ely ® hold s+ he slip the ) ! phic \ Sporting OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 11, orld News Locals Blan k Cobourg In Sensational Gane Gallagher Wins Brilliant Pitcher's Battle from Dery, Fielding. His Position Cleverly--Only Run Scored in First Innings --Losers Eliminated from Race for Top Rung Since the organization of the Cent- ral Ontario League Oshawa haseball fans have never had the opportunity of witnessing a finer contest than that staged at Alexandra Park Satur- day afternoon, Almost. two thous- and spectators saw Oshawa and Qo- bourg, with "Teddy" Gallagher and "Punch" Derry respectively at the helms, battle for nine innings in a decidedly pretty exhibition, Scoring the only run of the game in the first innings, Oshawa not only put Co- bourg out of the running for the first half honors hut took a big grasp on the title and unless Lindsay Grey- birds win their two ~ remaining games, a play-off will not be neces- sary and Bert Booth"s 1921 cham- pions will be assured of a place in the finals for the 1922 championship at the end of the season. Gallagher Brilliant Not only was the pitching of Gal- lagher and Derry of a high order but the fielding of both teams was a treat to the record crowd who up to this stage had seen many one sided scores. Gallagher again performed brilliantly but his pitching had noth- ing on the way he fielded his posi- tion. The outstanding feature of the game was his catch of three line drives, the first one resulting in a double play. The three drives were terrific liners, and it would seem al- most impossible for an infielder to ths ball in his glove. In the fourth frame, after Turpin had singl- ed, Tyson laced the ball at Gallagher who made the catch and doubled Tur- pin off first. In the next stanza, after striking out Butler, he made sensa- tional catches of wicked drives by Yaekel and Payne, which retired the side. In fielding his position, it is doubtful if there is a pitcher in amateur baseball his equal. Gal- lagher's curves were also' breaking fast, and like Derry, very seldom did ball over the centre of the plate. Both twirlers used the corners inside and out and many of the batters were fooled completely. 12 Hits For Oshawa Although the game was more or less of a pitcher's battle Gallagher undoubtedly had a good edge on Derry. Ted fanned seven and allow- ¢ ed only six hits while Derry whiffed et 8ix and was touched for no less than RPE fF themselves. | AX Jo hopig to see a thrilling battle. =z wishes were , twelve safeties. Only one base on = balls was issued, Rowden being pas- sed in the fourth innings. Both twirlers were steady and when run- ners got on bases they tightened up and by superior work got out of the few tight holes which presented Right in the first innings the teams gave the impression that they were out to win and the fans were Their every realized and in ! innings some feature play on either | CG hi lat s towns were side would put them in a happy mood. | Had Oshawa lost by a similar score the fans would have appreciated the game just the same but it is oniy natural that everyone was pulling for the locals to win. Central League well represented at the IMPERIAL PREMIER GASOLINE Will stand up under every test. Whether it be power, quick start ing ability or mileage | C {ned and Yaekel was thrown out game, avhile Cobourg sent up a large delegation, Doubdeplay Ends Game The fielding features were quite numerous, one of them being contri- buted by Morley Jacobi who played his second game of the season on Saturday, His catch, of a fly off Bruce Thompson's hat after a long run, when it looked to he quite safe brought the crowd to its feet, Yaekel also made a very pretty gatch at cen- tre field for Cobourg when he went hack to deep centre for the longest fly of the day by Ray Belding. The hit looked good for at least three bases. Bach catcher con- tributed a wild peg but other. wise, the fielding was perfect, and just to make sure that the fans went away satisfied and also to induce them to come hack again, Oshawa retired Cobourg in the last stanza with a fast doubleplay, With no one out Turpin and Tyson led off with singles in this frame and the situation became interesting. MeCaf- fery fanned and Skitch hoisted tc Rowden who doubled Tyson off second. It was a fitting ending for a really sensational game of ball, Only Run In Kirst, Oshawa got away to a good start, scoring the only counter of the after- noon. Rowden led off with a single between third and short. Fair whif- fed, Jacobi rolled to McC affe ry, Row- den took second on Tyson's wild peg to catch him going to second and when Evans laced a single between third and short Rowden trotted over the plate. The locals had men on bases in every innings but in almost every instance Derry would retire the side by forcing the batter to hit a roller to the infield. In the fourth three 'men got on bases alter two were out and a hit would have meant breaking ®p the game. Saunders started off by hitting the air, Belding followed with a clean hit, Wilson fouled out to Tyson, Thompson sin- gled and Rowden was. passed filling the bases. Fair rolled to short fore- ing Rowden out at second. Derry got out of a hole nicely. Two more decorated the bags in the fifth but fast fielding left the runners strand- ed. In the sixth two were left on wases. Belding collected his second pit but Wilson forced him at second. Thompson was thrown out at first. Rowden singled but Fair was pegged out at first by Derry. Two singles in the seventh failed to produce even a single counter while in the eighth, Belding, Wilson and Thompson went out in order. Fine Fielding. Cobourg was not dangerous in the first frame, Thompson and Tur- pin both falling victims to Galla- grer's bender. Tyson secured a sin gle but McCaffery forced him at se- ond, Rowden to Saunders. In the second, Skitch went out Saunders to Wilson, Butler fan at by Fair who made a fine pick-up hot grounder which never left the ground. In the third, Payne was tossed out by Gallagher, Derry hoist- ed to right field and Thompson lift- ed to Jacobi who made the catch af- ter a long run. The Cobourg batters connected for two hits in the fourth, Turpin leading off with a safety. Tyson drove a hot liner at Gallagher who caught the ball, doubling Tur- pin off first. McCaffery came throwegh with a hit but he was forced at se- cond Rowden to Saunders. "Kip" Rowden gave a pretty exhibition at short thwgqughout the game, his steadiness and good judzment being perfect. In the fifth Butler fanned. Yaekel lined to Gallagher as also did Payne. Gallagher's performance rath- er startled the fans but "Ted" did not even smile. Two Hits In Ninth Cobourg got one man om in the sixth. Derry was tossed out at first, Thompson got a life on Gallagher's error. Turpin sacrificed him to se cond but Tyson went out, Rowden to Wilson. In the seventh McCaf- first of a first by Saunders and Butler ground- ed out to Wilson. Cobourg got a man around %o third in the eighth when Yaekel singled and took third on Evans' overthrow of first, but lhe was left stranded, Payne popping to Saunders and Derry and Thompson striking out. In the final stand Turpin and Tyson started out with fery and Skitch were thrown out at, safe clouts but McCaffery fanned and Skiteh hit into a double play. Three Hits for Evans, Evans again led the Oshawa team with the willow securing three hits in four times at bat. Rowden got two hits and a walk in four attempts while Gallagher, Belding and Thomp- son each got two, Turpin and Ty- son were the only two Cobourg men to get two hits, Oshawa's hard hit- ting has been prominent all season and this, together with "Teddy' Gal- lagher's fine work, has added strength to the team making it above last year's standard, Cobourg's infield should not be overlooked. They have a snappy combination with Tyson catching, MeCaffery on first, 8kitch at second, Bruce Thomp- son at short and Turpin, Manager Dick Turpin's son, at third, Both teams are strong but the Oshawa batters are superior in evey way, To collect twelve hits off Derry, the way he was travelling was a clear ex- ample of their ability, The game was the shortest played on a local diamond this year and if the teams continue this work throughout the second half, the Central Ontario Lea gue will be in for the biggest year in its history. Oshawa baseball fans have patron- zed Central League games far better than other towns in the past and exhibitions like that of Saturday will bring them out in larger numbers than ever. The spectators appreciate the efforts of thé players to provide a high class brand of ball and the team this year is being watched with interest, Local followers of the game feel right now that the second championship in two seasons will be Oshawa's lot, The score:-- Cobourg RH 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 2 AB Thompson, 4 Turpin, 3b Tyson, ¢ McCaffery, Skitch, 2h Butler, If Yackel, cf Payne, Derry, 88 Oshawa Sport Comment Bert Booth injected some big league stuff into the batting practice just before the Oshawa-Cobourg game last Saturday. Bert had Charlie Hall in uniform and behind the bat catch- ing Patton, who delivered the ball with all the hooks and drops he pos- sessed, It is this kind of practice which helps the batters to retain their batting eyes, Alex Kay, of Peterboro at the plate and Jack Rosevear on the bases handled the game nicely and not a murmur from players or spectators was heard during the afternoon Alex is well known round the circuit for his good judgment while Roseveal is considered absolutely impartial in any game. The fans appreciate good umpirng, ' Messrs. R. Henderson, T. Hender- son and G, Jacohs have heen invited to play with the Scarboro Golf Clu} in the inter-city championship games with seven other Toronto clubs, The date for the opening matches have not been announced, The Town League baseball fixture which was transferred fom Wednoes- day evening to last night, was trans- ferred back again, and to-morrow evening Cedar Dale and Chevrolet will meet. The Chevs need a victory to keep pace with the Fittings but the Dale are sure to take a fall out of some of the leading teams soon, The largest crowd of the year wit- nessed the Oshawa Cobourg game on Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park and Ford Moynes of Lindsay re- marked: "If we had a crowd like that once a year we would be on our feet." It sure was a real crowd and the long lne of cars would certainly leave the impression that Oshawa was a live Motor City, The crowd which filled the stands during te early part of the game was there to a man when the double play retied Cobourg in the ninth innings. The Oshawa soccer team will play an important game at Alexandra Park on Saturday afterihon with AB 2p .... 3 R 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 27 H 2 0 0 1 0 1 A 4 2 0 0 3 E 0 0 0 1] 1] 0 0} 0 of 0 0 0 o Rowden, Fair, 3D Jacobi, If Evans, c¢ Gallagher, Saunders, Belding, cf Wilson, 1b Thompson, 7 3 4 0 10 rf 1 35 2 R. Cobourg 0000000000 Oshawa L0000000O0OD--1 Summary :--Sacrifice hits, Turpin; double play, Rowden to Saunders; Gallagher to' Wilson; struck out--by Gallagher 7, by Derry 6; bases on balls--off Dery 1. Umpires--Kay, of the plate; Rosevear, on the bases. Battery Men Best Sluggers race for the Peterboro, at of Port Hope. | The batting crown among the batters of the Oshawa bastball team rests at the presen! time between Johnny Evans and Gal- lagher. The former is travelling at a .375 clip, while Gallagher, who has been leading for the past "week, is second best with Rowden and Ray Belding are the other hitters over the .300 mark. Morley Jacobi in two games, during which he was ten times at bat, is hitting .400. The averages for the team are as fol- lows: GAB RH PC. 210 0 4 227 2 7 14 59 11 22 Jd4 62 16 ve 14 56 14 we lS HZ 4 Jacobi . Wilson Gallagher Saunders ... . Evans .. Rowden Belding . Fair Legge Dobson Patton 24 Thompson Al 250 2 dwindled sextette.-- Brantford's presumptive cruits to Riley's army down to six--the silly Hamilton Spectator. If it is true that jokes made the Ford a success, they may yet do something for Prohibition.--Detroit Free Press. The senate is called a pathetic body by Premier Drury. He should be more careful in his remarks. It is not improbable that he may end his political career there. -- Hamilton | from now Telfers, of Toronto. The schedule i moving steadily along and it is game to the end of the that will win and lose the champion ship. The redshirts are still at the top of the secod division and by winn- ing from Telfers will retain the lead Sons of England defeated Shamrocks last Saturday, which was one of the many surprises of the season and the local eleven are more confident thar ever of winning a place in the first division next year. season Should Peterboro lose to Cobourg in the Electrical City to-morrow | Jake Solomon's crew will pass into | discard for the first half honors. A| win means nothing to Cobourg, but | if the Petes keep winning, Jake's) tribe will still have a slight chance. | dl Five postponed games will be play- | ed in the Central Leagug this week | besides the regular scheduled fix-| tures. They are: Wednesday, July | 12-- Bowmanville at Belleville, Lea- | side at Port Hope, Cobourg at Peter. | boro. Saturday, July 15--Lindsay at Cobourg, Bowmanville at Port Hope, Leaside at Peterboro. C.O.B.L. Standing Won Lost 11 : 9 8 6 4 Oshawa Lindsay Cobourg Peterboro .... Belleville . Leaside Port Hope . Bowmanville 11 Saturday's Results Osawa 1, Cobourg 0. Peterboro 7, Bowmanville 1 Port Hope 3, Leaside 0. (Only three games scheduled). 4 1 273 L000 T. Oshawa ... S. of Eng. .... Cowans . BTW, is cn nnn Shamrocks Telfers . ; Karlsc't Vets Toronto United Victoria United 9 N. Toronto .. . 9 Saturday's Results Sons of England 3, Shamrocks 2. Next Saturday's Games Victoria United v. Brit. lmperials. Sons of nEgland v. Shamrocks. Oshawa v. Telfers. GAUV. v. Toronto United. Cowans v. North Toronto F.C. AND D.F. 3. STANDING 6 6 6 4 4 314 10 10 3 4 1915 8 3 616 16 6 3 61h 19 6 0 9 441 0 "Where is the capital of the United States?" asks a reader. Largely i tax exempt bonds.--Wall Streot Spectator. AA -------- rR 1922 Wins Enlow. Golf Trophy The Enlow Trophy, which is com- peted for annually by local golfers, was won by Fred Carswell, who de- feated 8, Irwin in the final mateh. The Cowan Trophy is now being played for and the second round has heen completed with the following results: \ G. Jacobs 1 WW, Davidson G. Evans 1 F. Carswell 0 D. B. Carlyle 1 R. Millichamp 0 H., K. Smith won from R. Hender- son by default, I. Storie Dr, Henry 8. Irwin 0 0 IF, W, Bull 1 C. Schofield 1 H. P, Schell 0 T. Henderson 1 C. R, dePencier 0 The ladies' competition for Mrs, Houston's prizd'1s progressing stead- lly and all hut one mateh has heen played in the third round. The re- sults were as follows: - Second Round Mrs, Oke I Mrs. Bergey Miss Frankish Miss D, Jones 0 Mrs. Evans Mrs. Morphy 1] Mrs. Geikie Mrs. F. W. Bull 0 Miss H. Luke 1 Mrs. Hodgins 0 Mrs, Grierson 1 Mrs. RR, 8. McLau- ghlin 0 Mrs, 1 Mrs, Moffatt 0 Third Round Migs Frankish 1 Mrs, Oke 0 Mrs. lvans 1 Mrs, F.Carswell 0 Mrs. Geikie and Miss H. Luke not played. Mrs, Grierson 0 } 1 1 Daniel 1 Mrs. Daniel 0 Two Bowmanville Players injured in Saturday's Game Bowmanville had two of its play- ers rather seriously hurt Saturday afternoon in the - Central Ontario] League game in which Peterboro de-¢ feated Bowmanville 7 to 1. Catcher Frank Piper in the his thumb knocked out and his head cut and in the same innings got a deep cut in the cheek which required four stitches when: Corden threw the | ball to the plate to catch Swanson | stealing home. Williams had to re- tire in the sixth, when he was spiked by Hunter stealing second, The game was a pitchers' battle in which Heek- man had 12 strike outs to Chambers' 10. The former also had hetter sup- port. The linc-up and score: Bowmanville--Moise, cf; Stark, 'bh; Mingeand, 2b; Hicks, If; her, rf; Corden, 1b; Williams, F. Piper and A Piper, catche Chambers, p; McMurtry, cf. Peterboro----Rutherford, ss; tson, 2h; Swanson, ¢; Heckman, Shaughnessy, If; Hunter, 3b; gan, ih; Collins, cf; jurgoyne, By innings: R. H. Peterboro 2003001107 # 3Jowmanville 000010000--1 Umpires-- Boundy and Barns. pol | Chautauqua Tickets For Two Players After having made the promise at the Friday evening performance at Chautauqua that free season tickets would be given to the Oshawa men making home runs in the game with Cobourg on Saturday afternoon, Superintendent Wright found afte: the game that he would not have to give any tickets, as no circuit cloats had been slammed out, Satur: day evening he announced, however that he would give Chautauqua tic kots to the man who scored Oshawa', only run and another ticket to the man who brought him in. Clifford ("Kipper") Rowden {1° the man who crossed the rubbes while Johnny Evans is the man who brought him in, Both will receive a ticket good for the balance of the six day stay in Oshawa, or they may have two tickets each for the play which is being presented to-night Kipper got to first in the opening frgme on a safe single and then whey Tyson overthrew first in an endeavor to nab Rowden stealing second, Kip- per made the middle bag. Evans brought him in from second on clean single after there were twe down and two strikes on the batter, Petes and Lindsay Still in Running There still promisos to he some ex- citement in store for Central League fans before the first half of the Cen- tral League is decided, Peterboro is still in the running bint Jake Solo- mon's crew have to play two hara games, one with Cobourg tomorrow and one with Lindsay. The Peter boro-Lindsay game will eliminate either one or the other of the teams and each of them has to stack up against Cobourg, Oshawa has completed its full number of games and at the present: time only the Petes and the Grey- birds have a chance to even tie them for the first half championship. Bert Booth's squad have made a fing showing, after getting away to a had start at Leaside in the opening game on May 20. The ball team has heen in there fighting every minute and with the aid of good pitching, togeth- er with excellent work at the bat, they have battled their way to the top and only sensational work hy the northern clubs can wrest the title from their grasp, eee ee we Parisian Sage Will Save Your Hair If your hair is coming out and causing you worry go to your drug- gist to-day and get a bottle of Pari- sian Sage, the most. delightful and resultful hair invigorator in the land, Save your hair while you have hair to save, Parisian Sage will do it and also banish every sign of dandruff, stop your scalp from itching, amd make your hair beautiful and tuxur- fant. Parisan Sage does nol change the natural color of the hair. Your drug- gist sells lots of - it and guarantees money back if not satisfied. first innings had' Journal. NEW Martin THEATRE he Coolest Spot in Town 9 _ Big For One PICTURES Jimmy Aubrey in "His Jonah Day" Under the Auspiced of the Oshawa Fire Department The Milton St, Clair Players Present 'A COUNTRY BOOP' A LAUGH FROM START TO FINISH Shows Tonight and Wednesday -2 Admission 7.15 to B.15 Thursday - Friday - Saturday "La Rochd Percie"'--" Sic the Milton St. Clair Players Present At 8.15 " LENA 25c-2 --Big For One WEDNESDAY NIGHT--THE COUNTRY STORE FRIDAY NIGH Em Brownie" RIVERS" 35c¢. Sogo SE - Admission T---AMATEUR NIGHT TELL ME ANOTHER NLL BREAK YOUR | WANT YOU TO STOP LYING TO ME - IF You ONE Ls 1 DAW YOU TALKING TO MRS. DE PATE - DO YOU THIN © m2 8 ANT FEATURE SERVICE. inc.