Ontario Reformer, 22 Aug 1922, p. 5

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BNE Tam a bog Mii Bt. Ww t. Thoms HS ta . gi. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIAT, QF- ce over Hogg and Lytle's store. hone 948 dye. , 8, J, P -- Office over Kyle's Grocery $tore, Phave 969, , D T -- in over "Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 97, = °° date DR, TREWIN, DENTIRT -- &N- trance to office one door east of Dotenbeck's Store, , J, LANGMAID, e over Engel's Store, 16 Simos . N, Phone 1243, ."ARMATRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Hd to his residence, ", Simcoe 6-1mos, Medical G. B, WILAON, PHYSICIAN id Surgeon, Union ank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phope 67, 110-1 Mee and resi: b sore Victoria B ) ast, Toronto, will Ay at Jury [ ell's Drug Store ehh Baturday om 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, far consulta- tion in disease of the eyw 13- .D, BN y , NOSE AN hroat, Diseases of children, Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 1165. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 7-8; Satur- days 2--6; 7--9P; or by apmeintment. t3-6mas DR."A. "A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury Lovell's Drug Store first and third iday. each month from 2,30 to 4 for consultation in diseases " the nose, throat snd ear. 134-1 , P. T, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- drday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, JOSEPH P., MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, SoUsOF, Notary Public, Con- J an Money to loan, Office iH i King St. Bast, Oshawa, Phone BA SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cbr, ete. All branches of Civil and minal Law, Loans arranged. , King St. Chambers (formerly we House) King St. West, Osh- Phones, Office 940; Residence AWA, 61984. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveysucers, Notaries Pub- Me, ete. OMce oyer Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe Bt.; Phone 13. J. P. Grierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, G. D, CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. Bouth, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing snd gen- oral practice, Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.-- BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office' 11% Bimecoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IPF YOU ARE BICK, TAKE CHIRO- Spinal Adjustments snd get well. Bgaminstions free at office. Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M 3 GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- n Land Surveyor sad Civic En- $ineer, Whitby. Phone 231, cessor to late W. B. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 341 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL private am- in 26-1 yr 57 |0. A. C. No. 104. Apply to W: D. r | supplied, Ge =| ROOM Suc- |" _| Apply to phone 832-W, Oshawa. FOR SALE--GENT'S LIGHT GRAY suit, tallor made, Sige 48, $7. 140 Pearl 8t., College Hill, 59-¢ FOR SALE--A HOQSIER KITCHEN cabinet, 148 Nassau § t, 69-c FOR 81 SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain | i+ at $250, Stalter's Music Store, 23 Simcoe §t. N., Oshawa, 45-tt ¥YuMALE BOSTON PUPPIES FOR sale--@ired by Ch. Count, Dee--Cee, Registered, stock, nitely marked. Price reasonable. Apply J. T, Steen, Box 661, Port' Hope, Ont, 65-1 FOR SALE--FALL WHEAT SEED Dyer, Columbus, 69-c DARY BUGGY FOR 8 FALE_THIS buggy is in first class condition, lat- ost style, and as good as nbw, We invite your inspection, 175 Prince Bt. Oshawa, 60-h FOR SALE--1 HEN COOP, ALSO some Bard Rock chickens and Rhode Island Red Rooster, Apply 181: Al- hert St. G0a APPLEF BARRELS--THE TRADE your supplies hefore the rush. O'Regan's Cooperage. Op- posite' the market, x y } 60- -63 or Autom For Sale POURING GOOD shape, cheap for cash, 42 Colborne Bt, West, 60-8 FOR SALE -- A CAR APPLY 12% Min SL., or phone 177. 60a General Wants AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town . or city, We grow and se}l the best only and want reliable, energetic agents for unrep- resented territories. Write now. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, 31-y WANTED--EARLY APPLES BY the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- sel Perkins, 403, Residence 151 Park Rd, N b4-tt Help Wanted--Female WANTED GOOD GTRT, VON TEN: eral house work. Apply Mrs. Edgar Bradley, 432 Simeoe Street N. 60-¢ CLEANING -- STRONG CAPABLE woman to do house cleaning, one day a week. The Burps Co. Ltd. corner King and Simcoe. 60- of Help W MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $156 TO paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. 334.1 WANTED--FOR OSHAWA AND LO- cality an agent to sell our A 1 Nur- sing stock. Phone 7, Bowmanville, Brookdale Nursery Co. 60-b Work Wanted CARPENTER WANTS WORK. RE- pairs, alterations or additions. See me before deciding. D. Stretton, 54 Albert St. Phone 1129-J. 50-1mo LATHING AND SHINGLING: WORK «done by job or piece. Estimates given. Apply 13% King St. W. 53-2mo BOARD AND ROOM #7 PER WEEK, convenient to G.M.C. Table board $5 per week. Apply 156 Colborne st. EB i 60c AND BOARD, 137 HURON minutes from Motor Works. 60c¢ | BOARD AND ROOM--APPLY 310 Albert St. 60a WANTED -- GOOD ROOM 'AND board for gentleman. Apply Box Reformer. 60-b Houses For Sele FOR SALE--TWO HOUSES AND Ford touring car. Apply 115 Nassau 58-¢ FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL SOLID st, 0 icago to the | ACTOS OSHAWA, ONTARID. TUESDAY. AUGUST 22, Real Estate For Sale LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions, {} Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East, Office phone 1232, Residence, 403, 40-t1 FARM FOR BALE--% MILE FROM Taunton store, blacksmith and wag: on repair shops, 4 miles from Osh- awa, 122 acres clay loam soil all till- ed except 10 acres hardwood, well fenc- | ed, large metal roofed barn, stone foundation, cement floors, steel stalls, De Laval milker, water on taps and bowls, 2 cement silos, 2 large drive houses, milk and ice house, 1 large dwelling with furnace, 8 plece bath, water on tap, tenant housefearly new. Electric lighted throughout, small or- chard and other fruits, This farm has never been rented, been well stocked and is in excellent condition, Further particulars from owner 8, A. Northeott, Taunton, B8-d LOTS ON HILCREST AT $50 RUS- sell Perkins, Regent Building, King East, Phones 1232 or 403. 59-tf FARM FOR SALE--46 acres, at Raglan, will sell stock and imple- ments if desired, good buildings on property, water and well located, Im- mediate possession, Apply to J. R. Claughton, Raglan, 50-e FARM F FOR BALE--50 ACRES, LO? 19 Con, 2, Reach Township, 2 miles North of Raglan, Hip roof barn 36 x 60, Stone stables and pig pen 18 x 40. Driving house 18 x 20. Gas- oline engine to pump water in stab- les, Frame house 24 x 34, Furnace. Also water in house, Reasons for sell- ing on account of health. Bargain for quick sale. Apply E 1D, Lyle, R.R, No. 2, Port Perry or phone Port Perry 198 rl3. . 60-¢ FARM FOR SALE--120 ACRES, | miles from Oshawa. Best of soil, good fences. 15 acres young bearing orchard, ($9000 worth of apples sold in 2 years). 8 room brick house, furnace, cistern and cement cellar. Nice lawn and shade trees. Large modern hip roof barn. drinking cups, litter carrier and silo, Large implement shed and hen house. Pos session this fall. Apply E, 8. Wilk- ins, R.R. No. 1, Cedar Dale. Phone 908-r.31. G0e $6,000 WILL BUY A LOVELY 7 & "The Black Menace ARTHUR BE REEVE 1922 Yo) \ & rT CHAPTER 1V, CONTINUED A hasty conference with Speed fol- lowed, and again we were in his car, picking our way by a short cut to the telephone huilding, It was now quite late when we ar- rived at the telephone huilding, and after considerable parleying Kenne- dv persuaded the girl iu charge that it was all right to tell us the ad- dress, "It's the hig colonial mansion on the Rocky Hill road." she said at length. "I don't know anything about it and if I did, I don't think I would Gare to say anything." There was something, however, in the tone and manner of the girl that confirmed Kennedy in his suspicion that the telephone girl might well prove to be worth tracing, What it might lead us to, he could not say, but I could see by his manner that he much preferred to make this in- vestigation by himself, Outside Kennedy appeared to be very much concerned about the way in 'which Miss Claremont might feel after her exciting experience of the ayening. "Speed," he said at length, . "I think it would he much better if you took Miss Claremont home and when you do, make arrangements with the police so that there will be somebody near her home, within call all night. There's a little bit of work that Jameson and I must do out here and [ think we can do it better by our- selves." As Speed's car whisked away down the turnpike, Kennedy and I started along the main street of the town, until at last we came to the station, where a lone "flivver" was waiting for a possible passenger. Kennedy engaged it and we were 800Nn on our way out from the town and along a good, but poorly light- ed, country road. Our chauffeur pulled up after he had gone perhaps a mile and leaned room brick with all conveniences, garage, on paved street and con- venient to Pedlars. all conveniences on paved street. | This house has been newly decorat- ed, upstairs and down, and is only a few minutes walk from Four Cor- ners. We have many more houses, also lots and farms. Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. East. Phone 793. A. C. Lyeett, Phone 625. J. C. Young, Phone 909). 61-c More F veight Traffic Through Oshawa Canadian Railroads continue (« benefit by the railway strike in the United States. The lines from Chi- seaboard, through Can-. ada, passing through Oshawa, are faking big strides in mew business, | "There's the house down there," he | nodded, $4,600. will buy a 7 room brick with | back, speaking through the door. "All brusquely. You wait here." The driver ran his car close to the side of the road and Craig and I got out. Without a word he turned up a gravel driveway which led through a heavy hedge of lilac up to the front door of a long low-lying Colonial house. As we approached it in the shadows I fancied that the quiet-| ness of the grounds was merely a con- cealment for something. A coach house lamp shone on at least half a dozen cars to the side of the house, and we slipped across the driveway for concealment, the other side. What was tery? right," returned Kennedy '"There's a light there. approaching from | this mansion of mys- CHAPTER b, The Mampsion of Mystery Huge trees shaded the house, most- and railwaymen themselves are mar- velling at the extra freight traffic Janada, from points in the] United States. A recent passenger from Moutreal passing through here on: Saturday.| stated that he had seen ten through | freight trains, all with from 49 to door, | white colonial pillars. | fanlight over the door could be seen | 60 freight cars, belonging to United States lines. On his way east to Montreal last Thursady he bad nc ticed one complete train of about 35 | cars of stock routed from Chicago to the seaboard. District freifht officials at Toronto, | while admitting that much of the big business was oming this way be- cause of the strike in the United red brick house, 9 rooms, central lo- cality, all modern conveniences, in perfect repair and extra well built, | lot and side drive. Would consider | exchange for property out of town. | 58-¢ FOR SALE -- TWO ROOMED COT- tage, hen pen and lot 30x240. $650 cash. Apply 5 Valencia Road, off Mill St. 8. 58-¢ ALL KINDS OF TIRE BEPAIRS AT Also storage for car, $525, night 2, Ri Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg, Yonge Street, Toronto, Regie- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. 2041 Auctioneer Wu x BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a speciply, Phone 187r1-4 Bowmaaville. 24-8mos WANTED SPECIAL HELP WANTED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Oshawa and wicinity from mow until the last of December to take orders for our exclusive line | os Personal Greeting Cards. This s splendid opportunity to eann om $10 to $50 per week as to time Adevoted to the work. Samples free. Boke at once for full information. . D175 Carlton Publishing Co., a Spading Axe, Toronto. 50-lmo NEW LUMBER FOR SALE--WE have all kinds of rough and dressed umber. Ask for quotations. Whit- by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone 42, Whitby, Ont. 52-1mo. LUMBER FOR SALE -- SPRUCE flooring, $40 M: spruce Man. siding. $42 WM: spruce lath, $7 M. Oshawa Junction, or phone 1027-3, 261 | , | large lot. FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY store. Goed jocation. Owner leaving town. Apply Box "C" Reformer. 58¢ HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX ROOM house on Pearl Street for sale with Apply Robert Wiggans, 185 College Ave., College Hill, South Oshawa. To Rent \ WANTED --- SEVEN HR EIGHT 60c | before Frday, August 25th, in order States, stated that many Canadian manufacturers are now making their | biggest shipments of the past two or three years. NOTH ETO CREDITORS The Reformer Printing & Publish ing Co. Limited. Owing to the change of ownership of the above Company, which takes place om Friday, September 1st, 1922, public notice 4s hereby given to all firms and individuals having accounts against the said Company that such accounts are required to be filed with the undersigned on or to ensure same being taken into ac- count by the auditors and provision being made for their payment.. The Reformer Printing & Pub- roomed house with all conveniences. Good locality. Possession last of September. Apply Box "EE Re-j former. he WANTED TO RENT -- A SMALL house or 3 or 4 rooms, with conven-! iences.- Apply Box "G"", Reformer. WANTED 70 RENT--BY GENTLz- | man, room in private house conveni- ent to business section. Apply Box "F" Reformer. 59-c TO RENT--ONE DOUBLE AND ONE single room: private house; good Apply Box 59-¢ WANTED -- BY YOUNG COUPLE with year old infant, small furnished house or rooms for light housekeep- ing, near General Motor Co. offices, until October 1st. Best references if necessary. The lowest or any offer not paceanatily 4 accepted. ' P.O. Box , Bowmanville, Ont, 59-¢ 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED OFFICE in Bradley Building, or will sell fur- niture and on monthly payments to Ford taking office. Suite 4, Bradley gt LET. "TWO PARTLY FURNISH- | 0 Joa q- rooms suitable for light housekeep- | ing. Phone 9573. % __80-D brooch in green and gold, Saturday, Aug. 12th. Finder kindly return to 105 Celina St. and receive reward. lishing Co. Limited. CHARLES M. MUNDY, President and Treasuret, 54 | turesque building as the moonlight | | branches. Have, you no thought for your REPUTATION ? ly evergreens, making it a very ple- streamed down on it through the] As we made our way up the lawn | beside the driveway, we could see the entrance to the place, a wide underneath the four great Through the | streaming the light from the hall, | but the rest of the door was dark as| were the sidelights. Suddenly there was the purr of al | many-cylindered motor behind us, | on the road, and Kennedy dragged me back' on a clump of rliododendrons just as the lights from the car swung in like long fingers up the driveway, pointing almost directly at us, The shelter of the shrubs was, however, | sufficient to protect us, and the car swung up swiftly past us, turned and stopped at the door. The front door was opened and in | the shaft of light that shot out from | it was revealed the car and the party im it. { Through the door we could catch | a glimpse of a splendidly furnished reception hall. There seemed to be ed out and began assisting two la- dies to alight, "Breshkaya!" exclaimed Kennedy. I looked again more sharply. It was indeed Breshkaya and some of the party whom I had seen at the Crystal Palace earlier in the evening. They had motored out here after the gay dinner, As they disappeared into the man- sion of mystery, the car slid around the side of the house and joined the others waiting under the dim coach lamp at the other side. What did it mean? What manner of establishment was this? It had all the evidence of being a private mansion on a private estate yet in everything else it seemed to be al- most like a social club, We stole around the side of the house. There was a bay window just off a, wide hack porch that over- looked the slope of the hill with a beautiful view down across the valley. Back of this hay window we stood a moment listening, The window was raised for ventilation and through it we could hear sounds. As I listened I could hear a sort of reg- ular, rhythmic click, Kennedy whispered to me, clasp- ing his hands, downward, palms up, to illustrate, "Give me a lift, Wal- ter. I think I can just about make it to look through the window." I clasped my hands and Kennedy placed his foot in them, raising him- self just far enough to be able to look through the window overhead. Craig was heavy, but I held him as long as he looked in, However, 1 was glad when he let himself down. "What's that shirr and click?" 1 asked. "A roulette wheel," he returned, in a whisper. "Here, you take a look." As I peered over the window ledge I could see in the bright light a party of handsomely gowned ladies and men in evening clothes gathered about the goulette wheel, There was no need for any one at the win- dow to be very cautious. Their at- tention was too soundly riveted on the wheel to be distracted except by a loud noise. Through the door I could make out ip another room the wide hall baige covered tables and at least one y seated about one table deep in what I took to be a game of bridge. * Now and then I could make out servants passing rapidly and silently about, bearing drinks on trays. There could be no doubt what the bigke was. Gaming, having been practi€ally closed up in New York, had taken refuge in this de luxe establishment in the suburbs. "What do you suppose it means?" I asked as I hopped lightly to the ground again beside Kennedy. "Can this be the origin of the blackmail- ing by the Black Menace?" At least we had an explanation of the nature of this mansion of mys- tery. Kennedy cautioned silence. In an instant I realized why. Someone had passed out through the long French doors to the porch above us. From where we were crouching just about | vial. across | Yet and fortunately it had fallen in a number of green | - ar we could not see the faces and, in- deed, even if we could have secn, | doubt whether we should have been able to_make them out in the dark- ness, fut at least we could hear the voices, and very distinctly, There were two of them, a man | and a woman, hi | don't want any more jobs like that," continued the man, as though he were carrying on a conversation that had started inside, ; "What did you have to do?" ask- ed the woman. Both Kennedy and I strained our ears to recognize the voices. I had Hoped that the woman might be Breshkaya, but it did not seem to be, unless she were able to disguise her voice. "I had to be very careful," return- ed the man, 'smeared the stuff all over the paper--wore gloves and a mask to do it--then I sealed the thing in a letter and directed it. When she opens that--well, it'll be all over." "What's that?" cried the woman. "The rest of the stuff, I couldn't use it all," She uttered a little cry, 'Well' for God's sake, don't carry it around me, Throw it away." There was a swish of silken skirt as though she drew away from him, The man laughed, perhaps a bit ner- vously. A moment later I heard something fall in the grass several feet away from us, '"There--does that satisfy you?" | There was no answer and it was| evident that the woman had retreat- | ed from him into the house again, | I wondered what the strange con-| versation might mean. What was | this terrible thing of which the wo- | man was so afraid? At first I had thought it might be something ex- plosive, but if the man had thrown it away so carelessly, it surely could not have heen that. Kennedy was out on the lawn in a moment, searching in the grass | gingerly. it happened to have been! from the shadow of a thick Norway | maple that the sound of the obgect | landing had come and Craig began flashing around his pocket searchlight. I gazed about, io make sure that no one was watch- ng. At last the light fell on something that glittered. Instead of picking it up directly, he whipped his handker- chief from his pocket and with it be- tween his thumb and forefinger, pick- ed up the thing. As he held it carefully away from him, I saw that it was a little corked Some of the contents was in It cautiously | such a way that it was unbroken. With the utmost care he wrapped the thing in his pocket hankerchief and stowed it away in his breast pocket, safely. Just then from the rear of the house there came an outery. "James! Francois! Help! Help! I think there's somone out on the lawn!" There could be no advantage In coming out into the open at this stage of the game. Our success depended on keeping under cover as long as possible, Two of the chauffeurs were appar- ently running in our direction. Quickly Kennedy and I retreated in- |: to the shadow of the row of maples, turned and found ourselves in the next estate. Keeping in the shadows and put- ting as much distance between our- selves and the others as we could we bent our course back to the road. | Sept, ! Sept, 9i0et. 14] Noy, The mansion of mystery was by a great many people in the house. | Although it was late, the gaiety here | seemed increasing rather than! diminishing. ! A butler in most correct uniform | ran out from the hall across the wide | porch "and opened the doors of the touring car. A couple of men jump- | E------ USED CARS We have a large stock of Used Cars on hand in good condition. A. ¥. COX. 43 Kigin EK. Rhone 2745 or Ohadburn Motor Co. | Sa In moving jong distances by Motor Vaus. We ive reduced rates for veturn jg are woviug? © No distance 100 Hill the Reliable Mover So oe '& 8661 Db ahi you great. and 650 Simcoe St. 8. will give Sat- isfaction. All work Guaran- teed. Phone 3556w. 51-1m The Gillette the shaving habits of the uh gan enjoyable! Gone are the Years ag03 Yhe tw go: vhe millions of VHT ice § eth Gone the labor and an ne wie invigorating, morning pleasure --as ind pain os oy of Razor has PAGE FIVE this time aroused. seen moving about. were now on thé open able to hurry without sd much féar of detection. It was unfortunate that any suspicion should be arous- ed, but it could hot be helped. We soon reached our own cab, till pulled up by the side of the road, roused our nodding driver and were off, There was stil a midnight train back to the city and Kennedy decid- ed upon taking it rathep than bump- ing our way back in the taxi-flivver. I could see that there was in his mind, as in mine, just one idea, What had the strange conversation we had heard meant? Was it some- thing that might directly concern Clare Claremont? As we pulled up before the Heaton Hills station and dismissed the eab, I must admit that I was thoroughly mystified by the strange events of the evening. 'Somehow or other," I remarked, while we waited for the train, "even though her name was not mentioned, I feel that the conversation we over- heard had something to do with Clare. What do you suppose it means?" Kennedy shook his head. "I have idea," he replied, thoughtfully. (Continued on page 6) n -- -- CUNARD ANCHOR ANMCHUOR-DONALODSON Lights could be {owever, we oad and were an MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Aug. 318ept. 8lvet, Moet, 27... 6|Noy, J Cassandrg Saturnia MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Sept. 15j0et, 15|Nov, 11 Sept, 8Bloct, 2 Oct, 4 Ausonia . Albania Tyrrhenia MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG & LONDON Aug. 20/sept. 30[Noy., . Andania vars ranssnrenh Antonia N.Y. TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL AUR. 31{Sept. 28j0ct, 26 Sept, 7l0oet, b.. sept. 1§joet, 12 *Also sails from Boston Sept, 1. , NY. --CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPTON 18 Scythia Laconia Carmania Aug. Aug. NY, sept. 2(8ept. 121001, Sept. 19joct, 10 PLY., CHERBOURG & biSept. 26/0ct. 19 N.Y., PLY., CHERBOURG & MAMBURG 5 Aquitania Berengaria SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania Aug. 3110ct, Sept. 9loect, Caronia Saxonia BOSTON--LIVERPOOL--QUEENSTOWN Tyrrhenia Samaria NY. (Via Moville) Aug. 25 Sept. Sept, Sept TO GLASGOW sept. 2 Algeria City of London Cameronia 1500ct, 14/N . Columbia N.Y. TO MEDITERRANEAN Tuscania Laconia Scythia Tuscania . Samaria . Caronis Mauretania 2h-- (Cruise) Feb. 10--(Cruise) Feb. 10-- Cruise) For rates of passage, freight snd further particulars apply wah agents or THE ROBERY REFORDCO., Limited GENERAL AGENTS KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. world -- made Saturday shavers iiipy shaves of strops and hones that made of shaving »

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