* OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 ° -------- "No Woman Knows' THAT ENGEL'S Are recieving the et wonderful assortment of rT. Fall Coats and Dresses The Serge and Tricotine Dresses are a revelation in style, and the prices are very moderate. We in- vite your inspection. ENGEL'S "NO WOMAN KNOWS" That washing cannot com- pletely remove, the dust and dirt that works into the pores of. the skin. Our system of 'massage thoroughly cleanses all dust and dirt from the pores. It clears up Blackheads and pimples in the natural, sen- sible way, giving that fresh glowing color of perfect cleanlyness. We specialize in the fol- lowing: Shampooing, Marcel Waving, Scalp Treatments, Manicuring, etc. Elite BEAUTY Parlors Room 9, Bradley Block (Over Ward & Dewlands) Phone 321 "NO WOMAN KNOWS" How Well We Can Take Out The Spots Until she has given our 'efficiant method of cleaning and pressing a trial. Ladies' Suits French ies' i renc cleaned and pressed $2.00 Ladies' Suits dyed and pressed $4.00 Gents' Suits French cleaned and pressed $1.75 Gents' Suits dyed sind pre Parker's Dye Works 38 Simcoe St. N. Phone 788: "NO WOMAN KNOWS" What she has missed until she has seen the up-to-date stock in Ladies' Ready-to- Ware at the SCHWARTZ BARGAIN STORE We carry the latest styles in Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Blouses and Coats. We still carry out our motto: Prices the Lowest Quality the Best - Phone 725 136-8 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Goods Called For Aud Delivered "1_Carl Laemmle ["NOo WOMAN KNOWS" How Tasty Our Box Lunches Are "NOWOMAN KNOWS" the conveniance of using a WHITECAP ELECTRIC WASHER until she has tried one. La a IF You Are Particular YOU WILL LIKE OUR HOME MADE - BOX LUNCHES - We kater to particular people 20c and 30c PHONE ORDERS 1296 Carefully Attended To REGENT BOX LUNCH It is a labor saving machine and service- able. Other lines of importance include Electric Stoves and the new process oil stoves. We carry complete lines of Granite Ware, in fact every- "thing that comes un- der hardware. We will be pleased to have you call at any time. Cleve Fox juccessor to Lander Hardware 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 419 "No Woman Knows"' Unless they have seen the dainty designs we are showing in ENGLISH Dinner and Tea Sets Regular Price $36.00 Our Special for Wednesday Morning AUG. 16th Dinner Sets-$27.00 12 Cups and Saucers, 12 Bread and Butter Plates, 12 Tea Nappies, 1 Salad Dish, 1 Bowl, 1 Pickle Dish, 1 Platter 10", 1 Platter 14", | Vegetable Dish, | Gravy Dish, 1 Cream Pitcher, 1 Sugar Bowl. Above prices for WEDNESDAY morning only. . FELT BR 12 Simcoe St. S. -- THE LEADING JEWELERS (OSHAWA Phone 188 presents 10 Last Week at These Prices &€ Two Shows Nightly, 7.15-9.15 TONIGHT --" The Fox" New Martin The Home of Special Features 3 DAYS Mon. - Tues. - Wed. ROUND THREE OC - Round Two "Leather Pushers" SIXTY TICKETS GIVEN AWAY FREE An unusual offer is being given to-day in connection with the big attraction at the New Martin The- atre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, of next week. This offer will enable a number of the most enthusiastic theatre patrons to see this picture without paying any admission. The advertisements of the var- ious merchants on this page head- ed "No Woman Knows '--the name of the picture--contains one mispelled word. The advertise- ments are twelve in number apart from that of the New Martin The- atre and five tickets will be given "NO WOMAN KNOWS" 'The appetising flavor of Nut Krust Bread and kakes until she has tasted their deliciousness. They have always been wanted -- and always will be. They are the short cut to the hearts of lovers of good pastry. NUTKRUST BAKERY Simcoe St. South mistakes, the first letter received for each one will be the lucky one. The picture "No Woman Knows' contains feature plays. The story of Fanny Herself contained in the "Biggest | Book in the World" is one that everybody 'should see. The box | office of the New Martin Theatre has been transformed into a big contained in the costly and pop- | ular production. To those who wish to secure these free tickets, remember that the letter first received for each advertisement pointing out the mistake in it will receive the five tickets. The title of the picture "No Woman Knows" indicates that the plot of the play is an unusual "No Woman Knows" Shoe Comfort until she consults our stock Our Shoes Dependible and the assortment large New Fall Lines now coming in TeBurnsCo.Lu Main Four Corners | "No woMAN KNOWS How easy it is to do house- work with electrical con- frivences, or EveryWoman Knows that Monarch Knitting Wools make the nattiest A New Dining- Dresses Room Fixture Swetters Scarfs 'n everything would be very-desirable and welcome, would it not? Why not come and make a selec- tion from our large and handsome display of electric lighting fixtures, suitable for any room. A new fixture will make a new room of it. A. W. BRADLEY Phone 1083 3914 Simcoe St. N. We have all the New Fall Shades ll t an amazing | story, one which grips the interest | of every one and one which will | appeal to all lovers of high class | '""No Woman Knows" How much money she throws away when she buys her Dry Goods in Toronto. We have cus- tomers every day who buy their Dry Goods here, and who have compared prices. We meat or beat every price shown in the big mail order catalogues. Not only do we sell quality, goods but guarantee a better price on everything. Our store is up-to- date and our business is done on the quick turnover, small profit