PAGE FOUR News of Nearby Places KEDRON Mr. and Mrs. F. H, Lee attended the concert at Bowmanville on Fri- day evening and report it real good. Miss Olive Luke of Toronto. was the guest of her parents here over the week-end, Congratulations to Miss Bertha Northcott who has broken the record at the Oshawa High School in type- writing by getting a speed of 86 words a minute. Mothers' Day was observed here on Sunday and both Sunday School and church servcies were well at- tended. : Miss Dora Mountjoy of Oshawa, was the guest of Miss Gladys Cross- man for over the week-end, Miss Helen Batty of Brooklin, vis- ited with Miss Bernice Werry on Sunday. Mr. Meering of Brooklin, visited with his daughter, Mrs. Everitt Love, Miss H. Van Dyke visited at Geo. Van Dyke's, South Darlington. RAGLAN Mr. R. G. Hodgson and Miss G. Hodgson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hodgson, Mrs. 8. Weatherhogg has heen vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Gar- felt, of Stratford. The annual meeting of the Sun- day School was held on Monday eve- ning. Mr. Wm. Kellington was elect- ed superintendent for another year, The officers and teashers were re- elected' for another year, Misses M. Sommerville and V, Hy- land visited over the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. D. Thompson spent and Monday in the city. Mr. G. B .Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hughson and son, Lloyd, motored from Toronto and spent Sunday at Mr. Wm .Brent's, Miss Yona Hodgson of Port Perry, spent Sunday at her home here. Mothers' Day was observed here on Sunday. Rey. C. Adams deliver- ed a very interesting and impressive address to the mothers, Death has again entered our vil- lage and claimed one of our oldest and highly esteemed citizens in the Sunday ---- Her Experience "lI was never able to bake a good cake until using Royal. | find other pow ders leave a bitter taste." Mrs. C. P. ROYAL Baking Powder Made in Canada Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book --It's FREE Royal Baking Powder Co. 451 Bivd., M, person of Mr. James Hezzelwood. Deceased had been in a very feeble state of health for a great many years, being the vietim of paralytic strokes, For the past few months he had been confined to his bed un- til he passed away about 3 o'clock Monday morning. He was in his 86th year and had spent the greater part of his life in Raglan. His gen- ial and affable manner won him a host of friends. He leaves to mourn his loss two daughters and one son, Mrs. 8. Weatherhogg, at home; Mrs. R. Squelch, of Raglan, and Mr. Jo- seph Hezzlewood. of Roland, Mani- toba. The sympathy of the commun- ty is extended to the bereaved fam- ily. The funeral service was held at the family residence on Thursday afternoon, conducted by his pastor, Rev. C. Adams. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Mt. Carmel, EBENEZER Sunday School services this week were in charge of A. Class, their teacher, Mr. H. F. Oshorne, taking the chair. A chorus hy the class and readings by different members were much enjoyed hy all present, Base Line Sunday School are holding their anniversary services on Sunday next, ' Mr. and Mrs. Sandérson, Toronto, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Trull, Toron- to, spent Sunday with Ebenezer rel- atives and friends. IXhenezer anniversary services are being held on Sunday and Monday, June 11 and 12. Tea is being serv- ed on Monday afternoon in the sheds and a good program _ is being provided for the entire occasion. Come and enjoy a treat, Local foothall practice is proceed- ing nicely. All are pleased to see Mr. Horace Handcock around again after his illness. THORNTON'S CORNER The fine weather for the past week is making the gardens grow. Rows of peas, onions, etc., are seen in many places now. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lambert, of Brook- lin, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Bayes and Kenneth Bayes of Toronto, visited last Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Luke. Miss Katie Linsday is visiting for a couple of weeks with friends Cobourg. in| for OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 MYRTLE Messrs, Downey and Dickson have gone to the west with cattle and ex pect to he absent for about a week. The amateur football game in the school yards on Monday evening at- tracted a large crowd. Judging from the "rooting a good game was fur- nished. Mr. Lee of Stouftville and Mr Walker of Dagmar have heen at the garage during the week, helping out in the rush of work. Good rasa i8 very much needed here as everything is about as dusty as it can he, though with the experi- ence they are having with moisture in Manitoba, it is hardly safe to men tion it. There is a great showing for fruit, nearly every tree heing perfectly white with bloom, Mrs. Frank Briggs is on the sick list and Mrs. Crawford, who has heen ill all winter, does not improve as much as her friends wish. Housing problem partly Mr. Wiles passed through here! on Saturday with the County Grading machine, to which he has attached a housekeeping cabin for his own ac- commodation. THEATRES { At no time in her eareer has Mary Pickford given more care to the choosing of a cast or te the assemh- ling of suitable types than for her next United Artists film offering, "Little Lord Fauntleroy," which will he the feature at the Regent Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. solved The leading character role, that of the gouty and irrascible old Jarl of Dorincourt, is played hy Claud: | Gillingwater, footlight veteran | whose most recent success was the grouch in "Three Wise Fools." Joseph Dowling. who registered the pinnacle of cinema fame in "The | Miracle Man," is playing the part of Havisham, the dignified, under standing and shrewd solicitor whose | analytical mind does inuch to help solve the great difficulty which | forms the climax of the story. Tho three lovable characters, the grocer, | the applewoman and the hoothlack, | are portrayed in their respective or der by James Marcus, Kate Price and Fred Malatesta. Fred Malatesta has shown to splendid advantage in the following features: "The Mask," in the part of | Enrico Korala, for First National; | "Big Happiness," as Raoul Bergerac, Robertson-Cole; "The Sins of " in the role of Revanal, a Rosanne, The athletic ground is being finish- | Lasky play. ed up this week and all are invited to come and join in the games for the summer. Tennis, Baseball and Bask- et Ball, will be the chief sports. Everybody welcome, Mr. H. Lick, who was quite ill for | a few days, is out again we pleased to say. Everybody around here fied wit 'andard Time, and try to make ue of all the daylight they can. The clocks prove it too, al- though some of them are always a little. too fast. Mr. J. Lewington's green houses arg looking extra nice this year. are _ TAUNTON _ Short has new driver Mr. Gordon a handsome Alan lavis. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowins and family, of Hayden, were the guests of Mr, Henry Scott on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Short and Mrs. John Cornish visited Mrs. Ada Knight, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lavis and Don- ald, spent Sunday in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coraish, Mrs. John Cornish and ® Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Short, visited in Toronto on Sunday. People in this vicinity are very sorry to hear of Mr. Albert Balson's illness, and all hope he will soon he better. -- purchased from Mr. | | The role is satis- | Rose Dione will p-ay Minna, the | adventuress who chanenged Lord | Fauntleroy's claim to the title | of The Stranger, hus band of the adventuress, will he taken by Arthur Thalasszo Miss Piekford's custodian of sonal wardrobe, Mme. Bodamere, who began her picture careqr in "Through the Back Door," will have | a very good part in "Little Lord | Fauntleroy." { Bevis. the scapegoat son | Earl will be portrayed by Colin | Keuny. | As the minister who pleads for the | welfare of the Earl's tenants, Jlm- mett King who has appeared with such stars as Pauline Frederick, Nazimova and Mildred Harris is ox pected to give a convincing and | sympathetic interpretation per of the GREAT "MYSTIC SHOW COMING Manager Marks of the New Mar Theatre announces the greatest | mystic attraction ever seen in this city when the Great Alburtus, the miracle man, and his company begin | a week's engagement at the i Martin on Monday evening next Alburtus is the man of whom the | tate Theodore Roosevelt said "He | raised mental suggestion and the profession of the psychic and the oc cult, to the dignity of the by his marvellous exhibition before the faculties of Harvard and Yale universities." tin science and SAT. only FRL Week End Specials i, THE REXALL STORES Our Service Saves You Trouble Our Prices Save You Money 'SAT. only TOILET PAPER Regular 10c 4 for 25¢ . - CASTILE SOAP 1V5 Ib. bar 25¢ 39¢ RIKER MILK OF MAGNESIA RIKER SYRUP TAR & COD LIVER OIL For Coughs & Colds. Reg. 50c for Spring Tonic PEPTONA TABLETS Regular $1.00 for 79¢ LIGGETS OPEKO Regular 70c Special 49¢ LIGGETS COFFEE TEA OPEKO Regular 70c For 59¢ Ib. MOTH BAGS 15¢ MOTH BALLS 15¢ Ib. CROWN EGG PRESERVER 1 1b. tin 15¢ 2b. tin 30c PETROFOL Refined Russian Oil Regular $1.00 For 79¢ COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO THE - REXALL - STORES F.W.T. Thompson --_ cin Alburtus is a famous crystal gaz- er who sees with .smerring eyes the past, present and the future, ing lost or absent relatives, mispiac- ed or stolen property, giving advice and replies to all qumstions regard ing bhyginess, love afiatrs, divorces, marriages, stocks and honds; in locat- | fact, anything about which yon may | be in doubt, you are at liberty ask Albhurtus. No tests are vere for this master mind On Sunday afternoon next at 3.30 o'clock, Alburtus will place o young woman in a thirty hour sleep in the window of (.. T. Oke's furni ture store, King St. west, hy long distance telephone from St, Cathar ines She will he awakened on the stage of the New Martin Theatres Monday evening Loo se AT THE NEW MARTIN Henry slexander MacRae, who di rected "Cameron of the Royal Mounted," the sereen adaptation of Ralph Connor's novel, "Corporal Cameron," the newest Hodkinson release which will he the featured attraction Thursday, Friday and Sat- wrday at the New Martin Theatre, was most enthusiastic cancerning the reception accorded him and his company when they went to Winni peg to make the picture, Said Mr. MacRae *The nor of Manitoba, the mayor city and the different city all turned out to meet the which hore us to Winnipeg were most enthusiastic over the idea of having a big pitenre producing company make Winnipeg its hase of operations The ahove mentioned officials gave us every hit of help that was in their power and co-op erated with us to the fallest possible extent in helping us get the many necessary props and HeCessOre High officials of the Canadian Pa Gover ol th official train | cific Railway spent a vast amount ol time in procuring for us a real old engine, one of the type in us period in which "Cameron the Royal Mounted" is laid. Finally they provided for us the *Lady Dufferin which, it developed, first engine to cross the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway completion, in th was upon it THE CHURCH AND ITS MISSION. Minneapolis New That church has confined its efforts spiritual welfare finest compliment he could chureh It is a compliment extent that it is true Ir in the spiritual field is di i If better resual spiritual deve would he and fewer eo to the Of man mpi th its place had at tended the man, there problem lems, the which religion should probably the effective political and economic lopment of politi ul pro for idea of brotherhood inculcate most A German who predict Civilization in 200 yc expects Germany to win Pittsburgh Gazette-Ti One Doyle" is the way John ed me thing in claim that de Barl ipport of Canon on They | the very: CE REGENT consider it." "buts" il over. . -- PHONE 233 There is a moral to this story, rather two morals. Hydro Electric Power Commission's Gas Plant which is progressive and marches on in the full faith of the gas industry. who are considering purchasing a gas range, but let some little The King of Persia desiring to send a body of troops to a distant country to reinforce an outlying Army asked permission of an Enemy to allow the men to pass through his territory, thus shortening the route. with a statement that the enemy had received the message but "asked time to The courier returned "Let them consider," replied the King of Persia, "In the mean- time, we will march on." One applies to the The other applies to hundreds "ifs" and stand in the way. ° We would like to have those who feel that a Gas Range would not be to advantage in their home to call at the Office and talk I'here is no argument against the use of gas for heating or cooking. We have scientific data to cover every economic point. Other points are too well understood to consider such as less labour, less dirt, a time saver, etc. ; There is a vast army of march-oners who are lined up in that $45-Moffat Gas Range Squad, Won't you join up? Ready to meet all kinds of weather and kitchen conditions, Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Cleanliness. Permanent Gas Service. " Hydro>Electric Power Commission of Ontario 15 KING ST. EAST THE UNSIGHTLY BILLBOARD Ottawa Journal "he Women Municipal League, of New Yorl promoting a movement lor Lhe gainst ng it} billhoard wm of citizen in the hillhoard way ol wider control over York St ing New and elsewhere communities enjoy fairly complete control of hoard ¢ years ago the Supre the United States (Chicago in its dispute with the owning billboards a municipality's power. The Women's Municipal Leagae, however, doe public is yet ready «it prohibit hillhoards altogeiher that their aesthetic recognized that certain kin advertising are imity however, that have fiediy iv hey are prohibited i and France and the 1 em prohibited in America, Court of up 1 3 1 panies ) think the to advertisemen standards. It a to insist conform to A reet XPOS life f the and able It yards in the comm urges open country virtue and are unguall MON., TUES. AND WED. Mary Pickford in "Little Lord Fauntleroy" ADULTS 25¢ LAST SHO > y WING TO-NI Dorothy Dalton in "THE CRIMSON CHALLENGE" and "ALICE DUNBAR'S SCOTCH REVIEW" Rotary Club MINSTRELS 11c GHT THAT STUPEN SATURDAY, MAT. AND EVE "THE END OF THE RAINBOW" With An All Star Cast EXTRA The 1st Episode S PHOTOPLAY SATURDAY MATINEE FOR THE CHILDREN Souvenir Puzzle Sailor Hats will be presented to all the kiddies NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Mary Pickford IN "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" New Martin Theatre ONE WEEK Commencing MON., MAY 22 The Season's Greatest Sensation ALBURTUS The Miracle Man! Ask Him, He Knows He Answers All Questions SHOW CHANGES NIGHTLY The regular picture program runs in conjunction with Al- burtus, who appears each even- ing at 9.15. Prices To Suit The Times On Sunday next at 4 p.m. Alburtus will place a young woman in a thirty hour sleep in the window of C. F. Oke's by long distance telephone from St. Catharines. New Martin Theatre ERNIE MARKS, Manager _y Thursday-F riday -Saturday "Cameron of the Royal Mounted" PRICES - Adults 25¢c. - Children 10c. Vaudeville Alburtus Singing . The "Miracle Man" here all next week He sees the past and tells the future. See Special Anneuncemeny