omiy At The Rexall Steres of dificult positions by horses, the automobile evened the count slightly on Sunday afternoon when the whif- fletree of a buggy broke, mecessitat- ing the towing of the buggy to its stable in Whitby by means of a Ford Sedan. Some Chinese from Whithy had driven over with a horse amd buggy to visit friends at the Globe Cafe on King Street East, and while two of the Celestials were sitting in the carriage the whiffletree snapped. The horse became alarm.od and in its rearing attracted the attemtion of a dog. increasing the excitement, which was already high in the hreasts of the Chinese spectators. The beast was finally quieted, however, and un- the County Seat. Fruit Growers sits | miston's. { Bos R.S.M i ble for light housekeeping. . cLanghlin A", Reformer. H3-4 Bo a img (FONT LLHw nove 1 Rolled N | Miss Mabel L. Wright is friends in Toronto. ews | Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards, Mr. and (Continued from page 1) | Mrs. C. Richards, Ivan and Arthur, of jule at the last session of Parlia- Oshawa. have been visiting Mr. and hent. By raising the excise tax om | Mrs. T. HH. Richards. igarettes the Hon. Mr. Fielding an- : * | League was im charge of 3rd Vice licipated that he gould increase the Miss Vera Baker, president. Miss Velma Staples. Topic lountry's revenue by a considerable == visiting (Continwed from page 2) SOLINA Recent visitors Enniskillen; hitched from the conveyance, after which the buggy was firmly attached Mr. MH. Argues; ; to a Ford Sedan, the horse attached Ashton, Shaws, at Mr. H. ££. Tinks. Clemens, to the buggy and the whole cavalcade Misses Marie d ; 4 put in motion on the return trip to Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rundie's. |CFaminations. Mr. and Mrs. lL. C. Snowden and | Dr. Ellis Reynolds, hy Mrs. Lather Goodman. Piano solo, mount. The reverse has been the irim, at his father's, Mr. A. J. Rey- | Master Fred Goodman and readings by ase, as the returns for the first Miss Violet Billings, Hamil-| Misses Mabel Wight and Mary Rich-aonth that the new schedule of tax- on, at Mrs. 8. Shontnidze Si Misses We regret with swoh an excel-'S Was in force, shew a drop of up- angaret and Ruth McoKessock at lent programme that the attendamoesanrd of ninety-six millioy cigarettes, Mmerrywood: Mr. and Mrs Clarence | WAS ot better. : "8 compared with the corresponding as and Miss Marjorie. Orillia. at | 'Congratulations to Misses Beatricenonth a year ago, which means that Mr. and Mrs. Wo |Bizelow, Hazel Hodgson, Edsthebe Federal treasury is poorer by a y : 4 and Master Brentom Mcquarnter of a million dollars for the on their swocess in pecentaonth than it needed to he: and in- didentally the cigarette taxes fell Harvest Home Services will be heldnore than a half million dollars be- mily, 0 S Io on Sunfley, September Ard. Reserveow Mr. #Fielding's estimates in his Ve ithe Suns. Hap [the date. The oheir is alveady pracoudget speech. , at Miss Mary HMoganths: Mr. |tising exocliont music. Mrs. H. E. Tink at Boooklin; Mr. | | BETHESDA | |. | and Dorothy Rundie, |Culloch, if you are attending the To- ronto Exhibition, come and in- JURY & LOVELL F. W. THOMPSON Mrs. Northoote, (mee L. Philp). of = | Tovonte, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. 49 vaula Damas (I. Weory. mewest production released hy Metro, | Master Gerald Bradd is holidaying with relatives at Oalborne. anville, visiting friends in Rochester | she jen route. Wednesday they weve enter- | ained hy Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wi i T Tes £ a £ fs oI If ] j i : i i | 0

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