Ontario Reformer, 29 Apr 1922, p. 2

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A py PAGE TWO Vg np lh BAA a ee OSHAWA, heal LEIS A --- - Woe Ontario Wetormer i (Established. Jn 1871 An independent newspaper pub lished every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) ig Canada: by The Relorme and Publishing Company Timed, Charles. M, Mundy, Presi dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A. R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, Hl ; GRO. A, MARTIN . Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: elivered by 'Carrier in Oshawa or by mall anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States Jubseripiions $1.60 extra to cover postage, Single copies 6 cents, OBHAWA, SATURDAY, APRIL 29 A ESS iia A THE VISIT OF DR. BARKER V4fhanks 'to the 'publie-spiritedness of the Rotary Club, Oshawa residents are to have the opportunity next Thursday of hearing addres:zes from Dr. Barker, noted lecturer and hygieniet. * The Rotary club is act- uated solely by the desire to he of service to the community in arrang- ing for the visit of Dr. Barker. They EDITORIAL COMMENT people so tired as t 0 fee a husy man at work. : Nothing troubles some people more than looking for finding fit, trouble and not has found "the one woman", Parents, Wakened _.By Restless Baby Find of the old skating rink lot, Por Perry, occupied by Mr. C, W, Price of the Yort Perry Dusiness College most entirely fire or water, destroyed might all have heen burned. house full of smoke. utes the whole place was in flames will make no money out df it, In- Btead they are bearing considerable cxpense in connection with the visit. . All that the Rotarians are asking of the public is that the meetings be to he derived from listening to Dr. Barker's message may be widespread. No admission charge will be made to' the lceturcs, Dr. Barker will i whole fam { for their Hives in their night clothes r-- 'EX-KING'S POSTCARDS | Higher postage and !a correspondent in Germany, There id nothing that'makés some Man admires beauty, respects vir- tue, fedrs wit--Dbut it takes a dear sweet Tool to make him feel that he ouse Afire' visiting her sister Winifred, Very early Tuesday morning five broke out in the house on the corner The contents cf the house were al- either hy Had it pot heen that the baby was restless, it is quite pos- sible that Mr, Price and his family |% Mr. Price was awakened hecause of his child's illness, and found the In a few min- The fire spread so rapidly' that thelis pepevering ly wag compelled to run! weeks' confinement to his home with |] | oe . x 4] : | WERE TOO LARGE! largely attended, so that the benefits | s---------- ; telegraph | week's visit- to their | yates trouble ordinary mortals Injg,q Mrs. Henry Dearborn {England and elsewhere, but, . wrnes| they! er -- © pe ---- eee News of Nearby Places ar ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 MYRTLE { Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ross on the arrival of a haby CEDAR DALE Mrs, Thos. Stapelton has returned from Montreal where she has heen vieiting her daughter, The Sunday Sehool teachers are requested to meet at the hall on Fri- day evening at eight o'clock for the annual meeting, Mr. H. M, Gilchrist, of Oshawa, will ¢onduct the evening service next Sunday, Mr, Roy Bennett was in charge last Sunday, Miss Marjory Boicy, of Pontypool, Is visiting friends in Cedar Dale, Miss Helen Jones. of Toronto, Is Last Monday evening Epworth League members attended the evan- gelistic, service at- Oshawa Baptist t Church, : NORTH OSHAWA The evening service at the Sun- day School was conducted hy Mr. Brown and Mrs, Brown, There was good attendance and the service was much enjoyed hy all, Me, H. Wilkins and family have (sold their house and farm and have |taken up their residence at the C, [N. R. station, North Oshawa, | Glad to state Mr. Edward Wilkins after nearly three »'n had attack of the flu, | The neighbors heartily welcome { Mr, and Mrs, Heaslip who have pur- | chased the house and farm recently cupied by Mp. Henry Wilkins. Myr. and Mrs. Fred Dearborn aave returned to Peterboro after a parents, Mr. | son Mrs. Fisher's nephew, Mr, Mel- drum of Whitby, is staying with her their annuab meoting. on Thursday evening for election ot officers for the coming year, for a time, : Mr, and Mrs, 'M, Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs, Pherill of Montreal, family of Oshawa, visted at his par-' with their daughter, are visiting ents' recently, | with Mrs. Pherill's mother, Mrs, Mr, D, Thompson has a slight at.| Bateman, tack of pneumonia, bfit Is recovering| Mr. Alex Calder lost his valuable nicely, | colle recently. Rvidently some evil- Misses V, Hyland and M. Som-| disposed perso ve it a dose of merville have resumed their anol] iapote 4 ", guve, | 9 duties after spending the Easter hol-| Tuesday heing a warm day, a ida spective ho A Nir. D. Ormiston npent a few | PASSr-bY shod is coat and hun i : . . | r. Maw's barn, nfortunately Says 19 the Hy an ek, and. fam-l the pipe he slipped into the pocket i BAIR | was alight and set fire to the coat, ily visited with relatives in Man-| 0" G00 conflagration was discovered chester recently. | ¢ : dh ue. M, Knapp spent Sunday with | Jas In_tiie to prevent serious loss relatives in Burketon, 4 le Jounk beople Wave decided in| [NESS annG, WIh oll Hs trons. close the ramatie Clu or the " ! : & summer months but intend oy ic ives, apd al He rasly hoes and ing in the fall, | rakes and spades have been resur- A------------ {rected and are being plied in the KEDRON | gardens--for spring is here at last. Kedron Sunday School held their | annual meeting on April 13th, when | COLUMBUS 3 .1 | On Sunday evening next the serv- fhe Fig ginny ars 1 Raw: | lees in the Methodist Church will he land in the chair. | held at 7.30 o'clock. There will be Supt F. W. 2 sacred concert, The Challenge of Asst Supt iB, {The Cross, given by the ladies from Becy,-- A Luke. {the Myrtle appointment, Treas-- H. Cole. On Saturday of last week Mr. and Organist.-- B. Werry. Mrs. Harold Hayes, Mr. and Mrs, Asst. Organist. -- L. Hoskin. Clarence Iayes and Mr, and Mrs. Adult Bible Class Teacher, James Ashton attended the golden ter Armor. Lee Mont joy. Wal- -------- wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Byers, Enniskillen, who are sunt and uncle of Mrs, James Ashton, Mrs. W. L. Elling is spending a week in the city with her daughter and other relatives, : Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Stabeck have returned home after a lengthy visit with relatives and friends in . Er... Northern Ontario and feeling muen better for the holiday. 4 We are glad to report that Wp. Thomas Pereman is improving artep a lengthy illness, : Mr, George Hayes Ii also some better at the time of Writing, Mr. A. Morrison has purehased a ( Continuéd on page §) A Notice to the Public and extinguish same children. Citizens of the town are hereby requested to remove all inflammable and combustible materials from their premises. en b will be permitted throughout the residential sec- tion for the destruction of same from April 28 to May 13, but this does not apply to the busi- ness section. This order does not relieve person or persons from responsibility under the per- sonal liability clause of the Criminal Code. Citizens shall remain with fires while burning, careful, protect your homes and the lives of A. CAMERON, Assistant Fire Marshal Open bonfires when completed. Be Senior Girls Class, -- Luke, Junior Girls Class, -- Junior Boys Class Primary Class.- Florence Lolo Hoskin " Ross Lee, Mrs: Ro Luke, Supt. Miss.-Dept. Gladys Cross- | 'nan. RAGLAN | Asst. Miss.-Dept., Mrs. A. Bryant has returned home | Supt. Tempt. after spending the past three weeks | Mont joy. with her sister, Mrs. Hl. Etterly, of | Supt. Teachers Toronto, | Mildred Cole, - Misg T. Taylor of Bobcaygeon wa Supt. Cradle Roll Dept.-- Mrs. F a recent quest of her sister, Mrs. M.| W. Lee. ito, or even hy letter, but on the! Knabp. ! Supt. Home Dept Apart from the subject matter Dr. {handy and JSombarauively : cheap; The Sunday School are holding | kin. ~ % Y posteard. And you have to he very : Barker is aid to be an entertaining {careful about postcards in the Fath " speaker, and his record backs up sueh | oping, You must measure your| statements. He has been lecturing |card very carefully, for some of the under Rotary auspices, with marked ex-King's postcards, conveying birth- for the vast year and a hall day wishes to friends, were recently success, for asl. ¥ * | returned to tie distinguished send- Prior to that he was one of the best- | or with the remark by a wide-awake known and most popular lecturers! Post Office official: on the Chautauqua eireunit. |*"Too large to go at pesteartd rates." |The ex-King's private secretary dis- Plan to attend the -lectures, and covered, with the aid of the big hook reward the Rotary Club for their 'of Post Office Regulations, that they | compel even ex-monarchs Lo resort to ceconomies, The ex-King of Sax- y |ony is now foreed to do all his eor- School students, one to the women, | hondence "on the cheap." When- and ome to the men. 'The subjects |oyer his ex-Majesty has to send are such that everyone stands to gain communications to 'loyal friends' by hearing them discussed. they go not by telegram, as hither-| Gussie Lake. give three addresses, ne to the High Dept, Harold Training Dept. -- Mrs. C. Hos- = Redeeming Victory Coupons ON'T neglect to clip your Victory Bond Coupons when payment is due. Any branch of this bank will cash thoughtfulness in bringing Dr. Bar- | Were one-inirtiefh of eg ineh too them--or deposit them to your credit in a ker to Oshawa. { rs 2. ar savings account where they will earn money TEA GROWING VERY EXPENSIVE. for you by accumulating interest. The very high wages that have to THE DOMINION BANK . OSHA BRANCH, . . C. N. HENRY, dg | be paid to workers on the tea plan- tations in India and Ceylon, due to WA Manager. CEDAR DALE BRANCH, Manager. BROOKLIN BRANCH, Manager. CLEAN UP! Housecleaning is on in full swing social and political unrest, has caused throughout the town. Rugs are ;no price of tea to rise consistently in being beaten; mattresses are being !thc primary markets and in London, | aired, and in general the housewives | This influence iz now being feit far- are cleaning house following the | ther along the line ard it is to he gx- | winter. And while housewives areiPpected that the price of tea will Tn-| engaged in this task, the men of the Tonse to the consumer in the near future. | homes are, 'between beating rugs and | : | "W. H. SHEPPARD, E C. CROSS, what not, endeavoring to clean up| Reserve your seats now for Jack's the yards. = Commendable indeed. wife Martin Theatre While the housecleaning is epi-| ren ---- demie, the civic authorities have is-| Theodore H. Bird will play Jack | 1 in Jack's Wife, a part he bas portray- sued a proclamation providing that| 4% 0 secon hundred times. | from yesterday and until two weeks A { Poultry raising is a source of from to-day. bonfires may be made in In seeking home rule the canay | there is no more pleasant the back yards--exeept in the ' Scot chooses quieter methods than Start right by enclosing You " ish. Bricks business section--to destroy the win- the Irish. = B) Poultry Fence. ters accumulation of leaves, dead Kingston Whig. the beginning. grass, and refuse of all sorts. " To those who have not yet started | housecleaning, The Reformer would say: Come on in, the season's oppor- tune, and everyone else is doing it. | 12-a THE SHINGLE THAT WEARS A roof must please your pocketbook as well as your eye IRD'S Neponset Twin Shingles are attractive in appearance and give the look of prosperity to resi- dence, bungalow, or cottage. These shingles are 1234 in. long by 20 in. wide--3 layers at cost money. -- PEERLESS POULTRY FENCE--. Over 25,000 Students have beer tirined in business methods. shorthand typewniting by Shaw's came from all oper the WHAT WILL SUMMER BE? | eo | @ Puomince. Exess pasent to Weather Prophets may have their | eH es Sad mo predictions upset time after time, as! many of them did when they confid- | ed that last winter would he the] Two shingles in one, and require less nails, making them the coldest fim years, but mevertheless | most economical shingles to apply. they continue gelling their friends | § - i sult BIRD'S NEPONSET TWIN SHINGLES are slate-surfaced. what the Weather Man istgoing to : | Red or green. Fire-safe. Made of the same materials as Bird's predicting what the weather will be Paroid Roofing. Croley Come in and get the whole story about "the shingle that is William Altmans, a Pennsylvania good-looking and long-wearing." hunter and trapper, who eajoys a Made by BIRD & SON, LIMITED, Hamilton, Outario reputation in his home district of a | df J » * weather sage, has come to the front | Cigaretfes any point on the roof. Self-spacing--they can be laid rapidly and evenly. . 2 The Fonthill Nurseries * Established 1837 Largest in Canada Meadgquantiors for Quality Nursery Stock We carry a full dine of rare choice shade woes, Nowering sheubs, climbing vines, roses and henbaceous perennials. Finest assorwnen: of out 4 stocks in apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches and Sta fruits for garden or orchard planungs. we Write for Illustrated Booklet on Poultry A _-- ornamental books sent om sleet." This might cause qualms among the devotees of an out-of door | 1 (AY a La | Led? AR 40h Ef "4qEA see EE FIT ii? 460 ~Ar dil de NW pall § WRAY | | 48k. MACDONAL Ciparett ¢ DS FOR THE LADIES 300 pam. "A Mother's Relation to Child. | FOR THE MEX 8090 pam. "A Father's Responsibility to His Son. Simcoe St. Methodist Church COME ~ Rotary Chib of AEE rE Fr EE x Fr gE F FE NR KE kK I es Her ¢ Hh : | EE 4 i IF 1 |

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