Ontario Reformer, 13 May 1922, p. 7

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ef OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 PAGE SEVEN tcc ' a ------ comic. oy i Real Estate for Sale Help Wanted--Female Help Wanted--Male ~T. C. CLEMENCE, FOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS | FOR SALE--FOUR GOOD LOTS ON| WANTED -- RELIABLE CO OK,| WANTED -- A REPRESENTATIVE Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, |and blocks, Apply A. C..CooK, Alice | Arlingtow Ave,. overlooking Golf (general. or working housekecper.| for the town of Oshawa and sur- 19 King St. West. Phone 231. Street 5," 7" ° i 14-f | Grounds." Will sell cheap. For terms | Apply Mrs. G. D. Conant, Simcoe St.| rounding district. We issue the DE, Rj ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD: RADIO. _SETS--COMPLETE--25.00, |apply W, Stacey, Florist, Arlington |S. Phone 921, Mi 7-tf| greatest Sickness and Accident Po- ley Block! Simcoe St. 8. Phone 504. | full instructions for setting up ready | Ave. 13-tf | WANTED -- A STENOG THWR, | licies in Canaaa, vionthly and Annual 89-tf | tO Pecaive Jroadsaniing neys Sad SPECIAL I gservices tp commence at once, Ap-| Premiums, Renewal Commissions as concerts. nd monéy order. Guar- Ee ---- Ei DON'T LOOK SHABBY Have your Garments, Draperies, Curtains, ete, Dry Cleaned by our superior method, and they will look just like new and have that fresh appearance which you 30 much desire, You will not be disappointed if yon sand them to C. E. Aldsworth Quality Cleaner and Dyer Cor, Celina and Athol Sts. Geods called for and delivered, Mail orders receive special and prompt attention, PHONE 549 CT TC Lr LC LLL SHIH nn CULE EEL TELL EEL ELL EEE El { 1} Work Wanted Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired ycu will want it done right. You can depend on our workmanship. We "guarantee it, and use only first class, standard materials. " Let us estimate on your wiring. Our prices are right. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. A ly to G. D. Conant, Barrister, etc, | high as 65%, Write for particulars DR, T. 5. TUOOKER--DENTIST, OF |anteed satisfactory. Feller & Co. |%o0e Will buy an & room house with \ bf, JC" 14-it| The Provident, 1111 C.P.R. Building, fice over Hogg and Lytlws store. (235 Milverton Blvd., Toronto, Ont. piso rr Toronto. 16-1 Phone 948 1yr 0 Ole.e| iently locoted. Terms easy. WANTED --AT ONCE, A WOMAN | X20 : i a 184 v HA "Zi $3900 will give you an 8 room| for general housework. Apply 102 | WANTED--SALESMAN AND CAN- DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; (FQK SALK--ONE NORDHBIMER | house with water and electric | Bruce St., phone 756. 17-c| vasser, young man preferred. Salary Office over Kyle's Grocery Etore.| piano, fumed oak case, very fine lights, one block from car line. |\WANTED -- A WOMAN TO ASSIST |and commission, good opportunity Phone 959. 4-1 yr iy a, rele tons. It Rugulay $300 down. with cooking and help with kitchen | for live, reliable man, Stalter's Mu- DiC JANES, DENTIRT -- Oppo | 1001, sours or B00. Sister's, Mo: |asiuo, wi buy o fous rom ouse| work" Apply ire. 5. McLaugh te Sore, Othgwr. "ir y ? Store, | i 3 8 3 : oe St. N. I Tr gear Juty y's Lovell's Drug FOR SALE--HROUSEHOLD FURNI.| convenient to car line. $200; Im Simcoe St. N 17a, | WANTED -- ASSISTANT LEDGER- 3 fdmiind X00 AT phd Hr ATES ture consisting of dining room down. Sarit Aen ARIE Ad keeper must quick and accurate DR. TREWIN DENTIST -- #N-| 00 (nine pieces fumed oak, Wil-|$300 will buy a nice lot in West- | WANTED--A GOOD EXPERIENCED | experienged off sales ledger prefer- trance to.office one ~door east Of jam and Ma erio omplete| momnt on Pine St. Appl general, no washing.. Apply Mrs. F.|red. Aply Box D. Reformer. 18-a cy 3 ry period), bed compl pply Bi ; x nb ERO AR hich Bh ob PIRI = . De enbeek's Store. i and diese (Walnut, Loyis Xm, Oshawa Real Estate Bales Co, L. Henry, 26% King St, E. om Auk bil F Sal Auto Thieves Are Active . == 77 | wicker suite, hall rack, rugs, on [61 King St. East, Phone 793 | PY tees sc i e ur i Medical Ina: BRIE tls. AR tire) other ok a. renton, Int. ne utomobiles or Sa sverywhiere Y our car is not items, Same can he seen hy apply- --_ ; TR General Wants FOR SALE --- 490 CHEVROLET safe no matter where you DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN ing to Mr. James Craig ow Bond St.,| SOUYH OSHAWA INSURANCE | = 11920 model, looks like new, a bar- leave it. Play safe by taking and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, a few doo®™ west of Simcoe St. No AND RES); ESTATE LIST WANTED -- PERSONS TO GROW | gain. Apply C. Tuson, 7 Annis St. out our policy of theft insur- Simcoe St. North. Phone 57. 110-1yr | reasonable offer refused. Apply The best buy in Oshawa mushrooms for ug; waste space in | Cedar Dale. 16-c 4 , Bex P" ; 7 | $4,000 will buy beautiful 7 roomed |, : ns Tae re ance and you wont care DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- | Bex , Reformer Office. 16-c bri \ | eellars, outhouses er gardens can be | por SALE--CHEAP. 1918 EX- heth . . y .» FOR ALE--D TF rick house, practically new. |, 40 (5 yield $25 to $50 per week; | polsior vole rarhauls whether burglars make love geon, Accoucher, Office and resi 5 RIVING OUTFIT, Hardwood floors, beautiful b celsior motorcycle, Just overhaul dence, King St. East, corner Victoria horse, harness. buggy and cutter, 2 room built $n kitehan illustrated booklet and particulars ed. Apply 60 Alma St. 16-¢ to your car or not. We pro- St. Oshawa. Phone 94 593 Mill St., College Hill TR. | cabinet, walls white enamlend, | cit for 2 stamp, Jotantn Supbly FORD TRUCK FOR SALE APPLY tect you, and it's worth all : 3 = ' A y Li '| Co., Cumstoe ding, Toronto, » "ih Ho : . DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST,, FOR SALE -- 1 8 Fiat vu.ne., good cellar, linen closet, y 18-a | + C. Henry & Co. 16-t.; the premium it costs. + h tin finish silver. Apply 24 William h tiful electrical fixt 3 a Bast, Toronto, will bo at Jury &|52 heautiful electrica xtures, . St. E. : 16-¢ 11 d conveniences, Six- Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday >': mt Ss : 3 all modern con ences, Six ; . . from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- ng a RE ERD toon 10. Drivaie drive Jo lo7 AS boyd SOR ES 111% Simcoe st. Phone 1198W tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr | riage, also wicker baby sul- J » OR line residen.ia |'pyppRriENCED ~~ TIMEKEEPER " ky. Apply 79 Eldon Ave. 16-c street, two minutes from |'; ! * ' . 2 *1 -- R. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN Gi oD a Bt Ah " wi. ia on | Stockkeeper, packer and shipper de- a Ear, Nose and Throat, YOR SALE--SEVERAL ARTICLES Genefal Motors. This ia an. ition. Excellent references. : . A 'I of "household furniture i exceptional bargain. forme 1- e ampion Office over Dominion Bank. Tele 2" NOU - Apply after : ; Reformer. 17-¢ . {6 p. m. Apartment A, King Street | $4,300 will buy a six roomed com- | 0 os fugly ok IAT RRL Uy . : or phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or Chamb. 5 ' x pact brick bungalow, sun' WORK WANTED--G. <A. HEGA- in the Canadian Typewriting contests 96-1 | ambers. 16-c : ? yoo Jorn. electrical contractor. Get my has been a student of the Shaw Business by appointment. '| PRIVATE SALE OF CEEITATT hoem, good lot, all modern dorn, electrical contr } Schools, lsn't that convincing proof of DR. A..'A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- | tu rniture. SAL Is be HOUSERGLD conveniences, hest residential prices before letting your contracts. the thorough teaching We iver Your lege Street, Toronto, will be at JUry | yee prio. Sty Y alter 4. 0'c i district, 117 Alma Street. _ 18-¢ vigil aha latins & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday FOR SALE "BABYS BASSINET $3,800 will buy an 8 TOOMEd NONBE | =r rrr em 2 m-------------------------- July and August. Send now for pro- from 2,30 to 4.30 for consultation in R SW ADDI 2 u on paved street, wired for species 2 iis diseases of the nose, throat and ear. also baby hammock. Apply No. 4 electric stove, all modern Wanted to Rent P. Melntosh, Chief Principal 134-tf | Queen's Apartments. 17-b conveniences, side drive, 77| HOUSE WANTED TO RENT BY BUSINESS SCHOOLS DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | FOR SALE ONE USED WHITE fi. frontage, Iwo minutes) June 1st. Aoply Box 745, Oshawa SHA TORONTO +. Bm Se * | sowing machine, fumed oak, used from Malleable and Pedlar's 6i-c Street West, Toronto, will be at his | SW , , ' _| about six months, $55. Fine condi- | $4,800 will buy a beautiful six room ein : i office over Miller's Arcade each Sat | tion. Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa. brick bungalow in nice local : i 4 orday, from 1 till 4.p.m. for consul-| 17-tf ity, all molern conveniences Tires For Sale | tation and treatment of diseases of | FOR SALE -ONE PRACTICE PI new "and beautifully decorat- "OD JE---O} - \ Sar, Bose and Yhroal only. _ |ano, _upright style, $110. Stalter's ed, good lot. ; FOR SALE -- CORD AND Legal | Music Store, Oshawa, 17-1¢ | $7,000 will buy a Jk store with fabric tires at 20 per cent. off | | FOR SALE -- SQUARE TENT, 10 pine roomed dwelling ut! eoular prices. All sizes in| JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-|x 12, good shape. Apply 43 Elena i gE 2 Ine music| Peg AL is ales. 160 | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | St. hisila Yoel ©, Loo OPDORRIAR. Wa. shall stock. Tiger Tire Sales, 160 | veyancer. Money to loan. Offic>| FOR SALE ONE McCLARY GAS |cash payments, easy terms, good in- King St. W. Phone 93. | 14% King St Bast, Oshawa. Phone| range insgood condition, very cheap | yestment, or if are building see u. 6-1 mos. | 445. 5 , Apply 21 Mary St., or phone 25 Ww. | about these. id D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER 5 17-b. | J. E. BICKELL & E. L. PETLEY Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- | FOR SALE KITCHEN RANGE IN Phone 117). 430 Simcoe St. 8, cer, ete. All branches of Civil and good condition. Burns wood or = i Criminal Law. Loans arrangea. coal, has hot water front. Equip- Farms Wanted Office, King St. Chambers (formerly | ped with top, and is splendid baker. | WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER Oshawa House) King Bt. West, Osh-| Apply at 97 Bond Street East. having farm for sale; give particu- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | 17-b. | larg and lowest price. John J. Black, | 516J. cle FOR SALE-- A LARGE RUG 9X12 Canada St., Chippewa Falls, Wiscon- | uses. Slay GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-| in a 1 condition also a vacuum | sin. Headquarters tol. Sully Sursery Slog risters, Conveyancers, Notarles Pub-| cleaner as good as new, Apply 26 1 IRR fl TL lig TO I bg lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank.! 1% King E. Houses For Sale ade hid he Marsch perennials Snuante Simcoe Bu) Phose 2 J. | 17-tf. | FOR SALE--A SIX-ROOMED BRICK au nest piso iment of fruit swe, in - Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, | Foi SALE 2 WASHSTANDS, 1 |house. All conveniences. $2500.00. |} 304 Shall fraits for garden of orchard B.A. ai __. | leatherette couch, 1 hed couch, 1|$700.00 down, balance as rent. Im- lantings. G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- baby crib, Apply 24 Elena St. mediate possession, Apply at 444% Fruit ang ornamental books sent on rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. 17-b. | Simcoe St. S. LE Ba Lil Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. FOR SALE--ONE KITCHEN CUP-| FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK || STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on hoard, 1 New Perfection 3 burner |veener house on Oshawa Boulevard | mortgages, conveyancing and gen- | coal oil stove, 2 tables, 2 chairs. Ap-| Terms, $500 down, balance as rent. | : . stabilizing the boat and adding to . . | ply ar . outh. =D ossession In J ays. pply eve- speed. eir value is possible eral practice." Phone 63 __|ply 76 Park Rd. South 18-b | Pe ion in 30 days. Apply ' PO re i Dae H. E. MORPHY, B.A. --BARRISTER. | FOR SALE--ONE TRIUMPH COOK | Bings, 65 Elgin St. E. C. N. Sainton oniy and have immense production. Solicitor, Notary Pubiic, ete. Office | stove, in first class condition. Apply . Rm ----tEp---- { C | il kinds of A Disappearing Propeller Boat is 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshaway 63 Athol St. West. 18-c|FOR SALE--HOUSE AND LOT. an supply all kinds almost os indispensible as your vaca- Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. FOR SALE-- BICYCLE IN GOOD | Easy terms. Apply 148 Church St. tion itself. . S . : EI SI SR SEER EE repair. Apply 102 Simcoe St. N. 18a la 8c Soft Drinks Over Cop in use on the Muskoka Lakes : Chiropractic |FOR SALE--ONE REED BABY To Rent DisApresmnc PROPE ex = 4") jcarriage in good condition. $15. Ap-| _ TRE TTT TR IF TO aE PICs. Li CHIR: oly 68 Barrie St. 18-c | FOR RENT -- PASTURE ACCOMO- BOATS Repair and re- practic Spina " justments and ge FOR SALE GAS STOVE GURNEY lation for ahout 40 head of cattle, DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT Co.Ltd finish damaged Well, Jramiuations jiep 3 {8s Oxtord. No. 218K. at good' a8 Rew good running water, shade trees. Ar 92 King St. W., Toronte, Ont. \ . BD. Oi y . . Adder 4 Sp. A in 37 Rits S. J 7 " Le Wa? ed v 1 a a heirs rm or |a bargain for prompt sale. Phone oly 137 Ritson Rd. 8, or phon 2 EE U.S.A., Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. . Es X Furniture at iNo. 544 or write P. O. Box 413. I PA . PAL y y See these boats in our Showrooms. Or our new Reaso nable Surveyors ! 17-b | HOUSE TO RENT--TO A PARTY handsomely illustrated fo. der will give you Prices Satis- M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- = -- an adequate idea of their splendid con- HERE'S FROM AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH A former Canadian Minister of Finance in lus Disappearing Propeller Boal ON'T you agree that the folks who own a motor boat are the ones who get the best fun out of their vacation spent by the water? And this is just the ideal boat. In addition to its famous patented de- vice--automatically rzising the pro- peller to safety--these boats have Jome remarkable advantages. They ere beautiful boats with graceful lines and elegant fittings. They ar: staunchly huilt--strong and sturdy. They are scientifically and safely built--with propeller in midships, Phone 956F, W. A. GERRY, 391 Masson St., and have your Carpets and Rugs Cleaned by this thoroughly Sanitary and Up-to-date Outfit. The Prices from this date will be $1.00--$1.50 for any size Rug or Carpet up to and includ- ing'9 ft. x 12 ft, 6ft. x 9 ft. and under $1.00. The Fonthill Nurseries Established 1837 Largest in Canada TI d Can you af- ford to beat the life out of your Carpets. I also Clean Mattresses - Upholstered - Furniture - . Cushions, etc. at a. few minutes' notice WE CC Cr TE TO buving furniture. Box "A", Reform- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En-/ » See bu mo- |} MRS. ARTHUR BROOKS : Lost and Fou FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- LOST -- ON SATURDAY- AFTER |for three months, to party without noon between Queen Hotel Block | children. Centrally located. Reler- and Steel's. 4 small purse containing | ences required. Apply Box "B", Re- a sum of money. Finder please | former. : 17-b leave at 206 Albert St. and receive [Tu neal -- FURNISHED ROOM | reward. 16-c | suitable for one or two gentlemen, cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-t1 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- struction and wonderful value. | ZOST--_BETWEEN HOGG & LY- also board. Apply 72 Ritson Rd. S.| | tle's store and Oshawa Canning Co. 18-h { 5 iy Agent for O'Keefe's Immediate Delivery We have also a special first grade, 16-ft. Canvas Canoe at a pries of $76 complete. Write to-day. 4 Oshawa Distributors F. ¢ BAILES faction or no charge. A trial order will be appreciated. bulance; morgue and chapel in con- via Gibbs St, hag of 100 Ibs. carly | === = = fon; pi ; ] 5 af 4 va Beerivn; pie lraping 11 Shucoe | Crosby corn. Finder will be reward- POST OFFICE 19 Division St : 26-1 yr | ©d by notifying Hogg and Lytle. Mails close at local post office at: ---- 18-a Going East--7.30 a. m., all east; T.OST -- LAST FRIDAY NIGHT BE-|2 p. m., Port Hope aud Peterboro | § . Insurance Agents tween the Four Corners and Lloyd | Division; 8.45 p. m., all east. ¢ Something to Remember FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN |a fur cap. Finder please return to Going West--1.15 p. m., Whitby, | § Wellington Mutual and Upjon Fire|163 Simcoe St. S. 18-b | Toronto, and all west of Toronto; | § Ificigtey slips away more Insurance Society, London, England. | FOUND--A BUNCH OF KEYS ON 3.30 p. m., New York City and Rast. : quickly through faulty vision gf N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 [the car track at the four corners. | TR States, not including Connecti- than from any other cause. os 4 ; by i ut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts | ¢ I ficiency effected? Ti Ps Owser Bay have rome by, veoy ne nd Vermont; 7.30 p. m., all west | ; 5 your y ho re Repairing SARI ah pay = 13.1] nd Ottawa City; 8.45 p. m., all | Our Sepcudaie osammation ? ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT : west. : ir Will determine the exact condi- ; Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- ---- sss sn -- tion of your eyes. ape, Simcoe St. South Tires for RTA Poultry as male. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors | FOR SALE--BRED TO LAY BAR- 4 strain we cap furnish you with p 5 TWO LOTS Phone 766. 11-1] red Rock chicks, 25c. Apply 145 4 ; the glasses you should wear PA. Re = = ----- | Tresane St., College Hill. 18-b On Al St. 3 . from y for comfort and. visual enjoy- p Musical Instruction |= 3 o si . | | et i : _ WERBERT C TRENSER, ATCA | Auction Sale ____.[ Simcoe and Alesandra P ak, J 6 | A B . organist and ghoirmaster of the King | AUCTION SALE --OF PARLOR, Particulars re terms apply: § | It is | : " Still the mos? L When We Test Eyes bh, St. Methodist Church, is prepared to | Piring Room, Kitchen and Bedroom || Ww A Grooms Done Properly | » 2) » Organ. For terms. ete. apply on tt 23 Ritson Road South, Osh- If your eyes are subject to agcept a limited number of pupils in Furniture, on Saturday, May 13th L 125 Alma Street; 4 JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. { for the money. Saturdays Bt King St. Methodist | 2%. Terms, Cash. Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe |2t 2-00 p.m. the property of L. Beck- or at Hogg & Lytle's Store, > » i - TTI ¥ = = Jas. Bishop . Phone 28 "Phone 110 pr Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 i West. { S084 IRQ TORONTO : : he Auciichier King Wen ST UREA CROPS NES ANDREW WILSON 8.6 meatier , . 1 WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. ; : : p-- Live Stock a specialty. Phone 187r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6=0s hy Storage | WAD TALKING TO A POLICEMAN - THAT'S WHEN | LODT HIiM-~ WHY DON'T You BLE -MOM2 WALKING WITH A LITTLE WILL 1 DO? | SPEAK TO A CHILD AND cee -- POLICEMAN? LOST HIM - of 3] won: L524 night S52W. Rn * Noavrth RN. Tn FOR GOODNESS SAKE - NITURE STORED -- IN CLEAR building Als6 storage for ears WHAT 1D THAT WOMAN T . 01 WHAT'S THE I'M A NURSE - | WAS OUT OH! OH! WHAT ROU L] New Lumber for Sale iD WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH nd dressed lumber. Ask for quo-| wat.ons. Whitby Lumber & Wood- yar@. Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. May 31 Builders and Contractors BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A new home, or repairing your old one, see me. I also have fine building lots for sale. I can give you easy payments and save you money.--C.| N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, | 320 Park Road 'South, Box 550. Phone 557. 130-3 mos. | =| I! l ITRREN | i Nr "i Tadgan, 1 5 UT ; ! y : baat tes ca side and inside work done by expe we, nd a trad A :: Apply for BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus r terms, etc., at 44 Charles St.

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