OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922 lsura the arrangement appears to be, YA case In point: Suppossing the | Lindsay Hockey Club entered a pro- (3 i v in jtest with the O. H, A, kxecutive of {which Mr, R. Butler, of Lindsay, "J [18 a member, would Mr. Butler he ; |allowed to express his views and ideas on the protest in question, Ab- solutely no, He would not he allow- led in the room to even hear the ar- loss, Also In the case of having 2 guments, F Ld . : ast W restli ng Match to be Lone Complainant large supply of hardwood on hand. : The Fuel Controller has the power! "Bul what is the procedure in the K (Continued from page 1) to adjust prices it he deems advisable, [Contral League? Fred Craig, who -- Sta ed in OshawaN ext Week Brock Street where it A A and can control the supply to the 8 closely identified with the Peter Bi | . . ro 8g {thus closing only one street. In this [tonsumers, Mr, Bilis would not re-(P0ro Club, is one of three members 1g Valuesin Mes Shoes at 3 )» » Fas . | practice he would be following for- [commend that other steps he taken | Of the Proest Commies ne i mer engineers, including his most |aPart from the usual course to se |} 0 discuss and vote on the Heavyweight Bout Between Brown of New York | orm and excollont arodescssor. cure cusl He mado - apologies Cys BOLTS SED, NSLS Dron: Bruton's ' 3 re y to the Oshawa committee for not ) rely Hg 4 . and Bryant of Montreal Arranged For Then there would be a minimum of Doing able: bo er ey information, | Arthur Kimmel, an officer of tho inconvenience to the public, whose Cobourg Club, is another member f BIG Both Husky Boys--Local Boxers servants all municipal officers and |PAVINE only been appointed to that), mo (Fe bile and according to ' | SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE contractors are, position on Friday of last week. ly, ni fiere ag such will he allowed ' 215 ,| The cases cited by him (in Toron-| However, the committee, which Was ¢, igeyss and vote on the question J. G. Brown. of New York City, Nelghe pont 3} Sounds, wii), have had this very object in view [COMPosed of Reeve Morris, i i two protests (Cobourg vs. Port CLEARANCE SALE the crack light heavyweight Greek 185 to 300 pounds. Bryant stands é [even the particular one of closing [107 Trick and Johnston, Mayor Hope, and Lindsay vs. Cobourg) : wrestler, has been matched with 2 nel hile B hs i 1 | street for 3 weeks to save prolong- Stacey and Dr. Henry were quiteiwhich are to he heard next Monday Shop Early for Better Service Abraham Bryant, of Montreal, "The loo ne Be no 8 Tpuey ed partial closing for several months, | etisfied with what they had received. Sandy Lockington, the third member Mysterious Turk;" in a hout to a shall be the greatest card VOTE pre-|but it is the street being worked on| Although no concrete action grew of the Committee, is a Port Hope finish which avill be staged at fhe sented in Oshawa and has arranged |BOt an adjoining one. We will war-|out of the conference, those present [resident, and will be allowed to dis- i armories in Oshawa next Friday (F010 Ppt Ll Ents in- | rant they do not pile material 5 fect [leaned a great deal about the situa- [S15 and vote 'on the Cohourg-Port night, This will be the first oppor-| 5 Foor © bout between |d€€D on converging streets-- full | tion as it affects the province gen: ral. | Hope gl test, which will be heard tunity for Oshawa boxing and wrest-| 0 Bey igen "ang 7. 'Bryns width and a block long, as he seems |1y, and the individual consumer in [MCX Monday. ling fans to see a championship bour | ™55 © FF SET y 1d meot [tO want us to believe in order to |particular. From one source camg| "The Protest Committee should right in their own city. Much depends Vea first 30 ay oy meet ustity himself. the suggestion that the Dominion [consist of three neutral men, What on the issue of this match as the win | © ill decide wi oul We will also, on a guess, assert [Government should take the duty off [Say you?" LA . s ner will meet George Walker, of Fort Week g y iE yi 14 po, yy PEAS (hat where the gravel is removed |Welsh soft coal as was done in 1902. {Messrs Sandy Lockington, of Port {sons that it was not necessary for William and Ottawa for the heavy-|S5t the Canadian champion. FOWH | erom Mary St. that the grass boule- |The Fuel controller approved and! (Hope; Arthur Kimmell, of Cobourg, [yi (Dedman) fo state any case or i . ; has taken part in 538 matches in ali . la re 'rag. sterboro' re weight championship of Canada. Both I |vards on which it was piled and [suggested that the Federal authori-| ppose resent and Fred Craig, of Peterboro', we argument, as the Livdsay defence was arts of the United States and hay Imai § " ; wrestlers are anxious to meet Walk- |! lover which citize aw rors are ties'he me alized to that end. Fron maintain that the committee is not the : : er 80 that it is assured there will be |?ever been defeated. His last match ver which citizens lawn mowers are |ties'be memoralized mn [prover board of justice for handling |i4 the hands of the Committee jr writ: thanbp horn he TUR to keep the street i oper an. ' Northern Ontario representative P t t S t i y ; i . no. laying down. Me dn ot Ueth\chem, Whole he! arunce, will ho Poel hl came the suggestion that the Govern rotes ys em Lik i In te Central League. There | lng. and the commiitee would go by "General" McDonald, manager for | physical . phhing sided two. falls loose stones, nor will the big cobbles | nent should be asked to take step i Now In Vo ue Should other Je Utes dis ly nel that. It was a 0 where the um- Brown, has been in Oshawa for th:{out of three. be removed from the centre of the |to reduce the freight rates on hard g trek to the old ay ey 2 BI) pire had made a mistake in ruling, and past two or three days making the The bout here will be to a finish, SU Cet--unless he takes the hint from (Wood. p This sls mel Wi Beueral ii tive trom each Club. Aside Pres the yet the umpire's decision was not vp- necessary arrangements. Jack Law-1o. host two out of three falls win this and has it done. Bpptoval, it Yeing ba you Hi Lindsay fans do not approve of the |) ree ufor id offic ials, the President | held, and Peterboro was allowed the less, manager for Bryant, has also|pjne The other preliminaries willl What was said about the difficulty grge Supp TO iy By 0 ' i " 'manner in which Central League pro- [of qe | ague, Mr. Parsons, of Csh- been here looking after their end of (hn boxing houts, A. Parrish ys. B. °F f8hting a fire in the blockaded available for distribut oh throug out | osts are being handled. The Lind Sry : it. The contract has been signed | goiter at 112 11 and "Kid" Mor. | Fea Is as true as then stated. He fa sonra) portions ¥ wg Hor 1s say Post and the two husky boys are prepar-{rison vs. "Younz" Butcher. Further has not disproved this fact. He says the freight Fates sou 4 ) urn ing for. a strenous battle. Bryan! |yyyouncements will be made later. | ¢ fire department was notified to a point whe Fe Suc) Be lon would! bel justice to deal with them. The Post iy. iling to sav. onc way or the v, {the Umpire had made a mistake. but : probably so they would know it was | economically possible. has the following to say: "Are pro- | woot to read COBUBUDL ALORS ¢. A |the umpire's decisiva Was not upheld, py useless to respond. How very con- C. A. Magrath, chairman of the tests in the Central Ontario League |. pointed observations MENT be and the protest was : arded to Peier- Everybody Looking F or (Zderate? It is a sure case, the fact | Federal Advisory Fuel Committee, properly handled? The question is |;in0. as follows boro. Furthermore, cording to the y that they knew they would have to|and F. McCourt, another member of [somewhat pointed, but the yuestion is | official report issued g Toronty papers, . Sh I U ° climb over sand dunes, in waves, [the same body, outlined the steps a debatable one, Without throwing "When Mr. Ded:inan represented ilic Belleville not being present to defend wouldn't make it any easier for them, [taken by the Dominion authorities [any reflections on the personnel of the | Lindsay Club at tne Peterboro Lindsay [the protest, the protest was immediat a e- P in Central League: not withstanding what Mr. En- [and stated that should Ontario de present committee, which comprises | proiest, he was rmed by Pres, Par. [ely thrown out." gineer says, a look at the situation {cide to purchase large amounts of { Just what to-day's Central League : dicided 'contrast to their showing would convince any intellect, even | Welsh coal, the committee would un fixtures will bring forth is beyond the [against Cobourg and Belleville. Had | Without a college education, that |dertake to facilitate transhipment at wisdom of the Central League fans|they secured an even break on their what was said by us of the difficulty | Montreal. but one thing is certain, and that #s, | games played to date, their chances Of saving property burning up under that the standing of the teams will] would be bright, but as it now stands | the conditions complained of, was receive a shaking up. Cobourg are [they must . the next two games| Bot overdone. The blandness of our Neutral Men playing in Peterboro this afternoon {to get back to the .500 mark in the | TOWD Engineer wouldn't case the while Lindsay «+ meet the Grand |percentage column. Port Hope may | Situation one iota. Should Form Trunks in Bellgville. A win for the | furnish some stiff opposition this If the people of Oshawa more gen- ? i 3 » Trunks and a defeat for the Petes|afternoon but "Teddy" Saunders wi'l erally interested themelves in all Sub Committee! will reverse the positions of the two |have his boys right on their (oes. municipal affairs and did not take > protest, awa, sides, and bas a great deai to SWhe doko . sotestod Arrains maintains that the present |... discussion Someta Nat of When Peterboro protested against committee is not the proper hoard of [(awa, also at*ends, although I | Belleville, it was again 9 case where leading teams annd shove the Quinte Bowmanville are in third place | everything "lying down," municipal men into the leadership. If the Grey-|along with Lindsay and Peterboro officials would do what they are told birds win in Belleville and Cobourg [but the Hose Knitters will have to[instead of what they like and tax win in Peterboro, Lindsay will move | take Leaside's scalp to stick there. | bills, public safety and convenience into sccond place and Cobourg will| The surprise of the league this year would be given more consideration hat it is 1 air to the Grevhird strengthen their position at the head |is the manner in which the tail-end'A little good judgment and common tha it is ony lait Lo 1 he 1 nies of the procession. teams of the first section came back sense is always in order, and the wie te tay a t At the present time there are five [for the second. Bowmanville's repu- lack of it cannot be compensated for 'ag st Cobourg was on an umpires teams right in the running, and while | tation is being upheld by Lloyd by a technical knowledge. Even an | de jon and due to the fact that A Cobourg and Belleville have the edge |Chambers, who has set both Peter- engineer can learn something and |C. Kimmel, manager of the Cobourg on the other aggregations, it is hard | boro and Oshawa back a notch. He improve his methods. If not, then we [team, is nber of the sub-com to surmise which team is likely tolis twirling great ball and the Cen- do not want him. It is a function | mittee, Lindsay far are not claim the second half title. Osh-|tral League will be proud to have of the press to check up such matters | satisfied, ¥ awa's chances are very poor although | him in their midst in another year and a little more of it in Oshawa, The Lindsay Post points out their by winning twice from Port Hope, [or two. used without fear or favor, would [objections to the present sub-com Leaside and Peterboro and once from Now that Oshawa has recovered | make this town a better place to | mittee in the following manner Cobourg, it is not impossible. The|trom her slump, Oshawa fans will|live in. Any observer can note prac-| "The more fans to examine . Motor Town nine have got a few bad |tarn out in full force when the team | tices that later cause defects, and |the question of protests in the Cen games out of their tem and should { plays at home on Wednesday and [ensuing avoidable expense to repair. | tral Ontario League the more ab settle down to playing winning ball. | Saturday of next week. It is pos-|It is customary in certain cities 19] They have the team and but for two sible that a double header will beladvertise sufficiently ahead of | or three off days they would be right {staged next Saturday with Leaside.|actual operation to allow for' at the top battling for the second half \put that will depend upon the atti-|settling of the earth that cer- « and the champiouship. The local tude of the Oshawa executive. The [tain streets that are proposed to] team have one of the snappiest in-|[easide management are perfectly be paved, and that all sewer, gas or! fields in the circuit and there is no willing to play both games in Osh | Water connections must be in by a reason why they should not land well Jawa on account of the attendances|certain date for the pavement will up in the first division. in the Toronto suburb being small. | not be allowed to be torn up for a In Lindsay on Wednesday they |A double bill should be a good draw- [term of ten or fifteen years (as the looked like a million dollar team, a |ing card here. case may be). Result--everybody in- cluding vacant lot owners, gets his | - : x . " connections in, in time. What do we | Oshawa Rink oF tlie beautitel Gold 4 up, the ini find in Oshawa? Up to the last | > . ei hv hi old the ampiox minute befare paving, drains are | Will Play in : Thirty-one different Toronto city being dug across the Sipaet. Phen, . "lin a year or two, there is a hollow Bi clubs are represented by an AgEre-| glace under the pavement or perhaps ig Tourney gate of 139 entries, while the 61 out-|, ,ayvain Also patches and bumps of-town rinks come gathering | where a belated somebody had the D. A. J. Swanson's Rink E " from 34 different towns and cities. privilege of cutting up the pavement pn Accommodations have been arrang- A word to the wise is sufficient, Dominion Lawn Bowlers' ed to motor out-of-town rinks to To- and the good book tells us:-- "The Tournament ronto Canoe Club for the All Comers [fool is wiser in his own conceit than v. Toronto match next Monday even- seven men that can render a reason." Oshawa will be represented by one |in8. Unfortunately two rinks have, "Nuff said. rink at the aanual tournament of [bad to default, and any others wish-| ' North East Ward. | the Dominion Lawn Bowling Associa-|ing to enter may do so by advising | tion which opens in Toronto on Mon- | the Secretary. Toronto Globe: --The electrifica- day morning. D. A. J. Swanson is -- {tion of standard steam railways in { taking his rink composed of A. Wal- CoB a v v { Ontario is becoming a live issue. The ton, L.. Stevenson, and T. Johns. Ae- _ pc longer the coal strike lasts the more cording to the draw he is matched |Cobourg, ...... mn will the electrification look like goad with #1. N. Murray of the Knights of | Bolieville 667 business. ~ Columbus, Toronto. They will bowl | Bowmanville 571 * on the Riverdale Lawn. The Dom | poterborouzh 4 | Oshawa Council . inion tournament this year will bel indsay 1 next to the largest in the world. Oshawa Lo ------ Promptly at 1.30 p.m. 800 men in) port Hope 2 (Continued from page 1) white flannels will start in the race | easide 26¢ | mayor replied that this would be | held only as a reserve. ®| During a discussion on the powers {of the newly appointed Provincial | Fuel Controller, Reeve George Morris, a member of the Oshawa "Nu el" Your Shoes! Fuel Committee and one of those ugg o who attended the meeting in Toronto. stated that the Fuel Controller has - the power to regulate fuel prices in | It not only shines them, the province. He can also take over brilliantly but i softens and manage a fuel business that he their appeal and preserves the leather may think is being run in a manner | 2 out meas Wake hey circle unfair to the public, stated the where quality foods ave apprec- Reeve. x best | Mandle Situation Locally fated. Nothing but the best and : men always choose KING % lots of that is to be found i | : | Confident that by Docomber 15.1} there. Honest weight and sat- 2h GEORGE'S NAVY Oshawa residents would be able to se- fsfactory service. Our tele- : cure American anthracite coal, Fuel | Controller, J. A. Ellis told the special | | Fuel Committee of the Oshawa Tow {Council Thursday afternoon a {Queen's Park, Toronto, that he was | {sure the local dealers could handle | {the fuel situation satisfactorily with- | lout the municipality procuring Welsh | "|ooal. To purchase the high grade of | | Welsh coal was prohibitivd, the price iper ton laid down in Oshawa being {from $23 to $24. A cheaper grade Towa be secured at a cost of approxi- {mately $15 per ton, if necessary, but he was of the opinion that the deal-' Mother PY |ers could secure enough hardwood ! |and coal to meet the demand without | Ace here, Nature is helping you all she ean. TRL.'s will do va taking theft alternative. | fhe rest. Nour Demggist will supply you. Do mot put off | Protect Municipalities ] Have you no _ #his opportunity. Af you suffer § RE ism, Sciailca, In case 'the municipality needed to | thought fe procure Welsh coal through the deal-| or your 1 Weirttis ar Lamhage, bay @ box to-day. |ers, the Fuel Controller pointed out CHEWING OBACCO he would see that they were protect- | \ I} : {ed and that all Welsh coal was con- | REPUTATION ? t ey sumed before the American anthra-| - { ; RockGii Tobacco Botnas cite coal was placed on the market, | in order to insure the dealers against | The Cobourg Club being concern- ed in both protests which will be heard on Monday, and Port Hope in one of them, Lindsay fandom feel rete iY © oes tS yi i» oteithitheia ) 2 DER IE TRY ye Sold by Jury & Lovell, Deuggists, Oshawa