OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 PAGE THREE (le a7 -- 1 @ Jade Watch the orning Specials, They're Money Savers Linen Roller Towellings Made of a heavy absorbent flax, White and Brown with White stripe. Reg. 36c. yd. Now 29¢ yd. Colored Marquisettes 36" wide with a fancy floral pattern. Regular 60c. yd. for 29¢ yd. 6 Doz. White Voile Waists J Embroidered and lace trim- med, in all the newest styles, A wonderful offer at $1.39 each English Ratines Best quality in full range of popular colors, White, Resi- dea, Buttercup, Mouve, Nat. ural, Rose, Copen, and Pink, 36" wide. Reg. $1.65 yd. Now $1.49 yd. A Clearing of Girls' Straw Hats All lines put together for one big clearing price. The early shopper will get the best choice, Reg. up to $2.26 for 50c each Women's Rib-Top Lisle Hose "Puritan Maid' quality--the same hose exactly as we have in stock at 75c a pair, All sizes. Black or White. July Sale 59¢ Pair Women's Fibre Silk Hose Finest quality Puritan Maid and Monarch Knit Hose with reinforced lisle soles and double garter tops. Reg. 75c and 85c. July Sale 49¢ Pair EVERY CHANCE TO BUY HOSIERY AT CLEARANCE PRICES HAS BEEN FULLY TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF Unexcelled Values in High Grade Qualities is the Result Women's Black Lisle Hose Fully Mercerized deep black, seamless. Reg. 65c. 20 doz. only to sell at Women's Black and Brown Cotton Buy enough of these to run you through the season--the price is a rock bottom one. 39¢ Pair Hose Roman Striped Dra 40" wide, suitable for ocks or arch curtains, Now 49¢ yd. 'Women's Serge Dresses All wool English Navy Serg- es, A smart range of very distinctive styles, Misses, 16 to 44 Special Clearing Price $16.95 Women's Suits and Coats All at Half Price Here is a big chance for you to dress in a most becoming suit or coat at very small expense. This opportunity won't last long, The time to buy is Now, am- 'sold up to $7.95, Georgette and Voile Blouses x White and colors in all the leading styles, You will find the qualities and workman- ship on these blouses excep- tionally good. Regularly Clearing Price $4.88 A Special Offer in White Dimity Blouses The proper thing for Sum- mer is a dimity Blouse and here is an exceptional offer in the seasons latest crea- tions. Reg. Price $6.00, July Sale 19¢ Pair Friday Morning 8-30 a.m. Women's Nainsook Nightgowns, fine quality, lace trimmed ~ Special 50c each Women's Corsets, Friday Morning 8-30 a.m. Coutil, well boned, four hose suppurls, Reg. $1.50, sizes 18, 19, 20 and 22 only, good quality White stand rough and tumble wear. 50 Dozen Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, all sizes, White, Black or Brown. A quality that will July Sale 25¢ a pair Clearing Price $2.98 English Longcloth Firfest quality 'Spero Brand" Longcloth, One of our most popular brands, for FREE FRIDAY FREE ONE LARGE SIZE BATH TOWEL WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $5.00 or over White or Colored Towels Misses' Corsets Two sizes only, 25 and 26, an exceptional good bargain. Reg. $1.00, now 49c each wide. customer. Special Saturday Morning 8-30 a.m. 300 yds. White Saxony Flannelette, 27" Not more than 10 yds. to each 16¢c yd. Saturday Morning 8-30 a.m. Sheer White Swiss Organdie, 42" wide. A very fine sheer even weave. Special 49¢ yd. w) | Oshawa and District Bowmanville Man A Winner One of the Canadian prize winners in the Duke of Cambridge match at Bisley this week was Major George Mortimer, of Bowmanville, who gained 52nd place. Hospital Board Met The regular meeting of the Oshawa Hospital Board was held on Tuesday, baving been postponed a week due to the Chautauqua. Routine business only was transacted. A---- Case Adjourned In Police Court this morning the case of John Saglocha who is charg- with a breach of the O.T.A. was adjourned. Transact Routine Business The regular meeting of the Hos- pital Auxiliary was held in the Nurses's Home yesterday afternoon. routine was trans- ! , : il il ili H hoi | : : : i ¢ § i gh | ? ith i ih git HE i i whose auspices the garden party was held were highly encouraged with the large patronage. Teacher Now Court Clerk Mr. J. G. Orr, formerly Principal of the Cobourg public school, has been appointed Division Court Clerk at Cobourg, to fill the vacancy caus- ed by the death of John C. Rosevear, who held the position for many years. Mr. Orr has been a Cobourg public school teacher for 35 years and Principal for some years past. Train Was Late "The International ramited," due through Oshawa at 4.45 p.m. every afternoon on its way west, was fifty broke a side rod near Dorval and 200 yards of the permanent way was torn up before the train could be during the past week and both were for frame garages. Ome is to cost $200 and will be erected on Jackson street, of oh 2 3 ie & ini (Continued from page 1) horsepower for the Peterboro', Belle- ville and Trenton district. Asking $21,000 Annual Rent The Dominion Government has been asking for $21,000 for annual rental of the surplus waters running over the Ranney Falls dam, and there are other conditions which Sir Adam Beck con- siders onerous. The position of the department at Ottawa that there is plenty of water and that there is no justification for the Hydro's reduction. Mr. K d Adam that if the Hydro would sign the lease of the surplus water the Do- minion Government would abide by any finding of arbitrators on behalf of the department and Sir Adam. Belleville reports that there 1,000 people out of work in that city due to the power shortage while at Peterboro' six factories are shut down and 700 men, women and girls are idle. Every economy is being practiced in Peter- boro' to help out the situation. The water is being saved at night and the power is being doled out carefully, the Peterboro Hydraulic Power Company has helped out by contributing a block of power. The Manufacturers' As- sociation is up in arms over the sit- informed Mr. Gordon, M.P. for West Peterboro', that he had wired Sir Some Oshawa people are wondering now just why Oshawa industries should be working under a handicap of low power at the present time, simply because the water in the Trent Valley watershed fis mot all that it should be. But a little information on the matter shows that what affects the district to the morth and east of Belleville can materially affect the welfare of this community, mearly a hundred miles from the mouth of the Trent river. Practically all Oshawa's electrical power is received through the Central Ontario System of the Hydro-Electriec uation i h as it is the second time within two years that a power shortage has developed. POWER GENERATED AT FIVE PLANTS ON TRENT SYSTEM the south, from those which fall into the Trent River, some miles to the north. This divide runs west slightly farther than Whitby and passes mear Oshawa through Raglan. West of the County Seat the divide runs northerly and circles around Lakes Scugog and Balsam and heads into Haliburton. It there takes am easterly direction and continues into morth Hastings county into the meighborhood of Bancroft, from which point it runs south to a point east of the mouth of the Trent River near Belleville. In this way Trenton is situated at the very meck of the "bottle" and should be ready for operation in about month, states Mr. A. T. Hicks, man- of the Oshawa district in system. i ; £ bd 4 il | there is no hope for an early tenta- tive settlement which will allow the Hydro to proceed with power de- velopment to meet the needs, but that eventually pending litigation must be fought out and that the case can only be finally settled by the Privy Coun- eil. The H.E.C. 1s understood to be averse to a settlement by arbitra- tion. Mr. Lucas is of opinion that the responsibility for the situation does not rest with the H.E.C., as alleged by Ottawa. Many years ago litiga- nen ton was started to determine who owned the water at Ranney Falls, but four years ago a settlement was prepared by Sir Wm. Hearst, em- bodying terms which would be satis- factory to the province. The agree- ment was never implemented by legislation, however, either at Ot- tawa or here. Ottawa claims to have a judgment vesting ownershfp in them, but the Ontario Government contests that. Mr. Lucas states the Drury Gov- ernment is anxious as is the H.E.C., to have the issue brought to trial and in the meantime feels that no fast agreement should be made be- tween Ottawa and the H,E.C., which might prejudice Provincial interests. The H.E.C. has a plant capable of developing 10,000 h.p., but it is idle, as it cannot agree to terms of a lease with Ottawa for Ranney Falls water. The Ontario Governmient, apparently seeling control of all provincial waters, propose only an agreement based on the assumption of their undisputed ' proprietorship. They also demand $21,000 annual rentals, an amount considered ex- cessive by the H.E.C. = HH] any | i FRIDAY AND | ||SATURDAY ONLY THE REXALL STORES Our Prices Save You Money | A 15¢ Cake of Tiny Tot Soap given Free with each 25¢ tin of Tiny Tot Talcum Powder, the best possible wil for baby's Pure Test Products Ave the Purest Form of these Drugs . Purtest is Best 2-0z Castor Oil 25¢ 4-0oz Castor Oil 40c 2-0z Camphorated | Riker's Cocoanut Oil Refined Russian Oil " 16-0z. bottle Oi - - 25 4-oz Camphorated Oil - - 40c l-oz Tr. lodine 25¢ 2-0z Tr. lodine 40c - Petrofol 2-oz. Cascara - 25¢ 4-0z Cascara - 50c : etc., etc. Klenzo Liceid Astisenti as mouthwash for smokers 35c and 60c SOLE AGENTS FOR DU MAURIER TOILET PREPARATIONS JURY & LOVELL - F. W. THOMPON