Ontario Reformer, 27 Apr 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ------ TANT Aaa yma lh A OSHAWAs:0 NTARIG; THURSDAY; APRIL 27, 1920: dh Bis i - a At the "Villa Rose" BY A. E, W. MASON CHAPTER XV COontinued "Madame had been vary good to me. She was kind and simple," said Celia, with a very genuine affection in her voice, *'The people whom we knew laughed at her, and were un- generous, But there are many women whom the world 'respects who are worse than ever was. poor Mme. Dauvray, . * °° "I was very fond of her, so I pro- posed to her that we should hold a spance, and I would bring people from the spirit world, I knew that I could - amuse her with something much more cleaver and more, in: teresting than the fortune tellers, And at the same time I could save her from being plundered." That was all I thought about." That was all she thought about, yes. She left Helene Vauquier out of her calculations, and she did not foresee the effect of her seances upon Mm, Dauvpay, Celia had no suspicions of Helene Vauquier. She would have laughed if any one had told her that this respectable and respectful middle-aged. woman who wah 80 attentive, so neat; so grateful for any kindness, was really nursing a rancorous hatred against her. Celia had sprung from Montmartre suddenly; therefore Helene Vanquier despised her. Celia had taken her place in Mine. DauvFay's courigence, had deposed. her unwittingly, had turned the confidential friend into a mere servant; therefore Helene Vanquier hated her. And her hatred reached out be- yond the girl, and embraced the old, superstitious, foolish woman, whom a young and pretty face could so easily beguile. Helene Vanquier de- spised them both, hated them both, and yet must nurse her rancor in silence and futility. Then came the Lseances, . and at once, to add fuel to her hatred, she found herself stripped of those gifis and commissions which she had ex- acted from the herd of common tricksters who had beeil'wont to make their harvest out of Mme. Daunvray. Helen Vanquier was avaricious and greedy, like so many of her class. . Her hatred of Celia, her con- tempt for Mme. Dauvray grew into a very deliriom. Bat it was a de- lirium she -had the cunning to con- ceal. She lived at white hpat, but to all the world she had lost nothing of her calm. . Celia did mot forsee the hatred she was arousing; mor, on the other hand, did she foresee the overwhelm- ing effect of these spiritnalistic seances on Mme. Dauvray. Celia had mever beem brought quite close to the credulouns before. "There had always beem the row of footlights," she said. "I was om the platform; the audience was in the hall; or, if it was at a house, my father made the arcaspements. I only came in at the last moment, played my part, and went away. It was mever brought home to me that' some amongst these people really and truly believed. I did mot think about ft. "Now however, waea I saw Mme. Dauvray so feverish, so excited, so firmly convinced that great ladies from the spirit world came and spoke to her, I became terrified. 1 had aroused a passion which 1 had aot suspected. I tried to stop seamces, but I was not allowed. -I had aroused a passion which I id mot control. "I was afraid that Mme. Dawwvray's whole life--it seems absurd to these who did not knew her, but these who did will understand--yes, her whole life and happiness wemld be spoilt if she discovered that what she be- lieved in was all a trick." She with si ity and a vemarse which it was difficult to dishelieve. M. Flemviot, the judge, now 'at last convinced that the Drey- ins affair was for mothing in the history of this crime, listened to her with sympathy, "That is your explanation, mad- omuiselie," he said pemtly. "Bat 1) mast toll you we have anethor™ "Ves, mension?" Celia asked. "Given hy #olene Vanguier," said Flouriot. Even after these days Celia could] a: Dauvray would have had seances) all day, but Mle, Celie pleaded that she was left exhausted at the end of them. But Mlle, Celie was of an address,' "And agafh, speaking ' of ' Mme. Dauvray's queer craze that the spir- it of Mme, de Montespan should 'be called up, Helene Vauquier says, 'She was never gratified. Always she hoped, Always Mlle, Celie tan- talized - her with. the hope, She, would not spoil her fine affairs by making these treats -too common.' Thus she attributes your reluctance to multiply your experiments to a desire to make the most profit possi- ble out of your wares, likd) a good business woman." "It is not true, monsieur," cried Celia earnestly, "I 'tried to stop the seances because now for the first time I recognized that I had been playing with a dangerous thing. It was a revelation to me. I did not know what to do... Mme, Dauvray would promise -me everything, give me everything, if only 1 would con- sent when I refused. I was terribly frightened of what would happen. I did not want power over people. I knew it was not good for her ghat she should suffer so much exeite-| ment. No, I did not know what to] do. And so we all moved to Aix." And there she met Harry Wether- mill on the second day afier her arrival, and proceeded straightway for the first time to fall in love. To Celia it seemed that at last that had happened for which she had so longed. She began realiy to live as she understood life at this time... The day, until she met Harry Wether- mill, was one flash of joyous expec- tation; the hours when they were together a time of contentment which thrilled with some chance meeting of the hands into an ex- quisite happiness. Mme. Dauvray| understood quickly what was the) matter, afd laughed at her afec-| tionately. "Celia, my dear," she said, "your friend, M. Wethermill--"Arry, is it not? See, I pronounce your tongue --will not be as comfortable as the nice, fat bourgeois gentleman I meant to find for yeu. But, since you are young, naturally you want storms. And there will be storms, Celia," she concluded, with a laugh. Celia blushed. "I suppose there will," she said regretfully. There were, indeed, moments when she was frightened of Harry Wethermill, but frightened with a delicious thrill of knowledge that he was only stern because he cared so much. But in a day or two there begam to intrude upon her happiness a stinging dissatisfaction with her past life. At times she fell inte with that of the man whe loved her. At times she came mear to an extreme irritation with Helene Vauguier. Her lover was in her thoughts. As she put it herself: "I wanted always to look my best, and always to be wery good." Good in the esseatials of life, that is to be understood. She had the restaurant at for instance, and the or The wisit to Montmenrtre, seanoces. ray's maid; "Monsieun!" He turned and saw Mme, Dauv- He stopped under a street lamp, and said: "Well, what can I do for you?" The woman hesitated, "I hope monsieur will pardon me," she said humbly. "I am com- mitting a great impertinence, But I | think . monsieur. is not very kind to Mille, Cele," Wethermil]l stared at her, "What on earth do you mean?" he asked angrily, , Helene Vauquier looked him qui- etly .in the face, "It.is plain, monsigur, that Mlle. Celie loves monsieur, Monsieur has led her. on to love him, But it is also plain to a. woman with qujck eyes that monsieur himself cares no more for mademoiselle than for the button on his coat, It is not very 'kind to spoil the happiness of a young and pretty girl, monsieur." Nothing could have deen more respectful than the manner in which these words were uttered, Wether. 'mill was taken in by it, He. pro- tested earnestly, fearing lest the maid should' become an enemy, "Helene, it is not true that I am playing with Mlle. Celie, Why should T not care for her?" Helene Vauquier shrugged hor shoulders. The question needed no answer. "Why should I seek her so often I did hot care " And to thie yuestion Helene Vau- quier smiled--a quiet, slow, confi- dential smile, "What does monsieur want Mme. Dauvray?" she asked. the question was her answer. Wethermill stood silent, Then he said abruptly: "Nothing, of course; And he walked away. But the smile remained ou Helene Vauquier's face. What did they all want of Mme, Dauvray? She knew very well. It was what she herself wanted--with other things. It was money--always money. Wethermill was not the first to seek the good graces of Mme. Dauvray through her pretty companion. Helene Vauquier went home. She was not disconteped with her conversation. Wetherjil had paus- ed long enough before he denied the suggestion of her words. She ap- proached him a few days later a second time and more openly. She was shopping in the Rue du Casino when he passed her. He stopped of his own accord and spoke to her. Helene Vauquier kept a grave and respectful face. But there was a puise of joy at ber of And nothing." She Discovered It, Too "After 10 years of hit or miss baking with various other brands of powder I at last discovered that the times found in bot breads was caused from alum in cheaper grades of powder. So | am. now an ardent Baking Powder." 'probably Helene Vauquier alone in heart. He was coming to her hand, Monsieur," she sald, "you do not #0 the right way." And again her strange smile illuminated her face, "Mle, Celle sets a guard about Mme, Dauvray.. She will not give to peo- ple' the opportunity to find madame generous," Oh" sald Wethermill slowly, "is that. so?" Apd her . turned and ked by Helend Vaugquier's side, 'Never speak of Mme, Dauvray's wealth, monsienr, if you would keep the favor ef Mlle, Celie, Bhe is young, but she knows her world," "I have not spoken of money to her," replied 'Wethermill; and then he burst out laughing. "But why should you . think thatl--I, of all men--=want money?" hg asked. And Helene answered him again enigmatically, "If T am wrong, monsiepr, I am sorry, but can. you help me, too," she said in her submissive voice, And she passed on, leaving Wether- mill rooted to the ground. It was a bdrgain she,proposed-- the impertinence of it. It was a bargain she proposed--the value of it! In that shape ran Harry Weth- ermill's thoughts. He was in des- perate straits, though to the world's eye he was a man of wealth, A gambier, with no inexpensive tastes, he had been always in need of money. The rights in his patent he had mortgaged long ago. He was not an idler; he was no sham foisted as a great man on an igno- rant public, He had really some touch of genius, and he cultivated it assiduously, But the harder he gaiety and extravagance, Gifted with good looks and a charm bf manner, he was popular alike in the great world and the world of Bohemia. He kept and wanted to keep a foot in cach. That he .was In desperate straits now, Aix had recognized. She had drawn lier inference from one simple fact. Wethermill asked her at a later ---- worked the greater was his need of | ermill who sought. Helene Vauquier. He talked for a minute or two upon different subjects, and then he said quickly: 'I suppose Mme, Dauvray Is very Ploh Preis 0 "She has a great fortune jewels," sald Helene Vauquier, | Wethermill started, He was agitated that avening, the woman saw. His hands shook, his face twitched, Clearly he was hard put to it. . For he seldom betrayed him- self. She thought it time to strike, 'Jewels which she kegt in the safe in her bedroom," she added. "Then why don't you--?" began, and stopped, "I said that T too needed help," replied Helene, without a ruffle of ber compesure. It was nine o'clock at night. Helene Vauquier had come down to the Casino with a wrap for Mme. Dauvray. The two people were walking down the little street of which the Casino blocks the end. And it happened thse an attendant at the Casino, named Alphonse Ruel, passed them, recogntzed them both, and--smiled to. himself with some amusement. . What was Wethermill doing In company with Mme. Dau- vray's maid? he (To Be Continued.) SAAR THE FARMER LEADS Farm Life: When deflation put the skids under the country's busi- ness, it was the farmer who lead the downward procession. And now it is the farmer who is emerging out of the valley of hard times, still at the head of the long, long line. As he gets up where the footing is better he will help pull the other fellow out, Greed doth impede; deed dovh proceed, il h Iii GL J ih | i { iH | i time when they were better ac- quainted how she had guessed his need. | "Monsieur," she repiied, "you were in Aix without a valet, and it seemed to me that you were of | that class of men who would never | move without a valet so long as there was money to pay his wages. That was my first thought. Then when I saw you pursue your friend- ship with Mile. Celie--you, who so clearly to my eyes did not love her --I felt sure." On the mext occasion that the two miet, it was again Harry Weth: bitter taste some- booster for Royal Me. L.A. J. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Made in Canada ; he. : < Royal Baking Powder Co.,4 yet held in the : there, would have been none but for Helene Vaungwier, One ewening, however, as Haney Wothenmill walked down from the Concle to the Villa des Fleurs, a woman's voice spoke to him trom | not hear that woman's mame with- out a shudder of fear and a flinching of her whee body. Her face grew! white, her lips dry. "1 know, memsieur, Vanquier is mot any friend." she said. "1 was tanght that very conelly." she saps" said the judge, and he vead ont te Oelin an extract or two from Hanand's report of dis first in- terview with Helene Vanguigr in her A 22 says. "Mme. "Neon "Cold to fhe Head" AGuie attack. at "will Having purchased the Grocery Business owned by Mx. Stanley Young, corner of Simooe and Mill St, I'am prepared to deliver to all parts of the town Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. We also handle Nut: Krust Bread and J A 5 REUB: HORTOP Phone 1036. Leaves No Bitter Taste f Send for New Royal Cook Book~3ts FREE. . Seeds! Seed time is hove again and we are ready with & complete line of the Finest Garden and Fiicld Seeds in billk. Sold by the ounce or pound. A Pound will plant a space 300 A full-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." Best for any and all household use, Por use in washing machines shave or slice a portion of the "SURPRISE" bar direct to the machine.--It will do fine work. 3 1 A mead oi ovkuiSooski, Sicoatise they are wrapped "WAX- ITE." TITE" and sp hare y t | Get KELLOGG'S "WAX- KELLOGG'S *WAXTITE" A 3 4 t - »

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