Ontario Reformer, 25 May 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 T-- £4 2 Oshawa and Distric ct | sad | . Obesrve Children's Day Sunday, May 28, is Children's Day in the South Oshawa Methodist Sunday School. There will be a Children's service both afternoon and evening, and Rev, Mr, Manning, former pastor, will be the special speaker at both services. Bill Approved The private bill of the Town of Oshawa providing for an equaliza~- tion of water main frontages at seven and a half cents a foot, as reported by the special committee of the Leg- islature in an amended form agree- able to al] parties concerned, was ap- proved by the Private Bills Commit- tee Tuesday morning. It will now B80 to the House for ratification and afterwards to the Lieutenant-Gover- nor for Royal assent, Improvements to Rectory. The rectory of 8t. Gregory's parish is undergoing extensive interior im- provements, the contract for which' has been awarded to the W. J. Trick Company. The building is heing completely repapered and redecorat- ed and hardwood floors laid. Wood- en panels in the front door have been replaced with glass, giving more light in the hall, which was former- ly very dark. Other improvements are algo being made and the interior of the building, when completed, will be quite modern. Injured by Firecracker Yesterday morning, ihe 24th, PE wi isa Jocal Sigease greatly influ. by tutional conditions. FALL'S EATARRH MEDICINE is a onic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores Rorinal conditions and allows Nature do its work, All Druggists. Circulars free, ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Bryce Reeves, of South Oshawa, had the misfortune to injure one of his eyes by the explosion of.a firecrack- er. Fortunately the sight was not injured, although he had a narrow eseape. -- -- Slept in Park Found sleeping in Alexandra Park last night by the local police Arthur and Edwin Tanner, of Kingston, | were placed under arrest and brought before Magistrate Hind in Police Court this morning. Both men pleaded guilty and were each ned $1 and costs for vagrancy. Car Damaged On Tuesday evening Mr, Elmer Dixon met with a motor accident on Simcoe Street South, near the Ped- lar People's factory. While coming | north from the Base Line the. left front wheel of the car struck the curb and the left rear fender col- lided with a tree. The spokes of the front wheel were broken and the fender was torn from the hody. The damage was not t great. 8Poke gn Holy Land, The regular" meeting of Simcoe Street Methodist. Epworth League Monday evening was very largely, al tended, and a most interesting pro- gram was provided. The outstand- ing item was an address given hy Miss Lorraine Tod on her recent trip to Palestine, "Miss Tod confined her remarks largely to the type of scen- ery to be seen in the Holyland and the historic places she visited. The speaker told of numerous incidents whieh occurred while she was ther and the members of the League great- ly appreciated Miss Tod's efforts, The address was much enjoyed and those present obtained much information about that old historic country. A vote of thanks was tendered the speaker for the address, fEasssssusewse my Safeguard Your Hair-Health | Nature has provided in the sands adjacent to the famous Harrison Hot Springs of British Columbia, in- gredients peculiarly effective in the treatment of scalp and skin diseases. Hair and skin specialists and skilled chemists have combined these ingredients with new com- pounds, and evolved the greatest hair and scalp treat- ment ever conceived--KOREEN, | H { | Post | hundreds of | logues annually Dandruff, scalp irritation, and falling hair are no ues : |a S50 igures o longer the baffling problems they were once. KOREEN { 'The scientific hair and scalp treatment. Permanently eradicates dandruff. Stops irritation and falling hair and stimulates the hair and scalp to an amazing new beauty, luxury and health. KOREEN has proven unquestionably that it accomplishes these results. Thousands of cases already bear eloquent witness to the fact. KOREEN is GUARANTEED to accomplish these things for you; and, within a short time amaze you with a health of scalp and beansy of hair you have always desired but never realized Distributed by-- CHRISTIE RIMMER SALES CO., LTD. 8; Lombard St., Toronto Phone Adel. 292 If your druggist cannot supply you, write direct. PRICE $1.50 POSTPAID ® $ # # ( " A | ® e : - #® al x ® # 2 CEP Een pr 1 LEADING DRY GOODS ERCHANT OBJECTS Says Less Shopping By Oshawa People in Toronto Than Ever Before The Ontario Reformer: Dear Sir:-- You. have an editorial on your] front page of today's issue to whieh we take serious objections--that is | |about shopping in Toronto. First, we {believe there is not a quarter as {much shopping in Toronto from Osh- | awa. which has a population of over| 12,000, compared with what was jdone when the town was half that ! size. Speaking from our own experience we very seldom hear ol anything { being purchased there in the dry goods line, simply because the great | majority of townspeople are loyal to not only Oshawa but to their pocket | hook. | Outside of a few specials every- thing in ladies' dry goods are very much lower in price than in Toronto, | We have occasionally come in con-| [tact with a coat or dress bought in| Toronto and have had the same iden- | tical garment in stock and out price] was from $3 to $12 lower --in fae, | we get the big catalogs and go over them carefully and meet -or beat every price they quote, where items] {are the same. Certain lines that are made in Can- ada or trade marked, such as flan-| nelette blankets, table oil cloths, bec hive wools, coats, spools, ete. are ¢i-| |talogued at very close 2 Drie 5 bhecans se, they know every = » keeper in Can ada handles these handle them! here and sell them or closer {than the big stores, people of | | Oshawa buying than {they ever did the | | good variety less price, | The great tors we close The at home they get or a more hecause at the same i trouble is women who choose a garment -on a pretty photo graph and figure send for it and though not up to expectations, keep it rather than go to the trouble Send-} - -- PAGE THREE . selling. Brown Brown Black Black Black Black Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy Taupe Taupe Taupe Taffeta Silk Dresses Friday and Saturday A Clearing of Silk Dresses at a price that will mean quick They are in all the leading styles and colorings. Many beautiful ideas carried out in the dainty trimmings that will appeal to you, and with the season: just com- mencing these will be much in demand. Silk Silk Silk? Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Sitk Silk Silk Size 16 Size 38 Size 40 Size 36 Size 20 Size 18 Size 20 Size 16 Size 16 Size 18 Size 18 Size 20 Size 18 Size 18 Price $29.50 Price $29.00 Price $15.00 Price $18.50 Price $27.50 Price $27.50 Price $14.95 Price $18.50 Price $23.50 Price $23.50 Price $35.00 Reg. Price $23.50 Reg, Price $27.50 Reg. Price $29.50 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. -2 Price All Suits Reduced to $24.90 Including Valuesupto $55.00 Now $19.75 Now $19.50 Now $ 7.50 Now $ 9.25 Now $13.75 Now $13.75 Now $ 7.48 Now $ 9.25 Now $11.75 Now $11.75 Now $17.50 Now $11.75 Now $13.75 $14.75 Now An exceptional oppor- tunity to buy a Spring Suit and Save Big Money. All the best suits we have in stock are included at this price. Tricotines and Serges of the first quality, made up into the leading styles at a price that will fit anyone's pocket book however modest it may be. That particular suit you were looking at may Sport Coats $17.90 be among them. Don't [2Yery ing it hack, | it in Oshawa she Now, Mr. Temmy r ghopping all. this ple | nothing [tle of it done day in | which is the « of, 1 May 23, 1922. in it and ther { the same woman saw | wouldn't buy it at Editor, please cut out ob about Oshawa peo- in Toronto. There's 3s mighty lit- and its growing less the dry goods lines mly line we can write i are just what you need. teszpectfutly, GO. MILLLER, Thos. Miller & sons. either fancy stitching or buttons. In all the leading shades for Not only in the Spring, but all through the Summer, you will re- quire a light coat for motoring and for the cool nights that are hound to come. Coats like these made of good quality Polo Cloth Some have a rolPcollar and tuxedo front, others a small stylish collar, fancy pockets and cuffs, trimmed with ATL Ran office returns show that mail order house cata- come into Oshawa; transportation com- | panies reveal that large' quantities | of merchandise are we-kly being | purchase sd by Oshawa people from [ Toronto stores.- Editor Reformer. | Alburtus Collapsed | | On Martin's Stage Collapsing on the stage during the performance on Tuesday even- ing, Alburtus who with his company was booked to play at the New Mdr- tin Theatre all this week, was forced to discontinue his act and receive medical care. Yesterday morning he left for Chicago where he will at- tempt to regain his health. He is said to be suffering from a nervous breakdown. A few persons were on the stage at the time but they were | only under a'slight hypnotic influ- ence. Precautions have been made s0 that in case anything serious oc- curred to Alburtus, his wife would be able to bring his assistants out of the sleep. CRISP COMMENT. One way to stay poor is to buy every opportunity to get rich that is offered.-- Edgar A. Guest. : Considering the marital mixup of Rudolph Valentino, it appears that no matter whether movie folk want to take on or put off the wedding yoke they get into trouble, Detroit Free Press. | --_-- {like | ference ws also made to Wm. led through time because of [speak a word of English. | lions of the King's subjects in every Spring and Summer, hesitate or it may be gone, Unique (Continued from page 1) were also citizens of the British Em- pire--an empire that in the past had stood' for justice, demoeracy, and righteousness wherever its flag wav- ed in the breeze, and would continue in the future. "We have, therefore, a common citizenship, that makes us proud of the fiag of natignal liberty and what freedom and privilege we enjoy in Canada today is because we are part of the British Empire. Re- calling many of the statesmen of Britain who hay made her great in [the past, Mr. Fowke stated that only once in a r time did men arise David Pitt and Lloyd George. I ( « b t i Watches dren; chorus, "The THE e stimulating It mand will force the price of tea still higher. at' the Door," by the chil-| flag drill by several children; "The Recessional" Maple leaf'; God Save oo chorus, { King." OLD LAW OF SUPPLY AND | DEMAND IN REGARD 70 TEA The supply of tea in the world to- lay very much than Lhe sonstantly increasing demand, ecent reduction of four pound of the daty ntering England, which is he largest tea consuming coaniry n the world, had a decidely effect on consumption. that this further de- is less her on le 1 by has is expected Pitt was the creator of the empire and Lloyd George the saviour. Re- Tindall, who 400 years ago translated the Bible into the English. language so that every boy and girl, man r wo- man of future years might be able to read the inspired word in the Eng- lish tongue. On the Bible was based the Empire's common law, social law, and all influences for good have been inapired by the teachings of the New Testament, and the Bible had exist- its in fue nce and teachings. Two hundred go there sat on the throne lof Britain a King who could not Today mil- {land could read English and had tlie EXTRA SPEcIALS Friday &! Saturday 10 doz. only Boys' Scout Shirts, reg. $1.50 Men's Sailor Straw Hats, regular $2.75 Men's pure White Silk Shiits, reg. $7.50 Men's Jap. Silk Striped Shirts, reg. $6.95 _ 5 dozen only Pongee Silk Shirts with collars to match regular $5.50 $3.95 Young men's Blue-pin-stripe Suits, regular $37.50 ___. $28.00 Men's Grey Worsted and Navy Blue Indigo Dye. reg. Men's 2-piece Balbriggan Underwear, reg. 75¢, per gar't 59¢ Men's heavy work Trousers, regular $2.75 Men's fine oxfords square and pointy toe, reg $6.95 $4.95 Men's Black Sox, reg. 25c¢, to clear at per pair Men's fine Shirts to clear at 100 pair Boys' Boots, all sizes, to clear at _. Boys' Wash Suits, all shades, to clear at Also other specials in boys' Oyeralls, Blouses, Jerseys, etc. Be sure and come to these specials as they are only for Friday and Saturday. Store open daily till 7 p.m. Dominion Clothing Co. Phone 1151-J gives you a receipt for beautiful teeth JURY & LOVELL King St. E. AND F. W. THOMPSON | '| would grow up in the stature of good Simcoe St. S. | Bible. | | "What kind of boys and girls! | should we by virtue of our opporttn- | Lities??. Mr. Fowke asked, in closing. | | He pointed out that the best friends | of children were their teachers, and ! the future and success depended on the teaching they received and the manner in which it was applied. Boys and girls of Oshawa should strive to be young ladies and gentle- | men, and their deportment should be sucn as would reflect the teaching of | their teachers and parents. Another | quality which children should strive | to possess. in rich measure, said Mr | Fowke, was courage. Without the | possession of courage children could | accomplish little, but with it the) | would be able to sunmount all man- | ner of difficulties. Children must be- lieve in God, in themselves and in our institutions, and persevere along these lines. If courageous then they would be truth tellers, and | citizenship of Canada, and in their {lives they would exert a wide in- fluence for good. A Fine Program During the afternoon the follow- | ing program was carried out: Open- ing hymn, "0 God Our Help in Ages Past," devotional exercise, Rev. | George Yule; chorus, "0 Canada.' {by the children; reading, "The Story |of the Union Jack," Irene Winters; | reagipe, "The Flag," Albert Walter; {chorus, "We'll Never Let the Old [Flag Fall," by the children; chorus; | "I Love you Canada." by Simcoe School scholars; reading, BExtract {from Speech of Sir Wildfrid . Lau- rier," Maurice Hutchison; chorus, Why She Changed: "bhave always used the cheaper baking powders, supposing them just as good as Royal but | invested in a can of Royal Baking Powder and now find all my bak- ing so much improv- ed that I will use no other kind." Miss C.L.B. ROYAL Baking Powder Made in Canada Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book -- it's FREE Royal Baking Powder Co. 45st1 Blvd, M 1 : | d Asthma Sufferers | memory, -- -_ ; bi: ] Many a man complains of his poor but did you ever hear one complain of his poor judgment? | Youth's Companion. Floyd McPnail of London, Ont., writes, "This is without doubt the finest remedy I have ever used for asthma." Asthma $1.50 per bottle. Money | "Cheery Song," boys of all schools; _ chorus, ,While the British Bulldog not satisfied. Jury & Oshawa, and A. HEH. Whitby. back if Lovell, Allin, I J. C. McGIL Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Men's Furnishings ' Tennis Shoes First Quality, Extra Heavy Soles and Double Toe-caps. Lowest Prices in Town. Bathing Suits To Fit Any Member of the Family Straw Hats Outing Shirts Outing Trousers © $4.95 J. C. McGILL Try a Pair of our Shoes for Men .

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