Ontario Reformer, 25 May 1922, p. 2

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PAGE TWO OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 Ra -- A -- - . 3 The Ontasio Reformer I. (Established In 1871, ) independent newspaper pub- lished every other day (Tuesday, 'Thi , and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Company ted, Charles M. Mundy, Presi- d Managing Director and Treas- urep; A, R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager. Lior South Oshawa (Continued from page, 1) that money cannot buy, this heritage that will 'last through eternity. Children cannot get away as they grow older ffcm - the example of their parents, There are tremendous changes in these days, We have problems to face with our daughters that our mothers had not to face, ---------- - " -- : H. Mills, 1st base; W. Mills, ¢.; Ket GRISP COMMENT | Hosiery Boys cheson; 3rd base; F. Ross, e¢f.; Words spoken rapidly are apt to] Be 1 Crook, 2nd base; Meagher, 2nd base; [come from the throat, father than at Belleville W. Ross, cf; Haggerman, If; Wil-| from the heart and mind,--Atchison -' ---- liams, p. ' Globe. Bowmanvillé Central Ontario Lea- gue team sprang a surprise yesterday afternoon when they held Belleville's fast team to a 3 to 2 score in the Hosiery Town. All the runs of the game were made in the seventh in- nings, Belleville gathering three, enough to win out, Williams, Bel- SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BY. LAWS Synopsis of By-law number of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa. The amount, namely $16,000.00, to be raised by this By-law is for the Remember To Clip this tendeney to a life of frivolity among our girls; this temptation to ge. outside the home for amusement GED; A, MARTIN - - Bditor /¢ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: purpose of making up the loss which was incurred in the sale of the $50,- 000.09 svorth of Debentures passed leville's new pitcher was master of the situation at all times, striking Délivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 and the only recipe for a cure B more en- tertainment in entertainment. And 1 believe |for the purchase of the Pedlar Pro- {perty; said loss being $3,158.00, and our own out 18 men. Chambers on the mound for Bowmanville, also played air tight ball with the exception of the Your "Victory" Coupons Bring them in and we will cash them free of charge. Or you can open an account with them, STANDARD BANK OSHAWA BRANCH homes. |also to provide sufficient money, Probably parties and young people's namely, $6,000.00, as estimated by gatherings make a lot of work butithe Town Engineer, to thoroughly we are spared the anxiety of not clean up and put in your proper con- -| knowing where our girls are. We|gjtjon the property purchase from must learn to know their 'compan-| pa Pedlar People Limited for the ions and learn to know their com- | mown Hall and Municipal purposes panions in our own homes. And let] na also to reimburse the Town for us as mothers live again our ¢hild-| been hood, #putting ourselves back in the the amount that has already be place of the child in a spirit of sym- | Spent for that purpose, namely, $6,- pathy and still keep our strong pur- pose and God-given dissimilation of All of the above sums have been what is good and what is harmful." | charged up to current account, and In closing Mrs. McLeod said: "Let|in consequence of which the or euch a year, United States subscrintions $1.60 extra to cover postage. Single copies be. geventh. Bowmanville secured their runs on two hard hit grounders and a long one to the outfield. The line ups were: : Bowmanville--ifopper, ¢f.; Rolph, Corden, Wilson, 1st hase; Stark, 4rd base; Moise, 8.5.; Mingeand, 2nd base; Bates, ¢c; McMurtry, If; Piper, r.f.; Moore, wi. Chambers, p. Belleville--Casey, r.f.; Weir, 8.8.; ---------------------------------- ------ . of uncalled for SUITS for Men and Women to be offered at Half Price | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY These - garments were ordered to be delivered in April, and as the parties have not re- turned, they will be offered at very low prices. ENGELS OSHAWA, THURSDAY, MAY 25. " HARD ON OSHAWA ) E. C. HODGINS, . Manager. While reasonable persons know that additional sources of revenue are nec- essary to meet the heavy financial ob- ligations of the Dominion, Oshawa people generally must feel that Hon, W. 8. Fielding has dealt much too severely with the motor industry, The tax, as proposed, is 56 per cent on cars up to $1,200 and 10 per cent on cars costing more than $1,200, This figure is such that it will apply to most cars turned out by General Motors. In ad: dition to this tax there is the increase in the sales impost of 50. per cent, which will run up the cost of cars still father, Thus the combined tax on cars sold for domestic use is inter- preted as being 9% per cent on cars under $1,200 and 1414, per cent on cars costing more than $1,200, us as mothers always keep a high |has been carrying a deficit over each ideal in front of our girls, let us not|year, which should he wiped out. be satisfied that they he common-|The amount with interest at five and | place. May our girls catch through | one-half per cent is to be paid in ten us that ambition, best for myself." The Program At the close of the address Mrs. McMullen sang a beautiful child] piece learned in her own childhood. | | The toast to. "Our Mothers" was! Synopsis of By-law number of the | proposed by Alice Johnson, She Corporation of the Town of Oshawa. | said: "We all kncw the sacrifices of | The amount of debt to be created | motherhood and we as girls know py this By-law is $7,900.00 which is | our snortcomings, hut we want our 1, he used for the purchase of a mothers to know that in our hearts giudebaker Fhisher and Sprinkler | is a great love for them and wee. cleaning the streets of the oval thank them for accepting our invi-| pp $7,900.00 with interest at five | tation to the banquet tonight. [and one-half per cent per annum is | Mrs. McMullen replied to this to be repayable in ten equal conse- | toast, and said that Mrs. McLeod cutive annual payments of $1,048.07 | had voiced her sentiments exactly, gach, which latter sum is the amount which prevents a prospective buyer| had taken the words out of her! yo he raised annually. | purchasing a car. Such being so it' is| mouth, DATED at Oshawa, this 18th day | evident that Gemeral Motors will be| Helene of May A.D. 1922. severely hit by the impost. And when Gemeral Motors of Canada suffer be- cause of decreased trade, every person in Oshawa suffers, thousands directly and the rest of the people, indirectly. The motor industry has been mak ing- a hard struggle to gain its fect after the period of depression, and these taxes will be a setback. General Marjorie Gatenby sang "That Tum- Motors have been busy in recent | Pledown Shack in Athlone," followed months because of the export trade, |P¥ # toast to "The Church," propos- ed by Phyllis Ayers. Phyllis in pro- and every Oshawa fesident will trust posing the toast said that she trust- that the interpretation that these new|ed that the South Oshawa Church taxes in no way bear on export trade! might he always a welcome spot for will be found to be correct. strangers and a social centre for young people. Rev. Mr. McMillen There was a time when automobiles | replied te this and said: "The fu- 5 10 in a A q were considered to he luxuries, but in| Ure. of this church depends on the ae So yencing tie hows v1 the last few years the motor car has A Rut. Lous people. ling until five o'clock in the afternoon come into its own as a necessity in the |of girls for their ability to attempt of the same day. | lives of tens of thousands of people. |such affairs as this banquet. Lottie Why then should it be treated as a| Arnold sang "Hit the Trail that luxury by the Liberal Government? Leads to Mother," followed by a By hi bu iget speech Hon, Mr. Field. | Tins by Eba Larson, "'Mothers' Deputy-Returning Officer, and Cen-| ing conveys the impression that he is! | Devotion." tre Street School the polling place. { The program closed with God > . i ro a ws clinging to the fallacious idea that|Save the King, and the repeating to- For the South Est Ward, she Best motor car: g 2 : Sure. | gether by the mothers at laugh- | Pong subH-cavis s conglal 0. ars are for the wealthy. Sure-|& y thers and daugh- 5 oh part of the South East Ward ly all bis colleagues do not hold tl: same view, lof $2,125.56 each. : DATED at Oshawa this 18th day of May A.D. 1922, ! I want God's very | gqual consecutive annual instalments | | RR Raa SSN NN AA 2, \ ' = \QBATTQ oYAL NAVY L) A difference in price of $100 or $200: often proves the stumbling block Shemilt proposed a toast tothe Sunday School, wishing it un- told prosperity and success in the coming years. This was replied to by Mr. Lynche. Mr. Lynche said: "The day school fits our children for the affairs of everyday life, but our Sunday Schools benefit their spirit- ual life, We have all volunteer work in our Sunday Schools and it is all the better for that." as | NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above are | Synopsis of two proposed By-laws which have been taken into consider- ation by the Municipal Council of the Town of Oshawa and which will} be finally passed by the said Council in the event of the assent of the el- ectors qualified being obtained there- to, after one month from the first publication thereof in the Ontario Reformer, the date of the first publi cation being May 18th, 1922. | | ewww ICCC KER SRES SSS S SRR RN SS nS Ng CUT PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO TT \ ---------------------------- PISS S SS SSS A -- -- -- -- -- ---- , \ LSS SS SS URS UR ] The votés of the qualified electors | chall he taken on the above By-law at the following time and places, that is to day; on the 10th day of June, | ml For the South West Ward polling sub-divisions One and Two shall be united, and Earl Moore shall be the There's a Great Fraternity of D P Boat Owners All Over the World! VER 4.000 of these Boats are in use from Muskoka to Killarny --from Vancouver to Rangoon --And all the owners are linked with that universal bond SATIS- FACTION. Here's quoting from unsolicited letters -the originals can be seen at our office "It is the best small boat I have oT particulart 1 articularly good for Sfshing-- faced for trolling." ' "My is very economically '4|b. tin 80+ Lik LOD CORDT | RES FABRIC Wonderful A § IL | Quality packets and Value | : 5¢ ters of The Lord's Prayer, ; 4 of lying to the north of Bruce Street to the side*hetween Lots eight and nine, rand also all of lots seven and eight Making Two Fine : in the first concession between King Tennis Courts at Street and the Base Line, and A. S. St. Gregory's Church McLeese shall be Deputy-Returning Officer, and Miller & Libby's shop the polling place. Should the imposts result in a fall- ing off in trade, and that such will he the case would appear likely, the King Government will find that it will he disappointed in the revenue it hopes to secure from the tax on the motor industry, "If 1 couldn't get another, I Two very fine tennis courts for the | would never sell my old beat at any recreation of the men of St. Gre- gory's Church and parish, are now For the second polling division of the South East Ward polling sub- -- ol under construction on a piece of divisions four and five shall be unit- | n ground right behind the church. The ©! and € sii P. Davis susll he the! EDITORIAL COMMENT land has been rolled, tape used in [2eBuy feturn hz oer, ith a or | stead of the usual chalk lines, and | Street School the polling place. Isn't it more strenuous trekking | 2 a few days the courts will be For the North-West Ward polling | to Ottawa th doi : ready for use. The parish has a sub-divisions six and seven shall be | an doing any ordinary |;umber of enthusiastic tennis play-| united, and P. H. Punshon shall be job the same length of time? ers who are looking forward to a|the Deputy-Returning Officer, and - ---- most enjoyable season. Rev. Father Town Hall the polling place. Bench is very much pleased with the | A tow 2 rame ha own league ball game had to idea, stating that the courts will fur- be called off Monday night because nish a place for young men particu- of darkness. Another reason for larly to spend the long summer even- daylight. saving. "J do mot believe there is built to egual it." . 8 boat "The Boat has worked like a : "My daughter operates and runs it without any difficulty whatever." There's no doubt about it, A Dis- appearing Propeller Boat owner has for being husiasti PROP BOAT a2 DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT Co. Led 92 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. 2 U.S.A., Main St., Buffalo, N.Y, If you om a summer cottage or spend For the North-East Ward polling | sub-divisions eight and nine shall be united, and D. W. Parks shall be the | Deputy-Returning Officer, and Mary | ings and whatever time they may fh have Saturday afternoons ¢r holidays. | i -------- i On the 9th day of June A.D. 1922 America has two-thirds of the at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, world's telephone and four-fifths ofthe head of the Council of the said the world's wrong numbers.--Hafris- corporation or some member of said burg Patriot. Council appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at. the Clerk's office in the said Municipal- LUMBAGO ® T.RC.s roubles ity for the purpose of appointing and, NEURITIS ws. invariably yield to this T:R.C.'s "s Rbeumatic Appropos cof the suggestion offer ed in these columns on Tuesday urging parents to induce their chil- dren to make friends of the birds, is the suggestion of the Dominion Parks Branch, Ottawa, that children should be asked to make bird houses. It states that more than 2,000 such houses have heen made in Ottawa this spring. Each species of hole-nesting bird 'has its little whims about the style of house it likes and its location, and to fur- wish this informs#tion the Depart- ment has issued a booklet of simple rules for the beginner on Bird Houses and Their Occupants. This booklet may be secured by applying to the Dominion Park Branch, De- partment of the Interior, Ottawa. Members of Park Road H and | Street School the polling place. by writing signed by him, two per- up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the~persons interested in and promoting the proposed By- laws and a like number on behalf of ' the persons interested in and oppos St dinggists ing the proposed By-laws. "The hundreds of tess On the 12th day of June, 1922, at timomial inourfilesshow 'the hour of twelve o'clock noon, ar that T.R.C.'s haye successfully |the Clerk's office in the said Munici- Sumbiagts | pality, the Clerk of the said"Munici and acute . MeusitioySeiatica. |pality shall attend and sum up the raigia of all iinds. But the best |votes given for and against the pro- is your own we non Ir oulfer op dy | posed By-laws. Ty AND ALSO TAKE NOTICE that re at our gists sell T.R.C.s Drug- |all persons claiming to vote as Lease box. "or Free Triad write T.8.C. Cou * Colborne St.. Torontes if requested so to do, shall apoint SCIATICA (T. Holders on said By-laws are requir- ed, at least ten days next preceding the day of polling, to file in the of- fice of the Clerk of the Town of Osh- awa a statutory declaration stating Sold By JURY & LOVELL Scheol Club, the scholars and a large number of friends fittingly observed Empire Day on Tuesday afternoon and evening, © when concerts were held, very attractive programs hav- ing been prepared for the occasion. In the aftermoon an open session | was held, Mrs. W, T. Abbott, presi- | dept. of the Home and School Club. | presiding. The scholars rendered | the programme which cousisted of | drills, 5, choruses and. reci- tations. In the evening a fine con- | i wag given in which many of ticipated, 1 5 ouside talent. Ms. C. A. Kinnear offigiated as chairman. Among these whe took pant were: Mos. A Budd, Mrs. A. Rundle, Miss Engel, Miss Doris Salter, Mys. L. Weeks, | Mos: Swantz, Mss. .Fergmuscn, Mrs, | Noble, Miss May Selkirk, Mr. Percy | Mercer, Miss Many Lewis and Mas- | ter Ray Henderson. Choruses and dialogues were also given by the children, A ------ that their lease meets the require- ments provided in Section 265 of Chapter 1912, R.S.0. as to the vot- ing of householders. | AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the names of Lease Holders ne- | glecting to so file such a declaration with the Clerk of the said Municipal |ity shall not de placed on the Voters' List for such voting. DATED at Oshawa this 18th day of May, A.D. 1922. F. E. Hare, Clerk. tineacelleg dining car service. Sleeping cars on might trains parvior cars on principal day trains, Tull information om any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent ér ¢. FE. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, DAYLIGHT SAVING. A plebiscite of the ratepayers of : {the Town of Oshawa will be taken #H. R. Sheridan, Town Agent on the question of Daylight Saving Telephone 132 fat the same time as the vote on the W. H. Hutchi . t ¢ = by-laws on Saturday, June 10, | | ang ' | Telephone 60 122: F. E. HARE (20-a)-(23-a)-26-a) sons to attend at the final summing | BH Making "Mile-iomires" THOTT Pi i HESE are great days for the motor:ar user--in a tire sense. Your dollar never before hoght as much. Your speedometer never before registere@s much. Your re- pair kit never was as idle. All because Dylop Cord Tires came and ushered in a new era. much again for the same size tire; ten ye's ago you paid twice as much. Prices have been tumbling. Gality has been mount- Five years go you paid half as ing. One timwe thought 3,500 was mileage to bist of; to-day we may run into half dozen "25,000 milers " in a forenoo "Dunlop did it," says one enthusift. "The 'Two Hands' are makingus Mile-ionaires," says another; aj so on. 'Mileage Wanted" is to "Mileage Supplied." p Tubes op Tire & Rubber Company, Limited HR mm FETERRRRERRRER LE en nin SEGARA RAH HA | ARRAN Your vacations by the water, you should certainly write for a copy of our descrip- tive folder with full details, showing boats in natural colors. Ask about Special Canvas Cance 1616. int grade. Completa $s. E Oshawa Distributors F.J. BAILES YRNE ect

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