Ontario Reformer, 27 May 1922, p. 8

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SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the "o-opera- ton of its readers In contributing ftems to this column, Send us a postcard or 'phone 35, --Mr, Andrew Daleson spent the week-end at his home in Beaverton. ~--Mr. George Finley is a visitor in Lindeay, --Miss J. Vrooman, of Napanee, visited friends In town on Wednes- day, i --Mr. and Mrs. C. Plerce and Jamily are visiting friends in Toron- 0. : ~--=Mr, and Mrs. H. T. McMillan, of Bowmanville, attended the athle- tic exerélses at Bishop Bethune Col- lege on Victoria Day. --Mr, D. Campbell, photographer, who has been visiting friends in Scot- land, sailed for home yesterday. --Mr, and Mrs, H, Oox left this week for Port Carling, Muskoka, where they will spend the summer months, ~--Mrs, Davis, Miss Stella Davis, Miss Phyllis Attwood and Miss Mar- garet Snetsinger, of Toronto, were guests at the Bishop Bethune College on Victoria Day. --Mr. A, E, Mack, of the Canadian National Telegraph : Company, is leaving on Wednesday of next week for Sudbury, to which office he has been- transferred. Mr, H, Win- slow, of Kingston, has been transfer- Woman's University May Be Affiliated With Ladies' College | board, according. to Miss gar Daughters held at Whitby, The following oflicors wore elected --Hon, pros, Mrs, Frank L. {well; pres. Miss Clara Powell; jorhry vice-pres., Miss Maxwell, principal of the college; first vice- pres, Mrs. T. (GG, Whitfield; second viga-pres., Mrs, N, R, Bassett; third vice-president, Mis. Copeland; fourth vice-pres., Mrs. ( 'ay, Oshawa; re- hon- lady | gill; correspond.ng secretary, | Lulu Dryden; treas., Mrs. W, J. H. Richardson; press director, Miss Maud Annes; auditor, 'Miss 8. Saun- ders, EVERYTHING HAS 1T8 DAY Emporia Gazette:-- The radio is a great thing, says an Emporia cloth- ing dealer. When the detachable wis left with a stock of the old style links used to fasten, the cuff and clip to the cuffs of the shirt. During During the past week radio bugs have hought all of the links. They use them to clip radio wires to bat- teries and wire coils, Where are the wire hustles that grandma used to wear? What a radio set grandma used to wear and she didn't know it! Establishment of a women's uni- versity in affiliation with the Out- | ario Ladies' College may be proposed | at the June meeting of the governing | Maude | ons Annes' statement at-the annual meet- oy ing of the Homo Chapter of Trafal- Fare- | quaintancoeship cording se¢., Miss Elizabeth Fother-|iround, what | Migs (mates were habitual eviminals, what stiff cuffs went out of style the dealer | v - ACCIDENTAL EVIL-DOERS | T have spent a good while in pris- | In fact for several years | Lgpent a certain amount of tighe every {week in a jail. Besides thi! | have {had experience of varid other | Jails and enitentiavies, and ae with large numbers [of their inmates, What is true of [the dwellers is one, is more or less true of aweiiers in them all, | Once while visiting the state pen- "itentiary at Michigan City, Indiana, {1 asked the medical officer of the | penitentiary, who was showing me proportion of the in- because of mental de- | ficiency, and what only accidentally |eriminal. After some calculation {and looking up records, he replied {that roighly speaking 20 per cent. were habitual criminals, 30 per cent. criminal as the result of insane ten dencies or mental weakness, and Ho | per cent. were accidentally crimindl, | That is to say, one-half of the total | number were not intentional erim Cnals, but were in a sense surprised [into wrong doing OF these a very {large number had committed crimes | when under the influence of dring; many hy had company or being made | the tools of others worse than them- |selves; others still by being thrust | up against temptations against whitch they were not armed. Here then is a fact which we too often forget. The fact that a man does one evil deed does not mean | proportion to bind a man down. Ile who is dis- helieved, in by his fellows, learns to dishelieve in himself. He loses con fidence in himself." He thinks that | there is no use trying. | On the other hand if society | would only show confidence in his power to recover himself, he would probably reward that confidence | with his best endeavor, This is what! ('hrigt did with Peter. He not only forgave Peter, but committed to him a high trust. "Feed My lambs, Feed My Sheep." And how nobly Peter fulfilled that trust the history of the Christian Church has shown. | Pious people often speak of a man as "ruined," hecause he has done | one evil deed ;of a woman as "lost," because she has made one false step. | That is an entirely false and Phar- | isaical standard. Meet that man| privately, get to know him intimate- ly, and we shall find that on & thousand things he has just ag higa ideals as we have, that he has just as keen a sense of right and wrong, that he is just as carnestly striving to make the hest of himself, that in| spite of the blunder into which he] has stumbled, he does nol feel him- self to he ruined, but 18 determined to fight his battle through if his fel-| low-men will only give him half « chance. In God's sight that man is] not ruined, that woman is not lost, but may stand higher in their chances of salvation than the "Faultily faultless, icily regular, {isto he strongly commended for his p---- ---------- D | MONDAY FEATURE TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY KATHERINE MAC- DONALD The Amencen Beaul » "THE NOTORIOUS MISS LISLE" Beautiful Katherine MacDonald excells even her superb port- raysal in the 'Beauty Market." Wholesale House May Locate Here To Serve Ontario Oshawa may shortly be the dis- tributing centre for a large whole- sale jobbing house dealing in paints, oils, varnishes, ete, For some time Mr. Walter Stacey, well known local painter, has heen interested in bringing the concern here, and has visited the headquarters of the coms= pany on several occasions. The company would have the selling right for the_province of the output of several factories. 1 is under- stood that options on' buildings have been taken that would serve as tem- porary headquarters and enable the starting of business for the present. Mr. Stacey stated last evening that he expected some definite decision on the deal ahout Monday next. He Only The Best COMEDIES Toonerville Trolley "The Skipper's Flirt- ation' Snub Pollard, -- The Gloom Chaser In a mirth Broduciag Hoodoos Comedy. enterprise, . /BORN CONANT---At Oshawa, Ont, on Fri- day, May 26th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Conant, a son. 240 ARON EER Ta RE HE TE NEW : MARTIN THEATRE ERNIE MARKS R. G. FURLONG Lessee Resident Manager © RA Russia has an idea she is showing her friendliness hy expressing her willingness -to horrow money, Bruton's sale of Clinyns Seconds in full swing this evening» 23-a CARL LAEMMLE PRESENTS Gladys Walton in 3) z N 2 > splendidly null, dead. perfection, no 14 more," people who condemn then, { hecanse perchance, they have never had to face the conditions ana, temptations hefore which the others] : fell. | If some of us, by the accident of | our environment, have always heen | " == very respectable, and some others | by the accident of their environment | red to Oshawa, --Mrs, EB, Blandy Shawell, of New York City, is visiting her cousin, Mr. Geo. White, 269 Verdun Rd. --Mr, Wesley Langmaid is receiv. ing the congratulations of his many friends on having successfully pass- ed his examinations for dental sur- gery at the University of Toronto. --Mr, Ken C, Shortt returned a few days ago from Woodville, where he spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Shortt, ~Mr, Perey Lee, of the National Council Y.M.C.A., paid an official visit to the Oshawa Y.M.C.A. yester- day. --Mr. Oliver Hinkson, of Roches-! that he is essentially a bad man. | The fact that a woman makes one THEATRES | mi 'p does not mean that she is { necessarily a bad woman. Mis-steps 00000000000000000000000000 | 2ro often taken, evil deeds often 2 NRW : done, by men and women who are AT THE NEW MARTIN nevertheless essentially earnest and Quite a new sort of flapper will be | well-meaning people. Taken un- introduced to local screen audiences |awares they may fall, and fall griev- hy "Playing With Fire," the Univer-| ously, and yet not he bad people. | pave not always been quite so pro- sal special attraction which brings | Peter was essentially a good man. per, there may not after all be any Gladys Walton to the New Martin| vet he was surprised into denying essential difference between us, ang Theatre Monday. She rules over his Lord. Jesus did not hold it per- in the final reckoning up, the ae men with the same delicate touch | manentlv against hin. Blotting out | oiqoneally good may not stand sol which draws jazz and harmony out| Peter's failure with His forgiveness, | noch higher than some of the Ac-| of per Melody Shop piano, but she | He gave him 'a new chance and 2 | .idental Evil-Do ooks into higher things with a very fresh start. The result was that insistent wonderment, | Peter became one of the very great- As most girls of her age, she looks | oat of the sioslies. aii ter, N.V., is visiting his parents, Mr, lor 2 Prince euarming. hat Ee he Church Vi 'claims to be and Mrs. J. E. Hinkson, Base Line! i ave the ind that con Christ's, does not follow Christ's West. ' [into the Melody Shop to buy the lat- EE Dan are {oD ot 10 tsi du {est sheet music. She takes their Method. They are L0o ap remem --Miss Alice I. Orchard, daughter: guarters with an indifference which | 2€r the cae occasion on which a| of Mrs. F. E. Orchard, Division|cools their ardor. They obey her as | man yielded to temptation, and to Street, and a well known Oshawa they would a queen, and worship her [0Tget the multitude of times that young lady, was one of the graduat-|over the counter. But they can't in-| he suecessfully resisted. an ing class of purses from the Toronto terest her. | This harsh judgment of his fel- General Hospital, who received their | low-men becomes a conviet's fetters uation exorcise. Mra. Orchard and! thit Gladys Walton will offer som. Sm M a > 'a Sug gZ wo Ll ng in 1s cha / ie daughters attended the gradua | acterization. She has long heen in-| . {terpreting such roles and she does --A visitor in Oshawa Thursday |them well. ! was Dr. Slemin, of Ottawa, many The idadins ho ' years ago a teacher of mathematics}, 5 CF al aii 0 in Ochawa High School, but now, 000 Mo's i jam with the Department of Education in: oC of Kissing the heroine is said an 10 ir hr nl conver |, ben box cice Vet, Sewond tol b ' ©" Miss on a Mr. Cooley, Kath-| sation with The Reformer noted with! MeGuire and Harold Miller work ' satisfaction Oshbawa's industrial PYO- together in the portrayal of another | gress. {love match which has more human! - lint ayes ; : as IE En | ' . GAMBLE--HICKS | Interest to it than mere sentiment. { New Policy of Picture & Photoplays A quiet wedding was solempized in| Elinor Hancock, Lydia Knott, Ed the Simcoe Street Methodist parson- | die Gribbon, Hayward Mack. Sydney age on Wednesday, May 24th, when | ranklin, Harriet Laurel and Danny | Miss Marion Hicks, daughter of Mr, | Hox Soinblote the cast. Dallas Fitz-| and Mrs. Samuel Hicks, of Bowman-| 50! a rn h Fou Aid The cutest flapper on the screen in a gripping and amusing picture of a little music shop queen who lands the prize society catch of the season. VAUDEVILLE POPULAR PRICES THE PEOPLE'S THEATRE Very Exclusiye Papa---You were up night daughter? Daughter--Yes, papa; our Air club met on the veranda Papa--Who belongs to your Fresh | Air club? Daughter (slowly and somewhat reluctantly )--Well, papa, there are only two of us at present--Jack and --me.--New York Univ. Alumnus. late last even Fresh Of course it's a practical certainty New ARTI Theatre Wednsedey | May 31 ' man opvosite Fire" is the man Variety Style Fit 1 "The David Entertainers" Finish riche Whig and | Moderate Price _ The Arcade Tub MONDAY AND TUESDAY egent Vaudeville & Photoplays 7 Under the Auspices of the OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM: Medley Battle Eve . For You Alone . Sorter Miss You Finnigan's Ball flawaiian Guitar Maiden In Grey Poor Unhappy Maid Percy David Kitty O'Toole Albert David . . The Honeymoon Special. . Company There must be lots of Cupids in the Briny Instrumental Medley Duet Huntingtower Pues. ainda After the Fray ... Levy ville, became the bride of Mr. Ernest | Wiltam ¥. Bruce Gamble, son of Mr. Washing- | AT THE GRAND ton Gamble, 93 Agnes Street. The] * Katherine MacDonald, ceremony was performed by Rev. 3.145. Most Beautiful Woman in Amer- H. McBain. The couple bave taken ie, supported by a well known cast | up residence in Oshawa. {including Nigel Barrie, Dorothy EE. Cummings Jrnest Joy, Margares | Future Foretold Campbell. and William Clifford, is at Child's Birt Attraction, Grand the star of the latest First National whieh comes to the 1 1eatre mencing for three days, com torions Miss Lis Malcolm Wood David Brothers . Albert David - Loula David Percy David . «+» Malcolm Wood ..- Mr. and Mrs. David Pianoforie Solo | Duet Tenor Solo Soprano Solo Comedian . . Instrumental Duet Comedian Tenor Sketch Comedian famed as It is a very old superstition that Monday, entitled The No-| the hour, day and year of birth exer: 3 Miss Liste." = In this produc-| an influence upon the future life On FOS EEUDOREIL BL REGUL Bel Be dn 1 haut. Story by Mrs. Baille Reynolds. Those ful 'but Sealons, while the person | Who have read the hook will delight . i i watching beautiful Katherine depiet the : i Ly lromance of a girl who with a poig- cases the Wednesday child is quick - nant past, marries a man who knew tempered. Those born on Thursday |, hing of her notoriety. The sub- are mild tempered and msually SUC coynent development of the plot cessful. When Friday is the birth-|.,,,ves with rapidity from France, daz, peopks are afigaionate, Eeniroug across the English Chanel and ta ive, w urday cola- | ~plighty." ren are likely to prove bard-work-| 0. (he skillful direction ot | ing ~but hot-headed. Those whose! 5. mes Young, this human story is | birthday odcurs op a Sunday are... jore appealing on the screen! both good-looking and happy: theiriiy,, on the printed pages, from | only fault is that they are inclined to wyich it was picturized. { | | i Percy David Malcolm Wood tidn . David Brothers Special Feature Fhctoplay to Follow Concert Monroe Salisbury Players Wigh Jane " Nevak and an All Star Cast in "THE BARBARIAN' Prices 50c, 75¢c, and $1.00 tv PRODVCED BY REX INGRAM CREATOR RAGE FOUR HORSEMEN "an THE CONQUERING CowER" be too cautious, particularly where! money is concerned. child born on New Year's Day usufilly succeeds in getting his own way, while it is said that the Easter mormiag baby you should be hard-working. The Aipnuef Mi MAOY 2494 MOL J Amp is likely to know neither want aor care. Second sight is given to those whose birthday occurs on Palm Sun- man who was born in February is fond of riches. The March man is 1 it and hand , and the rid man a thy. The person bora in May is supposed to be good-looking and amiable, and those whose binth- day occurs in June are , particulanjy towards children. Af you were born in July you are likely to be constant in love. The August birthday bestows ambition and cour- age, while the person horn in Sep-| tewber is prudent and possesses un- msual strength of character. The October man is mot so fortunate: be is often said 1p be wicked and faithless. Deceitfulness is the fail- ing of those whose birthday occurs in November, while a person bora in more amorous than those born in any ether month. Some Kid! Gertie--And why dees that man al- ways refer to you his baby girl? Mabel---Oh, 1 know. I sup- pose 1 keep him up so late nights. --London ideas. Warning Signal speedo--Does your wife have the door open for you when you get While we see on every hand the words of the great Master being fulfilled, "Upon the ° earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves (the restless, discontented) roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking to the things coming upon the earth (society), the powers of the heavens (ecclesiasticism) . . shaken," we thank God that His Word of Truth assures us of a new and better day to follow. For a clear and Biblical presentation of the matter hear thig inspiring lecture: The Dawn of 'a New Era J. F. GRATTEA Travelling Representative of the International Bible Students Association, in the Martin Theatre Sunday, May 28th, 1922 730 PM. COMING! ! | Wednesday- Thursda Lionel Barrymore In SEATS FREE home late "Boomerang Bill' COMET Peppo--Yes; the storm door. "Topics of the Day" Films. y E | |

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