> DR, T. C. \ Office over Andison's 19 King St. West, Phone 231. DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OoF- fice over HOES and Lytle's store. Thone 948. 1-yr. . 8. J. PHILLIPS -- ! 8T; office over Kyle's Grocery Etore' Phone 959. 4-1 yr. UR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97 oi DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office ome door east of Detenbeck's Store. HRT DR, W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Bngel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1243. a DR, ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe gt. N. 26-1mos. Medical WILSON, PHYSICIAN Union Bank Building, Phone 67. 110-1yr YSICIAN, S{R- DR. C. B. and Surgeon, Simcoe St. North. . McKAY -- PI geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. L. J. SEBBRT, 718 BLOOR ST., Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 13-1 yr DR, D. B, NEBELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank. Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 7--9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. 45-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, wiil be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to h for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tt DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR |W Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANBON--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ote. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osk- awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 619). GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyauncers, Notaries Fub- Me, etc. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. PF. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. 'Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- « eral practice. Phone 63. H, E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M..M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- on Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarpold, of Port Perry. 73-tt Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Insurance FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Tire Repairing A K 8S OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair shop, Jackson Gar- age, fimcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-tf Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552J, night 5562W. Ru- son Road North. o1-t.L Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. 20-t1 i ti WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Jive Stock a specialty. Phene 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mor NOTICE Local Union of Carpenters, No. 2209, meets every second and fourth Tuesday in K. P. Hall, over Burns' shoe store. Members from cutside points please report to the Secretary, D. Stretton, 54 Albert Street. 39-July31 WANTED SPECIAL HELP WANTED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Oshawa and vicinity from now until the last of December to take orders for our exclusive line | of Personal Greeting Cards. devoted to the work. Samples free. Write at once for full information. | Dept. D175 Carlton Publishing Co., 226 Spadina Ave., Toronto. OLEMENCE, DENTIST, | ARTICLE Tailor Shop, FOR SALE -- FIRST CI sower, |ing machine and wringer. This maple, for saie at $14 per cord, de- offers splendid opportunity to earn livered to amy part of the town from #10 to $50 per week as to time [cord lots. 50-1mo '51-1 S FOR SALE-- LASS HAND Apply H. Sheriff, 11% Sim-| coe St. 8, Phone 1198-J. 51-c| FOR SALE -- ONE SMALL WASH-| Nearly 561-¢ new. 173 Church Church St. baby buggy in good condition. Apply 148 Colborne St. E. or phone 1043-W 51-a | DAVENPORT (BED COUCH) FOR | sale) In excellent condition. Phone! 395. 51-¢ FOR SALE--FINE WICKER WHITE blooch baby buggy. Reversible gear. | As good as new. Would like to sell at once. Apply Mrs. B, Read, 39] Richmond St. 51-¢ FOR SALE--2 PURE BRED SHORT horned cows, 1 due to freshen in 2 weeks. Apply L. J. Cornish, Taun- ton, or Phone 162r4. 49-¢ FOR SALE--3-BURNER COAL OIL stove and oven, Florence Automatic. Apply 323 Verdun Rd. 49-c $4M; spruce lath $7M; spruce flooring $42M; Man. siding spruce $40M. Phone 10277. 49-1 FOR SALE--GOOD TONED UPRIGHT piano, $176 cash. Apply 77 Park Rd. S. 49¢c FOR SALE--_PHONOGRAPH, EDI- son, 52 cylinder records. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Box 482, Oshawa. or Phone 908ri14. 49-c SRA 49c FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCK MA- chine. Apply Box E, Reformer. 49c 5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered. Apply A. C. Cook, Alice St. E. 42-1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good used furniture in large or small lats. Furniture also for sale or ex- change. Delivery free. B. Warner, 329 Court St. Oshawa. Phone 1005- - 42-1mo FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain at $250. Stalter's Music Store, 23 20! Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 45-t1 | W (nings 6 to 8, 44 Charles St. | Elgin St. LUMBER FOR SALE--Cedar Shingles | Real Estate For Sale | 'GOOD 'BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE on Alice St., between Mary and Divi-| sion St., will sell cheap for quick sale. Terms to suit. Apply 214 Division St. 49-c LOT FOR SALE--EXCEL- lent situation for store. Apply eve- 51-¢ LOTS FOR SALE ON ELGIN S71. Inquire Mrs. Wheeler, cor. Church and 4*-c LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East. Office phone 1232, Residence, 403. 46-tf LOTS CAN BE HAD ON HILCREST; Sub-Division, delightfully situated lo- cation for $26 to $50 per lot. This property is within the City limits, Re- gistered plan. Indisputable title, For particulars apply to Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 60 King Street East, Oshawa. Residence Phone 403; Office, 1232. GOOD General Wants WANTED -- SMALL SAFE. STATE particulars to Box "M AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We grow and sell the best only and want reliable, energetic agents for unrep- resented territories. Write now. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y WANTED TO LEASE OR : PURCHASE A wooded acreage with aa stream runnig through same or containing a small lake, within 25 miles of Osh- awa. R. Moffat, Barrister, Royal Bank Building. 50-¢ BIG SALE BARGAIN IN FURNITURE 30 TRON BEDS COMPLETE WITH springs and new mattresses, camp cots, couches, dressers, wardrobe, sideboards, extension tables, dining chairs, rockers, parlor suites 5 good cook stoves, 1 gas stove, hall racks, dressing table, laundry stove, pil- lows, carpets, children's cribs, baby buggy, glass sealers. Goods at bar- gain prices. 17 Prince St. 50e Help Wanted--Male writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. 33.1, BOY WANTED TO DELIVER THE Reformer on a central route. Must be steady and reliable and have con- sent of parents. Apply to Miss Lowe, Reformer office. OUR PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD Agents already making $3 per hour in spare and full time. Write Brit- ish Canadian, 122 Richmond West, Toronto. WANTED--MARRIED MAN UNDER 40 years with experience handling boilers, steam piping and general millwright work. Must have initia- tive. Apply Box "R" Reformer. Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Small fam- ily. Apply 462 Simcoe St. N. 50-¢ WANTED--WARD MAID FOR OSH- awa Hospital, must have good refer- ences. Apply to Superintendent 48-tf Houses For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT--GAS, water, electric light, furnace, large garden. Immediate possession. Apply 139 Clarke St. 49¢ garden, garage, 2% miles east Osh- awa. Apply Box E, Reformer. 49¢ $5750 WILL BUY A LOVELY 6 room modern brick, large rooms, conveniently located, in first class shape. This is a splendid buy. FOR SALE NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, | "To Rent MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO FOR RENT FURNISHED OFFICE |Wworked for Cobourg, $60 paid weekly for your spare time [in Bradley Building, or will sell fur-|8ide two runs in the 'niture and on monthly payments to | party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley Bldg. {HALL TO RENT -- floor--heat light. Size terations to suit tenant. Apply to! IH. Engel. 47-t1. | | FARM TO RENT--165 ACRES, HALF | mile east of Raglan. Plowing pos-| bession at once. Apply to F. Dring, | Raglan. 51-a | TO RENT- OFFICE, WELL LIGHT- {ed and convenient. Apply Union |.Bank of Canada, Oshawa. 51-c! {TO RENT---SEVEN ROOMED, MOD- | |ern house, partly fwrnished, near | |General Motors. Must be reliable | | tenants, preferably no children. Ap- {ply Box "L" Reformer, or Phone {533 50-bi HARDWOOD | 27x73. Al- 5 two ladies or gentlemen. Two | {minutes walk from General Motors. | Apply phone 795. 51-b| | WANTED TO RENT -BY SEPTEM- ber 1st or before, 6 or 7 roomed | house with conveniences. Box "0", | Reformer. 50-¢ | | Business Chances 1 -- | "| WANTED--TWO OR THREE GEN- | Peterboro | tlemen of this town to take controll- {ing and active interest in manufac- | | turing enterprise, intending to lo-| | cate here, Write Box "F", Reform- | | er, for interview. 51-a | Houses Wanted TO RENT--SEVEN ROOMED, MOD-| {ern house, partly furnished, near ! General Motors. Must be reliable | | tenants, preferably no children. Ap-| | ply Box "L" Reformer. with all conveniences, on Elgin St Small payment down. Terms easy. $3,000 willbuy a 7. room cement block house half acre of land in country, hardwood floors downstairs, fir up- stairs, electric light. Lots . in all parts of the town and some particu- larly choice ones in North and East. Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. E. Phone 793. A. C. Lycett, phone 625; J. C. Young, phone 909-3. 50-¢ FOR SALE--DESIRABLE 8 ROOM- ed brick residence, corner Mary and Elgin, large basement, modern con- veniences, good repair. Lot 135 x 55. For further particulars Apply $5,300 will buy a nice 6 room brick | Work Wanted CARPENTER WANTS WORK. RE- pairs, alterations or additions. See me before deciding. D. Stretton, 54 Albert St. Phone 1129- 50-1mo | = eer | Farm Wanted | ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM wanted by experienced farmer to work on shares or would take charge of farm. Apply Box "J", Reform- BUSINESS CARD E. CARR, 51 CELINA ST. TAXI service. Phone 1129-J for best serv- 51-¢ ice at all hours. Wm. Ratcliffe, 904 Ind dent, or Mrs. Wm. Adams, Brooklin, 2520 In- dependent Brooklin Central. 51-1 Board and Rooms 'TC RENT--FURNISHED DOUBLE front bedroom. Central. Apply 44 Charles St. . 51 TO RENT -- A FURNISHED ROOM, all conveniences. Apply Box "I", Re- former. 5l-¢ LOST -- LITTLE BLACK AND white Boston Bull puppy, 5 weeks old. Children's pet. Finder please return to 64 Bond E. Phone 25]. Re- ward. 491 LOST--A PEKINGESE DOG AT Bowmanville Beach on Sunday. Finder please notify Mr. Wildfong, Bowmanville. Reward. 51a LOST--ON SATURDAY, BETWEEN Jury & Lovell's store and Oshawa- on-the-Lake, K. & S tire and rim. Reward at Jury & Lovell's. 51-1 TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS addressed to Mr. William Knight, Chairman Building Committee, Board of Edu- cation Building, Oshawa, Ontario, will be received up to noon August 14th, 1922, for the erection of a fire- proof school building. Tenders to be bulk for all trades except Plumb- ing, Heating and Ventilating. Sep- arate bulk tenders will be received for Plumbing, Heating and Ventilat- ing. All tenders must be accompan- ied by a marked cheque for 5% of amount of tender which will be held by Board until contracts are award- ed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and Specifications to be had at office of the undersigned or at the Dominion Bank, Oshawa, Ontario. A deposit of $10.000. will be required on all Vans and specifications until return- HUTTON & SOUTER, ; Architects and ; 804 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Hamilton, Ontario. | LOST--ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON at Lakeview Park two white crib blankets with pink Sorder. Will finder please leave at Reformer of- fice or Phone 450w. 51 Hardwood For Sale The d have ab 300 cords of dry hardwood, principally y LYMAN GIFFORD, Phone 266, Westmount. JOHN HALL, "WANTED FIRST CLASS STICKER HAND. 'Highest wages paid to good man. Must have good experience and | W. E. PHILLIPS CO., LTD. 294 Barrie St., Town. | | Sensational shortstop of the Oslers, Cobourg Wallops "PUCKER"" REID, Oshawa on Civic Holiday. Reid has been claimed as the best infielder in Toronto, is a consistent and dangerous hit- ter, and haz figured prominently in all the big Osler games in the past four summers. Reid is a man. ly fellow, creditable to any town or ball club. who plays' in Peacock's Pets Leaside played its second section league fixture at the Cobourg Horse Show Park" on Saturday afternoon and Cobourg secured sweet revenge for the elimination they received at the hands of Lefty Maguire and his Toronto suburban team mates from first section honors. Lefty worked along until the seventh, when he was touched for singles and a home-run and, sandwiched with a couple of walks, four runs was the result. | the 8th, he was derricked, and Breck- enridge was sent to the rescue, but f (Continued fr6m page 1) Reeve 'T. Baker, of Darlington, de-| plored the fact that his district was being handicapped because of the ser- vice on the C.N.R., which is getting worse and worse. His own desire, was to get better service on the C.N.R. "If you can help us get that we will take off our hats to you, and perhaps some of us will vote for you," ! said Mr. Baker. Reeve Tallin, of Clarke, was also an endorsee of bet- ter train service for the district about Orono, and Reeve I. Grate, of West Whitby, also spoke in behalf of better service. Drury Addresses Delegates There were about 60 in the deputa- tion, which was truly representative of the district from Port Hope to Scarboro, the Oshawa members being Mayor J. Stacey, Reeve G. Morris, Deputy Reeves F. L. Mason and J. V. Hill, Councillors A, W, Brown, D, A. Hubbell, W, J, Trick and R. Moffatt, Col. Noel Marshall and Mr. Victor Ross, of Toronto, who owns consider- With reference to operating over the Toronto waterfgont, Mr. Mason ex- plained that the Oshawa Railway is a common carrier in Oshawa and he felt no one body should be given a monopoly to operate a railway along the Toronto waterfront. 'Personally I am not tied to any particular policy regarding radials but we would like to have an electric service througn the district, "said Mr. Mason. Local Golf. Pro. Playing at Montreal E. H. Moss, the professional at the Oshawa Golf Club, has gone to Mon- treal to take part in the competition for the open championship of the Roya) Canadian Gojf Assodiatin. This competition is being played over the cqurse of the Mount Bruno club. The first prize of the contest amounts to $350 and a prize of $256 will be given each day for the best eigh- teen holes scored. George Jacobs, algo a member of the Oshawa Golf - PAGE SEVEN Radiators Repaired AT THE RADIATOR SERVICE STATION 650 Simcoe St. 8. will give Sat- : isfaction, All work Guaran- teed. Phone 3556w. 651-1m {the other." After getting away to a bad start in| Club, took part in the competition, able land at Pickering, were also in the deputation. Replying to the dele- gation, the Premier said he noticed that two of the resolutions were directed to the Minister of Railways, while the third was directed to him, asking his support. 'It is very easy for me to accede to this request," sald Mr. Drury. "I have already, three or four months ago, had a con-! versation with the Minister of Rail- ways on this very subject, and I pointed out to him what might be done along the lines you suggest. We took a stand against the proposed hydro radials. We were against the province going into the radial rail- way business. Public ownership is accepted in Ontario along two lines, The province is developing power and the dominion is developing the rail- way business. Our attitude is simply this: --That it would be a great mis- take for two public ownership enter- prises to go into competition one with os ih THIS MAY BE THE TURNING 'POINT IN YOUR LIFE We have a future to offer a man over 25 years of age, of good habits, good appearance and ability to tell the truth, The Service Department of an International Commercial House fs willing to pay well and train the right man for a big executive position. THIS MAY BE THE TURNING POINT IN YOUR LIFE To prove you are the man, call between 1 and 4 pm. at 5 Standard Bank Building. EVER WORRY! yon look old, When your new frock seems hopelessly spoiled by that careless waiter, REMEMBER, it is our business to make that frock look like new. And you know that we know our business well, It makes "A trial will convince you." PARKER'S REPAIRERS Cleaners Phone 788 Dyers 38 Simcoe St, N. "The dominion lines," continued | Mr. Drury, "have more lines than he fared no better, as Cobourg touched his offerings for three sin- gles, a double and a circuit clout for four more runs. Derry, who allowed Lea- second on an error- and a couple of bingles, after which he held the westerners safe, 4.-t¢| pitching himself out of some tight| id 1 places. Score by innings: -- Leaside Cobourg 020000000-- 2 10102044 x--12 Batteries--Maguire and ridge; Clarke and Hoosy; Tyson. Umpires on bases. Brecken- Derry and Kay at plate; Rosevear Saturday scores were: Cobourg 12, Leaside Bowman- ville 9, Port Hope Peterboro 8, Belleville 7 (11 innings); Oshawa 5, Lindsay 3. 0. 7: 3 Wednesday games and umpires-- Cobourg at Bowmanville, Rosevear and Wilson; Peterboro at Port Hope, MacDonald and Boundy: awa at Leaside, Gloster and Butler: STANDING Won Lost 0 ( C.O.B.L. PC. 1,000 1,000 500 Cohourg Bowmanville Oshawa Lindsay Belleville 1 1 1 O00 L500 ) 1 1 1 1 1 Saturday's Results 0 0 Leaside Port Hope Oshawa, Lindsay, 3. Bowmanville 9, Port Hope 7. *Peterboro 8, Bellevilic Cobourg 12, Leaside 2 2 L000 bh; T. & D.F.A. STANDING AP Le a SC SSE PY Belleville! 51-¢| TO RENT--A LARGE FURNISHED at Lindsay, Kay and Barnes: Osh- | = | bedroom suitable for married couple, | 500 000 ¥ ¢ pon by the municipalities of the they want. That is why they are cutting off the service you speak of | to-day. But many of these lines can | be electric feeders, but to be of the | best use as feeders they must be | under the same management as the | steam roads. Therefore I will be very | glad to help you." "As to the power situation, that | 1s not all that we desire in your sec- tion or in any other section. We have | built it up on a principle that gives to the larger centres power cheaper | than the smaller centres. I have a desire to have electric power on my own farm just as many in your dis- | trict have. The railway you suggest | might solve your power situation. | we do not want to develop our re- sources by driving people into the | larger centres to secure the use of | them." { "With regard to the water situ- | ation", continued the premier, "You {have been put to a great deal of ¢ | inconvenience because of a misun- | derstanding as to the control of the waters of the Trent system. That lis a very knotty question. It is a Oshawa Firemen's Demonstration August 7-8-9 Special Prizes for Decorations For Best Decorated Store Window and Building $50.00 cash For Best Decorated Residence, First Prize $30.00; Second Prize $20.00 Judges to be appointed by convention in ion | question that is up for discussion between the dominion and provin- | cial governments. We are seeking {to find our rights to the waters of the province. My own view is that the government has the right to no more water than is needed for nav- | igation." Warden Richardson Speaks Warden Richardson explained the | deputation's request in detail, fol- lowing the reading of the resolutions {by Mr. Moffatt. The resolutions out- ned, he said, the policy decided Brick Brick Brick Have you ordered Brick for that new house? If not see or phone the Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. Agents for the INTERPROVINCIAL BRICK CO. Brick Always On Hand district, with regard to power, light {and radials. There was a distance lof about 15 miles about Pickering | where they had no power and light and they wanted it. Up to date there had been no proposition whereby {they would get it, the Chairman of 50b |G.ATLYV. |c | Oshawa | Eons of KE. Telfers owans 7 16/the view 1s (the Hydro Commission having taken that the district would 15 | probably have to wait until the St. 5 | Lawrence was harnessed. With the 14 | possibilities of factories in the area 110 King Street W. Phone 1246 July 6--Auz. 6 Shamrocks Earlscourt Vie. United Toronto United N. Toronto 2 1 Saturday's Results North Toronto 1, Telfers 2. Oshawa 3, Karlscourt 1. Victoria United 4. Shamrocks 0. GALY. 2, SOE. 1 Lindsay Now Has Coach on Job 12 Y. 1m 6 6 9 EE ESN Baseball in Lindsay has been given a fresh impetus by the securing of an Al baseball coach in the person of Mr. P. H. Beard, of Missouri. Mr. Beard has had complete charge of the Lindsay team in the last two | games against Port Hope and Osh- awa, and will continue in that <apac- ity for the balance of the season. The decision to secure the serviess of Mr. Beard was reached at a joint meeting of the Lindsay Athletic As- sociation Executive and the players. Is Heckman Hired Or Is a Headline Writer at Fault? A case where the executive of the C.0.B.A., should act immediately is regarding the head line The Belle- ville Ontario, a daily newspaper, puts on the article which The Peterboro Examiner recently compiled regard- ing the work of the Petes' pitcher, Al. Heckman. The Reformer re- published this article last week and the story in question is well known to Oshawa fams. The Ontario places the following head om the .stéry, "Heckman a Star Twirler; Belleville gets most hits against Peterboro's hired Ace." If Al Heckman is a hired flinger then the league executive should ex- pel the Peterboro club from the lea- gue. If Al Heckman is mot a hired |flinger then the league executive Oshawa, with reference to the power {should demand a retraction of the situation, pointed out that there was | statement from The Ontario or else'a power shortage back in 1920 and compel them to show grounds for during the last two weeks the short- their assertion. | represented being closed because of [tack of power, the representatives | considered that they had a right to | be supplied with power from Niagara. |The Warden then detailed, as set {forth in the resolution, the lines the {deputation desired to have the dom- | inion government electrify. This | district, he said, had nore popula- |tion and industries than had the dis- {trict served by the Metropolitan. b Electrify Belt Line The scheme, he explained, also in- LUX dissolves instantly in hot water into a wonderful suds that makes your dainty things as fresh and lovely as when you first saw and admired them. { {cluded the electrification of the Belt 'Line from the waterfront along the west side of the Don and across and up Yong Street. There will be a double track west of the Don and i would be posible to have stations at North Yonge St., Gerrard St. Blom and Queen streets, and a station {could be built at the gost comven- |ient point along Danforth. There are |only two level crossings in Toronto he pointed out, and going through Scarboro there are mo dangerous level crossings on the CN.R. With regard to the waterfront in Toronto, warden Richardson said, "We feel the people of Toronto should not for- get that the people of this country |have beem partners amd have given {millions to this great work. Surely then the city of Toronto would mot stop the C.N.R. having entrance the water fromt. | Should get cheap power ""T'o operate these lines it would be necessary to secure power, and there is mo reason why the C.N.R. could not purchase power in Toronto at the same price as the Toronto Transpora- [tiom ® issi purch it, and then the people in the east would be |able to secure it 100," continuved the 'speaker. With »t to the Toron- [to Suburban, the Warden felt that {the Dominion Government should | betase this. There was no reason why Toromto should be allowed to buy it without the comsent of the | mumicipalities concerned. Deputy Reeve Frank Mason of | age had caused great inconvenience.