Ontario Reformer, 11 May 1922, p. 12

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ER -- Dental Articles For Sale 19 King St. West. PHone 231, DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD: ley Block, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 504. ; : ; 89-tf DR. C1 C. CLBMENCE, DENTIST. | ron SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS) | Office Over Andifon's Tallor Shob.|ana blocks. Apply A: C. Cook, Le . . fice over Hogg and Lytle's Phone 948. 1-yr, . 3: J.P. IPS -- TIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Eftore. Phone 969. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97, > DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- ®N- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. Lo Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St: North. Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- gaol, Accoucher, dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Sti," Oshawa. Phone 94. . L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., ast, Toronto, will bo at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEBLY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat, Office' over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by" appointment. 96-41 Street E. RADIO SETS--COM a spent full instructions for setting on e prom- " to .receive hroadeasting Tr this season, DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- | concerts, store. |anteed satisfactory. pa 235 Milverton Blvd., T 14-fnd a vements have Send money or vilion. FOR SALE -- A GOOD tion coal and gas stove, i; condition, 230 Arthur St. . FOR SALE--SHETLA gether with cart and about eight years olf @ Paving Company, Apply Box "M" Refgthe pavement on King FOR SALE--ONE plano, fumed oa touch and excell 600, clears for jo Store, Osha, ut on in a few days. FOR SALE--H Office and resi-, tyre liam and Mary and dresser, ( wicker suite, hfear Colborne. to her work dur- lic echools made Phone. 506 homes of school rom Mechanic Street, g the concrete base on eted portion of their con- ith fine weather the top Damaged r accident which resulted erable damage to the car terday afternoon on Mary Dr.. j. Brad- f Portage la Prairie, who is owing to the recent illness ing to Mr. Jafath of his wife, was driving a few doors reasonable Box '"P", Ref@ne car to dop down and caus- lary Street in a Ford sedan spring broke allowing one SAL car to turn over, 'fie steer: horse, harnesir was broken and the top bad- 0 593 Mill 8t.,;aghed, Fortunately no one was IR. A A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, wiil be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30.for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear, ' 134-t1 FOR SALE Jed. satin finish/ . B. Toni NFLUENCE OF PICTURE THE- baby ~» ATRES ON ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. The New Devilfish (Octopus Dollaris) fo wo. IE RA --The Bulletin, Sydney. mn Inspector Elliot Had a Busy Month Handled 99 Cases A total of 99 cases were handled by Children's Aid Inspector W. H. Elliott during the month of April, which was one of the busiest of the year, according to his monthly re- port presented at the meeting of the Board on Tuesday. The inspector covered approximately 487 miles in Nearby Places NORTH OSHAWA The evening service in the Sunday School room was conducted by Mr. TWENTY LADIES 'And MISSES' DRESSES To Be Cleared At 1-3 Less Than Their Regular Price Taffetas, Messalines & Canton Crepes, Colors include Brown, Copenhagen, Pearl Grey, Taupe, Navy and Black. Sizes 16 to 40. All at prices that will bassi mean a quick clearing. ass Appl FOR his car in his investigations, and ad- dressed five meetings in the inter- ests of his work. , The April report Taylor. There was a good attend- ance and the service was much en- joyed by all. The motion pictures are in a great measure responsible for the new im- pulse on the part of the public to DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- drday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Cg veyancer. Money to loan. We % King St. East, Oshawa, D. A.J. SWANSON--E Solicitor, Notary Pub eer, etc, All branch demand good music, and inversely the music offered by the competent or- chestras employed in many movie houses has largely increased the pop- ularity which they have enjoyed. As any orchestra is composed of a majority of violins, the demand for performers on this instrument Ms evident. The public schools are champions in the cause of music and realizing its potentialities for. mental develop- ment, are realizing the. need; for awarding credits for its study equal states: The month of April is always a busy month, as many cases coming t o the attention of your Inspector, have to be left over, until the roads will permit us to reach the various homes in the country, where an in- vestigation is necessary, The visit- ing list from the Provincial office, is generally placed in my hands in April, and the visiting of. wards has also commenced, so that it will be seen by the figures given below that quite a number of children were in- volved, and considerable ground Sorry to report the sickness of Mr. Moffatt and Mrs. Jollow. We are pleased to know that Mr. E. B. Wilkins has returned to busi- ness again after an illness of five weeks. Mr. Davies of North Oshawa has sold his farm and has taken up his residence at the Lane farm. We wish them every success. Glad to be informed that Mr. Storks is improving and no doubt will be coming out of the hospital this week. Sorry to hear of the death of Dresses Regular $37.50 NOW $24.75 Dresses Regular $23.50 $15.67 NOW Criminal Law, . Office, King St. O Oshawa House) awa. Phoues, B16J. GRIERSO riste] and Glyeero - phosphates of Calcium So- diumPotassium with a special- ly selected wine of fematisble tonic proper- Sons ties will restore q the shortage of these essential mineral ele- ments to your covered. I am delighted, however, to be able to report that there were no police court cases during the month. There were as follows: --1 appli- cation for a «child; 99 children in volved; 7 complaints received; 20 investigations made; 82 pieces of mail received; 67 pieces of mail sent out; 1350 circular letters sent out; 5 meetings addressed; 487 miles (approximate) covered; 26 office in- terviews; 14 places visited outside 'he town; 1 ward placed out; 17 wards visited; 2 warnings given; 8 children in the shelter at end of month. Miss Scott, sister of Mrs. James Aron Wheeler and daughter of Mr. Scott, ih lio the carpet weaver, of North Oshawa. | Fad . EBENEZER Dresses Regular $32.50 Dresses Regular fies talk it over. | Mrs. R. C. Pearce visited over the | NOW week-end with Peterboro relatives | to those conferred for those of mathe- maties or 'history. The dby will assuredly come when a member of the school orchestra will receive his decoration with as much honor a: any member of a baseball or football team. Music in Canada is as yet in its in: fancy, but with the efforts of the present generation, it appears-as if this country will come into its own in good time, nt. NOW | Mr. E. Edmonson has been il) during the past week. | Mothers' Day was observed here on Sunday last. The Sunday School service was in charge of the Sun-| shine class, the chair being ably tak-| en by Miss Marie Hopps. There was| record attendance of 176. " | Mrs. Ellis and Oshawa, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Worden. Probably what makes the Soviet delegates at Genoa s0 autocratic is their ability to bestow a substantial tip.--Guelph Herald. i ---- For sale by ail Druggist, 16 03, botkle 31.50 | Mrs. G. Henry pe---- AT THE NEW MARTIN J. C. McGILL Jack Shears' Musical Comedy Re- vue, now playing at the New Martin Theatre, has certainly made a great hit with the patrons. . The show is clean and devoid of all vulgar trash Mr. Walter Trull has engaged as foreman for Mr. Lewis Trull for the ! summer, | Mrs. 8. Trick and son, Ambrose. | spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs | Dresses Regular $29.00 | | f : Sam Vinson. Mrs. Allin, Bowmanville, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis. W. F. O. shipped hogs here on! Tuesday last, Mr. R. E. Oshorne act- | ing as salesman. Pastor Bryce preached two excel- lent sermons to large congregations | on Sunday last. . | All are pleased to see Miss Allie| =~ Worden out again after her recent cent. (honours); Stanley Notting- that generally is found in tabled musical shows. The girls are pretty and neat dressers. The comedians are good and are the best to appear here in some time, and judging from the laughter and applause, S.R.O Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Thi ~~ Boots and Shoes f F . yA ur a 2 Soul. Shey illness. ham, 50.37 per cent; Idris Stacey, Tennis Shoes for the Whole Family--all sizes. Every pair guaranteed first quality Obsgrver-Dispatch, Sh ---- 168.62 per cent.; Ina Stacey 79 per Prices Lower Than The Lowest iin There are no flappers with bobbed (hair in the spirit world, according to Sir Conan Doyle. He probably y 3 1 got his information on a marcel air (Continued from page | wave.--Rochester Herald. Oshawa for exhibits of cattle and| wisconsin has a new law prohibit- horses, not even West Durham, held | in the placing of a foot upon a brass in Bowmanville. rail while drinking a non-intoxicat- The report places the value of ling beverage. In that state you're land and buildings of the South On- not even allowed. to imagine.--Ta- tario Agricultural Society at $8,850, Ledger. "- ~ and Port Perry, Reach and Scugog| po 1998 a¢ the present gate, the at $1,860. | boot-leggers will be strong enough to A Thave their own candidate for Presis 'dent.~--Life. } | Pay Out The average man spends his money MYRTLE ot, {Ronoute) er eodore. Staves freely, but he won't throw away the [73.87 per cent.; : nécktie he never expects to y Le Mr. Wm. Tarves has been on the |per cent. again.--Philadelphia Public Ledger. | ick list for several days, but is now| Junior III--Ila Wilson, 65.5 per The number of people in the United thought to be on the mend. cent; Mildred Wilson. 56.2 per cent. States who cannot speak English is city i Pri fly Some irom the Senior II--Gordon Barker, 83.5 fone an Su millions. Tuts inten re GL ser" com. (honours); Harty Blanch 5 7 acon-Journal, Mr. Bright has secured the sery-|ard, 49 per cent.; Reta Bray, 85.62 ecently there was a wedding up (honours); Arthur Ormis- ices of Mr. R. Rodd for the summer |Per cent. in the air and shortly thereafter there and Mr. W ton. 85.5 per cent. (honours). was another down in the water. We d Mr. . Cook has secured a man x from Seagrave. Junior II---Jean Thompson, 72.12 are waiting for news of one by radio.| Mr. A. Johnson is erecting a new |per cent.; Violet Thompson (sick); ~Alvany Joursal, in. N21" 3 heat wire fence in front of Miss Shand's|{ Norman Wilson, 42.13 per cent. Ps in N.J." a head- | residence and -also one between her! ; oi 0 ing tells us. Out here it seems to fly. i Mildred I. Sommerville, (teacher.) : lot and the garage premises. Someone predicts the emancipation Several parties from here have general purpose boots. of women from skirts. She won't| been north sucker fishing and had have far to go, she is more than half more or less success. One party Sizes 6 to 10 way now.--Durham (N. C.) Sun. was lucky enough to find a lot of $2.98 / > nice fish already bagged up and wait- Gl :HbhW%L|, ing patiently for them near the foot An Expert of a shady tree. Writes: See Also Page 7 RAGLAN "I used to be called a poor cook, and never pretended to bake a cake worthy . of praise, but now 300 pairs Ladies' -White I am called the Canvas Pumps, | or 2 championcakebaker strap. All sizes of my community, thanks to the Royal $2.39 Baking Powder." CE Mrs. R. W. P. Bort HED REhICH:: |! 1290 pus wars Fi ROYAL ton Hose, Black or Brown, Boots and Oxfords, Good- sizes 6 to 10 year welts. All sizes Baking Powder Made in Canada $4.95 Contains No Alum C. McGILL | | ptt REFORMER WANT ADS PAY Men's 2-Piece Balbriggan Underwear, sizes 34 to 44, Shirts and Drawers, each 69c Men's Gian Metal Leather Bluchers, splendid wearing onteel BEAUTY COMPACTS Best quality Balbriggan Combinations, sizes 34 to 44 . i $175 The New Flapper Pumps, patent leather, low heels, | strap $3.95 Mr. Milten Hodgson and family, : -- Ee -- of Oshawa, visited at Mr.. Wm. Hodg- py son's one day this week. Mr. James Ormiston and Miss Aggie Ormiston of Brooklin were re- cent guests at Mr. J. J. Ormiston's. Mr. J. H. Platten spent the week- end with relations at Scugog Island. The trustee board of Raglan Co- lumbus and Myrtle held their quar- terly meeting at Raglan Church on Monday evening. Miss Venora Hyland visited over the week-end with her parents at Cadmus. Mr. and- Mrs. J. R. Brent and family attended the Graham--Strong wedding at Mr. J. Strong's of Purple Hill on Wednesday, May 10th. Miss Iona Hodgson of Port Perry, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson. Miss Mildred Sommerville, spent the week-end at ner home in Pros- pect. At time of writing Mr. James Hez- zelwood is in a very critical condi- tion. The following is the report for Raglan, 8. 8. No..9 East Whitby, for term from February to April:-- Senior IV -- Blanche Hodgson, 92 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. 77.88 per cent (honours). U.5.A., Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Junior IV--Lloyd Thompson, 87.11 oh inour Sho Or our new per cent (honours); Madeline Val- Mandsomely illustrated folder will give you lant, 70 per cent. oT: an adequate idea of their splendid con- Senior III--Allie Avery. 70.12 per struction and wonderful value. cent; Irene Barker, 97 per cent (hon- ours); Carleton Dring 66.12 . per cent; Mildred Wilson, 56.2 per cent. (honours) ; Kate Hodgson, 77.87 per SPECIAL Balbriggan Combinations for men. All sizes, seconds, each + $119 : : i : I i LJ el [ i | eC TCT f Our 600 is use on the Muskoka Lakes BOATS DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT Co.Lad cakes "FE Ponies Jonteel i io fou. , ace in os ele : Il match Fog, No spilling bh Complete : pe ony Send for New Royal Cook Book -- It's FREE Royal Baking Powder Co. 4 St Lawrence Blvd, Montreal a Gust JURY & LOVELL LTD. Secu: F. W. THOMPSON ~~ Sn Bh cs EN A,

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