PAGE SIX THE WORLD W WAITS FOR THE RUSSIANS Canada has never stopped her ears to appeals for bread. It is true that there has never been a catastrophe so far-reaching as the famine which has made desolate the homes of 33,000,000 people in the Volga district of Russia, but there have been many claims upon the purses of generous individuals and there has been no lack of response to appeals of this nature. It is hard to visualize just what the "Russian situation means. - Rus- ela is so far away and its people are 80 little known to most of us that we do not stop to think of the pure- ly Christian attitude which we should assume with reference to their plight. There are many peo- ple who are disposed to say--*'Who cares what happens in Russia? We are not responsible, and we have many degarying people who need our help." is selfish, It is un-Can- adian, There are 33,000,000 people in Russia who are threatened with extinction because of conditions over which they have no control. Are we to let them disappear? The conse- quences to us would be serious. Canada is interested in the moral and economic rebuilding of Russia. Until Russia gets back into her place in 'respectable society, world trade will not flourish, 'We ought to help Russia to get back, If we al- lowed such a calamity as the wiping out, or even the physical deteriora- tion of 383,000,000 people in a civil- ized country, we would be delaying the day when the old world will strike its normal gait and begin to do business as of yore, Send your subscription to Sir Geo. Burn, Treasurer of the Canadian | Committee of the Save the Children Fund, Ottawa, or forward it through your local committee, | RECENT DEATHS MRS, H. BRADSHAW The death occurred in the Oshawa Hospital on Tuesday morning of Mrs. H. Bradshaw, beloved wife of Dr, H. Bradshaw, of Portage Ila Prairie. Deceased was horn in Whithy fifty-six years ugo but had resided in Portage 4a Prairie ' for some years, until four months ago when she came to Oshawa to stay with relatives during her illness. Mrs. Bradshaw had heen in poor health for the past The fun- eral was held this noon from the residence of her sister Mrs. L. Moody, conducted by Rev. J. H. Mc- Bain. The surviving members 2 the family are her husband, r. Bradshaw, one daughter, Mrs, D Glover, Morden, Man., five sisters, Mrs. W. J, Jackson, Pickering; Miss Rodd, Oshawa; Mrs. George Moody, Oshawa; Mrs. George Kayes, Mark- ham; Mrs. Clarence Ycung, Oshawa, and two brothers, Mr. G. W. Rodd, Myrtle, and Mr. A. Rodd, Green- bank. UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE FIRE TONGS. "There is just one .thing more we need to make our bungalow look most artistic and old fashioned," said Nurse Jane to Uncle Wiggily one day, as the bunny gentleman was about to hop out for his adventure hunt, "What is it?" asked Mr. Longears. "Fire tongs," answered Nurse Jane. "You know those things like long legged pincers that: you pick up burning logs with,to make them burn better in the fireplace. We have no andirons which the logs rest on as they burn; we have a fire shovel, a little broom and a poker, as well as a fender. But we have no tongs." "We certainly ought to have chem," agreed Uncle Wiggily, twinkl- ing his pink nc:e on both sides at once. "It isn't .ny fun to pick up a 'burning bra: ! in your bare paws." "I wonder it uradpa Goosey would have any old-fashioned fire tongs in his Old Curiosity Shop?" suggested Nurse Jane. y offered the bunny gentleman, for he was as anxious as was his muskrat lady housekeeper to. see the hollow stump bungalow look pretty, Over the fields and through the wodos hopped the bunny uncle until he reached the Old Curiosity Shop of Grandpa Goosey. ENCOURAGING REPORT OF SEWING. CLASS The meeting of the Albert Strect Home and School club on Wednesday opened with the singing of 0"Canada, | with the new words adopted by Home and School clubs all ower Canada, as published in a recent Mscue of the Reformer, ' The interesting item of this meet- ing was the report of the Home and School club convention, recently held in Toronto, by the President, Mrs. Witterick, who was the delegate from the Albert Street Club. This report was very full, and shanks were extended to Mrs. Witterick for the time spent in the preparation of such a splendid report. Report of the year's work were also given, which showed that much time and effort has been put into this work during the past year. The sewing class report was the most encouraging. This work among the children has shown splendid re- sults. Remnants have been made in to children's girmeints, and these will be sold at a bazaar that the Club is planing to give in the near future The members have also taken talent money, and it is expected that this will bring large returns. Mrs. Kelcher, of Peterboro, safe * | very beautifully "Rose of My Heart." which was very much enjoyed the large number present, by BORN ASKEW---In Oshawa on May 1st, Mr. and Mrs. J, (Henry Bruce). to Askew, a son 17-a SOCIAL and | PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~o0-opera- tion of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send us a postcard or 'phone 85, \ --Mr. J. A. McGiblion spent the week-end with his brother and sis- ter at Penetanguishene. --Mrs. C. D. Lacombe was called to Peterboro to-day owing to the serious illness of her sister. --Mr. W. R. Geikie, general manager of the Pedlar plant, who has been ill for the last two Weeks is able to be out again. --Miss B. E. Harris, of the Pub- lic Health Department, is in Brant- ford attending the convention of the Social Service' Council. --Mr. Robert Henderson returned home yesterday morning from Cal- gary, where he has been visiting his brother, Mr. Archie Henderson, who is seriously ill. --Several Oshawa Rotarians went to Port Hope last Sunday evening to hear a sermon to Rotarians deliver- ed by Rev. Mr. Anderson in the Presbyterian Church, MURRAY-COCKERTON At the rectory on Saturday, May 6th, by Rev, C. R. dePencier, Miss Emily Dolly Cockerton was married to Mr, Geo. Alxander Murray. They were assisted by Miss E. Cockerton and Gece. Lalond. They will reside at 137 Huron Street, Oshawa. BIRCHAM--WILSON In St. George's Church this morn- ing, by Rev. C. R. dePencier, the marriage was solemnized of Miss Rachael Wilson, of Oshawa, former- ly of England, to Mr. Henry Birch- am, son of Mrs. James Bircham, 70 | Wilkinson Avenue. The young | couple were attended by Miss Em-| ma Chapman and Mr. John Wilson. They will reside in Oshawa, SUGAR "COATED PILLS OF WIiS- DON (By Aesop, Jr.) The Boy and the Dog Alert action always actuates am- bitious attainments. It's a lone person like dogs. The winning of a cup or prize fs not always governed by mere size. | Sufficient unto the labor should be the pay therefor. Where there's a mass 'tis hard to pass. The speakers are the life of the | convention. A little fellow "thay crack a ie whip, It's a long stove-pipe that has no| hends. All who are "Frisco. who doesn't --'*Aesop's Film Fables" JT. On BABY sowesl's 1. LAMBLE BABY COATS of Summe r-- 0 x LJ PATTIE [ Ii < & 'A Lovel y Array r Frocks "Such unusual dresses," "So many lovely styles," "So fresh and cool looking," are some of the remarks overheard. 'Wash Dresses Crisp, fresh wash dresses, in attractive materials and styles-- a good supply of them is at once a pleasure and a necessity, amd most moderately priced. Skirts All the newest styles and materials in Sport Skirts, and no two alike. &o 9 'We willbeonly 'too pleased to show you this choice variety as we feel sure you will be delighted with them. MORE CONTRIBUTIONS TO FAMINE FUND We beg to acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of the following sub- scriptions to the "Save the Chil- dren" fund: Previously acknowledged ..$103.76 Mrs, Wm. Gummow ,. .. . 2.00 A Mother ,./., 5.00 Billy O'Reilly .. 5.00 A Friend .. .. 5.00 St. Gregory's School, Rev. Father Bench .. ... Simcoe 8t. Public School ... Mary St. Public School .... Albert St. Public School ... Centre St. Public School ... Further Wibycriptiony King St. School .. 1200 4.00 13.40 4.73 18.08 3.00 $178.97 C. N. HENRY, Treas., Local Committee. WILL PLAY IN BOWMANVILLE General Motors Football team will travel to Bowmanville next Saturday for their opening game id the Osh- awa and District Agpociation. The team will be selected from the fol- lowing: Wright, Brown, McMillan, Rouse, Harvey, Bloom, George Mor- gan, J. Morgan, Calder, Bowie, George, Dr. Adams, Hewitt, Wilson. Players will meet at Chevrolet din- ing room at 2 o'clock. SHEK INFORMATION The Amateur Athletic Union of 4'anada have written to Secretary Nott of the Central League protesting against Central League Clubs, Port Hope particularly, tampering with T.A.B.A. players. No specific charge ahs been made but if one is made it will be dealt with by the C.0.B.L. executive, The Port Hope Guide, a Port Hope team would consist en- tirely of home brews so that this | | | frisky are not trom | news came as somewhat of a sur- prise to the local fans, few days ago was boasting that the. BASEBALL SOORES FOR THE FANS Baseball fans in Oshawa will be interested to know that Mr. Ernie Marks. manager of the New Martin Theatre, has arranged with the Can- adian National' Telegraph Company for complete returns of baseball games played this season. These will include, Awerioan National and In- ternational Leagues and the results will be showh on the screen each evening. The first returns-were re- ceived on Monday night and thrown on the screen before the' vaudeville commenced, Reformer Want Ads Bring Results May 14 is Mother's Day "Say it with Chocolates" MOTHER "Whose love can equal the love of a mother; 'Whose the devotion so loyal and true! Who suffers so much with such joy for another, Who works with such pleasure as Mother for you! You hail with delight the friendship of others, You revel in love of the sweetheart you've won; Yet, where do you find a friendship like Mother's Unbroke n till death calls and life's work is done." A daintily wrapped box of delicious Queen Mary Chocolates is a most suitable gift for "Mother" on Mother's Day, Queen Mary Chocolates are fresh, whole- some and appetizing---made right here in Oshawa--not manufactured and hoxed weeks before they are eaten. Buy a box for Mother and present it to her on '"Mother's Day." The beautiful rosebud on each package of "Queen Mary" makes a suitable bouquet '/ for your lapel on Mother's Day, QUEEN MARY CHOCOLATE SHOP Phone orders 73 King St. East in three widths. | Summer Porc Furniture YES, READY SATURDAY A.M. TO SHOW YOU THE New Verandah Pieces Hickory, Willow, Grass and Cane Chairs in a great variety of sizes and prices. Hamo Couches, Hammocks, Verandah Mats, different materials such as Crex Grass Rugs, etc. Cocoa Matting for steps Yes, REFRIGERATORS $17.50 to $85.00 each $30.00, we have the assortment from Splendid lines at $32.00, $48.00 and $58.00 We only mention 'Two Qua- lities THE CANE PIECES $2.50, $2.75, $3.75, $4.00, $5.50 and $5.75 EACH Really they are fine for appearance and wear Old. Hickory from $4.00 THI to $10.00 each Our Little SPECIAL at No better made for . wear and durability, $17.50 yet very comfortable in every respect, is splendid value Come n early for good choice LUKE At $30.00, the world with our values Have you joined our Kitchen Cabinet Club yet? Do so at once if you would serve your own interests $32.00 and $35.00 we can beat KING ST, East BROS. * . Bow i -- BRUTON'S Boot Shop News For the Week-end Featuring this week-end along with our Leather Lines New Tennis, Sporting and Outing Shoes. New shipment at new pFices that will make the Rub- ber Soled line very popular this year again, IN OUR MEN'S DEPT, Brown Side Bal, neat r de toe $4.50 Same style, Black, medium weight Splendid Brown Salt Oxford, rubber hee neat last ... : $6 00 New line of to sell at : Brown Can Bal, leath- er Strapping, leather '$ soles ........ 3 00 Black and Canvas Bporting Shoes, rub- i ber soles .. 1.50 Brown wi smooth soles Brown with pneu- matic heel red sole $2 45 LJ SOCKS THE TALK OF THE TOWN Eng. Wool, Cash., Lisle, Silk @3c. 50c., 75¢., $1, $1.25 IN OUR WOMEN'S DEPT, For the May Days, White Canvas and patent Sport Oxford $5.00 New Sport Oxford I Cushioned Sole Rub- ber heel $4.50 Strap or no strap, : medium heel . $4.50 Dong. 2 strap with Baby Louis heel special .. . $3 95 Special Low "heel, Buckle style, Parent Dull and Brown, $3 95 TENNIS AND SPORTING LINES White Sport Oxford with Black good heel White 1 strap style, nice heel A dandy, + suitable for tennis or campers white Oxford pneu- matic heel White Oxford, for Tennis, Corrugated sole Plain white Pump with Button, Pneu- matic heel ....-. $2.00 IN OUR BOYS' DEPT. Size 1----3 Big special Table of splendid wearing . lines $2 95 Smart Oxford Exten- sion sole wide $3. 75 Blue or Black Corru- gated sole .. . $1.25 Tennis Sport. Line Brown heavier with $1.45 smooth sole finish . Leader has leather trim and shin bone protéctor $2.25 White high heavy : Corrugated Sole lm 4 50 ther insole 1 Brown with pneuma- tic heel . $2 25 ROCK RIB HOSE 50c-85¢ YOUTHS' DEPT. Youth Sizes 11-12-18 Big table of splendid School Shoes $2.9 Smart Oxford Brown with Exten- sion Sole . $3.25 TENNIS LINES White high cut Lea- ther insole ...... $1.45 Brown high heavy smooth Sole $1.25 Black or Dark Blue $1 15 high Pattern . New patent 2 strap $2 50 Slipper Patent ankle strip $2 50 trim Sole ...... Splendid line Brown or Special of White Ankle Strap $1.25 yo TR AND LADS' DEPT. Size Shoes is a dandy Brown Calf, 2 strap ~ $2.15 Tennis lines--Black Brown Sandal ..... $1.00 Special Basket Rub- 50c¢. TENNIS LINE Leather insoles" with Brown Canvas Sandal : yith Leather inner- $1.25 8.10% Our table of Service assortment .e $2.95 New Shipment of Dolly Sandal Extension Welt So $2.95 ; Bal .. Asan $1.00 White Sandal, Brown Bal Smooth Sole .. " $1.15 ber Sole sand shoes size only 3% to 5 for kiddies i -------------- \