Ontario Reformer, 10 Aug 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, ao 1922 PACE SEVEN -------- Articles For "Sale Real Estate For Sale DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, | Office over Andison's Tailor. Shop, 19 King St. West. Phone 231, DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- | fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Thone 948. 1-yr., DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; office over Kyle's Grocery Etore. Phone 959. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97. DR. TREWIN, pENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store, DR. W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St, N. Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe St, N. 26-1mos. -- EN- of Medical DR. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBBRT, 78 BLOOR ST., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- | - tion in disease of the eye. 13-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE ANB Throat, Diseases 'of children. Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 7--9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. 45-6mos PR."A. TA, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- | urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of | and ear, nose and throat only. \ Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer, Money to loan. Office 14% King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 446. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Bolicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osk- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 619). GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Mc, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A,, T. K. Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Ofce (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get | well. Egaminations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 § Simcoe St. North. M..M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- ; Sue- | gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. Insurance Agents § INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire urance Society, London, England. IN. A. MeLean, » Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 LL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT deal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- e, Simcoe St. South. Tires for le. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. Phoue 766. Storage = | URNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN y building. Also storage for cars. phone 552J, might 662W. Rit- on Roaé North. o1-t.cL. 7 Patents 0 IDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT ldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- pred Patent Attorneys. Send for ee booklet. 20-1 VILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. | ve Stock a epecialty. Phene| 7r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos WANTED 26-1 yr | 11-4 | |PTANO FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW, first rate condition, 200 dollars, 215 | Nassau st. b5-¢ |For SALE--SMAL L COAL RANGE, in excellent condition. Apply 164 El- | in Bt Be 56 | FOR SALE-- SHORT HAIRED COL: lie dog $5 good watch or farm, Apply 214 Celina st. iis 6b-a FOR SALE PACKING and a quantity of lumber. offer. Apply Reformer Office. - FOR SALE--KITCHEN TABLE, Make 3 cain Apply 194 Alice St. 54-c FOR SALE-- USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain at $250, Stalter's Music Store, 2 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 45-1 FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, cream wicker, round reed, gear, also Singer sewing 'machine, 7 drawers, never heen used. 876 Short Celina St. Hi -¢ FEMALE BOSTON PUPPIES FOR sale--S8ired by Ch. Count, Dee--Cees, Registered, stock, nicely marked. Price reasonable. Apply J. T. Steen, Box 661, Port Hope, Ont, 55-f BOX BS gistered plan. 654-b 5 ft. almost new, also three kitch- reversible | Apply | LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer and sidewalk, Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 | King St. East. Office phone 1232. Residence, 403. 46-tf LOTS CAN BE HAD ON HILCRES'T; Sub-Division, delightfully situated lo- cation for $25 to $50 per lot, This | property is within the City limits, Re- Indisputable title, For particulars apply to Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 60 King Street East, Oshawa. Residence Phone 403; Office, 1232, A (MAGNIFICENT BUY IN GARDEN land. Seventeen acres of the finest garden land, two streams, three wells, six roomed house in the best of condition, Good barn, entire crop, stock and implements. One mile from Oshawa, Must be sold immedi- ately. Price right, reasonable cash (payments, mortgage 6%. South Osh- awa Insurance & Real Estate Co., '430 Simcoe St, S., phone 1240-W, E. L. Petley, J. A, Bickell, Hi3-d GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE {on Alice St., between Mary. and Divi- sion St., will sell cheap for -quick sale. Terms to suit, Apply 214 Div- |ision St. 53-¢ Help Wanted--Male WANTED--PLASTERS AT $1.05 per hour, 3 mon)hs work, Apply Wesmiller & McKenzie Bros., St. North .Toronto, Stop 8, H4-c MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $16 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us, No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. 33-t.5, class, only, need apply. 551 Park Rd. : Lost ond Fo ound | LOST--BOSTON LIGHT { Bull dog, black and white, Finder | kindly return 100 Brock east. 55-b | | LOST--ON WEDNESDAY SBT. |a number plate, betwen Port Perry Oshawa, No. 160-354, Finder | please notify Warren Dearborn, | phone 602-7, 53-c F. Dobney Se BSR | LOST-- A GOLD SUN BURST VALU - | WANTED--EARLY _ ed as a keepsake. Finder please leave at 71 Medcalf St. and receive a re-| ward. 55-a! Yona WANTED--PAPERHANGER FIRST == | housekeeping WEIGHT | ga General Wants WANTED--INVESTORS TO JOIN syndicate half now forming to acquire interest in copyrights coverng articles of proven merit and in wide demand, As committee of investors will control finances good faith is guaranteed and strictest investiga- tion is invited as this is a good pro- postion with unlimited possibilities of profit. Write in first instance to H. K. Middleton, 524% Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 53-c | WANTED -- ONE OR inished rooms suitable for house with Apply, ligh mbd- stating in ern conveniences, particulars and terms, to H. ton, 521% Simcoe St. North. AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city, We TWO FUK- K. Mid-| 53-c | | Brow and sell the best only and want | reliable, energetic agents for unrep- | Write Toronto. APPLES | the barrell or otherwise. Phone sel Perkins, 403. Residence Park Rd. N N. | resented territories. | Pelham Nursery Co., Rus- H4-tf Houses For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE 20 large cellar, water. Electrig light, newly painted. sale. Apply 230 Nassau St. 54-c/ FOR SALE--DESIRABLE 8 ROOM-| ed brick residence, corner Mary and Elgin, large basement, modern con- veniences, good repair. Lot 135 x 55. For further particulars Apply Wm." Ratcliffe, 904 Independent, or! Mrs. Wm. Adams, Brooklin, 2520 In-| dependent Brooklin Central, 51-f| FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER | (house, 5 rooms and bath room, con- veniences, good deep lot. APY 79 Burk St. $1800 WILL beautiful 3. BUY HALF A double brick house, 4! rooms and bath-room. The entire] | building can he purchased by any- one who wishes to buy it. Small { cash payments have reasonable terms. South Oshawa Insurance and | Real Estate Co. 430 Simcoe St. S. {Phone 1240-w. E. L. Petley, J. A. Bickell. 55-b Hardwood For Sale { The undersigned have about 300 | cords of dry hardwood, principally | maple, for sale at $14 per cord, de- livered to any part of the town in cord lots. Apply LYMAN GIFFORD, Phone 266, Westmount. JOHN HALL, 294 Barrie St., _ Automobiles For Sale | FOR SALE-- CADILLAC IN GOOD condition, cheap for cash, or will trade on house with good large lot | or small farm in Oshawa, preferably King St. Algar Auto Service, 69 King St, W., Oshawa. 53-¢ "OF Town. car 1921 model, run 6,000 miles, first class condition, will sell reasonable. Also a quantity of furniture. Adress Box 85, Oshawa. 52-e Work Wanted CARPENTER WANTS WORK. RE- pairs, alterations or additions. See me before deciding, D. Stretton, 54 Albert St. Phone 1129-J. 50-1mo LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK done by job or piece. Estimates given. Apply 131% King St. W. 53-2mo NOTICE TO CREDITORS | The Reformer Printing & Publish- Jing Co. Limited. 3 Owing to the change of ownership of the above Company, which takes place on Friday, September 1st, 1922, public notice is hereby given to all firms and individuals having accounts against the said Company that such accounts are required to be filed with the undersigned on or before Frday, August 25th, in order to ensure same being taken into ac- count by the auditors and provision being made for their payment.. The Reformer Printing & Pub- lishing Co. Limited. CHARLES M. MUNDY, SPECIAL HELP WANTED PECIAL REPRESENTATIVES William Henry Davidson, of the Town === of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, | ated for Oshawa and vicinity | om now until the last of December A snap for quick | ,| year FOR SALE--CHEVROLET TOURING | President and Treasurer | 5 |=" Rent now. | 31-y BY | 151 | | | X 24 FOR RENT--FURNISHED OrFICE | |in Bradley Building, or will sell fur- | niture and on monthly payments to | party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley ldg. {HALL TO RENT floor--heat light, terations to suit H. Engel. SUMMER RESORTS TO RENT--4 ROOMED COTTAGES and verandah, completely furnished to- igether with hoat, cellar, ice, wood | garage. Fifteen dollars per week from thirteenth -to end of August. Rest of half price. Black Bass fishing. Later hunting. Mrs. A. J. Scott, Gelert, Ontario, Size tenant. HARDWOOD 27x73. Apply to 47-tf, 55-¢ Lumber [NEW LUMBER FOR have all kinds of rough and dressed {lumber. Ask for quotations. Whit- by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone (12, Whitby, Ont. 52-1mo. ~ Help \ Wanted--Female | WANTED -- A WOMAN TO TAKE {charge of home and look after two children of school age. No objection to widow with child. Apply 75 Wil- | liam st. west. c | WANTED |grapher for 1 month. {Apply room 1, Oshawa. | -- --a---- SALE WE TABULARY wanted, services required Must be experienced 123, Simcoe St. -- | WANTE D--WARD MAID FOR FOR OSH- must have good refer- | | Sept. |awa Hospital, ences. Apply to Superintendent 48-tt TWOM- | WANTED--EXPERIENCED |an over 30 to take charge of male | employees 38 dining-room. Board, | Laundry and uniform in addition to salary. Apply Matron Ontario Hos- | pital, Whitby. WANTED FIRST CLASS HAND sewer. Apply H. Sheriff, 11% Simcoe 5. Phone 1198j. St. S Board and Rooms O. 5h Street North, BOARD AND ROOM St. S54-c wmm-- -- Leaside did not play a league game: with Belleville yesterday as schead- uled, The game will be played at a later date, owing to the fact Wednesday was Belleville"s Holiday and the Grand Trunks play- ed an exhibition game with the Tiger nine. Al-| 54-d that | Radiators Repaired RADIATOR SERVICE | STATION i 650 Simcoe St. S. will give Sat- i isfaction. All work ®Guaran- teed. Phone 355w. 51-1m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tm 4,-tf | "STENO:- ROOM AND BOARD 109 SIMCOE! -- 310 ALBERT | 55 | Civic | | Aug. 19[Sept, 10 Sept. Jan. | Feb. 10--(Cruise Footwear May Be Dearer, Says Shoe Mfrs.' Association Dearer leather footwear by reason of a rising leather market is forecast in a circular sent. by the Shoe Manu- facturers' Association to its members. For several months hides have been advancing until now hides for sole leather sell in Chicago at 20 cents, lighter stock commanding 18 1-2 cents. These prices are 40 to 50 per cent. higher than a year ago. Calf-skins have advanced 256 per cent, Tanneries and manufacturers are said not to have leather stocks on hand, Leather prices have not yet gone up in proportion to hide prices, the advance being only 10 per cent. but further advances are due, which will mean dearer boots and shoes be- fore long. Youngest (Continued from page 1) to the year 1843 the Hamilton firm of Fisher & McQueston, which ran a machinist and moulding shop, had procured this engine for shop use, Upon the formation of the Hamilton Volunteer Fire Depart- ment in 1843 the chemical wagon was presented to the brigade. Upon this fire department disbanding in 1858 .the engine was locked up in some barn and was never brought out to the light of day again till "Ladysmith Day." In 1004 it was then presented to the Hamilton Vet- | Asthma Sufferers § Hilton WW. Parl Waterdown, | Ont, writes: "I can safely bless 4he | day you left a bottle of Asthma Remedy with me. 1 had relief from the first dose and have been un- proving ever since; can lie down at night and rest; the cough has en- tirely left me; 1 have gained three pounds since 1. started the bottle, which is now nearly finished. The good news has spread around this district, and already several want to try Qt 1 feel so good over the gw life, as it were, I like 10 tell others." £1.50 per' bottle, Money back ir 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' not satisfed For sale at Jury and Lovell, and Thompsons Drug Store, Oshawa, or hy mail from H. T. Briggs, Whithy, ont, The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service, Sleeping cars on night trains parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, H. R. Sheridan, Town Agent Telephone 132 W. H. Hutchison, Depot Agent Telephone 60 ana CUNARDE ANCHOR | ANCHOR-DONALDSON | | MONTREAL T0 GLASGOW Aug. Aug. 1" 31Sept, sept. Roe, Saturnia 2 Krad a as Gussanral TO LIVERPOOL W0et, MONTREAL Aug. 231001 1iiNov, 19/Sept. 21 161001, oR Ausonia Iyrrhenia | TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG & LONDON Oct, MONTREAL al | Aug. [Sept RI Nov.. 4 12INoy. 18 Andania Antonia NY. TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL 9loet, Aug ( anmanta | Sey thia | Laconia | 15 Sept. f1ijoet, 12 Aug. Sept. Roel, 2 Sept. 7/00l. *Also sails from Boston Sept, 1, NY. CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPTON Aug. Aug. Aug. NY, RlAug. 2018 15]Sept. 2i8ept. 12/001. 3 Berengaria Mauretania Aquitania PLY., CHERBOURG & HAMBURG Aug. Sept. 3i0et, 9loet, Caronia 1d saxonia BOSTON --LIVERPOOL--QUEENSTOWN Tyrrhenia Samaria SGOW (Via Morville) oct. Columbia Aug. 25Sept. 25 ........ . . City of London Cameronia N.Y. TO MEDITERRANEAN sept, Tuscania . Laconia Seythia Tuscania Samaria Caronia 26-- (Cruise) . 2--(Cruise A-- (Cruise G--(Cruise) 2i--(Cruise) local ageats or THE ROBERT REFORDCO. LIMES GENERAL AGENTS 50 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. For rates of passage. § Scoight and fucther particulars apply to in the Province of Ontario, Mechanic, | {| liam take orders for our exclusive line Will apply to the Parliament of Can-| Personal Greeting Cards. This ada, at the mext session thereof, for ers splendid opportunity to earn 2 Bill of Divorce, from his wife, | om $10 to $50 per week as to time | Martha Eliza Davidson, of the City or 8 voted to the work. Samples free. Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in | rite at once for full information. the said Province of Ontario, Married | ppt. D175 Carlton Publishing Co.,| Woman, on the grounds of adultery. | b Spadina Ave., Toronto. i... imo | DATED at Lindsay, in the Province | HOUSE WANTED Wanted to Rent or would consider purchase on small cash payment down, Eight or Ten Roomed House in good Notice | Blacksmith, Carriage Re- | and Painting. Also Horse- guaranteed. | J Dillon Plant, Mill S¢. | die. . 53a ¥, | icitors for Applicant, flliam Henry Davidson. July 275 Bw | of Ontario, this Seventeenth day of | | July, AD. 1922. O'CONNOR & MOORE, 6 William St. South, Lindsay, locality. Carefu! tenant. Address in first instance: Box "H" Reformer erans" Association by the only mem- ber, then living, of the brigade which had used the machine, the late Wil- Dow. Oldest Man Not Here The oldest living member of the brigade is Mr. Butler, of Hamilton, who is American Vice Consul in the Ambitious City. He is 85 years of age and was the first Chief of the Association following its organiza- tion in 1875, He, unfortunately, waa not ahle to be present at the demon- stration held here yesterday. (Continued from page 1) rabbi, both green and purple, which is cooked like turnips; sage; parsley; mangels that are of an almost unbe- lievable size; sugar beets, which are much larger than those grown by heel farmers in Western Ontario who sup- ply the sugar beet factories; peanuts; almond nuts; sweet potatoes; egg plant; peppers; okra; leak; beans; two varieties of turnips, including one which is twelve inches in diameters; onions more than five inches in dia- meted; Brussel sprouts; salsify, or a vegetable oyster; parsnips; large red carrots; large white carrots, table car- rots; cauliflower; muskmelons, includ- ing the latest and largest varieties known among them the Great North- ern; watermelons, including the Monte Cristo; nine varieties of cucum- bers, including the snake cucumber, which grows to six feet long; nearly every known variety of radish, includ- ing a black and white one; garden lemons, including the peach, orange land Sweet Ann varieties. A Strenuous Job In addition to these things, of course, Mr, Brooks has abundance of potatoes, corn, apples, and native fruits of all kinds, -- "This is the last season I am going bth to carry on gardening on so extensive | a scale," Mr. Brooks told a representa- | tive of The Reformer yesterday in showing him over the garden. "I have been doing it for many years and it is rather strenuous." One will quite be- lieve it is strenuous when told that Mr. Brooks looks after the garden him- self, being on the job at the break of dawn at 4 o'clock and continuing until dark. Of course, it is necessary to engage helpers to harvest the crops. 'Signed on behalf of the committee 8, Graham and Sis. Logeman." The staff then joined hands and sang | "Blest be the tie that binds," Mr. Williams and Sister Lyle, of Beaver L. T. B. Lodge, Bowmanville, then presented the bride and bridegroom {with a beautiful silver meat fork. Aftelr the congratulations the guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding sup- per. Rev. Mr. Irwin proposed the | toast fo the bride which was respond- ied to by the bridegroom. The many beautiful presents receiv- ed, showed the high esteem in which {the bride and bridegroom are held. -- |The happy couple left on the 9.40 train (Continued ton page 1) for Kingston and the Thousand Is- was on the staff pf the Kingston | lands, the bride travelling in navy Dairy School. | blue tricotine suit with hat to match, om he place represented all on the return they wil reside at 31 North Dakota; Glad- John st. C.; Larimore, stone, Michigan; Roland, Man. ; and | the following Ontario points:- Wind- | sor, Belgrave, Wyoming, Markham, | Stouffville, Port Perry, Scugog Is- | land, Port Hope Campbellcroft, Brockyille and Cobalt. During the afternoon friends from Whitby, Osh- awa and Bowmanville have been vis-| iting those taking part in the re- union. Among those present are: -- Mr .and Mrs. Robert Garham, CHilli-| wack, B.C; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stonehouse, Larimore, N.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Stephenson, Gladstone, Michigan; Mr. John Stonehouse and Mrs. John Martin, both of Roland, | Man., and Mrs. Dumond, of Tobalt, Ontario. Stonehouse Rieti, Since 1857, has raised more other crirebered foods combined Married (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Follest also your beloved Moth- | and sister may be spared for | EAGLE BRAND er Condensed Milk many years to observe the day of this | ed Ienthers Oo sisters and brothers. CanabiaN Pacikic FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Going "'--$15 to WINNIPEG. 14 cent per mile Winnipeg to destination. "Fare Returning" --520 from WINNIPEG. 14 cent por mile starting point to Winnipeg. GOING DATES AUGUST 14 snd AUGUST 21 AvausT "e nd AUQGUS r 23 i From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including T Lake Ontario Shore and Huvelock-Peterboro Line. hibit du afl ou Lise From Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive, From Stations on Toronto-Sudbury direct line. From Stations Dranoel to Port McNicoll | and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, inclusive. From Stations South and West of Toronto to and includin, Hamilton . d Wind! rom Owen Sound, Walkerton. Orangeville, T: y ly 6 irs id Duk; Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches. From Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. TERNITORY Bu Mary's, Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. ¢ SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent. Toronto. ih Al i! id cans FORSALE. lulriation er "7 Explains the Difference -- IMPERIAL The wide difference in re-sale value of cars of the same model and series, bearing the same name plate, is often a matter of lubrication. Properly lubricated with the right grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils your car will last longer, give you better satisfaction and com- mand a higher re-sale price in any market. Imperial Polarine users enjoy many other sav- ings. Fuel costs are kept down. Fewer repairs and replacements are required. Even lubrica- tion itself costs less. It will pay you to have your crank case cleaned and re-filled with the proper grade of Imperial Polarine. Consult the Chart. Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada PRL ALE Sai GE SESE

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