Ontario Reformer, 25 May 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ------------ * Nearby Places (Continued 'from page 4) daughter, Mrs. A, H. Brent, Miss Alice Werry Misges Winnifred and Berta Cole; Messrs LL. and Douglas Cole, Bethesda. visited Mrs, Albert Hill. Mrs, Staples fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago and is still suf- fering. Glad to report Teddy who is ill with scarlet covering. Messrs, Solina. Woodyard, fever is re Rugsel and Charlie Smith AT THE NEW MARTIN Elaine Hammerstein has found the happiest of light comedy roles in the delightiul Selznick picture, "The Way of a Maid," which begins at the New Martin Theatre for a 3 day run com meneing today. This captivating tale of a young society heiress, who, without father or mother to advise her, mischievously plays. the role of a lady's maid to her confusement and, embarrassment, of fers Mis: Hammerstein every kind oi! histifonic opportunity, | "The Way of a'Maid" is capital en- | tertainment, It is action every min- | | | | | ute, with a complicating twist pre- sented at each step in its development. Among many 'capable gctors in her support are Niles Welch, Diana Allen, Arthur Housman, Charles Brown and' the famous character actor, George Fawcett. The picture was directed | by William P. 8. Earle. AT THE REGENT John E. Hazzard, who, in collabora tion with Winchell Smith, wrote "Turn to the' Right," the Rex Ingram pro- duction for Metro which comes to the Regent Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, has just told how the play came to be written. "I say 'my picture," when I go into the theatre now and hear the audience roar with laughter, and then see them coming out furtively wiping away the tears," he said. "I am proud to think that this wonderful success was built upon the germ of an idea that I sub- mitted to Winehell Smith and John Golden; It is my story, but I want to say right now that it was a story told roughly though sincerely. A diamond in the rough, if you will, now polished to scintillating brilliance. "Turn to the Right" was adapted for the screen by June Mathis and Mary O'Hara. The photography is by John F. Seitz and the art direction by A: J. Myers and Harold Grieve. The pres- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 TA ---- " (Rev. J Lyall of Glidden, oH iCiating: The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father looked charming in a gown of white georgette with [bead trimming and vell and carried a houquet of carnations, hyacinths |and fern, The wedding march was played by Miss Irene Iarrell, cousin of the bride. During the signing of the register Mrs. A. C. Hayden sang "Perfect Love" accompanied by Miss | Farrell. | After the ceremony the guests sat {down to a dainty supper, served hy y Misses Jtarrell and Bradshaw and Darlington | Messrs. Hayden and Farrell. . The ig? | table being prettily decorated with --Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf and son | pink carnations and sweet peas. Odas were recent visitors with Dar-| mae ugeful collection of gifts to Imgton friends. | the bride included a handsome silver ---Mr, Charles Britton spent Sun- {Tea get from the community in recog- day in Newcastle 'isiting his broth- nition of her service as organist in er, Mr. Harvey ! | the church. Mes. J. Rrauad, 29 Brock Street. | After a few hours of music and left on Monday on an extended trip! :0clal conversation, the happy couple to the west, visiting friends at Win- oft for their home near Glidden, the nipeg, Edmonton, and Calgary. | bride travelling in a tailored suit of | sand tricotine, with hat to match, ~The engagement is announced | of Miss Daisy Mack of Toronto, to] Mr. Albert Chandler, SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~o0-opera- tion of {ts readers in contributing Li {lems to this column, Send us 8 || postcard or 'phone 35. Mr. and recent visitors Mrs. Leslie Guy were at Mr. Albert Crago's, | itton. SCHIERHOLTZ--SMITH The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Smith, Ellen Street West, Kitchener 1 wes the scene of a very pleasant event ! a fa 'at four o'clock Tuesday afternoon HOWARTH-JACKNON { when their daughter Eleanor, be- At St. George's Rectory ot eight {came the bride of Otto J. Schier- o'clock Wednesday evening, a quiet | holtz, B. A. Se., of Oshawa. son of wedding was solemnized by Rev. ¢. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Schierholiz of R. dePencier when Miss Bertha Klmira. Jackson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jackson, became the bride of Mr. Harry Howarth, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, both of Cedar Dale. The young couple were unat- | of Toronto, "the | marriage to take place at the home| of the bride's parents, Arlington! , Toronto, early in June, \ Vi An unique feature of the event was that on May 23rd, fifty years ago the bride's parents were married in Albany, N. Y., and in honor of this the Hous a were ---- out in gold and white, The bride, in a lovely gown of white Canton crepe with bridal veil and orange blossoms and carrying a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses en- tered the drawing room on the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding march played by her broth- er, Mr, Otto Smith. Followed hy the two bridesmaids, Miss Freida Smith in a dainty frock of green organdy and carrying sweet | = peas and Miss Cosina Schierholtz be- comingly gowned in orchid organdy and with a bouquet of sweet peas, she took her place beneath a beauti- ful arch of Marguerites banked with |# ferns where the bridegroom attended | - by Mr. Charles Smith awaited her. thew's Lutheran Church the ceremony. © Only the immediate relatives were performed present but because the fiftieth an, - niversary was also being celebrated, Mrs. Smith's sisters, Mrs, Foerster, of Waterloo, Mrs. Klein of Albany and her neices, Mrs. Birmingham and Mrs. W. Klien of Albany were pre- sent and Mr. Smith's brothers, Mess- rs. John and Henry Smith, both of Kitchener as well as the nine child- ren, cighteen grandchildren and one great grandchild were all present for the event. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the dining room which was prettily decorated with buttercups and white lijacs.- At one end of the table the white cake of the present wedding was placed and at the other a golden wedding cake sur- mounted by fifty golden candles. At this period a string of pearls Rev. J. Schmieder, pastor of St. Mats : Was given by the groom to the bride: pearl pins to the bridesmaid's and gold cuff links to the groomsman, and, after an appropriate speech to the bride and bridegroom of [fifty years ago had been made by Rev. J. Schmieder they were presented with gold pieces by the assembled guests. Attor the. dinner My. and Mi Schierholtz left on a short travelling trip for points east, the bride travell- ing In a becoming three-piece, and blue travelling suit with hat to match. On their return they will reside in Oshawa where Mr. Schier- holtz is a chemist in the Robson Leather Company. LX TT ER TT OTE J Rae CC Bargain In House Dresses 1000 House and Porch Dresses made with pockets and belts to sell at a price that will surprise you. Just come and see them they are in colors of pink, blue and combination colors. They are worth as high as $3.60 each, We sell them Friday and Sat, at the small price of $1.25 up to $2.50 each A few more sults worth $35.00 and $45.00 to clear at $14.99 and $27.50 About a doz. and a half coats reduced to a price that will suit you. A large assortment of business Organdies. price. Prices range from $4.5 Remember the name and place Dresses in Voiles, Ginghams and 0 up to $11.99 worth double the Schwartz Bargain Store Phone 725. re 136-138 Simcoe St. S J re tended. PIRI E Nes | (7 JACKSON-GILBURT At St. George's Churvh day afternoon, by Rev. C. R. dePen- cier, the marriage wag splemnized | of Miss Irene Bessie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Gilburt, to Mr. Henry Johnston Jackson, son of the | late Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jackson, | hoth of Oshawa. The young cou-: ple were attended by Miss Margery Gilburt, sister of the bride, while; Mr. Sidney Canfield assisted the | groom. The happy couple will reside! in Oshawa. -- fig | | Wednes- Mack! AY--STOL K The marriage of Miss Lilian May | Stock, daughter of Wr. and Mrs. A. C. Stock, Glidden, Sask.. formerly of | Tyrone, Ont., ana Mr. George Mac. | Kay formeriy ot 'I'verion, Ont, was solemnized at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, entation is made by John Golden and Marcus Loew. | the presence of about twenty guests, April 26. at the home of the bride, in Regent [Res & PHOTOPLAYS New Policy of Pictures and Vaudeville AS 443 TIMES en New Yi 19 Times in; Ba EE LE ay PROOVCED BY [aed W-Ta si) No] "THe Foun HORSEMEN "no "THE CONQUERING POWER" Extraordinary Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE QUICK TURNOVER AT THE MINIMUM PRICES DOES IT Ratines 79c yd. Yard wide Ratine, White, Mauve, Rose, Tangerine, Orange, Green, Copen Blue. 7 colors. Very popular. $1.00 everywhere. Sale Price 79¢ yd. "MONDAY AND TUESDAY SE ------------------ Jumper Dresses 98¢c Plain Chambray and Gingham House jum- pers, some organdie trimmed, others em- broidered. Slightly im- perfect. Reg. prices were $4.50 each. Sale Price 98c Pure Silk Hose $1.69 Winsome Maid Hose, heavy grade, pure silk thread, double heels, toes and soles of fine lisle. Extra good wear- ing. Black, Brown, Suede, etc. Reg. $2.25. Sale Price $1.69 Girls 34; Hose 374c Good quality of heavy Cotton Roll Top Sox for Girls up to size 9 in White, Brown and Black. Extra good wearing and very popu- lar. Value 50c. Sale Price 374c 50 in. Fs Heavy Rep $1.98 Extra heavy Mercerized Rep for portiers, in Rose, Green. Brown and Cadet Blue. Very bright and heavy grade. Sold usually at $2.50 per yard. Sale Price $1.98 58-in.~ English Flannel Sport Shirting in Black, Sand, Harding Blue and Green with white over- check. One width makes shirt. Reg. price $2.50 yard. Sale Price $1.89 friends. here. Make use of our Rest Room. Meet your See our new Gingham and Voile Dresses and Sport Models. They will interest you. We to keep in close touch with the best Ready- to- wear Department want you 70" Tabling 98¢c Only 35 yds. extra heavy Tabling in striped Fleur de lis pat- tern. Extra good wear- of an ing and really good value at $1.50 yard. While it lasts. Sale Price 98¢c We combine style, quality and good workmanship with variety and low price unequalled anywhere. Ladies' Vests 39¢ These are a splendid quality of Harvey make, made with plain edge on neck and straps. All no sleeve style. Reg. 50c and 60c. Sale Price 39¢ plain YA LS Hand Bags $1.98 These are made of real leather, in Black, Grey, Brown, etc. A maker's over plus stock, selling in the regular way as 25c, high as $4.00 each. Sale Price $1.98 Awning Cloth 49¢ This is the usual quality. It is in Green Stripe and 20 yds. of Brown stripe, 30-in. wide. Usual price 65¢c yard. Sale Price 49¢ Real Scotch Ging 39¢ Note the width is 32-in. lutely fast colors. Most- ly small checks, includes Pink, Blues, Yellow, Sxeen, Red, etc. Reg. Sale Price 39¢ Boys' Jerseys 42¢ Boys' better than usual Cotton Jerseys in colors of Navy, Khaki, Green and White in all sizes. Sizes up to 12 years. Reg. 50c each. Sale Price 42¢ COMING!!! Wednesday- Thursday Lionel Barrymore In "Boomerang Bill' .50 to $5.00 each. THOS. MILLER & SONS ------ Please Note--The item for Jumper and other Dresses that are on Sale will be shown in the window to-night, and as there are only 6 dozen of them 9 o'clock is none too early to be here as they won't last an hour. these are from Colnmcucing Wednesday this store will Close every Wednesday at 12.30 noon throughout June, July, August and September The real value of Bruton's Sale of Canvas Seconds Pair of "+ 1000 C5 Factory Damaged Canvas and White Summer Shoes, including Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Kiddies' On Sale Friday and Saturday By a fortunate buy we are able to offer this special in Canvas and Summer Footwear at these very low prices just at the time when the season is opening. A real chance to purchase splen- did Summer Footwear at prices one-third to one-half less than regular prices. A WORD REGARDING SHOES They are, as we said, not per- fect shoes. Some show slight imperfections, a little bruise, a stitch dropped, etc., but of such a nature as to not affect the wearing quality of scarcely any perir in the whole lot, while a great number of them do 'not show the least flaw, MEN'S LOT 2.45 CONTAINS THE 320 pairs Brown Canvas Bluchers and Bal Pat- tern, leather soles and heels. 120 pairs same in White Canvas, leather soles and heels. 90 pairs of White Leather Soled Oxfords on a neat last. 60 pairs of White Fibre Soled and Rubber Heeled Oxfords, medium last. ; This gives men a big selection and a chance to pick up a real snap in Summer Oxfords or Shoes. PRICE : $2.45 LADIES' LOT $2.45 ~~ CONTAINS 360 pairs of nice Summer Lines of Strap Slippers and about the same number of pairs of Ox- fords All the season's new, popular, medium-heel lines, some enamelled and some covered, a real splendid lot. Early shop- pers get best selection. PRICE ' $2.45 LADIES' LOT $2.95 No. 2 100 pairs of Finer Grade Lines and some Strap Sport Styles. This lot is limited will not last long. PRICE . . $2.95 Juvenile Lot $1.95 100 pairs of Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Brown High Canvas Leather Soled Shoes. 60 pairs Misses' White Canvas 1 and 2-Strap Silppers. PRICE and

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