Ontario Reformer, 20 May 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1922 PAGE SEVEN ini Articles For Sale Real Estate for Sale Work Wanted I A --_---- - Summer Resorts DRINK AND DRINKING NTIST, es Tr . a ar : : -| Hamilton Herald: There are so : . . T, C. NCE, NTIST, | GREY WICKER BABY BUGGY, RE-| FOR SALE---FOUR GOOD LOTS ON| WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED| Quuen's Royal, Niagara-on-the- | many allusions to drink and drink- Can supply all kinds of Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, |versible, in good condition. 6 Nas-| Arlington Ave, overlooking Golf | Stenographer, clerical or stenographic | Lake, will be opened June 15th. Golf | ing in Dickens' novels that the ques- 19 King St. West. Phone 231. sauSt. ~~ 21¢iGrounds. Will sell cheap. For terms | Work for Saturday afternoons and|bowling, fishing, tennis, dancing and |ijon has been raised by prebibition- * DR. '. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | FOR SALE -- DAY OLD CHICKS. apply W. Stacey, Florist, Arlington |evenings. Apply Box "K", Reform- | boating. Write for reservations. ists wether the Young Person should 0 t Yinrs ley Block, Simcoe St. 8. PHoye 504, Bed-telay, Shelnn vival ® Barred Ave. vo 13-tt a -- Ee ooo 380 20-J | pe allowed to read them. This sug- ® ocks. eady h. 0. of 0 a" 4 D--POSITION 'AS HOUSE- {gests the advisability of having an : ' : OR SALE--LOT, BROCK ST. ROBT : 3nd gos y Bd taf t t Watson, 64 Pine Ave. "Phone 144, s '| keeper by widow for widower or gen- expurgated edition of Dickens, in at a'lew minutes. notice DR. T. 8. ki geo biggRoon Shas oi 3a D. Preston, King St. Chambers. 18-¢ tleman, in town, at once, Apply 9 war ENE Wanted WNT gapr all objectionable allusions : fice vel 3 88 y sare. FOR SALE -- NELSON RANGE |FOR SALE--LOT, COLBORNE S8T.| Athol St. 21-a y Al T a 0 YEAR Wo M OV 'tic _|would he deleted. But then that in Phone . _ dyn. (small size), also small Oak heater, |[East. Robt. D. Preston, King St. |= s : PET laving arm ar Sale give pat te its turn might suggest an expurgated 7: DR. S. J. PHILLIFE -- PEN both in good condition. Apply 246 Chambers. 19-¢ Houses For Sale Jars aud lowest price. Jour de iach, edition of the Bible, in which there office over Kyle's" Grocery ore. | Bruce St. 21.0 eo Salm ONE. OR TWO Goon FOR SALE] TR, ) STR rr R BY lave ; passages in praise of wine mh hed RECT en _"1-CIFOR SALE--ONE OR TWO GOOD FOR SALE--HOUSE, DREW. 8T.|gin are many passages in praise ¢ ne. Phone 959, 4-1 YI. GOK SALE UHEAF--UNE CLA i os = mmr re JH building lots, centre of town. 75 That is good buying. Robt. D. Pres - 2 . . ai MRS. ARTHUR BROOKS DR. JRHEY DENTRT = DFS Jewel gas Hove, i Bool Of der, kL Celina St. ; 122 om King St. Chambers. 19-¢ "Patents WOMAN'S GUARDED WAY Aone Tov 0 eel v . . By . - eee | ERR TL Tid EBA teem RARE: State nal: y J ¢ or O'Keefe' 0 8 2 pane v--air | LOT FOR SALE--OLIVE AVE, | FOR SALE---HOUSE, BROCK ST. | RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Ohio State Journal: Ag ncighho 14 ; o's Phone No. 91. | LARGE PACKAGE FANCY SIL frontage 40 108 fee ' Can only be'seen by appointment. | gp Y ety Rogig- | Woman's idea of a guarded state- Phone 237 DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- ©N- | clippings--suitable for fancy work | To" 48° x eet. Cheap for ool "YG oston, King St. Cham. dg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regle- |, js 10 tell something about some- w . , quick sale. Address G. Rowland, | ' " ' 8 » Cha tered Patent Attorneys Send for ae ad il pl trance to office one door east of|and quilts--sent bn receipt of tity 403 Hert A Detroit, Micl 1 bers, 19-¢| es 20-11 body with a wealth of damning de I di Deli Detenbeck's Store. cents, stamps or money order, 3 for| oy orion Ave, Uelrell, eh. v. | FoR SATE TIOUSE AND FTIiRER free hooklet. 20-1100 and then say she merely heard mmediate Delivery $1.00. M. J, Teller & Co, 659 Wel-| 2" te tsb ne MB de AY ser ny = =. (it rumored. 7 lington St. West, Toronto, Ont, 21¢ SPHOIAL |Sergs ot lad, Weil locked an 2 Help Wanted--Female Medical : ua BAL: SCickaN hi REED | 85500 will buy an 8 room house with [King St. Chambers, 19-¢c | WANTED -- OFFICE GIRL. MUST| Crawford--Burbank has produced DR. O. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN bs 50 Kins St Br condit n, Ape ii Wolk Sonveniences, conven: | FoR SALI---NICE TWO ROOMED | Pe accurate in figures and willing to | many wonderful varieties. and Surgeon, Union Bank Building; Lb if IO Tor; ently locoted. erms easy. ground for foundation. Excellent learn. None nder eighteen need ap- 8 i CABIN Simcoe St. North, Phone 657. 110-1yr FoR HaLE Tr LARUE Sant a will ge you . 8 room |. plastered and fixed up in nice | PY. Box Reformer, 21 id L : gramophone, mahognay nish, and wuge with water an electric dhl id : > el A WANTED --A GOOD BX RIIENCRD DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR- | records. Price, $100, cost $206. Ap-| lights, one block from car lino. Shape. Sand, stone and gravel o) WANTED A GOOD LEXI RIENCED eon, Accoucher, Office and resi-( ply 119 Eldon Ave. 19-c| $300 down, lot. $1,000 cash. Robt. D. Preston, | general, no washing. Apply Mrs. F. ) SIX TIMES ence, King St. East, corner Victoria | FoR SALE--ONE NORDHEIMER |#1900 will buy a four room house King St. Chambers. Here is starting L. Henry, 26% King St. E. Vk WA N ! ED ! ---- 8t.,, Oshawa. Phone 34. piano, fumed oak case, very fine| With water and electric lights, of Meo home. ad ol | Th Ch 1 PR. L. J. Pg A SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST. | touch and excellent tone, Rcgular convenient. to car line. $200 [FOR SALE -- NEW SIX ROOME ) | A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT 1101 Sk | A : : e ampion Past, Toronto, will bo at Jury & | $600, clears for $400. Stalter's Mu- down, house. West End. This house ready work. Mrs. No I. Mechin, 16 Ritson | Painter & Paperhanger. Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday |sic Store, Oshawa. 17-t [$300 will buy a nice lot in West- [in about two weeks. Worth the price td. 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta-| FOR SALE--ONE USED WHITE| Mount on Pine St. Apply and easy terms. Robt. D. Preston, | A GOOD HOME IN COUNTRY DUR- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr|sewing machine, fumed oak, used | Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 68 King West 19-¢| ine summer months for elderly lady hayor gle! can start @ business cos R. D, LY, PHY TAN & about six months, $55. Fine condi- | 61 Ring Sk. ash, Plone 703 | FOR SALI---SMALL HOUSE AND May : have Wary hy hatping ert he wv 4 ne Be vools du not cio i . . ' t 14, Ww 4 . . . Wi " on A 4 a Y ' .T.R. " i st. | chi " No far work. rite or) Al | spectus, Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. tion, Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa, or wrrar, "Trenton, Ont, 6tf Sol Sith x LAR from, Min | eleidr no Bhi vopke 4 i ' I. FISHER a oe Entel Pridsivas Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- - al BRIX BL | ; ha hed : a 4 phone 1155. Hous 2 to 4 p.m., or FOR SALE ORE PRACTICE Pi- To Rent oor, w Abi 5 Valenria Rd i | ! Ie me nor Decorator and Gr SHAY Toro 15 tf ano, upright style, $110. Stalter's ae | Lol OY es yi AMBYY fy Nt r ng by Apo inel DRY 143 Lod Music Cg Cian. 17-tf | TO RENT -- THREE ACRES OF | FOR SALE $2,200, BRICK VEN. | wou whole or part time woi jon ! 225 Nassau St, Phone SHOW TORON $id loge Hiveet, Toronty, will be at Jury |FOR SALE --SBOOND HAND GURL (1204 in Jots or all to one party, balf oor house, Kasy tors. Apply A. | UL ciod Tom Ue 10, four faliors] ! AT AEESER & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday | bicycle in good condition, Apply F. mile west of Ross' Corners, Alveady | I, 'Brasin, Pine Ave, Westmount, gaily. Jos 8 Beormer, 21a from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in W. Rundle, R.R. 2, phone 17613, ploughed. A. Db. Thompson, on pre. a ! c| WANTED - A YOUNG GIRL OR |- er -- iis - TT = - ul diseases of the nose, throat and ear, [250Wmanville. 20-h | Mises, Oshawa P. 0. 19. | FOR SALI SIX ROOM HOT woman for general housework, 184-tt | BARGAINS IN FURNITURE -- 200 | TO RENT - FOR THE SUMMER canveniouce Centrally Jocated, hole mr part time. Mrs, Pipher. PR 'NE more beds, 50 new felt mattresses, | months. nicely furnished seven | Price and feds on application Lo 202 HY Se BE RA i hl all sizes camp cols with new mat-| With all convehjences, within od 20 ey, HaBou Sta, Phone ny office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- | tresses, slidfng couches with green |minutes' walk of Four Corners, Ap- 1082. 20-tEl vou ever see the like of your neigh- /e hoards, dressers, hall | Py Box "Q", Reformer. a Ringing) ay RE bors hens?--¢ Kincardine Review, J urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul-|COVers, sideb v , AT or AIRE ty Lost and Found tation and treatment of diseases of racks, etc, tables, cook stoves and [FARM TO RENT--BETWEEN OSH- BRR Anywhere hiro L pe a in the Canadian Typewriting contests i hasbeen a student of the Shaw business i | | Schools. Ian's that convine ing proof of - the thorough teaching we e? Your apply yo ranges, 2,000 pieces of new tinware, | awa a 2 ako oe | FOUND--A BUNCH OF KEYS ON |%= I 947, 8080 and thrpat only. such as milk pails, pans, milk cans, kis and the Lake. About 135 acres the car sack al the Your corners. at half prices. 17 Prince St. 20-f| Ample buildings. Ploughing after | OWT way have same by proving . . Legal FOR SALE CHEAP--BABY BUG- | prosent crop. Full posscssion Octo. [tame and paying for ad. Apply 42 |§ The Fonthill Nurseries : . ; gy, new tires. Apply 49 Ontario St. | ber 1st or April 1st. Apply to G. D. ia : = : Established 1837 Owing to necessary repairs, the electric JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- 20a | Conant, owner. 19-11 | POST OFFICE i service will be off Sunday. May 21. 1922 Hlater, Boll, tary able, Sone FOR SALE --TWO HORSE POW- | FARM TO RENT--SOUTH HALF | Malls close at local post office at: Largest in Canada Y, Hay «Ya, So ancer, Wage cy Til) O° ler gasoline engine, gasoline or coal | Lots Thirty-one and Thirty-two, | Going East--7.30 a. m., all cust: | § seadquarters for Quality Nursery Stock from 1.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m, ae ng St, last, Oshawa, hone | ,;; with a Webster magneto. Only | Fourth Concession, Dartington, 200|2 p. m., Port Hope and Peterboro > carry a full line of rave choice Di BWANSON--BARRISTER, | "00", sd a tew weeks a bargain for | acres improved farm land Plough-| Division; (8.55 b. , ull Sas LAR Sines, vores go Moni Wid . A. J. re | quick sale. Phone 327 w---West-| ing after present crop, full posses- joing West--1.15 p. m., Whitby, Hos) "88a SOF tri 8 tn Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan. | mount. Sob | atom "Ovtobir tot. 1935. Apr Ge | Toronto, and all west of Toronto; || ,binest tsorment of, fru socks, i HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER eer, ete, All branches of Civil and G. D. Conant, Barrister, ete., Osh-{3.30 p. m., New York City and East- |§ and small fruits for garden or orchard Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Male or Female awa, Solictor for the owners. 19-tf | ern States, not including Connecti- plantings. OBER DUohs Sell oR COM. OF ONT. . Whiddoat dudui i CRA » low ' ire assac <Q py an | ) hooks Sel Oise, Rug Bi. Cusiabeny Sormerly I REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF A |TO RENT--FOR THE SUMMER oul, Sew Hampshire, Massasiasers application, . trustworthy lady or gentleman; 25/4 months, nicely furnished seven |' ata MI daa dlt iy .i1 || STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. $va. Phoues, Office 940; Residence |... oof age or over; who can furnish | foomed modern house with all con- aud Ottawa City; 3.45 p..m., ail] 7 : a first-class references as to character; | veniences, within ten winutes' walk GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-|,daptable and wishes a permanent of Four Corners. Apply Box "Q", -- - - : - . . . risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-|connection. Full particulars will be | Reformer. 21c ---- oe! . lic, ete, Office over Standard Bank. |jeld in strict confidence. Box R. Re-|™ MUNICIPAL TREE-PLANTING entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J.|former. 19-¢ Toronto Star: Simcoe county has [IH I (Hil {HHH --"_ SE been able to buy one thousand acres 7 - excellent state of cnltivation.. PF. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, | --= A. Help Wanted--Male of land suitable for reforestation at | G. D, CONANT, B.A, LL.B --BAR-| {jEN WANTED _APPLY ROOM 4| $7.50 per acre. This great area, . ister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. | utter 8.30 a.m. at Bradley Bldg. three times the size of Toronto's ] fice (entrance) 7% = Simcoe Bt, 19-tf | High Park, is being set out with South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on pine trees. Other counties should mortgages, conveyancing 1 gen- * 'tomobiles For Sale follow suit, Tree-planting is not a eral practice. Phone 63. re eee. | get-rich-quick investment, but it is H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY one of the most useful projeets that | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office | ---- lid ee | can be undertaken by a municipality | 111 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, FORD ROADSTER BODY AND FEN |ders for sale. Apply 73 Wilkinson -- : -- | Ave. : . 19-¢ "Is she married asked the in- | Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. | FOR SALE--CHEVROLET 490, IN | duisitive man. Chiropractic | good condition, would take driving "Oh, yes," replied the native. YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIROD- | outfit as part payment. Apply 539 "What sort of man" is her hus- practic Spinal Adjustments and get King St. E. 20-h | band? ! well. Egaminations free at office. -- = rm "Well, he took up golf some years Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simeoe St. North. | Crabshaw--But just think if he | ago and now I think he is merely a | 3 -- {had devoted himself to the study of | tradition." | fishes. He might have given us a Surveyors | boneless shad. ¥ MM. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-1 in On Alma St, 3 min. from Undertakers & Embalmers Simcoe and Alexandra Park. DUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL rticula . directors, embalmers, private am- Pa 1 16 teYms apply: bulance; morgue and chapel in con- Ww. A. Grooms, mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 125 Alma Street; 19 Division St. 26-1 yr |} or at Hogg & Lytie's Store, = ~ ~ ma a FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED TN ] Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Fr eZ weed (| LOOK TO DUNLOP FOR "CORD" SUPREMACY = to Serve You at § | whol dn t bile al t since the incep Tire Repairing \ thi R £ | A.W wns three cars and who has dnaven an automob:ie almost smnce ih 4 ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT omething to ember ELITE HAIR DRESSING 3 . A an whoo ows tee Ful hd » et as Liectors the other day: Ideal Tire Repair shop, Jackson Gar- | Sl fclency slips away more (§ |= PARLOR 2 tron of the gas bugpy remaikes to one 0} ony lie 1) ; th the i" > eh se lin age, Fimecoe St. South. Tires for guickly through faulty vision BRADLEY BLOCK { Ee "I hove been getting such dandy service from Dunlop Tires that I t vn your clams sale. Jamieson Bros., Proptieton, | ga from any other cause. = Monday and Tuesday, : about mileage are far oo modest. As far as my expericnce goes, you cannot talk two big. Phone » f = tabi ~ - . ok : 01G : {is your efliciency effected? May 220d and 23rd 1922 1921. 1920. 1919-- Dunlop Cord Tires came into existence mn 1919, and the 2 Instruction Our dependable examination {§ The same exclusiv uaiity, rr oo = +3 wr H ; 8 r motor hoe bee 108 wa sical Instruction will determine the exact condi- § workmanship and a transformation in mileage year by year that followed their ue by motofists 197 ee A most J. . TCM. ti 0 es. ; ol o hi yo nN a om r . 2 ore S / >i uc iat mand hake Tacer or The Kl 21 oa of your ey are guaranteod. as have always striking, 1920 surpassed 1919 to be, in turn, surpasss d by 1921; and here's 1922 producing gt Church, is pre vil to If your eyes are subject to been given by dbis reputable old A > . 1 - Methodist : is prepared to | G4» we can furnish you with f§ | concern. You are cordially in- testimonials like this: accept a limited number of pupils in | | vited to i "t the le dis y § a Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pi the glasses yom should wear gi inspect the sample dis- -- Ay SS A oa ne for comfort and visual enjoy- $f | Plays Fa isinive, Swileies, - A " Organ. hy - 2 ransformations, h-Pieces, i 3 -- Saturdays at King St. Methodist ment. 2 mo : : Toupees, Wigs, ele. If you are © Church, or Phone 807J. 73-ine 30 When We Test Eyes unable to attend, we shall be § a rt a pleased to serve you by mail. ] Telephone Mr. Barpes for an WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. appointment. Live Stock a specialty. ' ] 167r1-4 Bowmanville: 1 more x ay ST ORD. 1] -- IN Can i . It is important to note that the tire referred to above Day phone 523, sighs S62W, Rit was on a livery car, and, therefore, could not possibly men Pel ' have been subjected to a moie severe test. Buy Big Mileage in your Tire Purchases--Name Dunlop "Traction Cord" at any 'Garage or Tire Dealer. Dunlop Tire & Rubber ~ Goods Co.; Limited Head Office and Factories: Toronto. Branches in the Leading Cities. TE PARRA in LR Jl A169

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