OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 PAGE ELEVEN, er pre ------ Eo ar Alita arn Sime vem rm seem ira mage Tt * 7b ------------ AT 830 AM. 250 yards FANCY VOILES ceived from New York, sale' for "| FRIDAY MORNING which we have just re- will be put on n special fi ri HA mn SEVEN MORE PAYS FIFTEEN ER 135 SKIRTS of Navy Serge, pleated 'or plain, priced special- RY 5 dozen only D. & A. CORSETS Sizes 18 to 27. On sale for 79° IR. CHILDREN'S GING- HAM DRESSES of various styles and patterns. On sale for 98° 10 51.69 LADIES' COATS We have just received a shipment of ladies' Coats which are sent to us on consignment by a manufacturer to clear them out at any reason- able price. You can get a real up to date coat as low as UNDERWEAR for the family at a great saving. LADIES' SUMMER "VESTS No sleeves. 15° CURTAIN SCRIM In White, Ecru and Ivory 4 15° YD. WIN THE RUG! _ To the one making the greatest amount in pur- chase we give a Congol- eutn Rug free. Buy, and save. price $9.00. Onsale Saturday Morning At 8.30 am. | 500 yards of the high- | | est grade Print, | ors, not more than 5 | all col rd yards to a customeér. | Priced at 18° YD. WILL COME TO AN END LAR O00 00000 MO) 0000000000000 OE O00 A WE SAID WE WERE GOING TO CELEBRATE OUR GREATEST EVENT SINCE ESTABLISHMENT AND IF YOU WERE IN THE STORE LAST SATURDAY THEN THERE IS NO NEED TO EXPLAIN TO YOU HOW WELL WE CELEBRATED IT. If you have not yet attended this Sale, then look---We offer you on this page a few Extraordinary Values that even exceed what we did during the last eight days. SAVE $15.00 ON YOUR 24TH OF MAY SUIT Men! If you are anticipating the purchase of a suit you need go no further, for in honor of our 15th Anniversary we are taking EVERY SUIT IN THE STORE, and among them are real heavy 20-ounce Serges, 20-ounce Herring- bone Weaves in Nayy and Brown, 20 and 18-ounce Pencil Stripes in Navy and Brown, 22-ounce Grey Worsteds and Serges, 22-gurice Grey Overchecks, Plain Brown Serges, and hundreds of other kinds too numerous to mention. WE OFFER THEM TO YOU AT YOUR CHOICE SKR25.00 BLUE SERGE SUITS---TWO PAIRS PANTS AT T.0o00lk ¥Y SI19.D90 N-OO0k Y We have just received 25 more of those high grade Blue Serge Suits, and we give*you the chance again to cet one | at $19.90. "You get the extra wear out of the extra pair." BLUE SERGE SUITS---ALL WOOL Look Again! i OO Look Agai in? AA OM Hm 0 OO 000000 i ii] RA HAH EA Ju 5 DOZEN PILLOWS _ | 25 dozen | MEN' S, WOMEN S AND : : ' BOYS' HIGH GRADE | CHILDREN'S COTTON Well filled. Priced at JERSEYS OSERY DEPENDABLE FINE. 98° PR. : ok oh naar | SHIRTS Navy, White, Yan. Special in Black, Tan and White | Sizes 14 to 162 price 41° 5 dozen of those wonderful HOUSE DRESSES . C -- 15 PR, | Priced at CORSET COVER We still have a few of * EMBROIDERY those MT 1 5 doen MEN'S HIGH GRADE GREAT BARGAINS IN SMALLWARES If you need any look these over. Wir 12 to 18 in. wide. Speck ally - WONDERFUL CAPS priced at youfcan buy for 2°00, 45 . 500pr. ~~ 1250 pr. LADIES' BLACK, TAN, MEN'S BOOTS OR WHITE, ONE OR O STRAP SLIPPERS Black, Tan, Mahogany and ™ Chocolate work Shoes, fine AND PUMPS Oxfords 4 Shoe Shoes, Oxfords and gen- xfords or Shoes. Regu- eral purpose Boots. Regu- larly sold at from $5 to gu- $7.50. On sale during the lar from $4.50 to $10.00. On sale for remainder of the sale at Anniversity Sale for 2% US ANDSTS | 52.9870 55.9% «EE EL. OSHAWA -5 dozen LADIES' LARGE OR SMALL CHECK GING- HAM DRESSES Neatly made with shawl collar effect or Peter Pan |. collar; and' a few other styles that. make a dainty street or house.dress. Reg. 74 BOYS' HIGH GRADE TWEED SUITS Also Serge Suits in plain Norfolk and fancy, designs. Regular price was up to $16.50. On sale during our 0E r.2 > PHONE 308 | I I TABLE LINEN 54-in. wide, extra good Damask. Priced spec-. ially at oc 49° YD. BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS With governor fasten- ers. Priced at C 08" PR. 25 dozen MEN'S HIGH GRADE WORK SHIRTS Khaki, Black, Black and White stripe, Blue Chambray, Oxfords and many more kinds too numerous to men- tion. They all go at one price 0 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS With a reversible col- lar, made of a Print. On sale at ag 5 dozen MENSHIGCH GRADE SUSPENDERS On sale for TR MEN'S HIGH GRADE WORK PANTS \ Made of Wool and Cot- ton Tweed. On special sale for The Pants'will outwear any two pair together. MEN'S KHAKI " PANTS % WY \ a hne On sale $1.69 HEAVY WHIPCORD + KHAKI PANTS Regular $3.00, on sale a 23 Get a pair of these. Ee SAB OO ~ TART ih § i th Ef