Ontario Reformer, 13 Jul 1922, p. 7

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el Gv PACE SEVEN ; "# OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 Dental Articles For Sale = DE 7. 0. CLEMENOE, DENTIST. |rGR™ SALE --HOUSHHC beau Office over Andison's flor Shop, General Wants : Roi Wanted : i! y . RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN DE- SECOND HAND FURNITURE WAN'T sires room with board, with private REFORMER | FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture, rugs, beds, dresser, linoleums, #19 King St. West, Phone 231, ete. ; 1 | ed. We are paying highest prices for | i - ™ - FT 6 TOOK OF: | CEMENT BLOOKS POR SALE= (3. 500d. furnlowre. Wo are 'alo selling ({140"" 0m 'moderace. "App Hox rick rick Brick fe over Hogg and Lytie's store. 000.) § by 16; low price; the best|f, 6000 line of fuinitine, KIgves, and .c. 'Retormer. PY f : , 48. . ; n 1-yr. Wake. Si Jiektioms 44 Oak Stfeet King St. W. Phone 271. 35-mos, | WANTED TWO OR THREE FUR- 'has a circulation that . 8, JF LL -- f r y ' ' 43-c WANTED -- SMALL SAFE 8TATE Mshed or unfurnished rooms or small exceeds 2800 copies is- 3 Office ores Kyle's ' Grocery J. FUR VALE--FT\ ve HO0Ly SECOND particulars to Box "M" Reformer. house. Apply Box "N Retormer, sued every other day. Have you ordered Brick for that new . -1. yr, 4 2 2-¢ ny 3 Be YU" dine Met, S of wyp| rdeuer is dos 6 Foo, formes, Gnd house? If not ee or phone the er Jury snd Lovell's Drug Store, |prices. Singer Sewing Machine Co. [SECOND HAND BOOKS IN ALL Help Wanted--Female cal news, Its ne No. . ® 15 Prince St 43-1, | Quantities, Address Box "U", Re- : Moldunbbisimbi dling AL ' 3 3 LTP eT ' 41. ay p dg DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- ®N- | FOR SALE--SHCOND HAND LUM- former 1 GIRL WANTED--12 to 14 for lew trance to office one door east of petenheck"s Store, ' ber cheap, enough to build a modern dwelling. Apply to the White Front ed cottage, | WANTED--TO BUY, 4 OR 5 ROOM- in South west section hours daily. 495 Simcoe St. Oshawa, near Pedlars factory. South 43-h WANT ADS Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. - cc | Drug store, 9 Sfmcoe St. 8. 43-atand north of McGregor. Apply Box WANTED--A YOUNG GIRL, FOR Agents for the INTERPROVINCIAL BRICK CO, ri vo Hav aTD. Hi nar PIANO FOR SALE -- USED UP-[_B_ Reformer. 43D | general housework. Apply 156 Cen- Brick Always On Hand oe rt el h right plano for sale or rent. Easy Es For Sale tre St. 43-a are read by all and are . AATRALAN RY sh a | terms, A. F, Cox, 13 . Real tate er a = Ea sure to. brin results. . DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED | jroo 8 F. Cox, 13 Elgin Bt. East, = Teal X one ~ Board and Rooms Bag I ind 110 King Street W. Phone 1246 his dental office from over. the Royal | or) ue non --sATR--08ED Piano | FOUR LOTS, PARK ROAD NORTH, UNFURNISHED ROOMS 70 RENT. complish much, Don't Bank to bis residence, 201 Simeoe | Clo" SY good plano. See |JUBt north school, 33 x 150, or Willi Apply 93 Alexandra Street after hesitate. It will July 6--Aug. 6 8t. N, 26-1mos. AF. Cox, with Chadburn Motor Co. |®% divide to suit purchaser, very Wednesday noon. 42h t_. t t § ww % % V A 48. | 288Y terms. Bee sign. ZCI ROOMS TO RENT WITH OR WITH- ; uly ' mich Medical TENT FOR SALE--SIZE 7X9, NEW |FARM FOR SALE = CONTAINING ont hoard. Apply 97 Bond St. I, CTT TL CTT TTT TTT TE np TOIAN [last summer. Cheap for quick sale, | fifty acres all arable, well cultl- Phone 4j. 43-a = DO OOK = and Sur Be Union Bank Building, |C. H, Papineau, Alexandra Boulevard, |Yated, good buildings and fences. | = m= p= gm mre = ; NT LC SHABBY H Sime Bt North. Phone 67, 110-1yr Westmount, 43.1 | Price $4,300. Terms easy. William Houses For Sale H Have your Garments, Draperivs, 08 Bt, . : SUR. NEW LUMBE me C. Pollord Barrister at-law Ux- FOR SALE -- 6 ROOM BRICK you as it has hundreds E D v Cle ne, d = & ERR a0 Office and resi-|bave all kinds B, TOR, SALE-WE bridge Ont, al All conveniences, Hardwood of others to give. The g hy 01 ry eane 1 th 4 3 = Q: . y, i J - Woonr superior method, and Ne) Hing King St. East, corner Victoria | lumber, Ask for quotations, Whitby LOTS CAN BE HAD ON HILCREST; | floors. Possession In 30 days, Terms Returmer Want Ads a = wil took fils like new Sh ey E 4 ' Sub-Division, delightfully situated lo-| reasonable, Apply at 444% Simcoe rial, -- that fresh appearance which you = Bt, OshAvy. Phone M4, met amg Woodard, Telophore cation for $25 to $50 per lot. This| St. South, 37-1, = so much desire, You will not be 2 R. LJ. > 78 gr, | 14 gmt, wo 0 © | property is within the City limits, Re-| por SALE -- ¢ RooM FRAME[] The Ontario Reformer ||Z Wsbiolited ft you ea ten 1 2 Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & BERRY BOXES AND BABKETS| gistered plan. Indisputable title, For hogse with conveniences. Lot 40 ft, Phone 35 g C. E. Aldsworth 2 Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday |get our prices on berry boxes and|particulars apply to Russell Perkins, by 225 ft. Fruit trees of all kinds. id = Quality Cleaner and Dyer = from 11 sn. jos tor amg Slevey awa, au nz Jar fHaviats Regent Building, 50 King Street East, Terms reasonable, Apply at 4441 E Cor Celina nd Athol Sts, = tion in disease of the eye, -1 yr (in thousand lots, y Lumber | Oshawa, Phone 403, t.f.| Simcoe Street South. 37-t.1. = Geods called for and delivered, 2 hdidghud Ec as 00 oan) ' - Mail orders receive special and SS | DR. D, B, NEBLY, PRYBIOIAN & |& Wood Yard. Telephone 12 Whit- | rrre=re=ir orm --3iG, | FOR SALE--4 ROOMED COTTAGE ser-- m------ --v Prompt autention. = J Snrgeon, Bar, Nose and Throat. by, 36-1mos, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard.| with large garden, Apply Box "J", REFORMER WANT ADS PAY H HONE 549 ne Ofice ever Dominion Bank, Tele-| GUITAR FOR BSALE--SPANISH Cheap, with reasonable restrictions,| Reformer, : : 33:f ' " , EL LCCC LLL TTT LULL LL . phone 1166. Houss 2 to 4 p.m, or (guitar can easily be changed into a) water, sewer, and sidewalk. Apply FOR SALE HOUSE ON BROCK | sme -- y appointment, 96-tt | steel, large size, good tone, Phone| Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 60(8t. W., also two lots on French St. . DR."A." A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL-|462). 37-t.| King St. East. Office phone 1232, tk Cash or easy terms. Apply 13 Prince | lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury | BARGAINS IN FURNITURE--50| OTS FOR SALE -- GREAT, BIG, St 42-c | & Lovells Drug Store first and third | iron beds, all sizes; iron and wood | deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard, FOR SALE -- 6 ROOMED HOUSE | Friday each menth from 2.30 to 4 | for consultation in diseases of the | nose, throat and ear. __134-tf {dren's eribs, complete; sideboards, | Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 50| Nassau St. 43-c DR. F. T, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | dressers, extension tables, ward-| ging St East. Office phone 1232. t.f.| = == Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, trom 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose and throat only, Legal d | JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer, Money to loan. Office pe King Bt, East, Oshawa, Phone D. A, J. BWANBON--BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- | cer, ete. All branches of Civil and | Criminal Law. Loans arranged. | Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- os Phones, Office 940; Residence 195. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Jie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. 'entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13, J. F. Grierson, B.A.,, T. K. Creighton, B.A. \@. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- "iter, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. dice (entrance) 7% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa, Loans arranged op nortg: "~~ conveyancing and gen- Phone 63. frame springs, 50 new felt mattress- es, camp cpt, sliding couches, chil- robes, hall racks, dining chairs, rock- ers, Parlor suites, stoves and ranges, carpets, pillows, 1,000 pieces of new tin ware, milk pails, pans and cream- ery cans. Deal here and save money. 19 Prince St. 41-c CANARIES-- GUARANTEED BING- ers from $8 to $15. Over 100 birds to chose from. Also 20 young ones( both sexes) your choice $4.50 or 3 for $12. Cages and seed for sale. Apply Mrs. Meredith, 119 Ritson Road. 42h FOR SALE -- SHETLAND PONY Cheap, Water, sewer, and sidewalk, FOR SALE -- LOT 38 X Pearl Street easy terms. P. O. '547. with reasonable restrictions.| for sale on Ritson Rd., all conven- Apply iences. 100 ON Box Apply 22 Ritson Rd. 8. or 43 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received at the office of Messrs, Eden Smith & Son Registered Architects for the erec FOR SALE -- ONE TON truck, Apply 199 Simcoe Phone 47. St. Price reasonable. Cash Grocery. Automobiles For Sale | FORD | Ss. 19th, 1922 at five o'clock p.m. 1 Plans may FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. Apply Oshays Bank, o= tion of a church building | George's Church, Oshawa. Tenders close on Wednesday, July for St H be Architects, Toronto. Oshawa. The lowest or any tender not ne- seen at the office 73 West King Also at Standard of the Street, outfit. E. W. Gray, College Hill, Oshawa. 41-¢ CHERRIES "FOR ' SALE. HUBER, Thornton's Corners. erator, Blizzard ensilage cutter, Mas- sey Harris Engine ete. All in good repair, May be seen at Fletcher Werry's North of Kedron Church. Written tenders to be sent before July 17th to Alex Davidson, Oshawa. 41-c FOR SALE--1 BICYCLE IN GOOD condition. Apply 54 Albert St. 42-c FRAME GROCERY STORE FOR sale--Lot 40x 100 ft., all equipped for aral piactice, e distance of exhaustion. | As hma i 1. B. MORPHY, BA--BARBIBTER. | I ace) on, 500 Loca ome Parallel with that fact runs another | t emeay . solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office! ~~ g € demand increases year by J '13 Simeos St. South, Oshawa, |=0¢ Street. S. tf) year. Railways, industrial establish. | $150 var hottie. Moves ack Jf oupie ou ns 18 ee n >hones---Ofice 210, Res. 160. FOR SALE -- SECOND HAND ents, and steamships use more and {| Oshawa, apd A. H. Allin, QE scantling 2 x 4. Apply after 6 o'clock | still more coal. The requirements for 4 a , Chi {165 Simcoe St. S. 41-c {FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE; IN F YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- | ractic Spinal Adjustments and get | 7ell. Examinations free at office. i )r. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. good condition, almost new. Apply 92 Wilkinson Ave. 42-¢ FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN TOUR- ing Model 55, new top and tires, motor in perfect order. This car will i . = n | the year. i Surveyors be sacrificed for cash. 539 King E.| It"must be obvious that the prime as -- |: DEBBI F ABC BID | covinc-octmciceecec is 42-c ue of coil should be for Leating. i a RR agi = LL --0 EN FOO oF £5 A s__EX.| The wastefulness of the steam engine | E . isi | | vision Land Surveyor and Civic En- MOTORCYCLES FOR Sale. x | cannot be denied. Because only a est yes r Whatch Our Advertising | Double coupons this week-end on inser, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue-|TnSOT CW SO Thor Twins fraction of the energy in the coal . "| is delivered 3 sh: P Aid- | wiles nade. i males = . Skins or to late W. E. Yarnold, of Fort Write or apply R. Morris, 86 On-| 3%" beesed at the afl oral the cylid, | IT IS : Next Week all sales made, it makes your holiday } tario St., Bowmanville. 42 ¢| fas the electrification of railways, | Le | Undertakers & Embalmers £00 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered. Apply A. C. UKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL private am- rectors, embalmers, | slance; morgue and chapel in con- (Gas Stove, good condition. Cheap.| will or not. Eo : . ction; picture framing; 11 Simeoe | 140 Brock E. Phone 722¢| Nieauwhile Ontario is showing the a . South. Phone 210. Residence 42-c| way. Nearly. 96% of the industrial | ° : Sec pr -- -- | power in this Province is gever- | § i Division St. 26-1 Z rox SALE -- MENDELSSOUN P- ated from falling water. The rad | JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. €ad as $ 8 ano, upright, 5; square piano, | ways are sti rning great guanti- | § Insurance Agents Chickering, $45; White rotary sew-| ties of oval because of the great capital | Phone 28 Phone 1101 : nin A ing machine, $40, almost new. Apply | investment in steam-equipment and | RE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN 329 Court St. Phone 1005-W. 42-¢ because of the antique notion | slington Mutual and Union Fire sasance Soclety, London, England. A; Mclean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 L KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT al Tire Kepasr shop, Jackson Gar- 5 Simcoe St. South. Tires for 2. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. ane 766. 1141 Storage < .___|with work. West-Angus Showcard | combined for the tra Farms, and' a 2. sw . } . anc PYS, RNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN | Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. re po of Hydro | : kon ond elling. [ six diners, this is fine Jon | i All Sizes, building. Also storage for cars. {ory 552], might 562W. Rut- North. [TFTA Patents Vor a Se resented territories. Write now. tion LX » on good road to Toronto. Splen- E Yonge Stceet, Toronto, Regle- | Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31 did poultry farm. Good frame house really wonderful value 1 Bessy torneys. Eng Jo SALESMEN WANTED WITH CAR and bank barn, orchard, spring y . = et. : _*#¥77 lor rig preferred, to call on farmers. -- T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. at Commercial Hotel, Oshawa, on 14 acres, splendid buildin a1 h v " , lots uh a specialty. | Phene 1 ecday July 18th. 43-¢ of Toit ANd ERrdon Pale or oy : WANTED -- INTELLIGENT BOY an weg 5oca Milige Wil le Sig Yo 1 Co To Rent for ofice. Will be given thorough alone £3.00, with a ox Hie : nee m te - training in al ne office work. o 000. E TO RENT. APPLY 297 Good future guaranteed. Only bright that » The abo 1 rn Ave. rl boy, intending to qualify for life the e wholly ¢ for wc ne OR ie uth is ated T0 RENT BETWEEN Ogi. [Position need apply. Nominal com-| BY fhe changing conditions | °c, "Min thirty miles of Toronto. 1 the Lake. About 325 acxas Sensi sissy $6.00 mails. Annis, es : : Engineers ey are mear churches and buildings. Plonghing aster | "iting to Box "T* Reformer _43-| SLC, CF Goi mts Poe : Sop. Full Possession Oet- oem aa ar Cat aT ts of the changing face of thei Apply to u e ros Ror Ro POETIC MAN who CAN AC.| Sul nee a . - AAAl_No. 5 Simcoe St. North. Ask for| 70 Np ee Ed Bow Cpe Rt Taipei te: Kd, man 63 KING EAST improved farm land Plough- Work Wanted ] roe Gg var verge le present , full posses- | VOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION | ™ service second place Or Head Office Dctober 1st, 19 ABbly 1p in office. Has had experience ac|to no other on this x woe ta ia St Conant, Barrister, ae -lclerk in roll office. A to ictenia ro, TORONTO for the owners. 19-4f|Box "F" BE ny yy Co pa ma -- Cook, Alice St. E. 42-1 FOR SALE--4 BURNER McCLARY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOL good used furniture in large or small lots. Furniture also for sale or ex- change. Delivery free. B. Warner, 329 Court St. Oshawa. Phone 1005- w. 42-1mo MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, towm or city. We grow and sell the best only and want Permanent position, good pay. Write at once to E. R. McClellan, Graphic Arts Bldg.. Toronto, Ont., or see me Will sell cheap for cash, Street or Phone 177. CAR FOR SALE--A GREY DORT (essarily accepted. motor car in first class condition. 128 Mill 43-a USED CAR'S 1916 NEWLY PAINTED | 2209, meets every second and fourth 41-c| with slip cover's; 1918 in good shape; FOR SALE--THRESHING OUTFIT, {11921 like new; 35 McLaughlin truck. | comprising Clover-huller, Grain Sep-| APPIy Chadburn Motor Co. 436 42-b NOTIOR Local Union of Carpenters, No. Tuesday in K. P. Hall, over Burns' | shoe store. Members from cutside | points please report to the Secretary, | D. Stretton, 54 Albert Street, (By J. E. Middleton) pply of Pennsylva orever. Some eco The coal su will not last differ, but it cannot during the winter. demand 70 degrees Fahrenheit COAL AND ELECTRICITY nia no- mists say that production at the mines of high grade coal will have ceased | within twenty-five or thirty years. be doubted that the deposits are within | measureabl heating are greater than they used to be--when every farmer had a wood- lot and when many people were satis fed if one or two rooms were warm Nowadays we in every room and keep house and office furnaces running for nine months in and for the greater use of electric pow- | er for factory-drive. | to sane conservation of That is the road that the firstcost of the fuel neces- Asthma Sufferers Floyd McPnail of London, Ont., write! "This is without doubt the finest remedy I have over used for asthma." Briggs' Whitby. When We DONE | PROPERLY | Call for PHILIP NAVY CUT CIGARETTES [ 10 for 17 cents Free Travel And also extra special value in an eight-piece Walnut Finished Suite Willoughby's Farm Agency, For Sale 25 acres, garden and fruit proposi- creek. Will be sold as going concern | for $4,500, or farm alone $3,500. Pos- | session any time. Terms to suit pur- chaser. 43-b fo Six-piece Breakfast Suite at a special price for this week-end Suite Bullet, falldeal table and ur chairs, blue leather seats beautifully finished. Special The Six Pieces gst trip easy. Eight pieces, buffet, table value, an elegant color in walnut finish, smooth work- manship in every respect, Special x ~

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