TSR. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 Dental DR. C. CLEMEN! Office Over Ahdifons ailor Shop, 19 King St. West. one 231. DR. R. B. ADAMS, SHE, BRAD- ley Block, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 504. 89-tt DR. T. 8. TUCKER---DENTIST, OF- . fice over HOgg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1-yr, DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery £tore. Phone 969. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No. 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- &N- trance ,to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. , DENTIST, 'and blocks, Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS Apply A. C. Cook, Alles Street BE. 14-1 RADIO SETS--COMPLETE=-35.00, full instructions for setting up ready to .receive hroadcasting news and concerts. Send money order. Guar- anteed satistactory. Feller & Co., 235 Milverton Blvd., Toronto, ont 14- FOR SALE -- A GOOD COMBINA- tion coal and gas stove, in first class condition, Phone. 506 W or apply 230 Arthur St. 16-¢ FOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY TO- gether with cart and harness. Pony about eight years old, well broken. Apply Box "M" Reformer, 16-b Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St: North. Phone 57. 110-1yr OR, McKA HYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, 'Office and resi-, dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Sti, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST. ast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, Office' over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or by' 'appointment. 96-41 "A, A. HALLIDAY. 143 COL- logs Street, Toronto, wiil be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, B0S6 | and throat only. . JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa, Phone 4456. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTBR, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc, All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged. . Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. , Phoues, Office 940; Resid TOR SALE--ONE NORDHEIMER piano, fumed oak case, very fine touch and excellent tone. Regular $600, clears for $400. Stalter's Mu- sic Store, Oshawa, 17- tt FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture consisting of dining room suite (nine pieces fumed oak, Wil- liam and Mary period), bed complete and dresser. (walnut, Loufs XIIth.), wicker suite, hall raek, rugs, Wilton and Brussels, and several other items. Same can he seen by apply- ing to Mr. James Craig on Bond St., a few doors west of Simcoe St. No reasonable offer refused. Apply Box " P", Reformer "Office. 16-c FOR BALB--DRIVING OUTFIT, horse, harness. buggy and. cutter. 593 Mill St., College Hill. 16-n FOR SALE -- 1 B FLAT Cuno, satin finish silver. Apply 24 William St. BE. . 16-c FOR SALE -- CREAM TOKER baby carriage,. reversible gear and bassinette, © Both in good condition. Apply 149 Elgin St, E. 16-b FOR SALE -- CREAM FINE REED baby carriage, also wicker baby sul- ky. Apply 79 Eldon Ave, 16-c FOR SALE--1 B FLAT CORNET, satin finish silver; also 1 MeClary automatic 3 burner coal oil stove and 2 burner oven. Apply 24 ° Wil- liam St, BE. 16-c FOR SALE--SEVERAL Ar'1hCuLs of household furniture, Apply after 6 p. m., Apartment A, King Street Chambers. 16-¢ PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture. Apply after 6 o'clock to 148 Prince St. 17-c FOR SALE--BABY'S BASSINETTE, also baby hammock. Apply No. 4 Queen's Apartments. 17-b 616J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyauncers, Notaries Pub- He, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. . J. PF. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, B. G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- Fister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. | South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Pubiic, etc. Office 113% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones~--- Office 210, Res. - 160. 'Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get wi Examinations free at Dr. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- eessor to late W. E. 'Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73- tf Undertakers & "Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN + Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, » Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South, Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-tf Musical Instruction HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M., organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, ete., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Chureh, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a specialty. . Phene 167r1-4 Bowmanville, 124-6mos | | FOR SALE--ONE USED WHITE sewing machine, fumed oak, used about six months, $55. Fine condi- tion. Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa. 17-tf FOR SALE --ONE PRACTICE PI- ano, upright style, $110. Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa, 17- tf x 12, £004 shape. Apply 43 Elena St. 17-¢ FOR SALE ONE McCLARY GAS range in good condition, very cheap Apply 21 Mary 8t., or phone 25 w. 17-b. FOR SALE KITCHEN RANGE IN good condition. Burns wood or coal, has hot water front. Equip- ped with top, and is splendid baker. Apply at 97 Bond Street na 7-b. office. | . M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. | | FOR SALE-- A LARGE RUG 9X12 in a 1 condition also a vacuum cleaner as good as new, Apply 26 1% King BE. 17-tf, FOR SALE-- 2 WASHSTANDS, 1 leatherette couch, 1 bed coueh, 1 baby cart. Apply 24 Elena B > 17-b. Work Wanted EXPERIENCED TIMEKEEPER, stockkeeper, packer and shipper de- sires position. Excellent references. Box "F", Reformer. 17-¢ Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE---FOUK GOOD LOTS oN Arlington Ave, overlooking Gol Grounds, Will sell cheap. For --- apply W, Stacey, Florist, Arlington Ave, 13-tr FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK veener house on Oshawa Boulevard Terms, $600 down, balance as rent. Possession in 30 days. Apply eve- nings, 65 Elgin St, E. C. N. Stainton. 16-e You SALE -- 6 crt HOUSE on Drew St, newly decorated. Hard- wood floor, Possession at once. A bargain, LOTS ON JARVIS ST. 40 x 110, $240 cash or $280 on time, houses and lots (in all parts of the town. Apply H. Salter, 24 Royal St.. Phone 186. 16-b © SPECIAL * $5500 will buy an 8 room house with all modern conveniences, conven- iewtly lecoted. Terms easy. $3900 will give you an 8 room house with water and electric lights, one block from car line. $300 down. $1000 will buy a four room house with water and electric lights, convenient to car line. $200 down, $300 will buy a nice lot in West- mount on Pine St. Apply Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 61 King St, East, Phone 703 or A. A, Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 6tf OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SALES 61 King East Phone 793 $3600 WILL BUY A 7 ROOM house with all conveniences, outside the corporation. Hard- wood floors downstairs and two kitchen cabinets built in. Lot 650x180. $3300 WILL BUY A 6 ROOM BRICK on good sized lot with all con- veniences except furnace. $2500 WILL BUY A 5 ROOM BRICK with most of the modern con- veniences. This is ideal for a small family. $3800 WILL BUY AN 8 ROOM house on paved street with all modern conveniences and wired for electric stove. This is suit- able for a rooming house, 'We have many more houses vary- ing in prices from '$1500 to $10,000. Also some choice lots and farms. We write all kinds of insurance. A. C. LYCETT, Phone 625. J. C. YOUNG, Phone 909). 16-b SOUTH OSHAWA INSURANGE AND REAL ESTATE LIST The best buy in Oshawa $4,000 will buy beautiful 7 roomed brick house, practically new. Hardwood floors, beautiful sun room, built in kitchen cabinet, walls white enamled, good cellar, linen closet, beautiful electrical fixtures, all modern conveniences. Six- teen ft. private drive, lot 127 ft. deep, on fine residential street, two minutes from General Motors. This is an exceptional bargain. $4,300 will buy a six roomed com- pact brick bungalow, sun hoom,. good lot, all modern conveniences, best residential district. $3,800 will buy an 8 roomed house on paved street, wired for electric stove, all modern conveniences, side drive, 77 ft. frontage, two minutes from Malleable and Pedlar's. $4,800 will buy a beautiful six room brick bungalow in nice local ity, all molern conveniences, new and beautifully decorat- ed, good lot. $7,000 will buy a brick store with nine roomed dwelling at- tached. This is a fine busi- ness opportunity. 41 Lots in North Oshawa, small cash payments, easy terms, good in- vestment, or if are building see us about these. J. E. BICKELL & E. L, PETLEY Phone 1173. 430 Simcoe St. 8, 17-a Efficiency shps away more quickly through faulty vision than from any other cause, } Is your efficiency effected? Our dependable examination | ) will determine the exact condi- § 3 tion of your eyes. If your eyes are subject to strain we can furnish you with @ the glasses you should wear for comfort and visual enjoy- § ment. § JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. Phone 28 'Phone 110 POST OFFICE Mails close at local post office at: Going East--7.30 a. m., all east; 2 p. m.,, Port Hope and Peterboro Division; 8.45 p. m., all east. Going West--1.15 p. m., Whithy, Toronto, and all west of Toronto; 3.30 p. m., New York City and East- ern States, not including Connecti- cut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont; 7.30 p. m., all west and Ottawa City; 8.45 p. m., all wast. Ea TWO LOTS On Alma St., 3 min. from Simcoe and Alexandra Park. Particulars re terms apply: W. A. Grooms, 125 Alma Street; or at Hogg & Lytle's Store, King West. A |... Help Wanted--Female | STENOGRAPHER (LADY REQUIR- ed) must have good education, ac- curate in spelling and experience in manufacturing office. Apply giving full particulars in first letter stating salary required, Canadian General Electric io. Peterboro, Ontario, A 16-b Ww. -- RELIABLE COOK, general or working housekeeper. Apply Mrs. G. D, Conant, Simcoe St. 8. Phone. 921. 7-tt WANTED -- A STENOGRAPHER, services to commence at once. Ap- ply to G. D. Conant, Barrister, etc., Oshawa, . 14-tf A 1 A + A for general housework. Apply 102 Bruce St., phone 756. 17-¢ WANTED--A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. T. B. Mit- chell, 209 Simcoe St, N. 17-a WANTED-- A WOMAN TO ASSIST with cooking and help with kitchen work. Apply Mrs. R, 8S. MocLaugh- lin, 8fmeoe St.*N. 17+b. WANTED---~A GOOD EXPERIENCED general, no washing. Apply Mrs, F, L. Henry, 26% King St. E. 17-tf Lost and Found LOST--PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED odd shaped eyeglasses with chain and pin attached. Monogram on pin. Finder will be suitably reward- ed by leaving at D. M., Tod's office. 15-¢ LOST -- FOLDING PURSE CON- taining a sum of money between up- town section and Ritson Road 8. Finder kindly return to 182 Ritson Road 8. 17-2 LOST -- ON SATURDAY- AFTER noon hetween Queen Hotel Block and Steel's. a small purse containing a sum of money. Finder please leave at 206 Albert St. and receive reward. 16-c FOUND--A BUNCH OF KEYS ON the car track at the four corners. Owner may have same by proving same and paying for ad. Apply 42 Bond W. 13-tf Situations Wanted WANTED TO BUY----PONY CART (basket style) and pony harness, in good repair. Box "V". Reformer. , Legal "Notices IN THE ESTATE OF PHILIP AN- DREW STONE, deceased: -- The creditors of Philip Andrew Stone, late of the Township of East Whitby. in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1922, and all oth- ers having claims against, or en- titled to share in, the estate, are hereby notified to send by post pre- paid or otherwise deliver to the un- dersigned, the solicitor for the Ixec- utors of the Estate, oh or before the 20th day of May, 1922, their Chris- tian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, accounts or interests, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Immediately after the said 20th day of May, 1922, the assets of the said testator will he ditsributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims or interests of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice, and all others will be excluded from the gaid distribution. Dated at Oshawa this 2nd day of May, 1922, G. D. CONANT, Barrister, etc., Oshawa, Ont. Executors herein. 14-17-20 IN THE ESTATE of Mrs. Alice Wil- liams, Oshawa, Ont., Authorized As- signor. Notice is hereby given that Alice Williams, Oshawa, Ont., did on the 2nd day of May, 1922, make an authorized assignment to the under- signed. Notice is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the of- fice of The Canadian Credit Men's Association Ltd., 58 Front St, W., Toronto, Ont., on Wednesday, May 17th, 1922, at 2.30 p. m. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with us before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with us prior there- to. And further take notice that if you have any claim against the debt- or for which you are entitled to | rank, proof of such claim must be filed with us within thirty days from the date of this notice, for from and after the expiration of the time fix- ed by sub-section 8 of section 37 of the said Act, we shall distribute the proceeds of the debtor's estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which we then have notice, Dated at Toronto this 8th day of May, 1922, THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S Association Ltd. Authorized Trustee. Solicitor for the Mrs. 17-a RAILWAY TIMETABLES y 3 lilective May 1 GRAND TRUNK AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going East:--x8,28 a.m.; x10.24 am.; 1.09 pm.; 250 pm.; 629 p.m.; 7.05 pm.; x 9.40 p.m.; x11.85 p.m.; 11.58 stops only for passeng- ers for Montreal and beyond. Going West: --x4.44 a.m.; am.; x6.24 am.; 725 am; am,; 2.22 pom.; 441 pm; p.m.; x845 p.m. x Daily; all others daily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RATWAY Going East: --x10,01 a.m.; 1.47 p.m.; 859 p.m.; 12,08 a.m, Going West: --x6,05 a.m.; a.m.; x8206 pm.; 7.18 p.m. x Daily; all others daily Sunday. 'Houses For Sale BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE-- Modern seven roomed brick house, all conveniences, centrally located. Apply 8S. Shupe, 118 Queen St. S., Kitchener. Phone 498 or 690. 10.17 7.29 8.40 except 13-e FOR SALE -- TWO ROOM HOUSE, water, sewers, electric lights, 3 lots, all in garden, strawberries, rasp- berries, and two cellars dug and lumber on place. 245 Gibbs St. W., near Park Road. ib-e HOUSE FOR SALE--6 ROOMS, 4 lots, 25 apple trees, plums, pears, cherries, large berry garden. Apply Geo, Palmer, Whitby. 16-¢ FOR SALE--A SIX-ROOMED BRICK house. All conveniences. $2500.00. $700.00 down, balanfe as rent. Im- mediate possession, Apply at 444% Simcoe St. 8. 18-b FOR SALE--6 ROOMED BRICKED house with every convenience, price $2,600. Apply 71 Metcalfe Street, Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- A REPRESENTATIVE for the town of Oshawa and sur- rounding district. We issue the greatest Sickness and Accident Po- licies in Canaaa, »ionthly and Annual Premiums, Renewal Commissions as high as 656%. Write for particulars The Provident, 1111 C.P.R, Building, Toronto. 16-f WANTED--SALESMAN AND CAN- vasser, young man preferred. Salary and commission, good opportunity for live, reliable man. Stalter"s Mu- sic Store, Oshawa. 7-t¢ ~ Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--FORD LIGHT DELIV- ery truck. Run just two months, has self starter, spare tire, etc. Ap- ply 227 King St. W 16-b FOR SALE ---- 490 CHEVROLET 1920 model, looks like new, a bar- gain. Apply C. Tuson, 7 Annis St, Cedar Dale. 16-c FOR SALE--CHEAP. 1918 EX- celgior motorcycle. Just overhaul- ed. Apply 60 Alma St. oh 16-c FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY R. C. Henry & Co. 16-t.f Wanted to Rent HOUSE WANTED TO RENT BY June 1st, Apply Box 745, Oshawa. 16-c To Rent FOR RENT -- PASTURE ACCOMO- dation for about 40 head of cattle, good running water, shade trees. Ap- ply 137 Ritson Rd. S. or phone 247 w. 16-c HOUSE TO RENT--TO A PARTY buying furniture. Box "A", Reform- er. 17-¢ FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT for three months, to party without children. Centrally located. Refer- ences required. Apply Box "B", Re- former. 5 ig 17-b Rooms To Let FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. AP- ply Box "C'", Reformer. 17-a x5.45| T Several new ware on mosquitoes have been started this spring, but we are still bettin on ther mosquitoes.-- New York Tribune. An Iowa woman got angry and went to bed 'and stayed there for 38 years. However think how much 'worse it would have been if she had been angry for 38 years and stayed up.--Cleveland Plain Dealer. 35 LADIES' Coats Worth from $35.00 up t $50.00, Special on Sale for $19.50, $22.50 and $24.95 All up-to-date styles and materials the best 100 yards of Silk, Black and Light Blue, worth $2.50 a yard. Special $1.00 a yard We also carry a nice stock of Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and other articles; also Gent.'s Furnishings. Our motto is small profits and quick return. Give us a call Auction Sale AUCTION SALE --OF PARLOR, Dining Room, Kitckeh and Bedroom Furniture, on Saturday, May 13th at 2.00 p.m. the property of L. Beck- ett, 23 Ritson Road South, Osh- awa, Terms, Cash. Jas, Bishop Auctioneer, 14-17 CRANTTRU 2 The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service, Bleeping cams on night trains parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information from any Trunk Ticket Agent or C, Horning, District Passenger Agent, 'Toronto, H. R. Sheridan, Town Agent Telephone 132 W. H. Hutchison, Depot Agent Telephone 60 and Grand Schwartz Bargain Store 136-138 Simcoe St. S. Phone 725 YOU'LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE With a TORONTE Silo HANDLE the Toronto Hip Roof Silo becathe I want to give my customers the biggest value. You can't have good en- silage unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are good silos, Made. of wood--the best non-conductor of tongued and grooved staves of selected spruce impreg- nated with creosote, they give adequate protection against air ang frost. Their special Hip Roof provides more space for filling. I can show you where a Tor- onto Silo will thagh more pro= " uctive c e, S, a heat and cold. Stur- Sued nr a dily built from double your posket: Let's talk it over. H. J. OGDEN--Oshawa, Ont. 'GASOLINE You can buy Imperial Premier Gasoline everywhere. And no matter where you buy it every gallon gives the same good re- sults and big mileage. MORE MILES PER GALLON Still the most for the money. - S-- Storage Lu FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for ears. Day phone 552J, night 552W. Rit- son Roaé North. 91-t.L. "New Lumber for Sale E HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH dressed . lumber. Ask for quo- "tations. Whitby Lumber & Wood- yard. Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. May 31 "Builders a and "Contractors £ BUYING OR BU néw homie, or repairing your old one, see me. I also have fine building lots for sale. 1 can give you easy Bayianis and save you money. --C. N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, 329 Park Road South, Box 550, Phone 557. 130-3 mos. Tires For Sale FOR SALE -- CORD AND fabric tires at 20 per cent. off - All sizes in io) 6-1 mos.