'OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1922 Oshawa and District Hold Annual Pienie, The congregation of the Preshy- terian Church will entertain the chil- dren of the Sunday School at Lake- view Park on Saturday, June 17th. Invents Street Flusher, 'The street flushing apparatus put on the street sprinkler and used with considerable success for the past ten days, is the invention of Ted Colvin, Town foreman, The aparatus does the work fairly well although it~ has not just the sufficient force. Passed Nursing Exams, Oshawa friends of the Misses Ha- zoel and Mabel Hurlbert, Simcoe St.; Misses Lauretta Woodcock, Mabel Smith and' Vida Ayers of Court St., and Violet Jeffries, College Hill, will be pleased to learn of their success in passing there first year examina- tions at the Ontario Hospital train- ing school for nurses. Troop Reorganized Last Friday evening the Third Oshawa Boy Scouts was completely reorganized by Scoutmaster R. J, McConnell, A new program of work was outlined and hikes will be held every first and third Saturday in the month, Three new patrols were formed and Patrol Leaders appoint- ed, Boys wishing to join are asked to communicate with Mr, McConnell or attend the meetings every Friday evening in the basement of King Street Church, e---- "=1| First Ste st otep I (Continued from gage 1) Il {the upkeep cf the down, on one con- I |dition -that the village assessment {would remain as it is today unTess Whitby Teacher to Japan {the Thi was raised . in Osh- Miss Alice M. Gregory, B.A., A.T.|@Wa. He thought that this request O.M., classical teacher at Whithy Was quite reasonable and that a spe- High School, anncunced Sunday ¢ial committee of the Council should night in the Baptist church that she be named te-draw up an agreement is leaving next Saturdfy to take an (for submisssion to both parties. educational position in Kobe, Japan. Cedar Dale was very anxious to have {the matter straightened out, i i i Coun. Moffatt held that while it To Present Shield |was desirable to settle the annexa- The Boys' Club of St. George'sition question it should not be tied Church will hold their'closing ban- yp with the subway question, as in quet on June 14th, when a shield any 'event the pecple of Cedar Dale will be presented to the Mohawk would have te pay their share. He group of boys, who have won 182 thought the question of the subway points, the highest. for general was one apart from annexation and efficiency, that negotiations should he opened land carvied on whether annexation Running his ear into an alleged | Was consummated or not. unprotected hole on one of the husi- The mayor stated that he had al- ness streets, while passing through | Ways advocated the building of the Oshawa to Cobourg, J. W. Coawn, of [subway and was in favor of the pre- Agincourt, has sent a hill to the liming y negotiations being opened, Town Council for $25 damages to the| The special committee of the car, The letter with the damage Mayor and three reeves, appointed claim was read at the Council meet-|in I"ehruary to deal with the annex- ing last night and was referred to ation question, was instructed to the Board of Works for a report. [continge their work and draw up the -- [agreement as suggested hy the | av " Get a Real Laugh [YL Cicor Rusi For a real laugh you want to sec| (ag statjons on King and Simcoe George Lovelock as the Royal Chel. girdots, from Mechanic to Mary George has a natural ability for a|Strect, considered by the Council a comedy role apd he kept the house ,uisance and danger to life, are to in roars from entrance to exit. He|po removed not later than June 1st, is supported by a cast of local talent | 1023, according to the terms of a hy- which has real stage ability, The [law to he passed hy the Council, The love duet hy Teto and Lieut, Parks ccommendation was made hy the also proved a knockout. You still icense and Printing Committee, of have two nights to see this fine mus- | which Coun. Johnston is chairman, eo i, Streets money.. ¢ ¢ : 28-2 plained that such a step was deemed |wise in the gest interests of the pub- ---- lie, If the Council continued to grant permission for further tanks, {as had been done of late, the streets |wonld soon he' lined with them. | The Council was practically unan- imous that such a step was neces- gary and the recommendation was adopted, The License and Printing [miltee recommended that the appli |eations of the r | King West {Sales and Service, South, for permission to install Istations, be granted, subject to the usual terms and conditions of the | existing by-law. The recommenda-| | n was adopted, | | An application from 0. Claney for | {a rebate on a pool table not used was | and the Simeoe Street gas A full-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." authorized to be left over until the | [end of the present license year, | when adjustments will he madé, { Mast Instail Conveniences [ Dr, McKay , M.O.H., wrote the Council recommending that the pool room ileense of A. Bouckley on King Street West he Hed owing tof the fact that repeated efforts had | heen made without success to have him put his place in the required sanitary condition. The M. 0. H.| cance Best for any and all household use pointed out that the building was owhed, by. A. Germond who had re-| fused to install the sanitary con veniences, | Coun. Brown, chairman of the San- . 135 = itary and Relief Committee, told the! Council that he had taken this mat made today. We can bulk. Chicks raised on early layers. and shrubs and an plants, Our Poultry Scratch SAVE THE CHICKS We have several lines of the give In warm weather it is very necessary to disinfect all henhouses and coops frequently. liquid and powder disinfectants and insect destroyers. We have also a very effective spray for small plants odorless ter up with Mr. Bouckley and had obtained a promise that he woula! put in the sanitary conveniences as required forthwith. | An application was received from | Mr. Bouckley for a license to install eight more billiard tables in his| place. The Council took the view that his application might be con tingent on whether or not the sani- best Chick Feed either package or very you ed was to hand over to the Sanitary lief and i ses and Printing Com mitlees the application and Dr. Mcl letter. The Finance CC mended that a H. E vlor re meeting be licitor for his advice. Want Pavement Reconsidered A letter from the Schofield Woo!- len Company asked the Council to reconsider its decision not to pave | Centre Street from and Re-| our feeds grow rapidly into mmiitee letter received from his assessment at last ferred to the town so- recom We have both re fertilizer for house and Poultry Mash are made ical play and it is sure worth the igang the latter in support of "it ex-| across bottom, ivory shade, 40 Com- | Auto Service on | Oshawa | Street | tary convenience installation promis- | carried out, so it was decided (Pavement, RT -------- . = Proc « BUY:AT-HOME CAMPAI rastination Is Not Always The ~~ Thief of Time | Scotch Madras in, wide, in cream only 39¢ Yard Three beautiful patterns to choose from of exceedingly fine quality, 36 Women who have delayed their housecleaning are fortunate, as they can nc/v share in the biggest money values of the season. Owing to recent special purchases by our buyers, we are enabled to offer you big savings on first-class House Furnishings. The quantities in most cases will stand by the large demands that will be made on them, . Curtain Nets, 43" Wide Scotch quality dainty room superior edge and for any curtain nets of with finished patterns, suitable 58¢c Yard 48 Pair Lace Curtains at $3.45 Pair Finest filey net with strong double mesh, beautiful French figure design border, side and in. wide 2% yd. long. Reg. selling price would be $4.50 pair, Curtain Panelling 90" Wide Finest imported pure Scotch panelling at a new low price that has not heen seen before, The width of this goods is the length of your curtains. Buy- ing this way, you have a beautiful pair of curtains at a very small outlay, Special $1.38 Yard Marquisette Curtains $2.95 Pair One of the daintest lines in curtains that you could wish with or for lace inser- a lace edging that them a finished appear- Reg, $4.00 pair, either tions gives ance, Wednesday Half Day Specials Kiddies' Hats 98¢c Polk shape in blue, green, rose and black pipping of white straw, colored ribbon and bow to mateh, with fancy celluloid buckle, A good value at double the price, White Scrim of Better Quality Hemstitched border with fancy draw thread hroder wide; launder nicely and makes up into neat curtains 25¢ Yard ETAMINE SCRIM Hemstitehed horder with faney draw thread border and satin stripe edge, 36 in. wide, 35¢ Yard SHANTUNG BEACH CLOTH wide, for summer skims, ete, very to Ratine; two natural and old Window Shades Window Blinds, plain white, cream or green, good qual- ity spring roller, brackets and ring pull, for 79¢ Window Blinds, plain white, cream or green, Hartshorne rollers, pil colored opaque, brackets and ring pull $1.25 Blind, 36 in. 36 in. A very special quality at RIPPLETTE OR CRINKLE CLOTH Fancy checks and stripes, in pink, blue, mauve and tan; makes up into dainty cool summer dresses, easily laundered. Wednesday 19¢ Yard Middy or Blazer Flannels Clydella, a Viyella pro- duet unshrinkable flan- nel, 31 in. wide, tan rose and copen. Specially Priced 69¢c Yard and Hart- quality Duplex white green, reverse side, shorne rollers, hest oil colored opaque 36 in, suits, similar color rose, A Special Offer 69c Yard Kiddies' Sunshades 49¢ Every little girlie will want one of these; they are s0 cute, Every color imaginable, The sun per- sists in bothering misses' eyes unless protected by a sunshade. -- 50" Mercerized Colored Madras Rose, green, blae, brown, also many different color combina- tions. Any one of these will enrich in which any room they are used, the color- ings are perfect and the pat- Reg. $2.25 as Half-bleached Irish Table Damask { No dressing and a very soft finish, 58 in. wide. | Regular $1.25. Special 88¢c Yard 36" Marquisette White fine even mesh with plain tape edge Special 25¢ Yard terns exquisite, yd. for $1.68 Yard ---- \ w. ' -- it was no use, the Board having already ecousidered that portion of The chairman had al- ready declared himse!f as opposed to while the request of the manu- facturer's committee some weeks ago that it be considered was turned down. He still considered that the Schofield people should be treated like all other industries in the town and that they were entitled to the pavement. He aocordingly moved that the pavement from Fairbanks to Avenue Street be paved as asked for. i Reeve Morris, in seconding the -- the cost of this hauling was increas- | road should be repaired and would ed on account of the bad condition | be beneficial to the town as explain- lof the road which had never been ed by Mr. Conant, some idea of the him, and radiating from the road to |laid out aceording to an engineer's |cost should be obtained before any the pump house, constituted the log- |plan. He further explained that this work was started. ical development of Lakeview Park. year it was necessary (o replenish Coun. Preston held that there were Along the roads already laid out by [the filter beds and he had offered other roads in the town requiring him as part of the driveway scheme | to allow the town engineer to take attention and that while be was not, he had this spring planted 1000 {grave! from his beech for this pur-| opposed to repairing the pump houke flowering shrubs interspersed with | pose without east or interference |road he wanted to see those in the trees. It was pointed out further |pfovided the screenings were placed [town given some attention. that over the road he wished to have upon the road in question. It was decided to ask the Board repaired there was hauled all the In the discussion that followed the | of Works to bring in a report on the coal to the pumping station, and | Council took the view that while the | work. ways Oshawa had not spent an un | due amount for town beautification. | The roads already constructed by dn Fairbanks { motion, stated that he Street to Avenue Street in feont of heen in favor of this pavement, and their faetory. It was pointed out by (held that the town would be treat- the Company that the paving of Ave-|ing the Scofield Company unfair if nue Street from Sjmcoe to Centre, |it was not laid, particularly when 18 decided upon by the Council, they wanted to pay 507% of its cost. | | would not benefit them, as the | Chairman Trick, of the Board of street in front of the factory was|Works, stated that he could not see | lin bad condition and hampered the | why it was necessary to go as far | "hauling of freight, particularly inlas Fairbanks Street when Royal {the spring and fall. The company would cover the frontage. He was further pointed out that their fac-|opposed to forcing people to pay for tory had been Jocated on its present pavement if they did not want it. site for 30 years and this was the | He contended that before a pavement first request made to the town for was laid the sewer should be taken any improvements. lcare of. He recalled that at the last | Coun. Mcffatf opposed a motion | meeting he had promised to put the that the letter be referred to thelroad in front of the factory in good | Joard of Works on the ground that shape so that freight could be hauled | {over it. | Deputy-Reeve Hill favored making | all improvements necessary but | opined that the taxes in Oshawa were becoming altogether too high. Quite a number of people on Centre {Street were not able to pay for the pavement. He believed, however, that the street should be put im | satisfactory shape. | Coun. Brown was in favor of put- ing a pavement in front of the Scho- field or any other factory. step : ) the town hoped to held its factories. | The letter was referred to the] Board of Works for further con- Asks For Road Repairs A letter from G. D. Conant set forth that under an agreement be- tween him and the town the latter a number of years ago secured a (right of way oveh the road now lead- ing to the pump house, on the under- standing that the town was to keep it in good condition. Today the road was far from being sach and he was anxious that it should be given attention by the Council. Mr. Con- jant peinted out, however, that apart |from the legal aspect of the agree- ment it would be a decided advant- |age to the town to repair this road as a system of roads now radiated | [lei it through Bonnibrae Point, as |§ had always to suit hot weather conditions, ~~ Send us your orders for sugar, Flour, and Cereals We have a very choice stock. COOPER SMITH COMPANY Phone 8 16 Celina St. JUST Bargain-Hunters In this community are hundreds of individuals and families on the wateh for an advertisement which will offer them what they want at an advantageous price. SOUTH OF POST OFFICE Call them bargain-hunters if you will, but there is nothing wrong in waiting for a bargain, especially when the seller is anxious to sell at a reduced price. One family wants a new earpet--the need is not urgent. Another family is looking forward to buying dining-room furniture--it may not be for a twelve month. One man is thinking of buying himself a wateh. One woman a shopping bag ; another an umbrella. Ali can be made to buy earlier--by advertising. A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Stimulate business by the offer of some 'slow-moving lines at special prices. Brighten up business by advertising some desirable goods at reduced prices. Make advertising banish dull business. Often you can tempt the buyer who is biding his or her time, to buy from you--at a time of your naming. Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop ed lo Canalis Weekly Newspapers Association part of a lakeside driveway system inow being developed to be of benefit and a decided asset to the towm in future years. Addressing the Council in support support of his letter, Mr. Conant {stated that while other places along the lake shore had spent thousands of dollars for board walks and drive-