Ontario Reformer, 10 Aug 1922, p. 2

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difterence belween the French and Italian debt te England and the English debt to the United States. "France and Italy between them saved England from de- struction, France saved the life of the British Empire by her sacrifice of men, her terri- fic fighting courage. "England did not save the life of the United States--quite a long distance from it. England owes the United States $5,000,- 000,000 borrowed in war. If she doesn't want to pay it, there 'will be no war about it--only a memorandum for future use, "The debt of France to this nation is different. That nation did help us when we were fight- ing England. To forgive that debt would be welcome to many Americans." As the Windsor Telagram remarks THE BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT |; is just such mischievous stuff as PROGRESSES There is at the present time being held at Sorbonne, France, an inter- national Congress of Boy Scouts, rep- resenting the members of that organ- ization throughout the world, The happenings at this Congress are not occupying much space in the daily press, but nevertheless the gathering is ah important one inasmuch at it marks the success of a move which has for' an ideal the building of bet- ter manhood dnd better boyhood. The founder of the Boy Scout movement, Lieut. Genéral Sir Robert 8. Baden Powell, is presiding at the congress. "Phis British soldier has become a world figure through this movement, and that fresh impetus will be given the organization under his leadership at this great gather- ing fs certain. During the Boer war the deeds of 'eformer "(Established in 1871) An ' independent newspaper pub- Hshed every other day (Tupsday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at wa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing apd Publishing Company Limited, Charles M. Mundy, Presi- -- Managing Director and Treas- urer; A. R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager. GEO. A. MARTIN - - Editor SUBSORIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00) a year. United States subscriptions $1.50 extra to cover postage. Single copies Sc. OSHAWA, THURSDAY, AUG. 10. this which causes irritation between certain sections of the United States and Great Britain, It is not so much what Brisbane says but rather the nasty slurs which he throws out-- not even half truths; just inuend- oes and unfair inuendoes at that "England did not save the life of the United States," Brisbane asserts. Perhaps not but the British navy did stand between the United States and the German submarine menace, did convoy and protect United States transports carrying soldiers to France and did - make the United States safe to livd in and free from all the horrors of war. EDITORIAL COMMENT Bridgeburg has been offered $356 for its old town hall. It would be less trouble to burn the building. TORONTO STAR {Evening Telegram Avers Munici- | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 ° la dominion-owned electric line get- [ting running rights along the water- {front is childish. It would be the |G.T.R. steam railway tracks and not [the harbor right of way that would be used. Toronto. would be glad to ENDORSES NEW have nct only the old belt line, but all |the steam lines within ten miles of {the city electrified. We would not | wonder if the mayor himself will pro. pose something of the sort within a The success of the Hydro power Serine; the beauty 20: a' & skin of the city, and the comfort of the palities Request Like A 8 citizens would be served by such a For The Moon | policy. |. "The districts east'and west of Tor- Toronto evening newspapers take onto might well indulge in a friendly opposing views on the request of the rivalry as to which shall have the deputation from this district which first modern radial in operation, the is asking the Dominion Government latter under the old Hydro-radial to electrify the Toronto and Eastern [law and the former under a different and a section of the C.N.R. pian. Hydro boosters who "shout The Star editorially under the cap. | that they are against every move tion "The Eastern Radial" says:---- to serve the community that is not "Mayor Maguire is accusing Pre. |according to their own pet plans are mier Drury of inconsistency because simply prejudicing their own cause. the Premier has promised to help the| "As matters stand, Toronto's policy municipalities between Toronto and|should be to get publicly-owned Port Hope to get the Canadian Na-|radials established wherever there is tional Railway to operate an electric| prospect of obtaining sufficient re- railway into this city from the east.|venue and then to work for their "His worship charges that Mr. proper co-ordination. Drury all along has taken the posi-| The Evening Telegram under the tion that such a line would mot pay.|caption '"Cried for the Moon and But Mr. Maguire overlooks some im-|Cried at the "Wrong Door' says:-- portant factors. Mr. Drury is not| Queen's Park never was the scene proposing that the Canadian National |of 4 more completely hoob perform- shall electrify the Toronto and East-|ance than the entertainment provided ern Railway and run it in competi-|by a deputation representative of the tion with its publicly-owned steam-|villages, towns and townships be- [line--which was the Hydro proposi-{tween Port Hope and Toronto. (tion. The plan he favors is the elec:| Deputation was headed by Fred- trification by the Canadian National|erick Hunter Richardson, Reeve of] of two sections of the C.N.R., and of| Pickering township and Warden of the old G.T.R. belt line down the Don|Ontario County. The deputation went which, with a short section of new to Hon. E. C. Drury crying for the| construction would enable a fast{moon in the form of a local electrifi- electric service to be given between|cation of certain sections of the Can- Port Hope and Toronto. adian Northern Railway between '""'Competition hetween the Domin- | Toronto and Port Hope, lon-owned C.N.R. and the municl-| Richardson deputation might just pally-owned radial would thus bej},q well have asked for the moon as| avoided and the municipalities would | goked for the piecemeal electrifica- escape financial responsibility for theltion of Government railways. The venture. As the Canadian National already has the right of way and [few months. Somebody is always taking the joy out of life. A near cloudburst oc- curred in the Niagara fruit district on Monday hurting the crop. Baden Powell's Scouts made his name a household word throughout the British Empire, and to hero-worship- ping boys he became the embodiment of that courage, initiative and daring which they so much admire. Soon after the conclusion of this war the Boy Scout movement was started, with the master scout, Baden Powall, as their head. Since then, in the less than twenty years between, the move- ment has made great progress, and at the opening of the present Con- gress it was announced that the membership was close to the two mil- lion mark. The membership record is at once a tribute to the founder of the organization and to the ap- pealing nature of the aims and ideals! of its program. The great plan of the Boy Scouts, to fix in the hearts and minds of the boys the ideals of true chivalry and true manly living, is one which has in it great possibilities for the devel- opment of a noble race of men. By training boys to have healthy minds in hedithy bodies, the Boy Scout movement is making a distinct con- tribution to boy welfare. And that There's another bigger pleasure com- Council meets tonight and tax- payers are expecting Councillors to give some] attention to the fuel situa- tion. Oshawa today, welcomes the Stone- house connection, who are holding a re-union at the lake. The gathering has been limited to first cousins, of whom. there, are about 75. Really friends, Oshawa is big enough to ac- commodate more than that. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY THINK OF THE HARVEST: -- | Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.---Galatians 6: 7. A BIT O' VERSE THE OTHER SIDE ' rushing by your door, With never a polite "Good-after- noon," Just give the hearth a sweeping and polish up the floor, If a looked-for bit of pleasure goes ' many miles of unused roadbed on its |hands in connection with the Tor- |onto and Eastern and as the C.N.R. iline to Port Hope is languishing be- (cause of lack of business, there is Isome reason for the dominion and not the municipalities proceeding with the electrification. Sa '""Mayor Maguire suggests that Tor- onto will resist the proposals put for- ward by the district east of this city, particularly the use of the tracks along the waterfront by the dominion radial. But our citizens are not going to follow any such dog-in-the-manger policy. The Drury act has made it possible for a radial to be built from Bowmanville to Toronto under what might be called the Beck plan. The municipalities affected are acting sen- sibly in trying to accomplish the same purpose in some other way, and one that would meet the objection that there already are too many publicly- {owned steam lines east of this city. [If they can persuade Ottawa to pro- {ceed with the electrification of the |C.N.R., Toronto, the pioneer Hydro {radial municipality, should wish them |eried for the moon, but they cried at| good luck. {the wrong door. Hon. W. C. Ken-| "The mayor's cry of alarm about | nedy, not Hon. E. C. Drury, possessed all, in a district Sir Lomer Gouin and Company have more political friends than in Tor- onto and district. Management of Government rail- ways could not electrify a section of railway tributary to one district and city without inviting demands for the electrification of similar sections of line in every other district anl city on the system. Management of Government rail- ways could not substitute electricity for steam in the operation of a sec- tion of railway serving one city and district. Such a substitution would invite demands for the eleotrifica tion of all 'similar sections of line | serving other cities and districts ip the system. Eastern deputationists asked for the moon from a Government repre- sented by Hon. E. C. Drury On- tario's Premier is not the head of a Government enfranchised with the right to serve as custodian of the moon. The deputationists not only/ At | Specials with restaurant cars, which | will be an innovation. The local office ports having these excursion tickets so far this|of the West indicate a record yield; year, while the Grand Trunk states | 40 000 that the heavy demand has not 4 started before the trains onto. about were sold they are prepared to deal with a like | number quiries reach the ticket offices every day at present and it would appear shat if the same interest is manifest ed throughout Eastern Canada as is shown west should get the 10,000 harvesters it states that it needs, of the C.P.R. re- eld quite a few of yet commence shor Ty are due to leave To- The C.P.R. last year handled two hundred harvesters and out of tickets. This year but will of excursionists, © Many in- in Ontario County, that the -- | suppiying each of the Harvesters' | if { | 40,000 MEN WANTED HARVEST WESTERN CANADA'S CROPS TO Later reports from the grain elds ymen are wanted from Eastern Canada to help harvest this crop. To meet this demand, special Har- vesters' Excursions will be operated hy the Canadian National-Grand Trunk, Through solid trains will be oper- ated to Winnipeg without change, consisting of convertible (berth) Colonist cars of latest design. Rest- aurant cars will be attached to traing serving meals and lunches 3 reason- able prices. For fares, train ser- vices, ete, apply to nearest Canadian National-Grand Trunk Agent. VIOLA DANA (in SEEING'S BELIEVING the Regent Theatre, Townight, Friday and Saturday for the pleasure and refreshment of mankind, is a drink. it in the heat of summer, if iced, ther is questionably, delicious tea to Your [for it to-day. [Couple Hundred Men electrification of railways will come | vest fields of Western Canada and, first, if electrification ever comes at |Judging by the outlook at present it where the C.P.R.| Would appear J. C.McGILL splendid ideal of doing at least one ing soon. good turn dvery day has in it the germ of the life of service and the|If your friends have gone awander- practice of 'real brotherhood in the ing and lost your home address, world.. The great thing about the Boy Scout movement is that it teach- es the boys to "play the game," to be real men, and makes them do the right thing, not just because it is right, but because it is what they en- joy doing. gone down at sea, Set all your flags aflying, your bestest dress, Sure, the nicest folk are coming in to tea. put on If you're aching to be stately and you're but a weeny mite, And thronging crowds just you off your feet, You will find when they have passed you--fair level with your height The wonders of the world you longed to meet. sweep The progress of the Boy Scout or- ganization #s the finest tribute which .can be paid to the efficiency of its foupder's plans for boy-building; and the present congress, which aims at the adoption of measures for intensi- fying the gnrolment of boys in Scout organizations of various countries in- to closer relations with each other, should give it a decided impetus. Oshawa is fortunate in having typical - Boy Scout troops amongst its boys. It is good to know that the is extending with the or- ganization of the Boy Scout Council. To the degree that these boys live up to the high ideals of the organiza- tion they will be an asset to the community, Don't spend your time in grieving when brightest days can't stay -- Time throws our feeble clinging hands aside-- A host of shining morrows are wait- on the way, You will reach them at the turning of the tide. ~--Jessie Jeaves. Miss Agnes MacPhail failed to ap- pear at a U. F. O. picnic at Niagara Falls, fearing, perhaps, that some Grit or Tory would dare her to go over the falls in a barrel--Toronto Telegram. REFORMER bas a circulation that exceeds 2800 copies is- sued every other day. Its pages are crammed full of all the latest lo- cal news. Its ANT ADS are read by all and are sure to bring results. 'They cost little but ac- complish much. Don't hesitate. It will HEARST AGAIN SEEKING TO CAUSE DISCORD A few weeks ago Canadian news- Paper readers were shocked to learn that- Lloyd George had entertained at dinner the nation's greatest Amer- ican enemy, William Randolph Hearst, promoter of discord between the "two * English-speaking nations. The charitable view' taken by many Was that Lloyd Georgq evidently be- leved she could placate into silence this British hater by such hospitality. Theft "were few who followed the campaign. of lies conducted by this master of 'yellow journalism during the war Who expected Lioyd George's plan "to succeed, because there are snakes and some other things whieis And you think your ships have all |§| Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes August ale | 1,000 Pairs Men's Good- year Welt Boots, all sizes, shapes and shades; reg $4.85. 5 SR August Sale $4.49 50 Pairs Child's Tennis Boots, first quality, sizes 4,5, 6 only. Reg. 95¢ August Sale 49¢ 50 pairs Men's Oxfords, all sizes, shades and styles. Reg. $4.95 and $6.50 August Sale $3.69 100 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Shoes, latest styles. Reg." $2.39, $2.98 and $3.95 August Sale $1.98 Misses Pat. and Brown 2 strap Slippers, sizes 11 to 2. Reg. $2.50 and $2.69 30 Lactus Wool Bathing Suits, Monarch knit, new- est styles. Reg. $5.95 and $6.95 August Sale $4.95 Men's Cotton Bathing Suits, first quality, with skirt. Reg. $1.00 August Sale 82c Same as above in Boys. Reg. 75¢ August Sale 59¢ Men's Plain Grey Wors- ted Suits, new goods. Just arrived. Sizes 35 to 42. Reg. $30.00 August Sale $27.00 Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Trousers, etc. AY you as it has hundreds of others to give The Reformer Want Ads a trial. The Ontario Reformer can never be 'trusted. bese 'skeptics have been proven right. ~Agthur : Brisbane; Hearst's siofi to" the following in the Detroit Times of August 3. : = id "days 16 hier allies: iy nited States won't Rs Forgive my debts.' There is this August Sale $2.19 August Sale 10% discount ------_-- J.C.McGILL 12 KING ST. EAST | Five years ago ZUTOO was practically | Their fame has gone from friend to | socoast. | Canad A GIFT OF THE GODS Bounteous nature has supplied tea When pure and fresh, it most delicious and beneficial In winter, if it is served hot. is delightfully exhilarating, and nothing more the refreshing. Un- purest and most use is "SALADA." supply you. Ask grocer can E. C. HODGINS, . American Currency For Trade or Trave We can procure it for you at the best possible rates of exchange. STANDARD BANK OSHAWA BRANCH Manager. Will Go West From Here for the Harvest Last year Oshawa sent upwards of two hundred harvesters to the har- that this town will send a like number again this fall. The Canadian Pacifie ilwy is run- ning special harvesters' exeursion trains to the west on August 11 and August 21, the trains to be made up in Trenton. They will pass through Oshawa at 8.40 in the norning. The Grand Trunk is running specials out of Toronto on the same date and the ian Northern Railway will run excursion trafns on A 14 and August 23. The trains of : G.TR and the C.N.R. will run via North Bay and Cochrane, Outgoing fares wil he £15 to Win- nipeg and returning the fare will be $20 from Winnipeg. Any travelling Speedy Collection Service ¥ C OLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and the world, acceptances quickly obtained, payments promptly transmitted, details handled accurately-- these factors combine to make our collec- tion service efficient and highly satisfac- tory to business firms. Consult our local manager regarding the com- plete facilities which can be placed at your disposal. THE ' DOMINION BANK - OSHAWA BRANCH, . . C CEDAR DALE BRANCH, N BROOKLIN BRANCH, . . , N. HENRY, Manager. . W. H. SHEPPARD, Manager. E. C. CROSS, Manager. et ed in the district west of Winnipeg will cost one half cent a mile. The ex- cursion tickets for the C.N.R. and G.T.R. specials will allow the Osh- awa purcha to ride from this town to Toronto at no extra charge The government lines this are er Friends Tell Friends ZUTOO Stops Headache unknown in Canada. To-day, thousands and thousands of men and women depend on these little harm- less tablets for quick relief from Head- friend--from town to town--from coast Wherever there are headaches, there should be ZUTOO Tablets--they relieve in 20 minutes. 25c a box--at all dealers or by mail postpaid, B. N. Robinson & Co. Regd., Coaticook, Que. Seri 1111178 Nem sswsvonk} ARR CLEA OA AAENT v Morrats (CONSERVE your fuel, save labor and worry by using Canada's quick, clean "white coal" and a Moffat Electric Range. It makes no dust or fumes, does not blacken pots, costs less to install in a new home and operates at half the cost of other fuels. Write to- night for free booklet to Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario. Electric Ranges Buy a V2 Ib. tin 80°

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