PAGE FOUR News of Nearby Places MYRTLE The garden party on the church lawn last week was somewhat spoiled by the rain storm, Evidently Jupiter Pluvius does not approve of the mor- den church parties, as on several oc- cagions, when everything was all set for a good time, a heavy storm was turned on just in time to spoil the evening. A party of gypsies made the rounds of the village a few days ago. One of them insisted on "blessing" one man's money and did it so effectively that a five dollar bill was missing when.the roll was returned, However, when the victim started in to "bless" In his most forcible manner, a search was made and the missing bill found in the folds of the woman's dress, where it had accidentally (?) dropped. It is a far cry from the old ramshackle wagon with the inevitable attenuated nag, to their present mode of travel ling in a natty limousine, Verily, "the world do move." The huskies of the village have or- ganized a football team, under the able leadership of the Rev. Mr, Latim- er, and are, of course, ready to meet all comers. The twenty-four hours steady rain rather fled the holiday. Especially was | 80 with the campers, some of whom have come ta the conclusion that this "back to nature" stuff is all Tommy rot and for them it is never again away from the bright lights, Visitors over the week-end:--Miss Jean Fisher and Mrs. Smith with Mrs, Fisher, Mrs. Bert Walls and Miss Brown of Toronto with Mys. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Flett and family of Lind- say with Mr. Tarves, and Mr. Melvin Wells and bride, Mrs. Churchill and son, of Toronto, with Mr, Park. City people are delighted with Myrtle and several of them have ex- pressed the wish that "paw would buy a Jot here and build." They are dis- couraged though when told that there is not such a thing as a lot for sale here, not even in the graveyard. ZION Miss Cora Cruse and father, of Bew- dley, visited at Mr. J. G. Langmald's on Wednesday last and removed the books from the school as Miss Cruse is leaving here to teach in Cobourg. Sorry to lose her as a teacher. To show appreciation of her services in church, Sunday School and Epworth League, the people of the community surprised her at Mr, Langmaid's by presenting her with a pearl ring and a leather handbag. Mr. Chant acted as chairman and quite a nice program was carried out, Miss Cruse made a nice reply thanking all for their kind- ess. They motored home the same ight. The weather, man was a little un- kind on Thursday afternoon by send- ing rain but luckily cleared up in time for the garden party. A good many attended and those who did, had a very enjoyable time. The supper was excel- lent, the flowers grand. The grounds were ideal for such a gathering and with lanterns and chinese lanterns and bunting presented a pleasing appear- ance, The booth. too did a very good business under thé management of J. W. Balson. The program was extra good and consisted of solos by Mr. Scilly, Oshawa, Mr. Dyson, Toronto, readings by Miss Lila Osborne, Eben- ezer (who is home from Toronto for holidays.) Rev. W. W. Jones, Hampton, G. Chant's father. The aged gentle- man (nearly 86) gave a nice address bers with funny jokes and stories of early life in Canada. Proceeds were about $50.00, 'The Ladies' Aid wish to thank all who in any way helped to make the garden party a success and to Mr. and Mrs, Chant for offering their home for such an occasion, Mr. Cyril Dyson and pianist, Rev. Archer Wallace and Mrs, Wallace and daughters Eleanor and Kathleen and Mrs. Wallace's sister all motored from Toronto and returned the same night of the garden party. Grandpa Chant and grandson Charlie Wager are returning to North Bay this week after a pleasant holiday with Mr. 8. G. Chant and family. Misses Ileen and Bernice Stainton have been holidaying in Oshawa. Misses May and Irene Cameron, Ty- rone, Master Hilton Stainton, Oshawa, are having a visit with their cousin Mary Cameron. Misses Velma and Alice Prouse, Bowmanville, are spending a week with their sister, Mrs, Garnet Beckell, Mr. Baden Pringle, Bowmanville, also spent the week-end at Mr. Beckell's. Sacrament was administered at the morning service on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Jones and Rev. Mr. Chant. Special music was sung by the choir and a good crowd attended. Miss Middleton, Peterboro, has been engaged to teach here next term, Mrs. Ivor Gerry and Babe, Toronto, are visiting at F. B. Glaspell's. \ 4*Cold in the Head" fs _an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh Those subject to frequent *'colds in the " 'will find that use of HALLS 'ARRH MEDICINE will build up tHe the Blood and render ed at- Catar: peat Lo lead to rh, . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and. acts thro the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of t tem, thus reducing the inflammation restoring normal <ondstions. A ts. culars free. , J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Chilo. Bys- and he 1 ji Wei I'll Show You How to Increase Your Profits "was home over the holiday. Miss Ford and chum, of Toronto, are Martin's, KEDRON Mrs. Walter Armour entertained the "I'l Try" and "Golden Link" Sunday School classes to.a picnic on Saturday afternoon last and a very enjoyable time was spent, Miss Dorothy McGregor has return- ed home after spending a couple of weeks' vacation at Kincardine and Hamilton. y Miss Mary Cornish, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with her grand- mother, Mrs. John Cornish. Mr. J. J. Croskin of Toronto, was the guest of A, D, Van Dyke for over the holiday. Misses Bernice and Wilma Werry are visiting with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Allin, of Bow- manville, Mrs. Melrose and children, of Listowel and Miss Helen Gray, of To- ronto, visited at Wm. Hepburn's. Mr. Dudley McGregor, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shortridge, Mr. Wilfred Shortridge, of Columbus, and Miss Gardiner and lady friend of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lawrie and children of Oshawa visited at A. D. Van Dyke's. The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. spending the holiday at Tom OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 The above is from a photograph THESE WOMEN ARE HAPPY, THOUGH QUITE BLIND, women on Baldwin Street, Toronto. These blind women thread their own needles and operate the power sew ing machines just about as well as it they had their sight, as is shown by the operator giving the demonstra- read several poems, written by Mr, 8.|tion in Ward & Dewland's. window this week. taken in the workshop for blind ed the talk of organized Sunday schools by Mr. Groat Hampton and Mr. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, We were glad to see our pastor, Rév.} Mr. Mackenzie, home again from his holidays. We are having rather wet weather for harvesting but we farmers should not complain for the crops are excel lent in this locality this year. TAUNTON The farmers in this locality have nearly finished cutting their grain. Several have already had their fall wheat and peas threshed. The continued rains will have a serious effect on the grain now cut, if it does not soon cease. . Mr, Henry Scott and Helen, Mrs, E. Bowins and Victor, recently visited in Burkton and Pontypool. Miss Evelyn Fice is home for a two A'few from here took In the garden also and was much enjoyed. Rev. Ar-|party at Mr. Chant's, Zion, on Thurs- cher Wallace, Toronto, made a capital [day evening last and report a good chairman and filled in between num-|time, 3 THORNTON'S CORNERS The heavy and frequent rains are keeping harvest back and will make threshing slow work for a while, Miss Jean Calder, of Toronto, visited this week with many of her friends around here, Mr. A. Annis and family, of Maple, visited with Miss H, Annis and called on old resident in this vicinity, Miss Olive French spent the holiday with friends camping on Pine Point, Scugog Island, Mrs. H. Drew has returned home from a visit with her parents in Ham- flton, The gravel being placed on the road far north of the corner will he a great improvement this fall where the mud holes have been so plentiful for some time past, * The Scouts have returned home look- tion of two weeks' camping on Steven- son"s point, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, J. Elliott on being grandgarents to a fine boy just lately arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott of Cobourg, The play grounds look quite deserted these days on account of so much wet weather, ing hale and hearty after their vaca-} ENFIELD Miss Alma, Toronto, visited at Mr, 8. Page's, oor LY Mr. and Mrs. Jurdin and family, of the United States, are guests at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. Messrs, Elmo Ashton and Mel, Den- son, of Toronto, visited at Mr. F. T, Ashton's, Mrs. E. Annis, Salina, visited her daughter, Mrs. F. Gilbert. Misses Ella and Myrtle Tamblyn visited their cousin, Mrs. Russell Or- miston, A large crowd attended the funeral of Mr. Fred Griffon, His relatives have the sympathy of the community, Mrs. Harvey Strong was taken sud- denly with appendicitis last Sunday morning and was removed to Bow- manville hospital in an ambulance, Mrs. Leslie Pascoe entertained her primary class and a few ladies last Friday afternoon. They ran races and played games until five o'clock, Twenty five children sat down and eight wo- men sat down at the second table to supper Those who got first prizes in the races were Johnnie' Ashton, Nor- man Stinson, Grace Niddery and Rema Bradley. Miss Myrtle Ormiston entertained the merry maids class and their teach- er, Mrs. F. Gilbert, at her home last Saturday afternoon, They played games until half past five and partook of a good tea picnic--style on the lawn. Those who were out Sunday enjoy- weeks' vacation, Nearly all the people in this vicinity attended the garden party at Mr. 8. G. Chant"s on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Luther Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Trull, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lavis, and Donald, motor- ed to Toronto recently, and visited at Mr. Willis W, Gladwell's. Mr. Norman Gerry, Oshawa was a recent visitor at his sister's, Mrs. Bert Glaspell, Mrs, Willlam Fice visited in Toronto on Saturday. Mr, Henry Scott and Helen, Mrs, E. Bowins, Mary and Victor visited at Mr.George Scott's Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salter, and Miss Myrtle Salter, Pickering, Messrs, Arthur Plerce and Joseph Winnacott, Oshawa, visited at Mr. William Plerce's, Mr, and Mrs, Ivor Gerry, and little daughter, of Toronto, are visiting his sister, Mrs, Bert Glaspell, Mrs. Willlam Pierce spent Sunday at her brother's, Mr, Frank Brock, North Oshawa, Mrs. Lillian Penberthy, Toronto, is spending her holidays at her father's, Mr. Henry Bally. Several from around here attended the presentation, to Miss Cora Cruse, at Mr. J. G, Langmaid's on Wednes- day evening, Miss Mary Cornish, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her grand- mother's, Mrs. John Cornish. Mr. and Mrs, Alan Lavis and Don- ald visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John H. Trull, Bowmanville. ALTERATION SPECIAL AND ANNOUNCEMENT We beg to announce to the people of Oshawa and vicinity that we are adding to our present stock another depart- ment which will consist of High Class Furs. We are also OLD PICTURES IN JOHN'S WINDOW Pictures of Firemen at Different Times During Last Fifty Years One of the interesting window dis- plays of an Oshawa firm during the firemen's convention, has been that of the John's Piano Company, Sim- coe Street, North, In their store front is conspicuously displayed a 'head and shoulders" group pholo- graph of the Oshawa Fire Brigade of 1903, most of the men then mem- bers of the Department still being residents of this town. Those whose pictures appear in this group are: -- Branchmen--W. Hall, 8. Leaming, J. Robinson, J. J. Crosgkem, G. N. Barrett and G. H. Southwell; Line- men--T. Goyne, R. Wiggins, H. Per- kins, H. E. Chubb, B. Wiggins and _ W. Branton; Chief J, Kellow, Capt. E. James, Lieut. A, E, Hopper, Sec. A. Robinson, Treas. R. D. Kennedy, Steward, J. Jacques, Engineer, W. C. White and Stoker G. A. Salter. Elsewhere In the window is a ple- ture of the brigade of 1897 and in another section of the same appears a picture of the company of fifty years ago. In the Immediate fore- ground are the individual photo- graphs of nine members of the Osh- awa Fire Department of over fifty years ago, Two particuflar]y interesting 'ex- hibits are the picture of the present Fire Hall as the tower was burning after being struck by lightning in 1910, and two old belts which used to be worn by the brigade members of the distant past. Red leather belts as they are, with the legends '"Branchman," and "1st Lieutenant." standing plainly out from the crack- ed surface, at oe time they were no doubt the pride of two of "Osh- awa's Finest," EE --'s & a bv § ~ JPR Ja = a LATEST NEWS REGENT Do You Believe All You Hear or Just What You See? An engaging picture ? To-night Fri. & Sat. A Harry Beaumont Production Written by Rex Taylor Scenario by Edith Kennedy EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Larry Semon in "A PAIR OF KINGS" REGENT ORCHESTRA PRICES AS USUAL THE !' If you'll talk over with me the advantages Toronto Stable 'Equipment will bring to your . Toronto Stable Equipment to save you labor, 3 the stable cleaner, keep Your cattle healthier, more con- HOME OF SPECIAL F. Crossman on Wednesday afternoon FEATURES last but owing to the inclement wea- ther there was only a small attend- ance, ' Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, was home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke, South Darlington, Mr, and Mrs. C. Jeffrey, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wil- loughly, Winnipeg, Man, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Phillips and sons Ross and Elmer, of Toronto, were the guests of A. D. Van Dyke's on Sunday. Misses Florence and Gussie Luke rendered a very mice duet in connec- tion with the church service on Sun- adding Four Fitting Rooms for the convenience of our cus- tomers. -- NEW MARTIN THEATRE Our Fur Department will contain the best furs that money can buy--they will be sold under our guarantee-- to "Money back if not satisfactory." ment includes Water Bowls and Litter H. J. OGDEN Bull Pens, Carriers. AGAIN . Oshawa Ontario day. firemen's Several from here are taking in the demonstration at Oshawa NDS. DIIRD. I] ) JY 1 PHONE 1173 These Specials are for One Week Only FRIDAY, August Ii, to SA TURDAY, August 9 As we are getting ready for our Fall Showing we must clear all summer lines. ' Watch the windows daily--they will contain a new Bargain Every Day. THE FAIR 7 SIMCOE ST. S. 2 BIG SUPERS 2 FEATURES